asbah.casbah-core_2.9.0.RC1.2.1.2.source-code.MongoCollection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010 10gen, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
* http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
package com.mongodb.casbah
import com.mongodb.{ DBCollection, DBCursor }
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Logging
import com.mongodb.casbah.map_reduce.{ MapReduceResult, MapReduceCommand }
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scalaj.collection.Imports._
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCollections,
* including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses
* via setObjectClass and the like.
* Provides any non-parameterized methods and the basic structure.
* Requires an underlying object of a DBCollection.
* This is a rewrite of the Casbah 1.0 approach which was rather
* naive and unecessarily complex.... formerly was MongoCollectionWrapper
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 1.0
* @tparam T (DBObject or subclass thereof)
trait MongoCollectionBase extends Logging { self =>
type T <: DBObject
type CursorType
* The underlying Java Mongo Driver Collection object we proxy.
val underlying: DBCollection
def iterator = find
/** Returns the database this collection is a member of.
* @return this collection's database
implicit val db = underlying.getDB().asScala
/** Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.
* @param o DBObject
to which to add fields
* @return the modified parameter object
def apply[A <% DBObject](o: A) = underlying.apply(o)
/** Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.
* @param jo object to which to add fields
* @param ensureID whether to add an _id
field or not
* @return the modified object o
def apply[A <% DBObject](jo: A, ensureID: Boolean) = underlying.apply(jo, ensureID)
/** Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
* @param keys an object with a key set of the fields desired for the index
def createIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A) = underlying.createIndex(keys)
def createIndex[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](keys: A, options: B) =
underlying.createIndex(keys, options)
* find distinct values for a key
def distinct(key: String) = underlying.distinct(key).asScala
* find distinct values for a key
* @param query query to apply on collection
def distinct[A <% DBObject](key: String, query: A) =
underlying.distinct(key, query).asScala
/** Drops (deletes) this collection
def drop() = underlying.drop
/** Drops (deletes) this collection
def dropCollection() = underlying.drop
def dropIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A) = underlying.dropIndex(keys)
def dropIndex(name: String) = underlying.dropIndex(name)
/** Drops all indices from this collection
def dropIndexes() = underlying.dropIndexes
def dropIndexes(name: String) = underlying.dropIndexes
/** Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
* @param keys an object with a key set of the fields desired for the index
def ensureIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A) = underlying.ensureIndex(keys)
/** Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist).
* ensureIndex is optimized and is inexpensive if the index already exists.
* @param keys fields to use for index
* @param name an identifier for the index
* @dochub indexes
def ensureIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A, name: String) = underlying.ensureIndex(keys, name)
/** Ensures an optionally unique index on this collection.
* @param keys fields to use for index
* @param name an identifier for the index
* @param unique if the index should be unique
def ensureIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A, name: String, unique: Boolean) = underlying.ensureIndex(keys, name, unique)
/** Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist).
* ensureIndex is optimized and is inexpensive if the index already exists.
* @param name an identifier for the index
* @dochub indexes
def ensureIndex(name: String) = underlying.ensureIndex(name)
/** Queries for all objects in this collection.
* @return a cursor which will iterate over every object
* @dochub find
def find() = _newCursor(underlying.find)
/** Queries for an object in this collection.
* @param ref object for which to search
* @return an iterator over the results
* @dochub find
def find[A <% DBObject](ref: A) = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref))
/** Queries for an object in this collection.
* An empty DBObject will match every document in the collection.
* Regardless of fields specified, the _id fields are always returned.
* An example that returns the "x" and "_id" fields for every document
* in the collection that has an "x" field:
* BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
* keys.put("x", 1);
* DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(), keys);
* @param ref object for which to search
* @param keys fields to return
* @return a cursor to iterate over results
* @dochub find
def find[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](ref: A, keys: B) = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref, keys))
/** Finds an object.
