nextapp.echo.extras.webcontainer.resource.Sync.RemoteTree.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Component rendering peer: Tree (Remote)
Extras.Sync.RemoteTree = Core.extend(Echo.Render.ComponentSync, {
$static: {
_BORDER_SIDE_STYLE_NAMES: ["borderTop", "borderRight", "borderBottom", "borderLeft"],
_SIDE_TO_PADDING_MAP: { "top": "paddingTop", "right" : "paddingRight", "bottom" : "paddingBottom", "left" : "paddingLeft" },
_supportedPartialProperties: ["treeStructure", "selection"],
0: {
open: "image/tree/Open.gif",
openBottom: "image/tree/Open.gif",
closed: "image/tree/Closed.gif",
closedBottom: "image/tree/Closed.gif",
join: "image/tree/Transparent.gif",
joinBottom: "image/tree/Transparent.gif"
1: {
vertical: "image/tree/VerticalSolid.gif",
open: "image/tree/OpenSolid.gif",
openBottom: "image/tree/OpenBottomSolid.gif",
closed: "image/tree/ClosedSolid.gif",
closedBottom: "image/tree/ClosedBottomSolid.gif",
join: "image/tree/JoinSolid.gif",
joinBottom: "image/tree/JoinBottomSolid.gif"
2: {
vertical: "image/tree/VerticalDotted.gif",
open: "image/tree/OpenDotted.gif",
openBottom: "image/tree/OpenBottomDotted.gif",
closed: "image/tree/ClosedDotted.gif",
closedBottom: "image/tree/ClosedBottomDotted.gif",
join: "image/tree/JoinDotted.gif",
joinBottom: "image/tree/JoinBottomDotted.gif"
$load: function() {
Echo.Render.registerPeer("Extras.RemoteTree", this);
renderAdd: function(update, parentElement) {
this._lineStyle = this.component.render("lineStyle", Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.LINE_STYLE_DOTTED);
this._imageSet = { };
for (var x in Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.TREE_IMAGES[this._lineStyle]) {
this._imageSet[x] = this.client.getResourceUrl("Extras",
this._showLines = this._lineStyle != Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.LINE_STYLE_NONE;
this._showsRootHandle = this.component.render("showsRootHandle", false);
this._rootVisible = this.component.render("rootVisible", true);
this._headerVisible = this.component.render("headerVisible", false);
this._rolloverEnabled = this.component.render("rolloverEnabled");
this._selectionEnabled = this.component.render("selectionEnabled");
if (this._selectionEnabled) {
this.selectionModel = new Extras.TreeSelectionModel(parseInt(this.component.get("selectionMode"), 10));
this._defaultInsets = this.component.render("insets");
if (!this._defaultInsets) {
this._defaultInsets = "0px";
this._defaultCellPadding = Echo.Sync.Insets.toCssValue(this._defaultInsets);
var width = this.component.render("width");
if (width && Core.Web.Env.QUIRK_IE_TABLE_PERCENT_WIDTH_SCROLLBAR_ERROR && Echo.Sync.Extent.isPercent(width)) {
this._renderPercentWidthByMeasure = parseInt(width, 10);
width = null;
var tableElement = document.createElement("table");
this._element = tableElement; = this.component.renderId; = "0px";
tableElement.cellSpacing = "0";
tableElement.cellPadding = "0";
Echo.Sync.Border.render(this.component.render("border"), tableElement);
if (width) { = width;
var tbodyElement = document.createElement("tbody");
this._tbodyElement = tbodyElement;
//-- element needed for FF-specific hack, see _doExpansion function
this._buggerTBody = document.createElement("tbody"); = "none";
this._buggerRow = document.createElement("tr");
var localStructure = this.component.get("treeStructure");
var fullLocalStructure = localStructure != null && localStructure.fullRefresh;
if (fullLocalStructure) {
// tree structure in local style is a full structure
this.component.treeStructure = localStructure[0];
} else {
// local style structure contains a partial update
this.columnCount = this.component.get("columnCount");
if (this._headerVisible) {
this._renderNode(update, this.component.treeStructure.getHeaderNode());
var rootNode = this.component.treeStructure.getRootNode();
this._renderNode(update, rootNode);
var selection = this.component.render("selection");
if (selection && this._selectionEnabled) {
_computeEffectBorderCompensation: function() {
var selectionBorder = this.component.render("selectionBorder");
var rolloverBorder = this.component.render("rolloverBorder");
var selectionBorderLeft = 0;
if (selectionBorder && this._selectionEnabled) {
selectionBorderLeft = Echo.Sync.Border.getPixelSize(selectionBorder, "left");
var rolloverBorderLeft = 0;
if (rolloverBorder && this._rolloverEnabled) {
rolloverBorderLeft = Echo.Sync.Border.getPixelSize(rolloverBorder, "left");
this._effectBorderCompensation = Math.max(selectionBorderLeft, rolloverBorderLeft);
_renderColumnWidths: function() {
if (!this.component.render("columnWidth")) {
// If any column widths are set, render colgroup.
