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pal.templates.resources.js.jumly.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* jumly-0.1.5-2 2014-03-12T14:04:24Z */
(function() {
var JUMLY, core, exported, self, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; l > i; i++)
if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i;
return -1
core = {}, core._to_id = function(that) {
return that.constructor === jQuery ? that.attr("id") : that.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "-")
}, core._to_ref = function(s) {
return s.match(/^[0-9].*/) ? "_" + s : s.replace(/^[0-9]|-/g, "_")
}, core.kindof = function(that) {
var ctor, toName;
return null === that ? "Null" : void 0 === that ? "Undefined" : (ctor = that.constructor, toName = function(f) {
return, "name") >= 0 ? : ("" + f).replace(/^function\s+([^\(]*)[\S\s]+$/im, "$1")
}, "function" == typeof ctor ? toName(ctor) : tc)
}, core._normalize = function(that) {
var a, id, it, keys, mods, name, p;
switch (core.kindof(that)) {
case "String":
return {
id: core._to_id(that),
name: that
case "Object":
if (that && that.constructor === jQuery) return id = core._to_id(that), name = that.find(".name"), null != id || name.length > 0 ? {
id: id,
name: name.html() ? name.html() : void 0
} : void 0;
throw console.error("Cannot recognize kind:", that), new Error("Cannot recognize kind: '" + core.kindof(that) + "'")
if (keys = function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (p in that) _results.push(p);
return _results
}(), keys.length > 1) return that;
if (id = keys[0], it = that[keys[0]], "String" === core.kindof(it)) return {
id: id,
name: it
if (keys = function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (p in it) _results.push(p);
return _results
}(), keys.length > 1) return $.extend({}, it, {
id: core._to_id(id),
name: id
switch (name = keys[0], mods = it[keys[0]], core.kindof(mods)) {
case "Object":
return $.extend({
id: id,
name: name
}, mods);
case "Array":
case "Function":
return a = {
id: core._to_id(id),
name: id
}, a[name] = mods, a
}, core.env = {
is_node: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports
}, JUMLY = {
env: core.env
}, self = {}, core.env.is_node ? (global.JUMLY = JUMLY, module.exports = core, self.require = JUMLY.require = require) : (window.JUMLY = JUMLY, exported = {
core: core,
"node-jquery": {},
"./jasmine-matchers": {}
}, JUMLY.require = function(name) {
if (void 0 === name || null === name) throw new Error("" + name + " was not properly given");
return exported[name] || console.warn("not found:", name), exported[name]
}, self.require = JUMLY.require, core.exports = function(func, name) {
return exported[ || name] = func
}), core.env.is_node || $(window).on("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
return JUMLY.scan()
function() {
var SVG_NS, core, g2d, self, to_polar_from_cartesian;
to_polar_from_cartesian = function(src, dst) {
var dx, dy;
return dx = dst.left - src.left, dy = -, {
offset: {
left: src.left,
radius: Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
declination: Math.atan(dy / dx),
quadrants: {
x: 0 !== dx ? dx / Math.abs(dx) : 1,
y: 0 !== dy ? dy / Math.abs(dy) : 1
}, self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, SVG_NS = "", g2d = {
svg: {
create: function(tagname) {
return "undefined" == typeof document ? $("<" + tagname + ">")[0] : document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, tagname)
attrs: function(n, attrs) {
var p;
for (p in attrs) n.setAttribute(p, attrs[p]);
return n
"new": function(tagname, attrs) {
var e;
return e = this.create(tagname), this.attrs(e, attrs)
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = g2d : core.exports(g2d, "jquery.g2d")
function() {
var core, self, utils, _choose;
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, $.fn.outerBottom = function() {
return this.offset().top + this.outerHeight() - 1
}, _choose = function(nodes, ef, cmpf) {
return $.map(nodes, ef).sort(cmpf)[0]
}, utils = {
max: function(nodes, ef) {
return _choose(nodes, ef, function(a, b) {
return b - a
min: function(nodes, ef) {
return _choose(nodes, ef, function(a, b) {
return a - b
mostLeftRight: function(objs, margin) {
return {
left: this.min(objs, function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left - (margin ? parseInt($(e).css("margin-left")) : 0)
right: this.max(objs, function(e) {
var t;
return t = $(e).offset().left + $(e).outerWidth() + (margin ? parseInt($(e).css("margin-right")) : 0), 0 > t - 1 ? 0 : t - 1
width: function() {
return null != this.right && null != this.left ? this.right - this.left + 1 : 0
mostTopBottom: function(objs, margin) {
return {
top: this.min(objs, function(e) {
return $(e).offset().top - (margin ? parseInt($(e).css("margin-top")) : 0)
bottom: this.max(objs, function(e) {
var t;
return t = $(e).offset().top + $(e).outerHeight() + (margin ? parseInt($(e).css("margin-bottom")) : 0), 0 > t - 1 ? 0 : t - 1
height: function() {
return null != && null != this.bottom ? this.bottom - + 1 : 0
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = utils : core.exports(utils, "jquery.ext")
function() {
var HTMLElement, core, self;
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = function() {
function HTMLElement(args, f) {
var cls, me, root;
cls = HTMLElement.to_css_name(, me = $.extend(this, root = $("").addClass(cls)), "function" == typeof f && f(me), args && me.find(".name").text(args),"_self", me)
return HTMLElement.to_css_name = function(s) {
return (s.match(/Diagram$/) ? s.replace(/Diagram$/, "-Diagram") : s.match(/NoteElement/) ? s.replace(/Element$/, "") : s.replace(/^[A-Z][a-z]+/, "")).toLowerCase()
}, HTMLElement
}(), HTMLElement.prototype.preferred_width = function() {
return this.find("> *:eq(0)").outerWidth()
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = HTMLElement : core.exports(HTMLElement)
function() {
var Diagram, HTMLElement, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), core = self.require("core"), Diagram = function(_super) {
function Diagram() {, this.addClass("diagram")
return __extends(Diagram, _super), Diagram
}(HTMLElement), Diagram.prototype._var = function(varname, e) {
return eval("" + varname + " = e")
}, Diagram.prototype._reg_by_ref = function(id, obj) {
var exists, ref;
if (exists = function(id) {
return $("#" + id).length > 0
}, ref = core._to_ref(id), this[ref]) throw new Error("Already exists for '" + ref + "'");
if (exists(id, this)) throw new Error("Element which has same ID(" + id + ") already exists in the document.");
return this[ref] = obj, ref
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = Diagram : core.exports(Diagram)
function() {
var CoffeeScript, DiagramBuilder, core, self;
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, DiagramBuilder = function() {
function DiagramBuilder() {}
return DiagramBuilder
}(), core = self.require("core"), CoffeeScript = core.env.is_node ? require("coffee-script") : window.CoffeeScript, = function(script) {
return function() {
return eval(CoffeeScript.compile(script))
}.apply(this, []), this._diagram
}, DiagramBuilder.prototype.diagram = function() {
return this._diagram
}, DiagramBuilder.prototype._refer = function(ref, adv) {
var id, r;
return id = core._normalize(, this._diagram._reg_by_ref(id, ref), r = core._to_ref(id), this._diagram._var(r, ref)
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = DiagramBuilder : core.exports(DiagramBuilder)
function() {
var DiagramLayout, core, self;
