scripts.sonar-utils.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to Marvelution under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
* for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* Marvelution licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
* Translate the measure trend data to a trend image
* @param measure the measure containing the trend data
* @param isSmall flag for small (true) or big (false) images
* @return the trend image name
AJS.sonar.utils.getTrendImage = function(measure, isSmall) {
if (measure["trend"] === undefined || measure["var"] === undefined) {
return "";
} else if (measure["trend"] === 0 && measure["var"] === 0) {
return "";
} else {
var imageName = "/tendency/" + measure["var"] + "-";
if (measure["trend"] === 1) {
imageName = imageName + "green";
} else {
imageName = imageName + "black";
if (isSmall) {
imageName = imageName + "-small";
return imageName + ".png";
* Get a Measure from the resource JSON object by the Measure key
* @param resource the Resource JSON object
* @param msrKey the key of the Measure to get
* @return the Measure of the resource
AJS.sonar.utils.getMeasureFromResource = function(resource, msrKey) {
for (var index in resource.msr) {
if (resource.msr[index].key === msrKey) {
return resource.msr[index];
return {};
* Get a metric by key from an array of metrics
* @param metrics the array of metrics
* @param metricKey the key of the metric to get
* @return the metric
AJS.sonar.utils.getMetricFromMetricsArray = function(metrics, metricKey) {
for (var index in metrics) {
if (metrics[index].key === metricKey) {
return metrics[index];
return {};
* Validate a Metric to see if its a valid one
* @param metric the Metric to validate
* @return true
if valid, false
AJS.sonar.utils.isValidMetric = function(metric) {
return !(metric != null && metric !== undefined && metric.key !== undefined);
* Validate a Measure to see if its a valid one
* @param measure the Measure to validate
* @return true
if valid, false
AJS.sonar.utils.isValidMeasure = function(measure) {
return !(measure != null && measure !== undefined && measure.key !== undefined);
* Get all the Metrics used for the Color select box with the treemap
* @param metrics Array of all the metrics available
* @return Array of all color metrics
AJS.sonar.utils.getColorMetrics = function(metrics) {
var colorMetrics = new Array();
for(var index in metrics) {
if (metrics[index].val_type === "LEVEL" || metrics[index].val_type === "PERCENT") {
colorMetrics.sort(function(a, b) {
return (> - (>;
return colorMetrics;
* Get all the Metrics used for the Size select box with the treemap
* @param metrics Array of all the metrics available
* @return Array of all size metrics
AJS.sonar.utils.getSizeMetrics = function(metrics) {
var sizeMetrics = new Array();
for(var index in metrics) {
if ((metrics[index].val_type === "INT" || metrics[index].val_type === "FLOAT" || metrics[index].val_type === "MILLISEC")
&& metrics[index].val_type !== "PERCENT" && metrics[index].domain != undefined && metrics[index].domain != null
&& metrics[index].domain !== "") {
sizeMetrics.sort(function(a, b) {
return (> - (>;
return sizeMetrics;
* Create a Select element for Metrics
* @param name the name of the select element
* @param id the id of the select element
* @param options the Metric options
* @param selected the selected metric key
* @param onChange function to bind to the onChange event of the select element
* @return the select element
AJS.sonar.utils.createMetricSelectElement = function(name, id, options, selected, onChange) {
var select = AJS.$("").attr({
name: name,
id: id
AJS.$(options).each(function(index, option) {
value: option.key,
selected: (option.key == selected)
if (onChange != undefined && onChange != null) {
return select;
* Generate a random number between 0 and 1000
* @return the generated random number
AJS.sonar.utils.randomNumber = function() {
return Math.ceil((Math.random() * 1000));
* Get percentage
* @param number the ammount to get the percentage for
* @param totalNumber the total ammount
* @param the percentage
AJS.sonar.utils.getPercentage = function(number, totalNumber) {
return Math.ceil((number / totalNumber) * 100);
* Generate the Error messages box
* @param errors the array of i18n error keys
* @return the error messages div
AJS.sonar.utils.generateErrorMessageBox = function(errors) {
var errorDiv = AJS.$("").addClass("empty-results");
var errorList = AJS.$("
AJS.$.each(errors, function (i, error) {
return errorDiv;
* Convert a RGB color code to Hex color Code
* @param red
* @param green
* @param blue
* @return hex color code
AJS.sonar.utils.rgbToHex = function(red, green, blue) {
return AJS.sonar.utils.toHex(red) + AJS.sonar.utils.toHex(green) + AJS.sonar.utils.toHex(blue);
* Convert a number to hex number
* @param number the number to convert
* @return the hex number
AJS.sonar.utils.toHex = function(number) {
if (number == null) {
return "00";
number = parseInt(number);
if (number == 0 || isNaN(number)) {
return "00";
number = Math.max(0, number);
number = Math.min(number, 255);
number = Math.round(number);
return "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((number - number % 16) / 16) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(number % 16);
* Mix two colors
* @param color the main color
* @param mask the masking color
* @param opacity the opacity of the masking color
* @return the masked color
AJS.sonar.utils.mixColors = function(color, mask, opacity) {
var newColor = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
opacity /= 100.0;
newColor.r = Math.round((color.r * opacity) + (mask.r * (1 - opacity)));
newColor.g = Math.round((color.g * opacity) + (mask.g * (1 - opacity)));
newColor.b = Math.round((color.b * opacity) + (mask.b * (1 - opacity)));
return newColor;