var columnPixelAdjustment;
var pixelInsets = Echo.Sync.Insets.toPixels(this._defaultInsets);
columnPixelAdjustment = pixelInsets.left + pixelInsets.right;
this._colGroupElement = document.createElement("colgroup");
var renderRelative = !Core.Web.Env.NOT_SUPPORTED_RELATIVE_COLUMN_WIDTHS;
for (var i = 0; i < this.columnCount; ++i) {
var colElement = document.createElement("col");
var width = this.component.renderIndex("columnWidth", i);
if (width != null) {
if (Echo.Sync.Extent.isPercent(width)) {
colElement.width = parseFloat(width) + (renderRelative ? "*" : "%");
} else {
var columnPixels = Echo.Sync.Extent.toPixels(width, true);
if (columnPixelAdjustment) {
colElement.width = columnPixels - columnPixelAdjustment + "px";
} else {
colElement.width = columnPixels + "px";
renderDisplay: function() {
if (this._renderPercentWidthByMeasure) { = "";
var percentWidth = (this._element.parentNode.offsetWidth * this._renderPercentWidthByMeasure) / 100; = percentWidth + "px";
* Creates an iterator object for easy navigating through the tree table.
* @param startRow the row element to start with,
* this element will be returned on the first call to nextRow().
* If null, the iteration will start at the first row.
* @param endRow the row that ends the iteration. When endRow is encountered
* while iterating the iterator will return null, and will not advance to the next row.
_elementIterator: function(startRow, endRow) {
var component = this.component;
if (!startRow && this._tbodyElement.firstChild) {
startRow = this._tbodyElement.firstChild;
return {
startRow : startRow,
rowElement : null,
* Advance to the next row. If node is provided rows will be skipped until the row is
* found that node is rendered to. If no row is found for the node, null is returned,
* and the cursor is reset to its current state.
nextRow : function(node) {
var cursor = this.rowElement;
var result = this._nextRow();
if (!node) {
return result;
var id = component.renderId + "_tr_" + node.getId();
while (result && != id) {
result = this._nextRow();
if (!result && node) {
this.rowElement = cursor;
return result;
_nextRow : function() {
if (this.rowElement) {
if (this.rowElement.nextSibling == endRow) {
return null;
this.rowElement = this.rowElement.nextSibling;
} else {
this.rowElement = this.startRow;
return this.rowElement;
* Advance to the next row, and return the node element of that row.
nextNodeElement : function() {
if (!this.rowElement) {
return null;
return this.currentNodeElement();
* Returns the node element on the current row.
currentNodeElement : function() {
var cellElement = this._nestedTdElement(this.rowElement);
while (cellElement) {
if (cellElement.__ExtrasTreeCellType == "node") {
return cellElement;
cellElement = cellElement.nextSibling;
return null;
* Returns the expando element on the current row, if the current
* row does not contain an expando element, null is returned.
