.jwt-json4s-common_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pdi.jwt
import org.json4s._
import pdi.jwt.exceptions.{JwtNonNumberException, JwtNonStringException, JwtNonStringSetOrStringException}
trait JwtJson4sCommon[H, C] extends JwtJsonCommon[JObject, H, C] {
protected implicit def formats: Formats
protected def getAlgorithm(header: JObject): Option[JwtAlgorithm] = header \ "alg" match {
case JString("none") => None
case JString(algo) => Option(JwtAlgorithm.fromString(algo))
case JNull => None
case JNothing => None
case _ => throw new JwtNonStringException("alg")
def readClaim(json: JValue): JwtClaim = json match {
case value: JObject => JwtClaim.apply(
issuer = extractString(value, "iss"),
subject = extractString(value, "sub"),
audience = extractStringSetOrString(value, "aud"),
expiration = extractLong(value, "exp"),
notBefore = extractLong(value, "nbf"),
issuedAt = extractLong(value, "iat"),
jwtId = extractString(value, "jti"),
content = stringify(filterClaimFields(value))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Expected a JObject")
def writeClaim(claim: JwtClaim): JValue = parse(claim.toJson)
def readHeader(json: JValue): JwtHeader = json match {
case value: JObject => JwtHeader.apply(
algorithm = extractString(value, "alg").flatMap(JwtAlgorithm.optionFromString),
typ = extractString(value, "typ"),
contentType = extractString(value, "cty"),
keyId = extractString(value, "kid")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Expected a JObject")
def writeHeader(header: JwtHeader): JValue = parse(header.toJson)
protected def extractString(json: JObject, fieldName: String): Option[String] = (json \ fieldName) match {
case JString(value) => Option(value)
case JNull => None
case JNothing => None
case _ => throw new JwtNonStringException(fieldName)
protected def extractStringSetOrString(json: JObject, fieldName: String): Option[Set[String]] = (json \ fieldName) match {
case JString(value) => Option(Set(value))
case JArray(_) => try {
Some((json \ fieldName).extract[Set[String]])
} catch {
case MappingException(_, _) => throw new JwtNonStringSetOrStringException(fieldName)
case JNull => None
case JNothing => None
case _ => throw new JwtNonStringSetOrStringException(fieldName)
protected def extractLong(json: JObject, fieldName: String): Option[Long] = (json \ fieldName) match {
case JInt(value) => Option(value.toLong)
case JNull => None
case JNothing => None
case _ => throw new JwtNonNumberException(fieldName)
protected def filterClaimFields(json: JObject): JObject = json removeField {
case JField("iss", _) => true
case JField("sub", _) => true
case JField("aud", _) => true
case JField("exp", _) => true
case JField("nbf", _) => true
case JField("iat", _) => true
case JField("jti", _) => true
case _ => false
} match {
case res: JObject => res
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("How did we manage to go from JObject to something else by just removing fields?")