asbah.casbah-core_2.9.0.RC1.2.1.2.source-code.MongoCursor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010 10gen, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
* http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
package com.mongodb.casbah
import com.mongodb.DBCursor
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Logging
import scalaj.collection.Imports._
* Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCursors,
* including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses.
* This is a rewrite of the Casbah 1.0 approach which was rather
* naive and unnecessarily complex.... formerly was MongoCursorWrapper
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 2.0
* @tparam T (DBObject or subclass thereof)
trait MongoCursorBase extends Logging {
type T <: DBObject
val underlying: DBCursor
* next
* Iterator increment.
* TODO: The cast to T should be examined for sanity/safety.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return The next element in the cursor
def next() = underlying.next.asInstanceOf[T]
* hasNext
* Is there another element in the cursor?
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return (Boolean Next)
def hasNext = underlying.hasNext
* sort
* Sort this cursor's elements
* @param orderBy (A) The fields on which to sort
* @tparam A A view of DBObject to sort by
* @return A cursor pointing to the first element of the sorted results
def sort[A <% DBObject](orderBy: A): this.type = {
// The Java code returns a copy of itself (via _this_) so no clone/_newInstance
* count
* The DBCursor's count of elements in the query, passed through
* from the Java object. Note that Scala Iterator[_] base trait
* has a count method which tests predicates and you should
* be careful about using that.
* NOTE: count() ignores any skip/limit settings on a cursor;
* it is the count of the ENTIRE query results.
* If you want to get a count post-skip/limit
* you must use size()
* @see size()
* @return Int indicating the number of elements returned by the query
* @throws MongoException
def count = underlying.count
* Manipulate Query Options
* Adds an option - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for list
* TODO - Create Scala version of Bytes.QUERYOPTION_*
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def option_=(option: Int): Unit = underlying.addOption(option)
* Manipulate Query Options
* Gets current option settings - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for list
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def option = underlying.getOptions
* Manipulate Query Options
* Resets options to default.
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def resetOptions() = underlying.resetOptions() // use parens because this side-effects
* Manipulate Query Options
* Gets current option settings - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for list
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def options = underlying.getOptions
* Manipulate Query Options
* Sets current option settings - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for list
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def options_=(opts: Int): Unit = underlying.setOptions(opts)
* hint
* Provide the Database a hint of which indexed fields of a collection to use
* to improve performance.
* @param indexKeys (A) A DBObject of the index names as keys
* @tparam A A view of DBObject to use for the indexKeys
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def hint[A <% DBObject](indexKeys: A): this.type = {
* hint
* Provide the Database a hint of an indexed field of a collection to use
* to improve performance.
* @param indexName (String) The name of an index
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def hint(indexName: String): this.type = {
* snapshot
* Use snapshot mode for the query.
* Snapshot mode assures no duplicates are returned, or objects missed,
* which were present at both the start and end of the query's
* execution (if an object is new during the query, or deleted during the query,
* it may or may not be returned, even with snapshot mode).
* NOTE: Short query responses (< 1MB) are always effectively snapshotted.
* NOTE: Currently, snapshot mode may not be used with sorting or explicit hints.
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def snapshot(): this.type = {
// The Java code returns a copy of itself (via _this_) so no clone/_newInstance
underlying.snapshot() // parens for side-effecting
* explain
* Returns an object containing basic information about the execution
* of the query that created this cursor.
* This creates an instance of CursorExplanation which is a custom
* dbObject with the key/value pairs:
* - cursor = Cursor Type
* - nscanned = Number of items examined by Mongo for this query
* - nscannedObjects = Number of objects examined by Mongo
* - n = the number of records which Mongo returned
* - millis = how long it took Mongo to execute the query
* - nYields = number of times this query yielded the read lock to let writes in
* - indexBounds = the index boundaries used.
* CursorExplanation provides utility methods to access these fields.
* @see http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/explain
* @return an instance of CursorExplanation
def explain = new CursorExplanation(underlying.explain)
* limit
* Limits the number of elements returned.
* NOTE: Specifying a negative number instructs
* the server to retrun that number of items and close the cursor.