currentExpandoElement : function() {
var cellElement = this._nestedTdElement(this.rowElement);
while (cellElement) {
if (cellElement.__ExtrasTreeCellType == "expando") {
return cellElement;
cellElement = cellElement.nextSibling;
return null;
_nestedTdElement : function(rowElement) {
var count = 0;
var e = rowElement;
do {
e = e.firstChild;
if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td") {
} while (count < 2);
return e;
_renderNode: function(update, node) {
var rowElement = this._getRowElementForNode(node);
var nodeDepth = this.component.treeStructure.getNodeDepth(node);
var insertBefore = null;
if (rowElement) {
insertBefore = rowElement.nextSibling;
var nodeSibling = this.component.treeStructure.getNodeNextSibling(node, true);
var endRow = null;
if (nodeSibling) {
endRow = this._getRowElementForNode(nodeSibling);
var iterator = this._elementIterator(rowElement, endRow);
var visible = true;
var parentNode = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(node.getParentId());
if (parentNode) {
visible = parentNode.isExpanded();
this._renderNodeRecursive(update, node, iterator, nodeDepth, insertBefore, visible);
_renderNodeRecursive: function(update, node, iterator, depth, insertBefore, visible) {
if (visible == null) {
visible = true;
if (!this._rootVisible && node == this.component.treeStructure.getRootNode()) {
visible = false;
var trElement = iterator.nextRow(node);
var tdElement;
var expandoElement;
var rendered = trElement != null;
if (!rendered) {
var elems = this._renderNodeRowStructure(insertBefore, node, depth);
// skip the just created row element
trElement = elems.trElement;
tdElement = elems.tdElement;
expandoElement = elems.expandoElement;
var component = this.component.application.getComponentByRenderId(node.getId());
Echo.Render.renderComponentAdd(update, component, tdElement);
if (this.columnCount > 1) {
for (var c = 0; c < this.columnCount - 1; ++c) {
var columnElement = document.createElement("td");
var columnComponent = this.component.application.getComponentByRenderId(node.getColumn(c));
Echo.Render.renderComponentAdd(update, columnComponent, columnElement);
} else { = ""; // unhide
tdElement = iterator.currentNodeElement();
expandoElement = iterator.currentExpandoElement();
if (expandoElement) {
this._renderExpandoElement(node, expandoElement);
if (!visible) { = "none";
// render child nodes
var expanded = node.isExpanded();
var childCount = node.getChildNodeCount();
insertBefore = trElement.nextSibling;
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
var childNode = node.getChildNode(i);
if (insertBefore) {
if ( == (this.component.renderId + "_tr_" + childNode.getId())) {
insertBefore = insertBefore.nextSibling;
if (expanded || !rendered) {
this._renderNodeRecursive(update, childNode, iterator, depth + 1, insertBefore, expanded);
} else {
// child node should not be visible
this._hideNode(childNode, iterator);
_getIconLineStyleSuffix: function() {
switch (this._lineStyle) {
case Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.LINE_STYLE_NONE:
return "";
case Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.LINE_STYLE_SOLID:
return "Solid";
case Extras.Sync.RemoteTree.LINE_STYLE_DOTTED:
return "Dotted";
_getToggleIcon: function(node) {
var imageSuffix = this._getIconLineStyleSuffix();
var bottom = "";
if (this._showLines && !this.component.treeStructure.hasNodeNextSibling(node)) {
bottom = "Bottom";
if (node.isExpanded()) {
return this.component.render("nodeOpen" + bottom + "Icon", this._imageSet["open" + bottom]);
} else {
return this.component.render("nodeClosed" + bottom + "Icon", this._imageSet["closed" + bottom]);
_getJoinIcon: function(node) {
var imageSuffix = this._getIconLineStyleSuffix();
var bottom = "";
if (!this.component.treeStructure.hasNodeNextSibling(node)) {
bottom = "Bottom";
return this.component.render("lineJoin" + bottom + "Icon", this._imageSet["join" + bottom]);
_renderExpandoElement: function(node, expandoElement) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
var joinIcon = this._getJoinIcon(node);
var joinFillImage = { url: joinIcon.url ? joinIcon.url : joinIcon, repeat: "no-repeat", x: "50%", y: 0 };
Echo.Sync.FillImage.render(joinFillImage, expandoElement);
} else {
var toggleIcon = this._getToggleIcon(node);
var toggleFillImage = { url: toggleIcon.url ? toggleIcon.url : toggleIcon, repeat: "no-repeat", x: "50%", y: 0 };
Echo.Sync.FillImage.render(toggleFillImage, expandoElement);
_hideNode: function(node, iterator) {
var rowElement = iterator.nextRow(node);
if (!rowElement || == "none") {
} = "none";
var childCount = node.getChildNodeCount();
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
var childNode = node.getChildNode(i);
this._hideNode(childNode, iterator);
* Renders border to element, only the sides provided in the sides argument will be applied.
* If border is null, this method returns silently.
* @param border the border to render
* @param {Array} side names to render, (borderLeft/borderRight/borderTop/borderBottom)
* The elements of the array need not be ordered.
* @param element the element to render border to
_applyBorder: function(border, sides, element) {
if (!border) {
for (var i in sides) {
Echo.Sync.Border.render(border, element, sides[i]);
* Renders insets to element, only the sides provided in the sides argument will be applied.
