calate.xsbt-scalate-generator_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.mojolly.scalate
import sbt._
import Keys._
import Project.Initialize
import sbt.classpath.ClasspathUtilities
object ScalatePlugin extends Plugin {
case class Binding(
name: String,
className: String = "Any",
importMembers: Boolean = false,
defaultValue: String = "",
kind: String = "val",
isImplicit: Boolean = false)
val Scalate = config("scalate") hide
val scalateTemplateDirectory = SettingKey[File]("scalate-template-directory",
"Locations of template files.")
val scalateLoggingConfig = SettingKey[File]("scalate-logging-config",
"Logback config to get rid of that infernal debug output.")
val scalateImports = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("scalate-imports",
"The import statements for Scalate templates")
val scalateBindings = SettingKey[Seq[Binding]]("scalate-bindings",
"The bindings for Scalate templates")
val scalateOverwrite = SettingKey[Boolean]("scalate-overwrite",
"Always generate the Scala sources even when they haven't changed")
private def scalateLoggingConfigValue: Initialize[File] =
(resourceDirectory in Compile) { (d) => new File(d, "/logback.xml") }
def scalateTemplateDirectoryValue: Initialize[File] =
(resourceDirectory in Compile) { (d) => d }
def scalateSourceGeneratorTask: Initialize[Task[Seq[File]]] = {
(streams, sourceManaged in Compile, scalateTemplateDirectory in Compile, scalateLoggingConfig in Compile, managedClasspath in scalateClasspaths, scalateImports in Compile, scalateBindings in Compile, scalateOverwrite in Compile) map {
(out, outputDir, inputDirs, logConfig, cp, imports, bindings, overwrite) => generateScalateSource(out, new File(outputDir, "scalate"), inputDirs, logConfig, cp, imports, bindings, overwrite)
val scalateClasspaths = TaskKey[ScalateClasspaths]("scalate-classpaths")
final case class ScalateClasspaths(classpath: PathFinder, scalateClasspath: PathFinder)
def scalateClasspathsTask(cp: Classpath, scalateCp: Classpath) = ScalateClasspaths(,
def generateScalateSource(out: TaskStreams, outputDir: File, inputDir: File, logConfig: File, cp: Classpath, imports: Seq[String], bindings: Seq[Binding], overwrite: Boolean) = {
withScalateClassLoader(cp.files) { classLoader =>
type Generator = {
var sources: File
var targetDirectory: File
var logConfig: File
var overwrite: Boolean
var scalateImports: Array[String]
var scalateBindings: Array[Array[AnyRef]]
def execute: Array[File]
val className = "com.mojolly.scalate.Generator"
val klass = classLoader.loadClass(className)
val inst = klass.newInstance
val generator = klass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[Generator]
generator.sources = inputDir
generator.targetDirectory = outputDir
generator.logConfig = logConfig
generator.overwrite = overwrite
generator.scalateImports = imports.toArray
generator.scalateBindings = bindings.toArray map { b =>
val scalateSettings: Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]] = Seq(
ivyConfigurations += Scalate,
scalateLoggingConfig in Compile <<= (resourceDirectory in Compile) { _ / "logback.xml" },
scalateTemplateDirectory in Compile <<= (resourceDirectory in Compile),
libraryDependencies += "com.mojolly.scalate" %% "scalate-generator" % Version.version %,
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= scalateSourceGeneratorTask,
scalateOverwrite := true,
managedClasspath in scalateClasspaths <<= (classpathTypes, update) map { ( ct, report) =>
Classpaths.managedJars(Scalate, ct, report)
scalateClasspaths <<= (fullClasspath in Runtime, managedClasspath in scalateClasspaths) map scalateClasspathsTask,
scalateBindings := Nil,
scalateImports := Nil)
* Runs a block of code with the Scalate classpath as the context class
* loader. The Scalate classpath is the [[runClassPath]] plus the
* [[buildScalaInstance]]'s jars.
protected def withScalateClassLoader[A](runClassPath: Seq[File])(f: ClassLoader => A): A = {
val oldLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
val loader = ClasspathUtilities.toLoader(runClassPath)
try {
} finally {
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