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, DiagramLayout = function() {
function DiagramLayout() {}
return DiagramLayout
}(), DiagramLayout.prototype.layout = function(diagram) {
return this.diagram = diagram, "function" == typeof this._layout ? this._layout() : void 0
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = DiagramLayout : core.exports(DiagramLayout)
function() {
var HorizontalSpacing, core, root, self;
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HorizontalSpacing = function() {
function HorizontalSpacing(a, b) {
$.extend(this, $("
")),"left", a),"right", b), this.addClass("horizontal"), this.addClass("spacing")
return HorizontalSpacing
}(), HorizontalSpacing.prototype.apply = function() {
var a, b;
return a ="left").data("_self"), b ="right").data("_self"), a.after(this), this.offset({
left: a.offset().left + a.preferred_width(),
top: a.offset().top
}), b.offset({
left: this.offset().left + this.outerWidth()
}, root = {
HorizontalSpacing: HorizontalSpacing
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = root : core.exports(root, "HTMLElementLayout")
function() {
var HTMLElement, NoteElement, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), NoteElement = function(_super) {
function NoteElement(args, attrs) {, args, function(me) {
return me.append($("").addClass("name"))
}), attrs && this.css(attrs.css)
return __extends(NoteElement, _super), NoteElement
}(HTMLElement), core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = NoteElement : core.exports(NoteElement)
function() {
var Position, PositionLeft, PositionLeftRight, PositionRightLeft, PositionTop, core, self, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, Position = function() {
function Position(attrs) {
this.attrs = attrs, this.div = $("
position: "absolute"
return Position
}(), Position.prototype._coordinate = function(target) {
return this.attrs.coordinate ? this.attrs.coordinate.append(this.div) : target.after(this.div)
}, PositionRightLeft = function(_super) {
function PositionRightLeft() {
return _ref = PositionRightLeft.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(PositionRightLeft, _super), PositionRightLeft
}(Position), PositionLeftRight = function(_super) {
function PositionLeftRight() {
return _ref1 = PositionLeftRight.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(PositionLeftRight, _super), PositionLeftRight
}(Position), PositionLeft = function(_super) {
function PositionLeft() {
return _ref2 = PositionLeft.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(PositionLeft, _super), PositionLeft
}(Position), PositionTop = function(_super) {
function PositionTop() {
return _ref3 = PositionTop.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(PositionTop, _super), PositionTop
}(Position), PositionRightLeft.prototype.apply = function() {
var src;
return src = this.attrs.src, this._coordinate(src), this.div.offset({
left: src.offset().left + src.outerWidth()
}), this.attrs.dst.offset({
left: this.div.offset().left + this.div.outerWidth()
}, PositionLeftRight.prototype.apply = function() {
var dst, src;
return src = this.attrs.src, dst = this.attrs.dst, this._coordinate(src), this.div.offset({
left: src.offset().left - this.div.outerWidth()
}), this.attrs.dst.offset({
left: this.div.offset().left - this.attrs.dst.outerWidth()
}, PositionLeft.prototype.apply = function() {
var dst;
return dst = this.attrs.dst, this._coordinate(dst), this.attrs.dst.offset({
left: this.div.offset().left + this.div.outerWidth()
}, PositionTop.prototype.apply = function() {
var dst;
return dst = this.attrs.dst, this._coordinate(dst), this.attrs.dst.offset({
top: this.div.offset().top + this.div.outerHeight()
}, Position.RightLeft = PositionRightLeft, Position.LeftRight = PositionLeftRight, Position.Left = PositionLeft, Position.Top = PositionTop, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = Position : core.exports(Position)
function() {
var HTMLElement, MESSAGE_STYLE, Relationship, core, cssAsInt, g2d, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), g2d = self.require("jquery.g2d"), Relationship = function(_super) {
function Relationship(args, opts) {
this.src = opts.src, this.dst = opts.dst,, args, function(me) {
var svg;
return me.addClass("relationship").append(svg = $("
").addClass("icon")).append($("").addClass("name")), svg[0].appendChild(g2d.svg.create("line")), me
return __extends(Relationship, _super), Relationship
width: 1,
base: 6,
height: 10,
lineWidth: 1.5,
shape: "dashed",
pattern: [8, 8],
strokeStyle: "gray",
fillStyle: "gray",
lineJoin: "round"
}, Math.sign = function(x) {
return 0 === x ? 0 : x > 0 ? 1 : -1
}, cssAsInt = function(node, name) {
var a;
return a = node.css(name), a ? parseInt(a) : 0
}, Relationship.prototype._point = function(obj) {
var dh, dv, margin_left, margin_top, s;
return margin_left = cssAsInt($("body"), "margin-left"), margin_top = cssAsInt($("body"), "margin-top"), s = obj.offset(), dh = -cssAsInt(obj, "margin-left") - margin_left, dv = -cssAsInt(obj, "margin-top") - margin_top, {
left: s.left + obj.outerWidth() / 2 + dh,
top: + obj.outerHeight() / 2 + dv
}, Relationship.prototype._rect = function(p, q) {
var a, b, h, hs, l, vs, w;
return a = {
left: Math.min(p.left, q.left),
top: Math.min(,
}, b = {
left: Math.max(p.left, q.left),
top: Math.max(,
}, w = b.left - a.left + 1, h = - + 1, hs = Math.sign(q.left - p.left), vs = Math.sign( -, l = Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h), {
left: a.left,
width: w,
height: h,
hsign: hs,
vsign: vs,
hunit: hs * w / l,
vunit: vs * h / l
}, Relationship.prototype.render = function() {
var aa, bb, cc, cr, dd, p, q, r, s, t;
return p = this._point(this.src), q = this._point(this.dst), r = this._rect(p, q), cr = 2, aa = r.hunit * this.dst.outerWidth() / cr, bb = r.vunit * this.dst.outerHeight() / cr, cc = r.hunit * this.src.outerWidth() / cr, dd = r.vunit * this.src.outerHeight() / cr, s = {
x: p.left - r.left + cc,
y: - + dd
}, t = {
x: q.left - r.left - aa,
y: - - bb
}, this.width(r.width), this.height(r.height), this.offset({
left: r.left,
}), this.find("svg").attr({
width: r.width,
height: r.height
x1: s.x,
y1: s.y,
x2: t.x,
y2: t.y
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = Relationship : core.exports(Relationship)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceLifeline, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), SequenceLifeline = function(_super) {
function SequenceLifeline(_object) {
this._object = _object, self = this,, null, function(me) {
return me.append($("
return __extends(SequenceLifeline, _super), SequenceLifeline
}(HTMLElement), core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceLifeline : core.exports(SequenceLifeline)
function() {
var HTMLElement, MESSAGE_STYLE, STEREOTYPE_STYLES, SequenceMessage, ahead, core, g2d, self, to_points, _determine_primary_stereotype, _g2d, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), SequenceMessage = function(_super) {
function SequenceMessage(_iact, _actee) {
this._iact = _iact, this._actee = _actee,, null, function(me) {
return me.append($("
return __extends(SequenceMessage, _super), SequenceMessage
}(HTMLElement), SequenceMessage.prototype._lineToNextOccurr = function(svg) {
var dstll, srcll;
return srcll = this._srcOccurr(), dstll = this._dstOccurr(), this._toLine(srcll, dstll, svg)
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._toLine = function(src, dst, svg) {
var e, y;
return e = !this.parent().hasClass("lost") && this.isTowardLeft() ? {
src: {