* @param {String} insets the insets to render, may not be null
* @param {Array} sides the indices of the insets sides to render, possible values are:
* - top
* - right
* - bottom
* - left
* The elements of the array need not be ordered.
* @param element the element to render insets to
_applyInsets: function(insets, sides, element) {
var pixelInsets = Echo.Sync.Insets.toPixels(insets);
for (var i = 0; i < sides.length; ++i) {
var padding = Extras.Sync.RemoteTree._SIDE_TO_PADDING_MAP[sides[i]];[padding] = pixelInsets[sides[i]] + "px";
* Creates the row structure for node. The resulting row will be inserted in the current table element
* (this._element) before insertBefore. If insertBefore is null, the row will be appended to the end
* of the table.
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} insertBefore the row element to insert the resulting row before, if null
* the resulting row will be appended to the end of the table
* @param {Extras.RemoteTree.TreeNode} node the node to create the row structure for
* @param {Integer} depth the depth of this node, the root node has depth 1
* @return an object containing three elements that were created in this method. The object
* the following elements:
* - trElement (the row element)
* - tdElement (the cell element in which the node component is rendered (column 0))
* - expandoElement (the cell element in which the expando icon is rendered,
* this element is null for the header row)
* @type Object
_renderNodeRowStructure: function(insertBefore, node, depth) {
var img;
var isHeader = node == this.component.treeStructure.getHeaderNode();
var trElement = document.createElement("tr"); = this.component.renderId + "_tr_" + node.getId(); = isHeader || !this._selectionEnabled ? "default" : "pointer"; = "top";
var nodeTable = document.createElement("table"); = "collapse"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px";
var nodeRowElement = document.createElement("tr");
if (!this._rootVisible || (!this._showsRootHandle && node != this.component.treeStructure.getRootNode())) {
var parentNode = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(node.getParentId());
for (var c = 0; c < depth - 1; ++c) {
var rowHeaderElement = document.createElement("td"); = "tree_" + node.getId() + "_" + c; = "0px"; = "19px";
img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = this.client.getResourceUrl("Extras", "image/tree/Transparent.gif"); = "19px";
// = "10px";
if (parentNode) {
if (this._showLines && this.component.treeStructure.hasNodeNextSibling(parentNode) && this._imageSet.vertical) {
var verticalLineFillImage = { url: this._imageSet.vertical, repeat: "no-repeat", x: "50%", y: 0 };
Echo.Sync.FillImage.render(verticalLineFillImage, rowHeaderElement);
parentNode = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(parentNode.getParentId());
nodeRowElement.insertBefore(rowHeaderElement, nodeRowElement.firstChild);
var expandoElement;
if (!isHeader && !(!this._showsRootHandle && node == this.component.treeStructure.getRootNode())) {
expandoElement = document.createElement("td"); = "tree_" + node.getId() + "_expando";
expandoElement.__ExtrasTreeCellType = "expando"; = "0"; = "19px"; = "center";
img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = this.client.getResourceUrl("Extras", "image/tree/Transparent.gif"); = "19px";
// = "10px";
var tdElement = document.createElement("td"); = "0px";
var nodeCellElement = document.createElement("td");
nodeCellElement.__ExtrasTreeCellType = "node";
tdElement.appendChild(nodeTable); = "hidden"; = this._effectBorderCompensation + "px";
this._tbodyElement.insertBefore(trElement, insertBefore);
var elements = {
trElement: trElement,
tdElement: nodeCellElement,
expandoElement: expandoElement
if (!isHeader) {
return elements;
* Applies the default style for rowElement. This method renders the following css properties:
* - foreground
* - background
* - backgroundImage
* - border
* - font
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} rowElement the row element to apply the style on
_setDefaultRowStyle: function(rowElement) {
this._setRolloverState(rowElement, false);
_resolvePropertyName: function(effect, propName, state) {
if (effect && state) {
return effect + propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1);
} else {
return propName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + propName.substring(1);
_getProperty: function(propName, context, layoutData, onlyEffectProps) {
var result;
var effect = context.getDefaultEffect();
var resolvedName = this._resolvePropertyName(effect, propName, false);
while (!result && effect) {
var state = context.isEffect(effect);
var resolvedEffectName = this._resolvePropertyName(effect, propName, state);
if (state) {
result = this.component.render(resolvedEffectName);
effect = context.getEffect(effect);
if (!result && layoutData) {
result = layoutData[resolvedName];
if (!result && !onlyEffectProps) {
result = this.component.render(resolvedName);
return result;
* Creates a context object for rendering row styles.