* It will only return what can fit into a single 4MB response
* @param n (Int) The number of elements to return
* @return A cursor pointing to the first element of the limited results
* @see http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/limit
def limit(n: Int): this.type = {
* skip
* Discards a given number of elements at the beginning of the cursor.
* @param n (Int) The number of elements to skip
* @return A cursor pointing to the first element of the results
* @see http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/skip
def skip(n: Int): this.type = {
* cursorId
* @return A long representing the cursorID on the server; 0 = no cursor
def cursorId = underlying.getCursorId()
* close
* Kill the current cursor on the server
def close() = underlying.close() // parens for side-effect
* slaveOk
* Makes this query OK to run on a non-master node.
def slaveOk() = underlying.slaveOk() // parens for side-effect
def numGetMores = underlying.numGetMores
* numSeen
* Returns the number of objects through which this cursor has iterated,
* as tracked by the java driver.
* @return The number of objects seen
def numSeen = underlying.numSeen
def sizes = underlying.getSizes.asScala
* batchSize
* Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
* @param n (Int) The number of elements to return in a batch
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def batchSize(n: Int) = {
def keysWanted = underlying.getKeysWanted
def query = underlying.getQuery
* "Special" Operators for cursors
* adds a special operator like $maxScan or $returnKey
* @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Advanced+Queries#AdvancedQueries-Specialoperators
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
* @example addSpecial( "$returnKey" , 1 )
* @example addSpecial( "$maxScan" , 100 )
def addSpecial(name: String, o: Any): this.type = {
// The Java code returns a copy of itself (via _this_) so no clone/_newInstance
underlying.addSpecial(name, o.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
* $returnKey
* Sets a special operator of $returnKey
* If true, returns ONLY the index key.
* Defaults to true if you just call $returnKey
* @param bool (Boolean = true)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $returnKey(bool: Boolean = true): this.type = addSpecial("$returnKey", bool)
* $maxScan
* Sets a special operator of $maxScan
* Which defines the max number of items to scan.
* @param max (A)
* @tparam A : Numeric
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $maxScan[A: Numeric](max: T): this.type = addSpecial("$maxScan", max)
* $query
* Sets a special operator of $query
* Which defines the query for this cursor.
* This is the same as running find() on a Collection with the query.
* @param q (DBObject)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $query[A <% DBObject](q: A): this.type = addSpecial("$query", q)
* $orderby
* Sets a special operator of $orderby
* which defines the sort spec for this cursor.
* This is the same as calling sort on the cursor.
* @param obj (DBObject)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $orderby[A <% DBObject](obj: A): this.type = addSpecial("$orderby", obj)
* $explain
* Sets a special operator of $explain
* which, if true, explains the query instead of returning results.
* This is the same as calling the explain() method on the cursor.
* @param bool (Boolean = true)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $explain(bool: Boolean = true): this.type = addSpecial("$explain", bool)
* $snapshot
* Sets a special operator of $snapshot
* which, if True, sets snapshot mode on the query.
* This is the same as calling the snapshot() method on the cursor.
* @param bool (Boolean = true)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $snapshot(bool: Boolean = true): this.type = addSpecial("$snapshot", bool)
* $min
* Sets minimum index bounds - commonly paired with $max
* @param obj (DBObject)
* @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/min+and+max+Query+Specifiers
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $min[A <% DBObject](obj: A): this.type = addSpecial("$min", obj)
* $max
* Sets maximum index bounds - commonly paired with $max
* @param obj (DBObject)
* @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/max+and+max+Query+Specifiers
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $max[A <% DBObject](obj: A): this.type = addSpecial("$max", obj)
* $showDiskLoc
* Sets a special operator $showDiskLoc which, if true,
* shows the disk location of results.
* @param bool (Boolean = true)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $showDiskLoc(bool: Boolean = true): this.type = addSpecial("$showDiskLoc", bool)
* $hint
* Sets a special operator $hint which
* forces the query to use a given index.
* This is the same as calling hint() on the cursor.