x: src.offset().left - this.offset().left
dst: {
x: dst.outerWidth()
} : {
src: {
x: src.outerWidth()
dst: {
x: dst.offset().left - src.offset().left
}, y = svg.outerHeight() / 2, e.src.y = y, e.dst.y = y, e
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._srcOccurr = function() {
return this.parents(".occurrence:eq(0)").self()
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._dstOccurr = function() {
return (this.hasClass("return") ? this.prev(".occurrence") : $("~ .occurrence", this)).self()
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._prefferedCanvas = function() {
return this.find("svg:eq(0)").attr({
width: this.width(),
height: this.height()
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._toCreateLine = function(svg) {
var e, outerRight, src;
return e = this._toLine(this._srcOccurr(), this._dstOccurr()._actor, svg), this.isTowardLeft() && (src = this._srcOccurr(), outerRight = function(it) {
return it.offset().left + it.outerWidth()
}, e.dst.x = outerRight(src._actor) - src.offset().left), e
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._findOccurr = function(actee) {
var occurr;
return occurr = null, this.parents(".occurrence").each(function(i, e) {
return e = $(e).data("_self"), e._actor === actee ? occurr = e : void 0
}), occurr
width: 1,
base: 6,
height: 10,
lineWidth: 1.5,
shape: "line2",
pattern: [8, 8],
strokeStyle: "gray",
fillStyle: "gray"
create: {
shape: "dashed"
asynchronous: {
shape: "line"
synchronous: {
shape: "line2",
fillStyle: "gray"
destroy: {
shape: "line2",
fillStyle: "gray"
}, _determine_primary_stereotype = function(jqnode) {
var e, _i, _len, _ref;
for (_ref = ["create", "asynchronous", "synchronous", "destroy"], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)
if (e = _ref[_i], jqnode.hasClass(e)) return e
}, to_points = function(vals) {
return {
return "" + e[0] + "," + e[1]
}).join(" ")
}, _g2d = self.require("jquery.g2d"), ahead = function(svg, sign, q) {
var dx, dy, e;
return dx = 10 * sign, dy = 6, e = _g2d.svg["new"]("polyline", {
"class": "head",
points: to_points([
[q.x + dx, q.y - dy],
[q.x, q.y],
[q.x + dx, q.y + dy]
}), svg.appendChild(e), e = _g2d.svg["new"]("polyline", {
"class": "closed",
points: to_points([
[q.x + dx, q.y + (dy + 1)],
[q.x + dx, q.y - (dy + 1)]
}), svg.appendChild(e)
}, g2d = {
arrow: function(svg, p, q) {
var e;
return e = _g2d.svg["new"]("line", {
x1: p.x,
y1: p.y,
x2: q.x,
y2: q.y
}), svg[0].appendChild(e), ahead(svg[0], -1 * Math.sign(q.x - p.x), q)
}, SequenceMessage.prototype.repaint = function() {
var a, arrow, e, gap, line, llw, newdst, newsrc, rcx, rey, shape, svg;
return shape = STEREOTYPE_STYLES[_determine_primary_stereotype(this)], arrow = jQuery.extend({}, MESSAGE_STYLE, shape), svg = this._prefferedCanvas(), this.hasClass("self") ? (gap = 2, rcx = this.width() - (gap + 4), rey = this.height() - (arrow.height / 2 + 4), llw = this._dstOccurr().outerWidth(), e = _g2d.svg["new"]("polyline", {
points: to_points([
[llw / 2 + gap, gap],
[rcx, gap],
[rcx, rey],
[llw + gap, rey]
}), svg[0].appendChild(e), ahead(svg[0], 1, {
x: llw + gap,
y: rey
}), this) : (this.hasClass("create") ? line = this._toCreateLine(svg) : this._actee ? (newsrc = this._findOccurr(this._actee), newdst = this._dstOccurr(), line = this._toLine(newsrc, newdst, svg)) : line = this._lineToNextOccurr(svg), this.hasClass("reverse") && (a = line.src, line.src = line.dst, line.dst = a, arrow.shape = "dashed"), g2d.arrow(svg, line.src, line.dst, arrow), this)
}, SequenceMessage.prototype.isToward = function(dir) {
var actee, actor;
return actor = this._iact._actor._actor, actee = this._iact._actee._actor, "right" === dir ? actor.isLeftAt(actee) : "left" === dir ? actor.isRightAt(actee) : void 0
}, SequenceMessage.prototype.isTowardRight = function() {
return this.isToward("right")
}, SequenceMessage.prototype.isTowardLeft = function() {
return this.isToward("left")
}, SequenceMessage.prototype._to_be_creation = function() {
var dst, line_width, shift_downward, src;
return src = this._srcOccurr(), dst = this._dstOccurr(), line_width = function(msg) {
var l;
return l = msg._toLine(src, dst._actor, msg), Math.abs(l.src.x - l.dst.x)
}, shift_downward = function(msg) {
var mt, obj;
return obj = dst._actor, obj.offset({
top: msg.offset().top - obj.height() / 3
}), mt = parseInt(dst.css("margin-top")), dst.offset({
top: obj.outerBottom() + mt
}, this.outerWidth(line_width(this) + src.outerWidth() - 1), shift_downward(this)
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceMessage : core.exports(SequenceMessage)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceInteraction, SequenceMessage, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), SequenceInteraction = function(_super) {
function SequenceInteraction(_actor, _actee) {
this._actor = _actor, this._actee = _actee, self = this,, null, function(me) {
return me.append(new SequenceMessage(self))
return __extends(SequenceInteraction, _super), SequenceInteraction
}(HTMLElement), SequenceInteraction.prototype.interact = function(obj) {
return this.awayfrom().interact(obj)
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.forward = function() {
return this.toward()
}, = function(func) {
var occurrs, tee, tor;
return occurrs =".occurrence"), tee =".actee"), tor =".actor"), func(tee, tor)
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.forwardTo = function() {
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.backwardTo = function() {
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.toward = function() {
return this.forwardTo()
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.awayfrom = function(obj) {
var e, _i, _len, _ref;
if (!obj) return this.backwardTo();
for (_ref = this.parents(".occurrence").not(".activated"), _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++)
if (e = _ref[_i], e = $(e).self(), (null != e ?".participant") : void 0) === obj) return e;
return obj.activate()
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype._compose_ = function() {
var actee, dst, errmsg, msg, newdst, rmsg, src, that, w, x;
if (that = this, src = this._actor, dst = this._actee, msg = that.find("> .message").data("_self"), this.isToSelf()) return void this._buildSelfInvocation(src, dst, msg);
if (w = src.offset().left - (dst.offset().left + $(".occurrence:eq(0)", that).width()), this.hasClass("lost") ? msg.height(dst.outerHeight()) : msg.isTowardLeft() && (w = dst.offset().left - (src.offset().left + $(".occurrence:eq(0)", that).width())), msg.width(Math.abs(w)).offset({
left: Math.min(src.offset().left, dst.offset().left)
}).repaint(), rmsg = $("> .message.return:last", that).data("_self")) {
if (x = msg.offset().left, actee = rmsg._actee) {
if (newdst = rmsg._findOccurr(actee), !newdst) throw errmsg = "SemanticError: it wasn't able to reply back to '" + actee.find(".name").text() + "' which is missing", new Error(errmsg);
w = dst.offset().left - newdst.offset().left, x = Math.min(dst.offset().left, newdst.offset().left)
return rmsg.width(Math.abs(w)).offset({
left: x
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype._buildSelfInvocation = function(a, b, msg) {
var arrow, dx, dy, w;
return w = this.find(".occurrence:eq(0)").outerWidth(), dx = 2 * w, dy = 1 * w, b.css({
top: 0 + dy
}), this.css({
"padding-bottom": dy
}), msg.css({
top: 0
}).width(b.width() + dx).height(b.offset().top - msg.offset().top + dy + w / 8).offset({
left: b.offset().left
}), msg.addClass("self"), msg.repaint(), arrow = msg.find(".arrow"), msg.find(".name").offset({