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} rowElement the row element to apply the style on
* @param {String} effect the most significant effect (the effect that should be
* rendered first, before trying the other effects)
* @param {Boolean} state the effect state, true if the effect should be rendered, false if not
_createRowStyleContext: function(rowElement, effect, state) {
var context = {
rowElement: rowElement,
effects: {},
effectOrder: [],
* Returns the default effect (the first effect of which the state is enabled)
getDefaultEffect: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.effectOrder.length; i++) {
var effect = this.effectOrder[i];
if (this.isEffect(effect)) {
return effect;
return null;
* Gets the effect that should be applied after the given effect
getEffect: function(effect) {
var index;
if (effect) {
index = Core.Arrays.indexOf(this.effectOrder, effect) + 1;
} else {
index = 0;
return this.effectOrder[index];
* Checks if the given effect is enabled
isEffect: function(effect) {
return this.effects[effect];
* Add an affect
addEffect: function(effect, state) {
this.effects[effect] = state;
if (effect) {
context.addEffect(effect, state == null ? true : state);
return context;
* Sets the style for rowElement. This method renders the following css properties:
* - foreground
* - background
* - backgroundImage
* - border
* - font
* @param {Object} context a context object created with #_createRowStyleContext()
_setRowStyle: function(context) {
var node = this._getNodeFromElement(context.rowElement);
var nodeComponent = this.component.application.getComponentByRenderId(node.getId());
var nodeLayout = nodeComponent.render("layoutData");
var effect = context.getDefaultEffect();
var index = -1;
var cellElement = context.rowElement.firstChild;
var visitedNodeCell = false;
while (cellElement) {
visitedNodeCell = index > -1;
var columnLayout;
if (index > -1) {
var columnComponent = this.component.application.getComponentByRenderId(node.getColumn(index));
columnLayout = columnComponent.render("layoutData");
} else {
this._renderNodeCellInsets(cellElement, nodeLayout);
var layout = visitedNodeCell ? columnLayout : nodeLayout;
var foreground = this._getProperty("foreground", context, layout);
var background = this._getProperty("background", context, layout);
var backgroundImage = this._getProperty("backgroundImage", context, layout);
var border = this._getProperty("border", context, layout, true);
Echo.Sync.Color.renderClear(foreground, cellElement, "color");
Echo.Sync.Color.renderClear(background, cellElement, "backgroundColor");
Echo.Sync.FillImage.renderClear(backgroundImage, cellElement);
if (visitedNodeCell) {
var insets;
if (columnLayout) {
insets = columnLayout.insets;
} else {
insets = this._defaultInsets;
Echo.Sync.Insets.render(insets, cellElement, "padding");
var font = this.component.render(this._resolvePropertyName(effect, "font", true));
if (font || !effect) {
Echo.Sync.Font.renderClear(null, cellElement);
if (font) {
Echo.Sync.Font.renderClear(font, cellElement);
// prevent text decoration for spacing cells, otherwise the nbsp will show up (underlined or striked through)
if (!visitedNodeCell) { = "none";
if (!cellElement.firstChild) {
cellElement = cellElement.nextSibling;
* Renders a border to a whole row. Mimicks border collapse, setting border-collapse to collapse
* causes bugs in Firefox, and the border would add to the total size of the table.
