.azure.azure-eventhubs-reactive_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Configuration file [HOCON format]
reactive-eventhubs {
// Connection settings can be retrieved from the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com
connection {
eventHubName = ${?EVENTHUB_NAME}
eventHubEndpoint = ${?EVENTHUB_ENDPOINT}
eventHubPartitions = ${?EVENTHUB_PARTITIONS}
streaming {
consumerGroup = "$Default"
// How many messages to retrieve on each pull, max is 999
receiverBatchSize = 999
// Value expressed as a duration, e.g. 3s, 3000ms, "3 seconds", etc.
receiverTimeout = 5s
// Whether to retrieve information about the partitions while streming events from Event Hub
retrieveRuntimeInfo = false
checkpointing {
// Checkpoints frequency (best effort), for each Event hub partition
// Min: 1 second, Max: 1 minute
frequency = 15s
// How many messages to stream before saving the position, for each Event hub partition.
// Since the stream position is saved in the Source, before the rest of the
// Graph (Flows/Sinks), this provides a mechanism to replay buffered messages.
// The value should be greater than receiverBatchSize
countThreshold = 2000
// Store a position if its value is older than this amount of time, ignoring the threshold.
// For instance when the telemetry stops, this will force to write the last offset after some time.
// Min: 1 second, Max: 1 hour. Value is rounded to seconds.
timeThreshold = 5min
storage {
// Value expressed as a duration, e.g. 3s, 3000ms, "3 seconds", etc.
rwTimeout = 5s
// Supported types (not case sensitive): Cassandra, AzureBlob
backendType = "AzureBlob"
// If you use the same storage while processing multiple streams, you'll want
// to use a distinct table/container/path in each job, to to keep state isolated
namespace = "eventhub-react-checkpoints"
// com.microsoft.azure.reactiveeventhubs.checkpointing.Backends.AzureBlob
azureblob {
// Time allowed for a checkpoint to be written, rounded to seconds (min 15, max 60)
lease = 15s
// Whether to use the Azure Storage Emulator
useEmulator = false
// Storage credentials
protocol = "https"
cassandra {
cluster = "localhost:9042"
replicationFactor = 1
username = ""
password = ""