left: arrow.offset().left + arrow.outerWidth(),
top: arrow.offset().top
}, SequenceMessage = self.require("SequenceMessage"), SequenceInteraction.prototype.reply = function(p) {
var a, name;
return this.addClass("reply"), a = new SequenceMessage(this, null != p ? p[".actee"] : void 0).addClass("return").insertAfter(this.children(".occurrence:eq(0)")), name = function(it) {
return (null != it ? : void 0) ? : $(p).find(".name:eq(0)").text()
}, $(a).find(".name:eq(0)").text(name(p)), this
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.fragment = function() {
var SequenceFragment, frag;
return SequenceFragment = self.require("SequenceFragment"), frag = new SequenceFragment, frag.enclose(this)
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.isToSelf = function() {
var a, b;
return a = this._actor, b = this._actee, a && b ? a._actor === b._actor : !1
}, SequenceInteraction.prototype.is_to_itself = function() {
return this.isToSelf()
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceInteraction : core.exports(SequenceInteraction)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceInteraction, SequenceOccurrence, core, self, utils, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), utils = self.require("jquery.ext"), SequenceOccurrence = function(_super) {
function SequenceOccurrence(_actor) {
this._actor = _actor,
return __extends(SequenceOccurrence, _super), SequenceOccurrence
}(HTMLElement), core = self.require("core"), SequenceInteraction = self.require("SequenceInteraction"), SequenceOccurrence.prototype.interact = function(actor, acts) {
var SequenceFragment, alt, iact, occurr;
if (".lost" === (null != acts ? acts.stereotype : void 0)) occurr = (new SequenceOccurrence).addClass("icon"), iact = new SequenceInteraction(this, occurr), iact.addClass("lost");
else if (".destroy" === (null != acts ? acts.stereotype : void 0));
else {
if (".alt" === (null != actor ? actor.stereotype : void 0)) return SequenceFragment = self.require("SequenceFragment"), alt = new SequenceFragment("alt"), alt.alter(this, acts), this;
occurr = new SequenceOccurrence(actor), iact = new SequenceInteraction(this, occurr)
return actor === iact._actor._actor && iact.addClass("self"), iact.append(occurr).appendTo(this), iact
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype.create = function(objsrc) {
var SequenceParticipant, iact, obj;
return SequenceParticipant = self.require("SequenceParticipant"), obj = new SequenceParticipant("created-by"), this._actor.parent().append(obj), iact = this.interact(obj).addClass("creating").find(".message").addClass("create").end()
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype._move_horizontally = function() {
var left;
return this.parent().hasClass("lost") ? (offset({
left: utils.mostLeftRight(this.parents(".diagram").find(".participant")).right
}), this) : (left = this.is_on_another() ? this._parent_occurr().offset().left : this._actor.offset().left + (this._actor.preferred_width() - this.width()) / 2, left += this.width() * this._shift_to_parent() / 2, this.offset({
left: left
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype.is_on_another = function() {
return !(null === this._parent_occurr())
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype._parent_occurr = function() {
var i, occurrs, _i, _ref;
if (occurrs = this.parents(".occurrence"), 0 === occurrs.length) return null;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = occurrs.length - 1; _ref >= 0 ? _ref >= _i : _i >= _ref; i = _ref >= 0 ? ++_i : --_i)
if (this._actor === $(occurrs[i]).data("_self")._actor) return $(occurrs[i]).data("_self");
return null
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype._shift_to_parent = function() {
var a;
return this.is_on_another() ? (a = this.parent().find(".message:eq(0)").data("_self"), void 0 === a ? 0 : a.isTowardRight() ? -1 : a.isTowardLeft() ? 1 : 1) : 0
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype.preceding = function(obj) {
var f;
return (f = function(ll) {
var a;
return a = jumly(ll.parents(".occurrence:eq(0)"))[0], a ?".participant") === obj ? a : f(a) : null
}, SequenceOccurrence.prototype.destroy = function(actee) {
var occur;
return occur = this.interact(actee).data("_self")._actee, occur.is_on_another() && (occur = occur._parent_occurr()), $("
").addClass("icon").addClass("square").addClass("cross")).insertAfter(occur), occur
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceOccurrence : core.exports(SequenceOccurrence)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceInteraction, SequenceOccurrence, SequenceParticipant, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), SequenceParticipant = function(_super) {
function SequenceParticipant(args) {, args, function(me) {
return me.append($("
return __extends(SequenceParticipant, _super), SequenceParticipant
}(HTMLElement), core = self.require("core"), SequenceOccurrence = self.require("SequenceOccurrence"), SequenceInteraction = self.require("SequenceInteraction"), SequenceParticipant.prototype.activate = function() {
var iact, occurr;
return occurr = new SequenceOccurrence(this), iact = new SequenceInteraction(null, occurr), iact.addClass("activated"), iact.find(".message").remove(), iact.append(occurr), this.parent().append(iact), occurr
}, SequenceParticipant.prototype.isLeftAt = function(a) {
return this.offset().left < a.offset().left
}, SequenceParticipant.prototype.isRightAt = function(a) {
return a.offset().left + a.width() < this.offset().left
}, SequenceParticipant.prototype.iconify = function(fixture, styles) {
var canvas, container, render, size, _ref, _this = this;
return "function" != typeof fixture && (fixture = $.jumly.icon["." + fixture] || $.jumly.icon[".actor"]), canvas = $("
").addClass("icon"), container = $("").addClass("icon-container"), this.addClass("iconified").prepend(container.append(canvas)), _ref = fixture(canvas[0], styles), size = _ref.size, styles = _ref.styles, container.css({
height: size.height
}), render = function() {
var name;
return name = _this.find(".name"), styles.fillStyle = name.css("background-color"), styles.strokeStyle = name.css("border-top-color"), fixture(canvas[0], styles)
}, this.renderIcon = function() {
return render()
}, this
}, SequenceParticipant.prototype.lost = function() {
return this.activate().interact(null, {
stereotype: ".lost"
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceParticipant : core.exports(SequenceParticipant)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceFragment, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), SequenceFragment = function(_super) {
function SequenceFragment(args) {, args, function(me) {
return me.append($("
return __extends(SequenceFragment, _super), SequenceFragment
}(HTMLElement), SequenceFragment.prototype.enclose = function(_) {
var a, b, i, _i, _ref;
if (null == _ || 0 === _.length) throw "SequenceFragment::enclose arguments are empty.";
if (_.length > 1)
for (a = $(_[0]).parent()[0], i = _i = 1, _ref = _.length - 1; _ref >= 1 ? _ref >= _i : _i >= _ref; i = _ref >= 1 ? ++_i : --_i)
if (b = $(_[i]).parent()[0], a !== b) throw {
message: "different parent",
nodes: [a, b]
return void 0 === _.parent ? this : (this.swallow(_), this)
}, SequenceFragment.prototype.alter = function(occurr, acts) {
var alt, name, nodes;
alt = this, alt.addClass("alt").find(".condition").remove(), occurr.append(alt);
for (name in acts) nodes = acts[name](), 0 !== nodes.length && (alt.append($("