_renderRowBorder: function(context, override) {
if (!this._effectBorderRows) {
this._effectBorderRows = new Core.Arrays.LargeMap();
var effectBorder = this._getProperty("border", context, null, true);
var defaultBorder = this.component.render("border");
var hadEffect =[];
if (effectBorder) {
var node = this._getNodeFromElement(context.rowElement);[] = true;
} else {
if (hadEffect) {
var prevRowHasEffect;
if (context.rowElement.previousSibling) {
prevRowHasEffect =[];
if (!prevRowHasEffect && context.rowElement.previousSibling && (effectBorder || hadEffect)) {
var prevRowContext = this._createRowStyleContext(context.rowElement.previousSibling);
this._renderRowBorder(prevRowContext, effectBorder != null);
var cellE = context.rowElement.firstChild;
while (cellE) {
Echo.Sync.Border.renderClear(null, cellE);
this._renderBorder(cellE, defaultBorder, true, false, override);
this._renderBorder(cellE, effectBorder, false, true);
cellE = cellE.nextSibling;
var compensation = this._effectBorderCompensation;
if (effectBorder) {
var currentCompensation = Echo.Sync.Border.getPixelSize(effectBorder, "left");
if (currentCompensation === 0) {
compensation = 0;
} else {
compensation -= currentCompensation;
} = compensation + "px";
_renderBorder: function(cellElement, border, renderCellBorders, override, overrideBottom) {
var sides = [];
if (override || cellElement.parentNode.previousSibling) {
if (override || overrideBottom) {
if (override && !cellElement.previousSibling) {
if ((override && !cellElement.nextSibling) || (renderCellBorders && cellElement.nextSibling)) {
this._applyBorder(border, sides, cellElement);
_renderNodeCellInsets: function(cellElement, nodeLayout) {
// Special handling for the first cell in a row (the 'node cell')
// because the node is rendered as a table within the td
var insets;
if (nodeLayout) {
insets = nodeLayout.insets;
} else {
insets = this._defaultInsets;
var subRow = cellElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; //
var subCell = subRow.firstChild;
while (subCell) {
// don't render insets on expando cell, would result in gapped lines
if (subCell.__ExtrasTreeCellType != "expando") {
if (subCell == subRow.firstChild && subCell == subRow.lastChild) {
this._applyInsets(insets, ["top", "right", "left", "bottom"], subCell);
} else if (subCell == subRow.firstChild) {
this._applyInsets(insets, ["top", "bottom", "left"], subCell);
} else if (subCell != subRow.lastChild) {
this._applyInsets(insets, ["top", "bottom"], subCell);
} else if (subCell == subRow.lastChild) {
this._applyInsets(insets, ["top", "bottom", "right"], subCell);
subCell = subCell.nextSibling;
* Sets the selection state for the given node.
* @param {Extras.RemoteTree.TreeNode} node the node to set the selection state for
* @param {Boolean} selectionState the new selection state of node
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} rowElement (optional) the row element node is rendered to,
* if not provided this method will look it up automatically.
_setSelectionState: function(node, selectionState, rowElement) {
if (!rowElement) {
rowElement = this._getRowElementForNode(node);
this.selectionModel.setSelectionState(node, selectionState);
var context = this._createRowStyleContext(rowElement, "selection", selectionState);
* Deselects all selected rows.
_clearSelected: function() {
var selected = this.selectionModel.getSelectedNodes();
while (selected.length > 0) {
this._setSelectionState(selected[0], false);
* Sets the selection state based on the given selection property value.
* @param {String} value the value of the selection property
* @param {Boolean} clearPrevious if the previous selection state should be overwritten
_setSelectedFromProperty: function(value, clearPrevious) {
var selectedIds = value.split(",");
if (this.selectionModel.equalsSelectionIdArray(selectedIds)) {
if (clearPrevious) {
for (var i = 0; i < selectedIds.length; i++) {
if (selectedIds[i] === "") {
var node = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(selectedIds[i]);
this._setSelectionState(node, true);
* Renders the rollover state for the given row element. If rolloverState is false,
* and the node is selected, the selected state will be rendered.
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} rowElement the element to render the rollover state to
* @param {Boolean} rolloverState true if the rollover state should be rendered, false
* for the default (or selection) state
_setRolloverState: function(rowElement, rolloverState) {
var node = this._getNodeFromElement(rowElement);
var context = this._createRowStyleContext(rowElement, "rollover", rolloverState);
if (this._selectionEnabled && this.selectionModel.isNodeSelected(node)) {
context.addEffect("selection", true);
* Gets the node that is rendered to the given element.
* If the given element is not a tr, this method will walk upwards through the
* hierarchy until a tr element is found, it will then use that element
* to find the node rendered to that tr.
_getNodeFromElement: function(element) {
var id =;
var nodeId;
if (id.indexOf("_tr_") == -1) {
var e = element;
while ((e = e.parentNode)) {
if (e.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "tr") {
return this._getNodeFromElement(e);
} else {
nodeId = id.substring(id.indexOf("_tr_") + 4);
return this.component.treeStructure.getNode(nodeId);
* Gets the row element the node is rendered to.