* @param ref query used to search
* @param fields the fields of matching objects to return
* @param numToSkip will not return the first numToSkip matches
* @param batchSize if positive, is the # of objects per batch sent back from the db. all objects that match will be returned. if batchSize < 0, its a hard limit, and only 1 batch will either batchSize or the # that fit in a batch
* @param options - see Bytes QUERYOPTION_*
* @return the objects, if found
* @dochub find
def find[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](ref: A, fields: B, numToSkip: Int, batchSize: Int) =
_newCursor(underlying.find(ref, fields, numToSkip, batchSize))
* Returns a single object from this collection.
* @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None
if this collection is empty
def findOne() = _typedValue(underlying.findOne())
* Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
* @param o the query object
* @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None
if no such object exists
def findOne[A <% DBObject](o: A) =
_typedValue(underlying.findOne(o: DBObject))
* Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
* @param o the query object
* @param fields fields to return
* @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None
if no such object exists
* @dochub find
def findOne[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](o: A, fields: B) =
_typedValue(underlying.findOne(o: DBObject, fields))
* Find an object by its ID.
* Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in
* value to the _id field of the document.
* Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
* @param id the id to match
* @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None
if no such object exists
def findOneByID(id: AnyRef) = _typedValue(underlying.findOne(id))
* Find an object by its ID.
* Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in
* value to the _id field of the document.
* Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
* @param id the id to match
* @param fields fields to return
* @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None
if no such object exists
* @dochub find
def findOneByID[B <% DBObject](id: AnyRef, fields: B) =
_typedValue(underlying.findOne(id, fields))
* Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.
* If remove is specified it will be removed. If new is specified then the updated
* document will be returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever).
* You can also specify the fields to return in the document, optionally.
* @return (Option[T]) of the the found document (before, or after the update)
def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A, update: B) =
_typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, update))
* Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.
* @return the old document
def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](query: A, sort: B, update: C) =
_typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, sort, update))
* Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
* @return the old document
def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
remove: Boolean, update: D,
returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean) =
_typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert))
* Finds the first document in the query and removes it.
* @return the removed document
def findAndRemove[A <% DBObject](query: A) =
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* If you have set a connection or DB level WriteConcern,
* it will be inherited.
* @throws MongoException
def request(op: this.type => WriteResult) = {
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* @throws MongoException
def request(w: Int, wTimeout: Int = 0, fsync: Boolean = false)(op: this.type => WriteResult) =
op(this).getLastError(WriteConcern(w, wTimeout, fsync)).throwOnError
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* @throws MongoException
def request(writeConcern: WriteConcern)(op: this.type => WriteResult) =
/** Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.
* A typical use of this might be
* DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
* Which is equilalent to
* DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );
* @param n the name of the collection to find
* @return the matching collection
* TODO - Make this support type construction
def getCollection(n: String) = underlying.getCollection(n).asScala
/** Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.
* A typical use of this might be
* DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
* Which is equilalent to
* DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );
* @param n the name of the collection to find
* @return the matching collection
* TODO - Make this support type construction
def collection(n: String) = underlying.getCollection(n).asScala
* Returns the number of documents in the collection
* @return number of documents in the query
def getCount() = underlying.getCount()
* Returns the number of documents in the collection
* that match the specified query
* @param query query to select documents to count
* @return number of documents that match query
def getCount[A <% DBObject](query: A) = underlying.getCount(query)
* Returns the number of documents in the collection
* that match the specified query
* @param query query to select documents to count
* @param fields fields to return
* @return number of documents that match query and fields
def getCount[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B) =
underlying.getCount(query, fields)
* Returns the number of documents in the collection
* that match the specified query
* @param query query to select documents to count
* @param fields fields to return
* @param limit Max # of fields
* @param skip # of fields to skip
* @return number of documents that match query and fields
def getCount[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, limit: Long, skip: Long) =
underlying.getCount(query, fields, limit, skip)
/** Returns the database this collection is a member of.
* @return this collection's database
def getDB() = underlying.getDB().asScala
/** Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.
* @return the name of this collection
def getFullName() = underlying.getFullName
/** Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.