* @param obj (DBObject)
* @return the same DBCursor, useful for chaining operations
def $hint[A <% DBObject](obj: A): this.type = addSpecial("$hint", obj)
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(cursor: DBCursor): MongoCursorBase
* copy
* Creates a new copy of an existing database cursor.
* The new cursor is an iterator even if the original
* was an array.
* @return The new cursor
def copy(): MongoCursorBase = _newInstance(underlying.copy()) // parens for side-effects
* Concrete cursor implementation expecting standard DBObject operation
* This is the version of MongoCursorBase you should expect to use in most cases.
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 1.0
* @param val underlying (com.mongodb.DBCollection)
* @tparam DBObject
class MongoCursor(val underlying: DBCursor) extends MongoCursorBase with Iterator[DBObject] {
type T = DBObject
* size
* The DBCursor's count of elements in the query,
* AFTER the application of skip/limit, passed through
* from the Java object.
* NOTE: size() takes into account any skip/limit settings on a cursor;
* it is the size of just the window.
* If you want to get a count of the entire query ignoring skip/limit
* you must use count()
* @see count()
* @return Int indicating the number of elements returned by the query after skip/limit
* @throws MongoException
override def size = underlying.size
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(cursor: DBCursor) = new MongoCursor(cursor)
* copy
* Creates a new copy of an existing database cursor.
* The new cursor is an iterator even if the original
* was an array.
* @return The new cursor
override def copy(): MongoCursor = _newInstance(underlying.copy()) // parens for side-effects
object MongoCursor extends Logging {
* Initialize a new cursor with your own custom settings
* @param collection (MongoCollection) collection to use
* @param query (Q) Query to perform
* @param keys (K) Keys to return from the query
* @return (instance) A new MongoCursor
def apply[T <: DBObject: Manifest](collection: MongoCollectionBase, query: DBObject,
keys: DBObject) = {
val cursor = new DBCursor(collection.underlying, query, keys)
if (manifest[T] == manifest[DBObject])
new MongoCursor(cursor)
new MongoGenericTypedCursor[T](cursor)
* Concrete cursor implementation for typed Cursor operations via Collection.setObjectClass
* This is a special case cursor for typed operations.
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 2.0, 12/23/10
* @since 1.0
* @param val underlying (com.mongodb.DBCollection)
* @tparam A A Subclass of DBObject
class MongoGenericTypedCursor[A <: DBObject](val underlying: DBCursor) extends MongoCursorBase {
type T = A
* _newInstance
* Utility method which concrete subclasses
* are expected to implement for creating a new
* instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
* Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
* @param cursor (DBCursor)
* @return (this.type)
def _newInstance(cursor: DBCursor) = new MongoGenericTypedCursor[T](cursor)
* copy
* Creates a new copy of an existing database cursor.
* The new cursor is an iterator even if the original
* was an array.
* @return The new cursor
override def copy(): MongoGenericTypedCursor[T] = _newInstance(underlying.copy()) // parens for side-effects
* @author Brendan W. McAdams
* @version 1.0, 12/15/10
* @since 2.0
* @param val underlying (DBObject)
* @see http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/explain
sealed class CursorExplanation(val underlying: DBObject) extends MongoDBObject {
* cursor
* The cursor type for the query
* TODO - look at making this an enum?
def cursor = getAs[String]("cursor")
* nscanned
* Number of items examined by Mongo for this query.
* Items could be objects or index keys---if a "covered" index
* is involved, nscanned may be higher than nscannedObjects
* @return a Long value indicating 'nscanned'
def nscanned = getAs[Long]("nscanned")
* nscannedObjects
* @return a Long value of # objects examined by Mongo for this query.
def nscannedObjects = getAs[Long]("nscannedObjects")
* nYields
* @return A long value of the number of times the query yielded the read lock to let writes in
def nYields = getAs[Long]("nYields")
* n
* @return a Long value of the number of objects which Mongo returned
def n = getAs[Long]("n")
* millis
* @return The number of milliseconds the query took to execute
def millis = getAs[Long]("millis")
* indexBounds
* @return the index boundaries this query used.
def indexBounds = getAs[MongoDBList]("indexBounds")
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