").addClass("condition").html(name)), alt.append(nodes), alt.append($("
return alt.find(".divider:last").remove(), alt
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceFragment : core.exports(SequenceFragment)
function() {
var HTMLElement, SequenceRef, core, self, utils, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), utils = self.require("jquery.ext"), SequenceRef = function(_super) {
function SequenceRef(args) {, args, function(div) {
return div.append($("
return __extends(SequenceRef, _super), SequenceRef
}(HTMLElement), SequenceRef.prototype.preferred_left_and_width = function() {
var alt, d, dh, diag, dl, iact, it, l, left, lines, most, objs, occurr, occurs, r, right, w;
return occurr = this.parents(".occurrence:eq(0)"), 1 === occurr.length ? (w = occurr.outerWidth(), right = occurr.offset().left + w, {
left: right - w / 2
}) : (diag = this.parents(".sequence-diagram:eq(0)"), iact = this.prevAll(".interaction:eq(0)"), 0 === iact.length ? (lines = $(".lifeline .line", diag), most = utils.mostLeftRight(lines), most.width = most.width(), most) : (objs = diag.find(".participant"), 0 === objs.length ? {} : 1 === objs.length ? (it = objs.filter(":eq(0)"), w = parseInt(this.css("min-width") || this.css("max-width") || this.css("width")), l = it.offset().left - (w - it.outerWidth()) / 2, (dl = l - it.offset().left) < 0 && (this.css({
"margin-left": dl
}), diag.css({
"margin-left": -dl
})), {
left: "auto"
}) : 1 === (alt = this.parents(".alt:eq(0)")).length ? (left = alt.parents(".occurrence"), l = left.offset().left + left.outerWidth() - 1, r = utils.max(this.parent().find(".occurrence"), function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left + $(e).outerWidth() / 2
}), d = left.outerWidth() / 2 - 1, {
left: l - d,
width: r - l
}) : (dh = diag.self().find(".occurrence:eq(0)").width(), occurs = iact.find(".occurrence"), most = utils.mostLeftRight(occurs), most.left -= dh, most.width = most.width(), most)))
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceRef : core.exports(SequenceRef)
function() {
var Diagram, HTMLElement, SequenceDiagram, core, jumly, prefs_, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), jumly = $.jumly, jQuery.fn.swallow = function(_, f) {
return f = f || jQuery.fn.append, 1 === _.length ? 0 === _.index() ? _.parent().prepend(this) : this.insertAfter(_.prev()) : 0 === _.index() ? this.prependTo($(_[0]).parent()) : this.insertBefore(_[0]), this.append(_.detach()), this
}, Diagram = self.require("Diagram"), SequenceDiagram = function(_super) {
function SequenceDiagram() {
return __extends(SequenceDiagram, _super), SequenceDiagram
}(Diagram), = function(query) {
var e, f;
return e = this.find(query), f = jumly.lang._of(e, query), {
of: f
}, prefs_ = {
WIDTH: null,
}, SequenceDiagram.prototype.$ = function(sel) {
return jumly($(sel, this))
}, SequenceDiagram.prototype.$0 = function(typesel) {
return this.$(typesel)[0]
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceDiagram : core.exports(SequenceDiagram)
function() {
var DiagramBuilder, NoteElement, SequenceDiagram, SequenceDiagramBuilder, SequenceFragment, SequenceParticipant, SequenceRef, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, core = self.require("core"), DiagramBuilder = self.require("DiagramBuilder"), SequenceDiagram = self.require("SequenceDiagram"), SequenceParticipant = self.require("SequenceParticipant"), SequenceRef = self.require("SequenceRef"), SequenceFragment = self.require("SequenceFragment"), SequenceDiagramBuilder = function(_super) {
function SequenceDiagramBuilder(_diagram, _occurr) {
this._diagram = _diagram, this._occurr = _occurr,, null == this._diagram && (this._diagram = new SequenceDiagram)
return __extends(SequenceDiagramBuilder, _super), SequenceDiagramBuilder
}(DiagramBuilder), SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype._curr_occurr = function() {
return this._occurr
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype._curr_actor = function() {
return this._occurr._actor
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.found = function(sth, callback) {
var actor;
return actor = this._find_or_create(sth), actor.addClass("found"), this._occurr = actor.activate(), null != callback && callback.apply(this, [this]), this._occurr = null, this
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype._find_or_create = function(sth) {
var a, obj, r;
if (a = core._normalize(sth), r = core._to_ref(, "function" == typeof this._diagram[r]) throw new Error("Reserved word '" + r + "'");
if (this._diagram[r]) return this._diagram[r];
switch (obj = new SequenceParticipant(sth), this._diagram._reg_by_ref(, obj), this._diagram.append(obj), typeof sth) {
case "string":
this._diagram._var(r, obj);
case "object":
this._diagram._var(core._to_ref(, obj);
throw console.error("It must be string or object for", eth), new Error("Unrecognized argument: " + e)
return obj
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.message = function(a, b, c) {
var actee, actname, callback, e, iact, it, msg, norm, stereotype;
if (actname = a, "string" != typeof a || "function" != typeof b && void 0 !== b)
if ("string" == typeof a && "string" == typeof b) "function" == typeof c ? (actee = this._find_or_create(b), callback = c) : void 0 === c && (actee = this._find_or_create(b), callback = null);
else if ("object" == typeof a && "string" == typeof b) {
actee = this._find_or_create(b), callback = c;
for (e in a) switch (e) {
case "asynchronous":
actname = a[e], stereotype = "asynchronous"
} else {
if ("string" != typeof a || "object" != typeof b) throw msg = "invalid arguments", console.error("SequenceDiagramBuilder::message", msg, a, b, c), new Error(msg, a, b, c);
norm = JUMLY.Identity.normalize(b), actee = this._find_or_create(norm), callback = c
} else actee = this._curr_actor(), callback = b;
return iact = this._curr_occurr().interact(actee), iact.find(".name").text(actname).end().find(".message").addClass(stereotype), it = new SequenceDiagramBuilder(this._diagram, iact._actee), null != callback && callback.apply(it, []), it
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.create = function(a, b, c) {
var actee, async, callback, ctxt, e, iact, id, name, norm, occurr;
return "string" == typeof a && "function" == typeof b ? (name = null, actee = a, callback = b) : "string" == typeof a && "string" == typeof b && "function" == typeof c ? (name = a, actee = b, callback = c) : "string" == typeof a && void 0 === b ? (name = null, actee = a, callback = null) : "object" == typeof a && (e = core._normalize(a), actee =, async = null != a.asynchronous, "function" == typeof b && (callback = b)), "string" == typeof a ? id = core._to_id(actee) : (norm = core._normalize(a), id =, actee =, iact = this._curr_occurr().create({
id: id,
name: actee
}), name &&, async && iact.find(".message:eq(0)").addClass("asynchronous"), occurr = iact._actee, ctxt = new SequenceDiagramBuilder(this._diagram, occurr), null != callback && callback.apply(ctxt, []), this._var(id, occurr._actor), this._diagram._reg_by_ref(id, occurr._actor), ctxt
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype._var = function(varname, refobj) {
var ref;
return ref = core._to_ref(varname), this._diagram._var(ref, refobj)
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.destroy = function(a) {
return this._curr_occurr().destroy(this._find_or_create(a)), null
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.reply = function(a, b) {
var f, n, obj, ref;