* @return the name of this collection
def fullName = getFullName()
* Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object
* in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB
* @return list of index documents
def getIndexInfo() = underlying.getIndexInfo.asScala
* Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object
* in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB
* @return list of index documents
def indexInfo = getIndexInfo()
def getName() = underlying.getName
def name = getName()
/** Gets the default class for objects in the collection
* @return the class
def getObjectClass() = underlying.getObjectClass
/** Gets the default class for objects in the collection
* @return the class
def objectClass = getObjectClass()
* setObjectClass
* Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used
* to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.
* This method will return a new MongoTypedCollection[A]
* which you should capture if you want explicit casting.
* Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to
* the current T
(DBObject if you have a generic collection)
* @param c (Class[A])
* @tparam A A Subtype of DBObject
* TODO - Ensure proper subtype return
def setObjectClass[A <: DBObject: Manifest](c: Class[A]) = {
new MongoGenericTypedCollection[A](underlying = self.underlying)
* setObjectClass
* Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used
* to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.
* This method will return a new MongoTypedCollection[A]
* which you should capture if you want explicit casting.
* Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to
* the current T
(DBObject if you have a generic collection)
* @param c (Class[A])
* @tparam A A Subtype of DBObject
def objectClass_=[A <: DBObject: Manifest](c: Class[A]) = setObjectClass(c)
def stats = getStats()
def getStats() = underlying.getStats()
def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B, initial: C, reduce: String) =
underlying.group(key, cond, initial, reduce).map(_._2.asInstanceOf[T])
* Perform an absurdly simple grouping with no initial object or reduce function.
def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B): Iterable[T] =
group(key, cond, MongoDBObject.empty, "function(obj, prev) {}")
def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B, function: String): Iterable[T] =
group(key, cond, MongoDBObject.empty, function)
* Enables you to call group with the finalize parameter (a function that runs on each
* row of the output for calculations before sending a return) which the Mongo Java driver does not yet
* support, by sending a direct DBObject command. Messy, but it works.
def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B, initial: C, reduce: String, finalize: String) = {
val cmdData = MongoDBObject(
"ns" -> getName,
"key" -> key,
"cond" -> cond,
"$reduce" -> reduce,
"initial" -> initial,
"finalize" -> finalize)
log.trace("Executing group command: %s", cmdData)
val result = getDB.command(MongoDBObject("group" -> cmdData))
if (result.get("ok").asInstanceOf[Double] != 1) {
log.warning("Group Statement Failed.")
log.trace("Group command result count : %s keys: %s ", result.get("count"), result.get("keys"))
// TODO - Check me and my casting
* Saves document(s) to the database.
* if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
* you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
* @param arr array of documents to save
* @dochub insert
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def insert[A <% DBObject](docs: A*) = {
val b = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofRef[DBObject]
for (x <- docs) b += x
underlying.insert(b.result: _*)
* Saves document(s) to the database.
* if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
* you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
* @param arr array of documents to save
* @dochub insert
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def insert[A <% DBObject](docs: Traversable[A], writeConcern: WriteConcern) = {
val b = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofRef[DBObject]
for (x <- docs) b += x
underlying.insert(b.result, writeConcern)
* Inserts a document into the database.
* if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
* you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
* @param arr array of documents to save
* @dochub insert
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def insert[A <% DBObject](doc: A, writeConcern: WriteConcern) =
underlying.insert(doc, writeConcern)
* Saves document(s) to the database.
* if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
* you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
* @param list list of documents to save
* @dochub insert
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def insert[A <% DBObject](docs: List[A]) = {
val b = List.newBuilder[DBObject]
for (x <- docs) b += x
def isCapped = underlying.isCapped()
* mapReduce
* Execute a mapReduce against this collection.