* @param {Extras.RemoteTree.TreeNode} node the node to get the row element for
* @return the row element
* @type HTMLTableRowElement
_getRowElementForNode: function(node) {
var testId = this.component.renderId + "_tr_" + node.getId();
var rowElement = document.getElementById(testId);
if (rowElement) {
return rowElement;
// the table element is not yet added to the dom structure, iterate over the rows.
var iterator = this._elementIterator();
rowElement = iterator.nextRow();
while (rowElement) {
if ( == testId) {
return rowElement;
rowElement = iterator.nextRow();
return null;
* Gets the visible row index of node. If node is not visible, -1 is returned.
* @param {Extras.RemoteTree.TreeNode} node the node to get the row index for
* @return the row index
* @type Integer
_getRowIndexForNode: function(node) {
var testElement = this._tbodyElement.firstChild;
var index = this._headerVisible ? -1 : 0;
while (testElement) {
if ( == this.component.renderId + "_tr_" + node.getId()) {
if (index != -1 && !this._rootVisible && this._headerVisible) {
return index;
testElement = testElement.nextSibling;
if ( != "none") {
// non-expanded nodes should not be taken into account
return null;
* Gets the visible row index of element. If element is not visible, -1 is returned.
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} element the row element to get the row index for
* @return the row index
* @type Integer
_getRowIndex: function(element) {
if ( == "none") {
return null;
var testElement = this._tbodyElement.firstChild;
var index = this._headerVisible ? -1 : 0;
while (testElement) {
if (testElement == element) {
if (index != -1 && !this._rootVisible && this._headerVisible) {
return index;
testElement = testElement.nextSibling;
if ( != "none") {
// non-expanded nodes should not be taken into account
return null;
_addEventListeners: function(elements) {
var expansionRef = Core.method(this, this._expansionHandler);
var selectionRef = Core.method(this, this._selectionHandler);
if (this._selectionEnabled) {
Core.Web.Event.add(elements.trElement, "click", selectionRef, false);
if (elements.expandoElement) {
Core.Web.Event.add(elements.expandoElement, "click", expansionRef, false);
Core.Web.Event.add(elements.tdElement, "click", expansionRef, false);
if (this._selectionEnabled || this._rolloverEnabled) {
var enterEvent = mouseEnterLeaveSupport ? "mouseenter" : "mouseover";
var exitEvent = mouseEnterLeaveSupport ? "mouseleave" : "mouseout";
var rolloverEnterRef = Core.method(this, this._processRolloverEnter);
var rolloverExitRef = Core.method(this, this._processRolloverExit);
if (this._rolloverEnabled) {
Core.Web.Event.add(elements.trElement, enterEvent, rolloverEnterRef, false);
Core.Web.Event.add(elements.trElement, exitEvent, rolloverExitRef, false);
_doExpansion: function(node, e) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
return false;
if (node.isExpanded() && e.registeredTarget.__ExtrasTreeCellType == "node") {
// only collapse when the expando element is clicked
// this behavior is consistent with at least Windows Explorer and qooxdoo tree
return false;
if (node.isExpanded()) {
// no other peers will be called, so update may be null
this._renderNode(null, node);
} else if (node.getChildNodeCount() > 0) {
// we already have the children of this node, expand and render direct
// no other peers will be called, so update may be null
this._renderNode(null, node);
// Hack to make sure FF renders the whole table after expanding / collapsing a node
if (Core.Web.Env.BROWSER_FIREFOX && Core.Web.Env.BROWSER_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 && Core.Web.Env.BROWSER_VERSION_MINOR === 0) {
var elem = this._buggerTBody;
var oldDisplay =; = "";
setTimeout(function() { = oldDisplay;
}, 0);
// hack ends here
var rowIndex = this._getRowIndexForNode(node);
// make sure the property is sent to the server, it might be better to use an action for this
// but we also want to send a selection of the just expanded node.
