META-INF.spring-batch.terrific.assets.js.terrific.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Terrific JavaScript Framework v2.0.1
* Copyright 2012, Remo Brunschwiler
* MIT Licensed.
* Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 13:44:44 GMT
* Includes:
* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig
* MIT Licensed.
* @module Tc
var Tc = Tc || {};
Tc.$ = $, function () {
var a = !1, b = /xyz/.test(function () {
}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
this.Class = function () {
}, Class.extend = function (c) {
function g() {
!a && this.init && this.init.apply(this, arguments)
var d = this.prototype;
a = !0;
var e = new this;
a = !1;
for (var f in c) e[f] = typeof c[f] == "function" && typeof d[f] == "function" && b.test(c[f]) ? function (a, b) {
return function () {
var c = this._super;
this._super = d[a];
var e = b.apply(this, arguments);
return this._super = c, e
}(f, c[f]) : c[f];
return g.prototype = e, g.constructor = g, g.extend = arguments.callee, g
}(), Tc.Config = {dependencies: {css: "/css/dependencies", js: "/js/dependencies"}}, function (a) {
"use strict", Tc.Application = Class.extend({
init: function (b, c) {
this.config = a.extend(Tc.Config, c), this.$ctx = b || a("body"), this.modules = [], this.connectors = {}, this.sandbox = new Tc.Sandbox(this, this.config)
}, registerModules: function (b) {
var c = this, d = [], e = Tc.Utils.String;
return b = b || this.$ctx, b.find('.mod:not([data-ignore="true"])').each(function () {
var b = a(this), f = b.attr("class").split(" ");
if (f.length > 1) {
var g, h = [], i = [], j;
for (var k = 0, l = f.length; k < l; k++) {
var m = a.trim(f[k]);
m && (m.indexOf("-") > -1 && (m = e.toCamel(m)), m.indexOf("mod") === 0 && m.length > 3 ? g = m.substr(3) : m.indexOf("skin") === 0 && h.push(m.substr(4).replace(g, "")))
j = b.attr("data-connectors");
if (j) {
i = j.split(",");
for (var k = 0, l = i.length; k < l; k++) {
var n = a.trim(i[k]);
n && (i[k] = n)
g && Tc.Module[g] && d.push(c.registerModule(b, g, h, i))
}), d
}, unregisterModules: function (b) {
var c = this.connectors;
b = b || this.modules;
if (b === this.modules) {
this.connectors = [], this.modules = [];
else {
for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) {
var f = b[d], g;
for (var h in c) c.hasOwnProperty(h) && c[h].unregisterComponent(f);
g = a.inArray(f, this.modules), g > -1 && delete this.modules[g]
}, start: function (a) {
a = a || this.modules;
for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b].start()
}, stop: function (a) {
a = a || this.modules;
for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b].stop()
}, registerModule: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.modules;
b = b || undefined, c = c || [], d = d || [];
if (b && Tc.Module[b]) {
var f = e.length;"id", f), e[f] = new Tc.Module[b](a, this.sandbox, f);
for (var g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; g++) {
var i = c[g];
Tc.Module[b][i] && (e[f] = e[f].getDecoratedModule(b, i))
for (var g = 0, h = d.length; g < h; g++) this.registerConnection(d[g], e[f]);
return e[f]
return null
}, registerConnection: function (b, c) {
b = a.trim(b);
var d = b.split("-"), e, f, g;
d.length === 1 ? g = f = d[0] : d.length === 2 && (e = d[0], f = d[1], g = e + f);
if (g) {
var h = this.connectors;
h[g] || (e ? Tc.Connector[e] && (h[g] = new Tc.Connector[e](f)) : h[g] = new Tc.Connector(f)), h[g] && (c.attachConnector(h[g]), h[g].registerComponent(c))
}, unregisterConnection: function (a, b) {
var c = this.connectors[a];
c && (c.unregisterComponent(b), b.detachConnector(c))
}(Tc.$), function (a) {
"use strict", Tc.Sandbox = Class.extend({
init: function (a, b) {
this.application = a, this.config = b, this.afterCallbacks = []
}, addModules: function (a) {
var b = [], c = this.application;
return a && (b = c.registerModules(a), c.start(b)), b
}, removeModules: function (a) {
var b = this.application;
a && (b.stop(a), b.unregisterModules(a))
}, subscribe: function (a, b) {
var c = this.application;
b instanceof Tc.Module && a && (a += "", c.registerConnection(a, b))
}, unsubscribe: function (a, b) {
var c = this.application;
b instanceof Tc.Module && a && (a += "", c.unregisterConnection(a, b))
}, getModuleById: function (a) {
var b = this.application;
if (b.modules[a] !== undefined) {
return b.modules[a];
throw new Error("the module with the id " + a + " does not exist")
}, getConfig: function () {
return this.config
}, getConfigParam: function (a) {
var b = this.config;
if (b[a] !== undefined) {
return b[a];
throw new Error("the config param " + a + " does not exist")
}, ready: function (a) {
var b = this.afterCallbacks;
if (this.application.modules.length === b.length) {
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c];
typeof d == "function" && (delete b[c], d())
}(Tc.$), function (a) {
"use strict", Tc.Module = Class.extend({
init: function (a, b, c) {
this.$ctx = a, = c, this.connectors = {}, this.sandbox = b
}, start: function () {
var a = this;
this.on && this.on(function () {
}, stop: function () {
var b = this.$ctx;
a("*", b).unbind().removeData(), b.unbind().removeData()
}, initAfter: function () {
var a = this;
this.sandbox.ready(function () {
a.after && a.after()
}, fire: function (b, c, d, e) {
var f = this, g = this.connectors, h = !0;
d == null && e == null ? typeof c == "function" ? (e = c, c = undefined) : a.isArray(c) && (d = c, c = undefined) : e == null && (typeof d == "function" && (e = d, d = undefined), a.isArray(c) && (d = c, c = undefined)), b = Tc.Utils.String.capitalize(b), c = c || {}, d = d || Object.keys(g);
for (var i = 0, j = d.length; i < j; i++) {
var k = d[i];
if (!g.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
throw new Error("the module #" + + " is not connected to connector " + k);
var l = g[k], m = l.notify(f, "on" + b, c) || !1;
m || (h = !1)
h && typeof e == "function" && e()
}, attachConnector: function (a) {
this.connectors[a.connectorId] = a
}, detachConnector: function (a) {
delete this.connectors[a.connectorId]
}, getDecoratedModule: function (a, b) {
if (Tc.Module[a][b]) {
var c = Tc.Module[a][b];
return c.prototype = this, c.prototype.constructor = Tc.Module[a][b], new c(this)
return null
}(Tc.$), function (a) {
"use strict", Tc.Connector = Class.extend({
init: function (a) {
this.connectorId = a, this.components = {}
}, registerComponent: function (a) {
this.components[] = {component: a}
}, unregisterComponent: function (a) {
var b = this.components;
b[] && delete b[]
}, notify: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = !0, f = this.components;
for (var g in f) if (f.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
var h = f[g].component;
h !== a && h[b] && h[b](c) === !1 && (e = !1)
return e
}(Tc.$), Tc.Utils = {}, Object.keys || (Object.keys = function (a) {
var b = [], c;
for (c in a), c) && b.push(c);
return b
}), function (a) {
"use strict", Tc.Utils.String = {
capitalize: function (a) {
return a.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase().concat(a.substr(1))
}, toCamel: function (a) {
return a.replace(/(\-[A-Za-z])/g, function (a) {
return a.toUpperCase().replace("-", "")
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