* NOTE: JSFunction is just a type alias for String
* @param mapFunction (JSFunction) The JavaScript to execute for the map function
* @param reduceFunction (JSFunction) The JavaScript to execute for the reduce function
def mapReduce(mapFunction: JSFunction,
reduceFunction: JSFunction,
output: MapReduceOutputTarget,
query: Option[DBObject] = None,
sort: Option[DBObject] = None,
limit: Option[Int] = None,
finalizeFunction: Option[JSFunction] = None,
jsScope: Option[String] = None,
verbose: Boolean = false): MapReduceResult =
MapReduceResult(getDB.command(MapReduceCommand(name, mapFunction, reduceFunction,
output, query, sort, limit, finalizeFunction,
jsScope, verbose).toDBObject))
def mapReduce(cmd: MapReduceCommand) = MapReduceResult(getDB.command(cmd.toDBObject))
/** Removes objects from the database collection.
* @param o the object that documents to be removed must match
* @dochub remove
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def remove[A <% DBObject](o: A) = underlying.remove(o)
/** Removes objects from the database collection.
* @param o the object that documents to be removed must match
* @param concern WriteConcern for this operation
* @dochub remove
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def remove[A <% DBObject](o: A, writeConcern: WriteConcern) =
underlying.remove(o, writeConcern)
/** Clears all indices that have not yet been applied to this collection. */
def resetIndexCache() = underlying.resetIndexCache()
/** Saves an object to this collection.
* @param jo the DBObject
to save
* will add _id
field to jo if needed
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def save[A <% DBObject](jo: A) = underlying.save(jo)
/** Saves an object to this collection.
* @param jo the DBObject
to save
* will add _id
field to jo if needed
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def save[A <% DBObject](jo: A, writeConcern: WriteConcern) = underlying.save(jo, writeConcern)
/** Set hint fields for this collection.
* @param lst a list of DBObject
s to be used as hints
def setHintFields[A <% DBObject](docs: List[A]) = {
val b = List.newBuilder[DBObject]
for (x <- docs) b += x
/** Set hint fields for this collection.
* @param lst a list of DBObject
s to be used as hints
def hintFields_=[A <% DBObject](docs: List[A]) = setHintFields(docs)
def setInternalClass(path: String, c: Class[_]) = underlying.setInternalClass(path, c)
def internalClass_=(path: String, c: Class[_]) = setInternalClass(path, c)
override def toString() = underlying.toString
* Performs an update operation.
* @dochub update
* @param q search query for old object to update
* @param o object with which to update q
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def update[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](q: A, o: B) = underlying.update(q, o)
* Performs an update operation.
* @param q search query for old object to update
* @param o object with which to update q
* @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
* @param multi if the update should be applied to all objects matching (db version 1.1.3 and above)
* @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Atomic+Operations
* @dochub update
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def update[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](q: A, o: B, upsert: Boolean, multi: Boolean) = underlying.update(q, o, upsert, multi)
* Performs an update operation.
* @param q search query for old object to update
* @param o object with which to update q
* @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
* @param multi if the update should be applied to all objects matching (db version 1.1.3 and above)
* @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Atomic+Operations
* @param writeConcern WriteConcern for this operation
* @dochub update
* TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
def update[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](q: A, o: B, upsert: Boolean, multi: Boolean, writeConcern: WriteConcern) =
underlying.update(q, o, upsert, multi, writeConcern)
* Perform a multi update
* @dochub update
* @param q search query for old object to update
* @param o object with which to update q
def updateMulti[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](q: A, o: B) = underlying.updateMulti(q, o)
override def hashCode() = underlying.hashCode
/** Checks if this collection is equal to another object.
* @param o object with which to compare this collection
* @return if the two collections are the same object
override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
case other: MongoCollectionBase => underlying.equals(other.underlying)
case _ => false
def count = getCount
def count[A <% DBObject](query: A) = getCount(query)
def count[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B) = getCount(query, fields)
* Gets the the error (if there is one) from the previous operation. The result of
* this command will look like
* { "err" : errorMessage , "ok" : 1.0 }
* The value for errorMessage will be null if no error occurred, or a description otherwise.
* Care must be taken to ensure that calls to getLastError go to the same connection as that
* of the previous operation. See com.mongodb.Mongo.requestStart for more information.