this.component.set("expansion", -1);
this.component.set("expansion", rowIndex);
return true;
_doSelection: function(node, e) {
var trElement = this._getRowElementForNode(node);
var rowIndex = this._getRowIndexForNode(node);
var update = new Extras.RemoteTree.SelectionUpdate();
var specialKey = e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey;
if (!this.selectionModel.isSelectionEmpty() && (this.selectionModel.isSingleSelection() || !(specialKey))) {
update.clear = true;
if (!this.selectionModel.isSingleSelection() && e.shiftKey && this.lastSelectedNode) {
if (this.lastSelectedNode.equals(node)) {
var startNode;
var endNode;
var lastSelectedIndex = this._getRowIndexForNode(this.lastSelectedNode);
if (lastSelectedIndex < rowIndex) {
startNode = this.lastSelectedNode;
endNode = node;
} else {
startNode = node;
endNode = this.lastSelectedNode;
var iterator = this.component.treeStructure.iterator(startNode, false, endNode);
var i = lastSelectedIndex < rowIndex ? lastSelectedIndex : rowIndex;
trElement = this._getRowElementForNode(startNode);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
node = iterator.nextNode();
this._setSelectionState(node, true, trElement);
do {
trElement = trElement.nextSibling;
} while (trElement && == "none");
} else {
this.lastSelectedNode = node;
var selected = !this.selectionModel.isNodeSelected(node);
if (selected || !update.clear) {
this._setSelectionState(node, selected, trElement);
if (selected) {
} else if (!update.clear) {
this.component.set("selectionUpdate", update);
return true;
_expansionHandler: function(e) {
if (!this.client || !this.client.verifyInput(this.component)) {
var node = this._getNodeFromElement(e.registeredTarget);
this._doExpansion(node, e);
var type = e.registeredTarget.__ExtrasTreeCellType;
if (this._selectionEnabled && type && type != "expando") {
this._doSelection(node, e);
return false;
_selectionHandler: function(e) {
if (!this.client || !this.client.verifyInput(this.component)) {
var node = this._getNodeFromElement(e.registeredTarget);
this._doSelection(node, e);
return false;
_processRolloverEnter: function(e) {
if (!this.client || !this.client.verifyInput(this.component) || Core.Web.dragInProgress) {
this._setRolloverState(e.registeredTarget, true);
_processRolloverExit: function(e) {
if (!this.client || !this.client.verifyInput(this.component)) {
this._setRolloverState(e.registeredTarget, false);
renderDispose: function(update) {
//FIXME this might blow up performance, maybe cache all elements that have a click listener,
// but that will probably blow memory usage...
var it = this._elementIterator();
var row;
while ((row = it.nextRow())) {
var e = it.currentNodeElement();
if (e) {
e = it.currentExpandoElement();
if (e) {
this._buggerTBody = null;
this._buggerRow = null;
this._effectBorderRows = null;
this._prevMaxDepth = null;
//this.component.treeStructure = null;
this._tbodyElement = null;
this._element = null;
renderUpdate: function(update) {
var propertyNames = update.getUpdatedPropertyNames();
// remove properties that are only changed on the client
Core.Arrays.remove(propertyNames, "expansion");
Core.Arrays.remove(propertyNames, "selectionUpdate");
if (propertyNames.length === 0 && !update.getRemovedChildren()) {
return false;
// end of the hack
var treeStructureUpdate = update.getUpdatedProperty("treeStructure");
var fullStructure = (treeStructureUpdate && treeStructureUpdate.newValue &&
if (!fullStructure) {
// removal of children indicates that the tree was invalidated,
// and thus all components are re-rendered, and the tree structure we have at the client
// is no longer valid.
if (treeStructureUpdate && treeStructureUpdate.newValue) {
// tree structure updates are always partial, even when there are other updates we can't handle
this._renderTreeStructureUpdate(treeStructureUpdate.newValue, update);
if (Core.Arrays.containsAll(Extras.Sync.RemoteTree._supportedPartialProperties,
propertyNames, true)) {
var selection = update.getUpdatedProperty("selection");
if (selection && this._selectionEnabled) {
this._setSelectedFromProperty(selection.newValue, true);
// partial update
return false;
} else {
// we have a full structure property sent down from the server, reset current structure
this.component.treeStructure = null;
var element = this._element;
var containerElement = element.parentNode;
Echo.Render.renderComponentDispose(update, update.parent);
this.renderAdd(update, containerElement);
return true;
_mergeTreeStructureUpdate: function(treeStructureUpdate) {
var nodes = [];
var structs = treeStructureUpdate;
for (var i = 0; i < structs.length; ++i) {
var struct = structs[i];
var updateRootNode = struct.getRootNode();
var node = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(updateRootNode.getId());
if (node) {
} else {
node = this.component.treeStructure.getNode(updateRootNode.getParentId());
return nodes;
_renderTreeStructureUpdate: function(treeStructureUpdate, update) {
var nodes = this._mergeTreeStructureUpdate(treeStructureUpdate);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
var node = nodes[i];
this._renderNode(update, node);