.uniform.core_sjs1_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import scala.language.higherKinds
import izumi.reflect.{Tag, TagK}
import validation.Rule
import scala.collection.immutable.{Map => IMap}
trait Uniform[-R <: Needs[_, _], -T, +A] {
def map[F[_], B](f: A => B): Uniform[R, T, B] = Uniform.Map(this, f)
def flatMap[R1 <: R, B, T1 <: T](f: A => Uniform[R1, T1, B]): Uniform[R1, T1, B] = Uniform.FlatMap(this, f)
/** Returns None unless the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") when user.isEmployed
* }}}
def when(predicate: => Boolean): Uniform[R, T, Option[A]] =
if (predicate) this.map(x => Some(x)) else Uniform.Pure[Option[A]](None: Option[A])
/** Returns None unless the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") when ask[Boolean]("employed")
* }}}
def when[R1 <: R, T1 <: T](wmb: Uniform[R1, T1, Boolean]): Uniform[R1, T1, Option[A]] = for {
opt <- wmb
ret <- if (opt) this map (x => Some(x)) else Uniform.Pure[Option[A]](None: Option[A])
} yield ret
/** Returns None when the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") unless user.isExempt
* }}}
def unless(predicate: => Boolean): Uniform[R, T, Option[A]] = when(!predicate)
/** Returns None when the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") unless ask[Boolean]("is-exempt")
* }}}
def unless[R1 <: R, T1 <: T](wmb: Uniform[R1, T1, Boolean]): Uniform[R1, T1, Option[A]] =
when[R1, T1](wmb.map(x => !x))
/** Returns monoid empty unless the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") emptyUnless user.isEmployed
* }}}
def emptyUnless[B >: A](predicate: => Boolean)(implicit mon: cats.Monoid[B]): Uniform[R, T, B] =
if (predicate) this else pure(mon.empty)
/** Returns monoid empty unless the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") emptyUnless ask[Boolean]("employed")
* }}}
def emptyUnless[B >: A, T1 <: T, R1 <: R](wmb: Uniform[R1, T1, Boolean])(implicit mon: cats.Monoid[B]): Uniform[R1, T1, B] = for {
opt <- wmb
ret <- if (opt) this else Uniform.Pure(mon.empty)
} yield ret
/** Returns monoid empty when the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") emptyWhen user.isExempt
* }}}
def emptyWhen[B >: A](predicate: => Boolean)(implicit mon: cats.Monoid[B]): Uniform[R, T, B] =
/** Returns monoid empty when the predicate given is true, will short
* circuit if possible.
* {{{
* ask[Salary]("salary") emptyWhen ask[Boolean]("is-exempt")
* }}}
def emptyWhen[B >: A, T1 <: T, R1 <: R](wmb: Uniform[R1, T1, Boolean])(implicit mon: cats.Monoid[B]): Uniform[R1, T1, B] = emptyUnless[B, T1, R1](wmb map (x => !x))
object Uniform {
case class Map[-R <: Needs[_, _], T, A, +B](base: Uniform[R, T, A], f: A => B) extends Uniform[R, T, B]
case class FlatMap[R <: Needs[_, _], -R2 <: R, T, A, +B](base: Uniform[R, T, A], f: A => Uniform[R2, T, B]) extends Uniform[R2, T, B]
case class Interact[T, A](
key: String,
value: T,
default: Option[A],
validation: Rule[A],
customContent: IMap[String,(String,List[Any])],
tellTag: Tag[T],
askTag: Tag[A]
) extends Uniform[Needs.Interact[T, A], T, A] {
def customContent(from: String, to: String, args: Any*): Interact[T, A] = this.copy (
customContent = customContent + ((from,(to, args.toList)))
override def toString = s"Uniform[..., ${tellTag.tag}, ${askTag.tag}]"
case class End[T](
key: String,
value: T,
customContent: IMap[String,(String,List[Any])],
tag: Tag[T]
) extends Uniform[Needs.Interact[T,Nothing], T, Nothing] {
def customContent(from: String, to: String, args: Any*): End[T] = this.copy (
customContent = customContent + ((from,(to, args.toList)))
override def toString = s"Uniform[..., ${tag.tag}, Nothing]"
case class Pure[A](value: A) extends Uniform[Needs[_, _], Any, A]
case class Subjourney[-R <: Needs[_, _], T, A](
path: List[String],
base: Uniform[R, T, A]
) extends Uniform[R, T, A]
case class ListOf[-R <: Needs[_, _], A, T1, T2](
key: String,
base: (Option[Int], List[A]) => Uniform[R, T1, A],
deleteConfirmation: (Int, List[A]) => Uniform[R, T2, Boolean],
default: Option[List[A]],
validation: Rule[List[A]],
customContent: IMap[String,(String,List[Any])],
tag: Tag[A],
tagt1: Tag[T1],
tagt2: Tag[T2]
) extends Uniform[R with Needs.AskList[A], T1, List[A]]
object ListOf {
sealed trait ListAction
sealed trait ListActionRow extends ListAction
sealed trait ListActionGeneral extends ListAction
object ListAction {
case class Delete(index: Int) extends ListActionRow
case class Edit(index: Int) extends ListActionRow
case object Continue extends ListActionGeneral
case object Add extends ListActionGeneral
case class Convert[F[_], A](
key: String,
action: () => F[A],
tagF: TagK[F],
tagA: Tag[A]
) extends Uniform[Needs.Convert[F, A], Unit, A]
// R -> Uniform Type (asks, tells and converts)
// A -> Ask type
// T -> Tell type
implicit def uniformMonadInstance[R <: Needs[_, _], T]: cats.Monad[Uniform[R, T, *]] =
new cats.StackSafeMonad[Uniform[R, T, *]] {
def pure[A](x: A): Uniform[R,T,A] = Uniform.Pure(x)
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Uniform[R,T,A])(f: A => Uniform[R,T,B]): Uniform[R,T,B] =
Uniform.FlatMap(fa, f)
case class NonReturn(key: String, hard: Boolean) extends Uniform[Needs[_, _], Any, Unit]