return obj = b, "string" == typeof b && (ref = core._to_ref(core._to_id(b)), this._diagram[ref] && (obj = this._diagram[ref])), f = function(occur, n) {
return occur.is_on_another() ? f(occur._parent_occurr(), n + 1) : n
}, n = f(this._curr_occurr(), 0), this._curr_occurr().parents(".interaction:eq(" + n + ")").data("_self").reply({
name: a,
".actee": obj
}), null
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.ref = function(a) {
var occur, ref;
return occur = this._curr_occurr(), ref = new SequenceRef(a), occur ? occur.append(ref) : this.diagram().append(ref), this._refer(ref, {
by: a
}), ref
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.lost = function() {
return this._curr_occurr.lost(), null
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.fragment = function(nctx) {
var ctx, frag, name;
for (name in nctx) return ctx = nctx[name], frag = this._fragment(ctx, {
label: name
}), void this._refer(frag, {
by: name
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.loop = function(a) {
var last;
return last = [].slice.apply(arguments).pop(), $.isFunction(last) ? this._fragment(last, {
kind: "loop",
label: "Loop"
}, a) : void 0
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype._fragment = function(last, opts, desc) {
var frag, kids, newones;
return kids = this._curr_occurr().find("> *"), last.apply(this, []), newones = this._curr_occurr().find("> *").not(kids), newones.length > 0 && (frag = new SequenceFragment, opts.kind && frag.addClass(opts.kind), frag.enclose(newones), frag.find(".name:first").html(opts.label)), "string" == typeof desc && frag.find("> .header > .condition").html(desc), frag
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.alt = function(ints) {
var iacts, name, _new_act;
iacts = {}, self = this;
for (name in ints) {
if ("function" != typeof ints[name]) break;
_new_act = function(name, act) {
return function() {
var nodes, _;
return nodes = [], _ = function(it) {
var node;
return node = (null != it ? it.constructor : void 0) === SequenceDiagramBuilder ? it._curr_occurr().parent(".interaction:eq(0)") : it, nodes.push(node)
}, act.apply({
_curr_actor: function() {
return self._curr_actor.apply(self, arguments)
message: function() {
return _(self.message.apply(self, arguments))
loop: function() {
return _(self.loop.apply(self, arguments))
ref: function() {
return _(self.ref.apply(self, arguments))
}), nodes
}, iacts[name] = _new_act(name, ints[name])
return this._curr_occurr().interact({
stereotype: ".alt"
}, iacts), this
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.reactivate = function(a, b, c) {
var e, occurr;
return a.constructor === this.constructor ? (e = a._curr_occurr.parents(".interaction:eq(0)"), this._curr_actor().activate().append(e), a) : (occurr = this._curr_actor().activate(), this._occurr = occurr, this.message(a, b, c))
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.css = function(styles) {
return this._diagram.css(styles)
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.find = function(selector) {
return this._diagram.find(selector)
}, NoteElement = self.require("NoteElement"), SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.note = function(text, opts) {
var note;
return note = new NoteElement(text, opts), this._curr_occurr().append(note)
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.compose = function(opts) {
return "function" == typeof opts ? opts(this._diagram) : null != opts && opts.append(this._diagram), this._diagram.compose(opts)
}, SequenceDiagramBuilder.prototype.preferences = function() {
return this._diagram.preferences.apply(this._diagram, arguments)
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceDiagramBuilder : core.exports(SequenceDiagramBuilder)
function() {
var DiagramLayout, HTMLElementLayout, SequenceDiagramLayout, SequenceLifeline, core, self, utils, _, _ref, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, DiagramLayout = self.require("DiagramLayout"), utils = self.require("jquery.ext"), $.fn.self = function() {
}, $.fn.selfEach = function(f) {
return this.each(function(i, e) {
if (e = $(e).self(), null == e) throw new Error("_self have nothing ", e);
return f(e), this
}, SequenceDiagramLayout = function(_super) {
function SequenceDiagramLayout() {
return _ref = SequenceDiagramLayout.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(SequenceDiagramLayout, _super), SequenceDiagramLayout
}(DiagramLayout), SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype._q = function(sel) {
return $(sel, this.diagram)
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype._layout = function() {
var l, ml, mr, objs, occurs, r;
return objs = $(".participant:eq(0) ~ .participant", this.diagram), $(".participant:eq(0)", this.diagram).after(objs), this.align_objects_horizontally(), this._q(".occurrence").each(function(i, e) {
return $(e).data("_self")._move_horizontally()
}), this._q(".occurrence .interaction").selfEach(function(e) {
return e._compose_()
}), this.generate_lifelines_and_align_horizontally(), this.pack_refs_horizontally(), this.pack_fragments_horizontally(), this._q(".create.message").selfEach(function(e) {
return e._to_be_creation()
}), this.align_lifelines_vertically(), this.align_lifelines_stop_horizontally(), this.rebuild_asynchronous_self_calling(), this.render_icons(), occurs = this.diagram.find(".occurrence"), ml = occurs.sort(function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left
}), mr = occurs.sort(function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left + $(e).outerWidth() - 1
}), $(ml[0]).addClass("leftmost"), $(mr[mr.length - 1]).addClass("rightmost"), objs = this.diagram.find(".participant"), l = utils.min(objs, function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left
}), r = utils.max(objs, function(e) {
return $(e).offset().left + $(e).outerWidth() - 1
}), this.diagram.width(r - l + 1)
}, HTMLElementLayout = self.require("HTMLElementLayout"), _ = function(opts) {
return ("undefined" != typeof navigator && null !== navigator ? navigator.userAgent.match(/.*(WebKit).*/) : void 0) ? opts.webkit : ("undefined" != typeof navigator && null !== navigator ? navigator.userAgent.match(/.*(Gecko).*/) : void 0) ? opts.gecko : opts.webkit
}, $.fn.pickup2 = function(f0, f1, f2) {
var prev, _this = this;
return 0 === this.length ? this : (f0(prev = $(this[0])), 1 === this.length ? this : this.slice(1).each(function(i, curr) {
return curr = $(curr), null != f2 && i + 1 === _this.length - 1 ? f2(prev, curr, i + 1) : f1(prev, curr, i + 1), prev = curr
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.align_objects_horizontally = function() {
var f0, f1;
return f0 = function(a) {
return a.css("left") === _({
webkit: "auto",
gecko: "0px"
}) ? a.css({
left: 0
}) : void 0
}, f1 = function(a, b) {
var spacing;
return b.css("left") === _({
webkit: "auto",
gecko: "0px"
}) ? (spacing = new HTMLElementLayout.HorizontalSpacing(a, b), spacing.apply()) : void 0
}, this._q(".participant").pickup2(f0, f1)
}, SequenceLifeline = self.require("SequenceLifeline"), SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.generate_lifelines_and_align_horizontally = function() {
var diag;
return diag = this.diagram, $(".participant", this.diagram).each(function(i, e) {
var a, obj;
return obj = $(e).data("_self"), a = new SequenceLifeline(obj), a.offset({
left: obj.offset().left
}), a.width(obj.preferred_width()), diag.append(a)
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.pack_refs_horizontally = function() {