* @return DBObject with error and status information
def getLastError() = getDB.getLastError
def lastError() = getLastError()
def getLastError(writeConcern: WriteConcern) =
def lastError(writeConcern: WriteConcern) =
def getLastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean) =
getDB.getLastError(w, wTimeout, fsync)
def lastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean) =
getLastError(w, wTimeout, fsync)
* Save an object to the Collection
* @param x object to save to the collection
def +=[A <% DBObject](x: A) = save(x)
* Remove a matching object from the collection
* @param x object to remove from the collection
def -=[A <% DBObject](x: A) = remove(x)
* Set the write concern for this database.
* Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for {@link WriteConcern} for more info.
* @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def setWriteConcern(concern: WriteConcern) = underlying.setWriteConcern(concern)
* Set the write concern for this database.
* Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for {@link WriteConcern} for more info.
* @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def writeConcern_=(concern: WriteConcern) = setWriteConcern(concern)
* get the write concern for this database,
* which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for {@link WriteConcern} for more info.
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def getWriteConcern() = underlying.getWriteConcern()
* get the write concern for this database,
* which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for {@link WriteConcern} for more info.
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def writeConcern = getWriteConcern
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def addOption(option: Int) = underlying.addOption(option)
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def resetOptions() = underlying.resetOptions() // use parens because this side-effects
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def getOptions() = underlying.getOptions
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def options = getOptions
* Sets queries to be OK to run on slave nodes.
def slaveOk() = underlying.slaveOk() // use parens because this side-effects
* does a rename of this collection to newName
* As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection,
* and the old collection is probably no good anymore.
* This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will
* still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name
* ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.
* @param newName new collection name (not a full namespace)
* @return the new collection
def rename(newName: String): MongoCollection =
new MongoCollection(self.underlying.rename(newName))
* does a rename of this collection to newName
* As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection,
* and the old collection is probably no good anymore.
* This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will
* still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name
* ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.
* @param newName new collection name (not a full namespace)
* @param dropTarget if a collection with the new name exists, whether or not to drop it
* @return the new collection
def rename(newName: String, dropTarget: Boolean): MongoCollection =
new MongoCollection(self.underlying.rename(newName, dropTarget))
* _newCursor
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (MongoCursorBase)
def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor): CursorType
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
* @param cursor (DBCollection)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoCollectionBase
protected def _typedValue(dbObj: DBObject): Option[T] = Option(dbObj.asInstanceOf[T])
* Concrete collection implementation expecting standard DBObject operation
* This is the version of MongoCollectionBase you should expect to use in most cases.
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 1.0
* @tparam DBObject
class MongoCollection(val underlying: DBCollection) extends MongoCollectionBase with Iterable[DBObject] {
type T = DBObject
type CursorType = MongoCursor
* _newCursor
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (MongoCursorBase)
def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor) = new MongoCursor(cursor)
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
* @param cursor (DBCollection)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoCollection = new MongoCollection(collection)
override protected def _typedValue(dbObj: DBObject): Option[DBObject] = Option(dbObj)
override def head = headOption.get
override def headOption = findOne
override def tail = find.skip(1).toStream
* Concrete collection implementation for typed Cursor operations via Collection.setObjectClass et al
* This is a special case collection for typed operations
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 1.0
* @param val underlying (DBCollection)
* @tparam T A Subclass of DBObject
trait MongoTypedCollection extends MongoCollectionBase {
class MongoGenericTypedCollection[A <: DBObject](val underlying: DBCollection) extends MongoTypedCollection {
type T = A
type CursorType = MongoGenericTypedCursor[A]
* _newCursor
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (MongoCollectionBase)
def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor) = new MongoGenericTypedCursor[T](cursor)
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
* @param cursor (DBCollection)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection) = new MongoGenericTypedCollection[T](collection)
/** Helper object for some static methods
object MongoCollection extends Logging {
* generateIndexName
* Generate an index name from the set of fields it is over
* @param keys (A) The names of the fields used in this index
* @return a String containing the new name, represented from the index' fields
* @tparam A A View of DBObject
def generateIndexName[A <% DBObject](keys: A) = DBCollection.genIndexName(keys)
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