return this._q(".ref").selfEach(function(ref) {
var idx, not_defined, parent, pw;
return pw = ref.preferred_left_and_width(), ref.offset({
left: pw.left
}), idx = ref.index(), parent = ref.parent(), ref.detach(), not_defined = "0px" === ref.css("width"), 0 === idx ? parent.prepend(ref) : ref.insertAfter(parent.find("> *:eq(" + (idx - 1) + ")")), ref.width(not_defined ? pw.width : parseInt(ref.css("width")))
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.pack_fragments_horizontally = function() {
var fixwidth, fragments, left, most;
return fragments = $("> .fragment", this.diagram), fragments.length > 0 && (most = utils.mostLeftRight(this._q(".participant")), left = fragments.offset().left, fragments.width(most.right - left + (most.left - left))), fixwidth = function(fragment) {
var msg;
return most = utils.mostLeftRight($(".occurrence, .message, .fragment", fragment).not(".return, .lost")), fragment.width(most.width() - (fragment.outerWidth() - fragment.width())), msg = fragment.find("> .interaction > .message").data("_self"), (null != msg ? msg.isTowardLeft() : void 0) ? fragment.offset({
left: most.left
}).find("> .interaction > .occurrence").each(function(i, occurr) {
return occurr ="_self"), occurr._move_horizontally().prev().offset({
left: occurr.offset().left
}) : void 0
}, this._q(".occurrence > .fragment").selfEach(fixwidth).parents(".occurrence > .fragment").selfEach(fixwidth)
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.align_lifelines_vertically = function() {
var a, b, iters, last, mh, min, nodes;
return nodes = this.diagram.find(".interaction, > .ref"), 0 !== nodes.length ? (nodes.filter(".ref").length > 0 ? (last = nodes.filter(":last"), mh = last.offset().top + last.outerHeight() - nodes.filter(":first").offset().top) : 1 === (iters = this.diagram.find("> .interaction")).length ? mh = iters.filter(":eq(0)").height() : (a = iters.filter(":eq(0)"), b = iters.filter(":last"), mh = b.offset().top + b.height() - 1 - a.offset().top), min = utils.min(this.diagram.find(".participant"), function(e) {
return $(e).offset().top
}), this._q(".lifeline").each(function(i, e) {
var dh, mt, ot;
return a = $(e).data("_self"), a.offset({
left: a._object.offset().left
}), ot = Math.ceil(a._object.offset().top), dh = ot - min, a.height(mh - dh + 16), mt = a.offset().top - (ot + a._object.outerHeight()), a.css({
"margin-top": "-" + mt + "px"
})) : void 0
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.align_lifelines_stop_horizontally = function() {
return $(".stop", this.diagram).each(function(i, e) {
var occurr;
return e = $(e), occurr = e.prev(".occurrence"), e.offset({
left: occurr.offset().left
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.rebuild_asynchronous_self_calling = function() {
return this.diagram.find(".message.asynchronous").parents(".interaction:eq(0)").each(function(i, e) {
var iact, msg, occurr, prev;
return e = $(e).self(), e.isToSelf() ? (iact = e.addClass("activated").addClass("asynchronous"), prev = iact.parents(".interaction:eq(0)"), iact.insertAfter(prev), occurr = iact.css("padding-bottom", 0).find("> .occurrence").self()._move_horizontally().css("top", 0), msg = iact.find(".message").self(), msg.css("z-index", -1).offset({
left: occurr.offset().left,
top: prev.find(".occurrence").outerBottom() - msg.height() / 3
})) : void 0
}, SequenceDiagramLayout.prototype.render_icons = function() {
return this._q(".participant").selfEach(function(e) {
return "function" == typeof e.renderIcon ? e.renderIcon() : void 0
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = SequenceDiagramLayout : core.exports(SequenceDiagramLayout)
function() {
var HTMLElement, IconElement, blue, ce, core, drop_shadow, g2d, green, ne, ns, red, sa, self, svg_g, to_d, _STYLES, _actor, _controller, _entity, _render, _view, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, _STYLES = {
lineWidth: 1.5,
fillStyle: "white",
strokeStyle: "gray",
shadowBlur: 12,
shadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.22)",
shadowOffsetX: 8,
shadowOffsetY: 5
}, ns = "", g2d = self.require("jquery.g2d"), ce = g2d.svg.create, sa = g2d.svg.attrs, ne = function(n, attrs) {
return sa(ce(n), attrs)
}, red = green = blue = .66, drop_shadow = function() {
var blur, matrix, merge, mnBlur, mnSrc, offset, shadow2;
return shadow2 = ne("filter", {
id: "dropshadow",
width: "200%",
height: "200%"
}), matrix = ne("feColorMatrix", {
type: "matrix",
values: "0 0 0 " + red + " 0 0 0 0 " + green + " 0 0 0 0 " + blue + " 0 0 0 0 1 0"
}), blur = ne("feGaussianBlur", {
stdDeviation: 2.5,
result: "coloreBlur"
}), offset = ne("feOffset", {
dx: 8,
dy: 5,
result: "coloreBlur"
}), merge = ne("feMerge"), mnBlur = ne("feMergeNode", {
"in": "coloreBlur"
}), mnSrc = ne("feMergeNode", {
"in": "SourceGraphic"
}), merge.appendChild(mnBlur), merge.appendChild(mnSrc), shadow2.appendChild(matrix), shadow2.appendChild(blur), shadow2.appendChild(offset), shadow2.appendChild(merge), shadow2
}, to_d = function(d) {
return {
return "" + e[0] + e[1] + "," + e[2]
}, svg_g = function(svg) {
var g;
return svg.appendChild(drop_shadow()), g = sa(ce("g"), {
style: "filter:url(#dropshadow)"
}), svg.appendChild(g), g
}, _actor = function(svg, styles) {
var d, dh, dv, e, exth, g, lw, r, r2, ret;
return r = styles.radius || 12, r2 = 2 * r, exth = .25 * r, lw = Math.round(styles.lineWidth), g = svg_g(svg), g.appendChild(ne("circle", {
cx: lw + r,
cy: lw + r,
r: r
})), dh = 3 * lw, dv = .77 * r2, d = [
["M", 0, r2 + lw + exth],
["l", lw + r2 + lw, 0],
["M", lw + r, r2 + lw],
["l", 0, .35 * r2],
["l", -r, dv],
["m", r, -dv],
["l", r, dv]
], e = ne("path", {
d: to_d(d)
}), g.appendChild(e), ret = {
size: {
width: lw + r2 + lw,
height: lw + 2 * r2 + lw
}, _view = function(svg, styles) {
var d, e, extw, g, lw, r, r2, ret;
return r = styles.radius || 16, r2 = 2 * r, extw = .4 * r, lw = styles.lineWidth, g = svg_g(svg), g.appendChild(ne("circle", {
cx: lw + r + extw,
cy: lw + r,
r: r
})), d = [
["M", lw, r],
["l", extw, 0],
["M", lw, 0],
["l", 0, r2]
], e = ce("path"), e.setAttribute("d", to_d(d)), g.appendChild(e), ret = {
size: {
width: lw + r2 + extw + lw,
height: lw + r2 + lw
}, _controller = function(svg, styles) {
var d, dy, e, effectext, exth, g, lh, lw, r, r2, ret, x0, x1, y0;
return r = styles.radius || 16, r2 = 2 * r, exth = .4 * r, lw = lh = styles.lineWidth, dy = 0, effectext = 0, g = svg_g(svg), g.appendChild(ne("circle", {
cx: lw + r,
cy: lw + r + exth,
r: r
})), x0 = lw + .8 * r, x1 = lw + 1.2 * r, y0 = lh + exth, d = [
["M", x0, y0],
["L", x1, lh + exth / 4],
["M", x0, y0],
["L", x1, lh + 7 * exth / 4]
], e = ne("path", {
d: to_d(d)
}), g.appendChild(e), ret = {
size: {
width: lw + r2 + lw + effectext,
height: lw + r2 + lw + effectext + exth
}, _entity = function(svg, styles) {
var d, e, exth, g, lw, r, r2, ret;
return r = styles.radius || 16, r2 = 2 * r, exth = .4 * r, lw = styles.lineWidth, g = svg_g(svg), g.appendChild(ne("circle", {
cx: lw + r,
cy: lw + r,
r: r
})), d = [
["M", lw + r, r2],
["L", lw + r, r2 + exth],
["M", 0, r2 + exth],
["L", r2 + lw, r2 + exth]
], e = ne("path", {
d: to_d(d)
}), g.appendChild(e), ret = {
size: {
width: lw + r2 + lw,
height: lw + r2 + exth + lw
}, _render = function(svg, renderer, args) {
var dh, dw, paths, size, styles, _ref;
return styles = $.extend({}, _STYLES, args), _ref = renderer(svg, styles), size = _ref.size, paths = _ref.paths, dw = (styles.shadowOffsetX || 0) + (styles.shadowBlur / 2 || 0), dh = (styles.shadowOffsetY || 0) + (styles.shadowBlur / 2 || 0), $(svg).attr({
width: size.width + dw,
height: size.height + dh,
"data-actual-width": size.width,
"data-actual-height": size.height
}, core = self.require("core"), HTMLElement = self.require("HTMLElement"), IconElement = function(_super) {
function IconElement(args, opts) {
var idname;
idname = core._normalize(args),, args, function(me) {
var div, svg;
return svg = $("
"), me.addClass("icon").addClass(opts.kind).append(div = $("").append(svg)).append($("
").addClass("name").append(, IconElement.renderer(opts.kind)(svg[0]), div.css({
return __extends(IconElement, _super), IconElement.renderer = function(type) {
var r;
return r = {
actor: _actor,
view: _view,
controller: _controller,
entity: _entity
function(svg, styles) {
return _render(svg, r[type], styles)
}, IconElement
}(HTMLElement), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = IconElement : core.exports(IconElement)
function() {
var Diagram, IconElement, RobustnessDiagram, core, self, _ref, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, Diagram = self.require("Diagram"), IconElement = self.require("IconElement"), RobustnessDiagram = function(_super) {
function RobustnessDiagram() {
return _ref = RobustnessDiagram.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(RobustnessDiagram, _super), RobustnessDiagram
}(Diagram), core = self.require("core"), RobustnessDiagram.prototype._node_of = function(n, k) {
var e, id, ref;
return id = core._to_id(n), ref = core._to_ref(id), this[ref] ? this[ref] : (e = new IconElement(n, {
kind: k
}), this._reg_by_ref(id, e), e)
}, core.env.is_node ? module.exports = RobustnessDiagram : core.exports(RobustnessDiagram)
function() {
var DiagramBuilder, IconElement, Relationship, RobustnessDiagram, RobustnessDiagramBuilder, core, self, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, DiagramBuilder = self.require("DiagramBuilder"), RobustnessDiagram = self.require("RobustnessDiagram"), IconElement = self.require("IconElement"), Relationship = self.require("Relationship"), RobustnessDiagramBuilder = function(_super) {
function RobustnessDiagramBuilder(_diagram) {
this._diagram = _diagram,, null == this._diagram && (this._diagram = new RobustnessDiagram)
return __extends(RobustnessDiagramBuilder, _super), RobustnessDiagramBuilder
}(DiagramBuilder), = function(src) {
var _this = this;
return ? src.find("*[data-kind]").each(function(e) {
return e = $(e), _this._diagram.append(new IconElement(e.text(), {
kind: $(e).data("kind")
}) :, src), this._diagram
}, core = self.require("core"), RobustnessDiagramBuilder.prototype._node = function(opt, kind) {
var a, b, f, k;
if ("string" == typeof opt) return this._diagram.append(a = this._diagram._node_of(opt, kind)), a;
if ("object" == typeof opt)
for (k in opt)
if ("function" == typeof(f = opt[k])) return a = this._diagram._node_of(k, kind), b = f.apply(this, []), this._diagram.append(a).append(b), this._diagram.append(new Relationship("", {
src: a,
dst: b
})), a;
throw "unexpected: " + typeof opt
}, = function(opt) {
return this._node(opt, "actor")
}, RobustnessDiagramBuilder.prototype.view = function(opt) {
return this._node(opt, "view")
}, RobustnessDiagramBuilder.prototype.controller = function(opt) {
return this._node(opt, "controller")
}, RobustnessDiagramBuilder.prototype.entity = function(opt) {
return this._node(opt, "entity")
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = RobustnessDiagramBuilder : core.exports(RobustnessDiagramBuilder)
function() {
var DiagramLayout, RobustnessDiagramLayout, core, self, utils, _ref, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) {
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child
for (var key in parent), key) && (child[key] = parent[key]);
return ctor.prototype = parent.prototype, child.prototype = new ctor, child.__super__ = parent.prototype, child
self = {
require: "undefined" != typeof module && "undefined" != typeof module.exports ? require : JUMLY.require
}, DiagramLayout = self.require("DiagramLayout"), utils = self.require("jquery.ext"), RobustnessDiagramLayout = function(_super) {
function RobustnessDiagramLayout() {
return _ref = RobustnessDiagramLayout.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
return __extends(RobustnessDiagramLayout, _super), RobustnessDiagramLayout
}(DiagramLayout), RobustnessDiagramLayout.prototype._layout = function() {
var elems, mlr, mtb, p;
return elems = this.diagram.find(".element"), p = this.diagram.offset(), p.left += 2 * parseInt(this.diagram.css("padding-left")), += 2 * parseInt(this.diagram.css("padding-top")), elems.each(function(i, e) {
return $(e).css({
position: "absolute"
left: p.left + i % 3 * 120,
top: + i / 3 * 100
}), mlr = utils.mostLeftRight(elems, !0), mtb = utils.mostTopBottom(elems, !0), this.diagram.width(mlr.width()).height(mtb.height()), this.diagram.find(".relationship").each(function(i, e) {
return $(e).data("_self").render()
}, core = self.require("core"), core.env.is_node ? module.exports = RobustnessDiagramLayout : core.exports(RobustnessDiagramLayout)
function() {
var _is_script, _mkey, _opts, _t2l, _to_meta, _type, _val;
_type = "text/jumly+sequence", _t2l = {
"text/jumly+sequence": {
builder: "SequenceDiagramBuilder",
layout: "SequenceDiagramLayout"
"text/jumly+robustness": {
builder: "RobustnessDiagramBuilder",
layout: "RobustnessDiagramLayout"
}, JUMLY._compile = function(code, type) {
if (null == type && (type = _type), !_t2l[type]) throw "unknown type: " + type;
return (new(JUMLY.require(_t2l[type].builder))).build(code)
}, JUMLY._layout = function(doc, type) {
if (null == type && (type = _type), !_t2l[type]) throw "unknown type: " + type;
return (new(JUMLY.require(_t2l[type].layout))).layout(doc)
}, _to_meta = function($src) {
var meta;
if (meta = $, void 0 === meta) $, meta = {});
else if ("string" == typeof meta) $, meta = {
type: meta
else if ("object" != typeof meta) throw "unknown type: " + typeof meta;
return _is_script($src[0]) && (meta.type = $src.attr("type")), meta
}, _is_script = function(n) {
return "script" === n.nodeName.toLowerCase()
}, _val = function(s) {
switch (s[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case "textarea":
case "input":
return s.val();
return s.text()
}, _mkey = "jumly", JUMLY.eval = function($src, opts) {
var d, meta;
if (meta = _to_meta($src), d = this._compile(_val($src), meta.type), "function" == typeof opts) opts(d, $src);
else {
if ("object" != typeof opts) throw "no idea to place a new diagram.";
if (!opts.into) throw "missing `into`";
return this._layout(d, meta.type), $.extend(meta, {
dst: d
}),, {
src: $src
}, _opts = {
finder: function($n) {
var e, filter, nodes, _i, _len, _results;
for (nodes = $n.find("script, *[data-jumly]"), filter = function(n) {
var _ref;
return _is_script(n) ? null != (_ref = $(n).attr("type")) ? _ref.match(/text\/jumly\+.*/) : void 0 : !0
}, _results = [], _i = 0, _len = nodes.length; _len > _i; _i++) e = nodes[_i], filter(e) && _results.push(e);
return _results
placer: function(d, $e) {
return $e.after(d)
}, JUMLY.scan = function(scope, opts) {
var $e, dst, e, p, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _results;
for (null == scope && (scope = document), p = $.extend({}, _opts, opts), _ref = p.finder($(scope)), _results = [], _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++) e = _ref[_i], $e = $(e), _results.push((dst = null != (_ref1 = $ ? _ref1.dst : void 0) ? p.synchronize ? JUMLY.eval($e, {
into: dst
}) : void 0 : JUMLY.eval($e, p.placer));
return _results