ikv.tikv-client.2.4.4-scala_2.11-RC1.source-code.kvrpcpb.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto3";
package kvrpcpb;
import "metapb.proto";
import "errorpb.proto";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "rustproto.proto";
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (rustproto.lite_runtime_all) = true;
option java_package = "org.tikv.kvproto";
// This proto file defines requests, responses, and helper messages for KV and raw
// APIs of TiKV (see tikvpb.proto).
// Transactional commands.
// A transactional get command. Lookup a value for `key` in the transaction with
// starting timestamp = `version`.
message GetRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
uint64 version = 3;
message GetResponse {
// A region error indicates that the request was sent to the wrong TiKV node
// (or other, similar errors).
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
// A value could not be retrieved due to the state of the database for the requested key.
KeyError error = 2;
// A successful result.
bytes value = 3;
// True if the key does not exist in the database.
bool not_found = 4;
reserved 5;
// Time and scan details when processing the request.
ExecDetailsV2 exec_details_v2 = 6;
// Scan fetches values for a range of keys; it is part of the transaction with
// starting timestamp = `version`.
message ScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
// The maximum number of results to return.
uint32 limit = 3;
uint64 version = 4;
// Return only the keys found by scanning, not their values.
bool key_only = 5;
bool reverse = 6;
// For compatibility, when scanning forward, the range to scan is [start_key, end_key), where start_key < end_key;
// and when scanning backward, it scans [end_key, start_key) in descending order, where end_key < start_key.
bytes end_key = 7;
// If sample_step > 0, skips 'sample_step - 1' number of keys after each returned key.
// locks are not checked.
uint32 sample_step = 8;
message ScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
// Each KvPair may contain a key error.
repeated KvPair pairs = 2;
// This KeyError exists when some key is locked but we cannot check locks of all keys.
// In this case, `pairs` should be empty and the client should redo scanning all the keys
// after resolving the lock.
KeyError error = 3;
// A prewrite is the first phase of writing to TiKV. It contains all data to be written in a transaction.
// TiKV will write the data in a preliminary state. Data cannot be read until it has been committed.
// The client should only commit a transaction once all prewrites succeed.
message PrewriteRequest {
Context context = 1;
// The data to be written to the database.
repeated Mutation mutations = 2;
// The client picks one key to be primary (unrelated to the primary key concept in SQL). This
// key's lock is the source of truth for the state of a transaction. All other locks due to a
// transaction will point to the primary lock.
bytes primary_lock = 3;
// Identifies the transaction being written.
uint64 start_version = 4;
uint64 lock_ttl = 5;
// TiKV can skip some checks, used for speeding up data migration.
bool skip_constraint_check = 6;
// For pessimistic transaction, some mutations don't need to be locked, for example, non-unique index key.
repeated bool is_pessimistic_lock = 7;
// How many keys this transaction involves in this region.
uint64 txn_size = 8;
// For pessimistic transactions only; used to check if a conflict lock is already committed.
uint64 for_update_ts = 9;
// If min_commit_ts > 0, this is a large transaction request, the final commit_ts
// will be inferred from `min_commit_ts`.
uint64 min_commit_ts = 10;
// When async commit is enabled, `secondaries` should be set as the key list of all secondary
// locks if the request prewrites the primary lock.
bool use_async_commit = 11;
repeated bytes secondaries = 12;
// When the transaction involves only one region, it's possible to commit the transaction
// directly with 1PC protocol.
bool try_one_pc = 13;
// The max commit ts is reserved for limiting the commit ts of 1PC or async commit, which can be used to avoid
// inconsistency with schema change.
uint64 max_commit_ts = 14;
message PrewriteResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KeyError errors = 2;
// 0 if the min_commit_ts is not ready or any other reason that async
// commit cannot proceed. The client can then fallback to normal way to
// continue committing the transaction if prewrite are all finished.
uint64 min_commit_ts = 3;
// When the transaction is successfully committed with 1PC protocol, this field will be set to
// the commit ts of the transaction. Otherwise, if TiKV failed to commit it with 1PC or the
// transaction is not 1PC, the value will be 0.
uint64 one_pc_commit_ts = 4;
// Lock a set of keys to prepare to write to them.
message PessimisticLockRequest {
Context context = 1;
// In this case every `Op` of the mutations must be `PessimisticLock`.
repeated Mutation mutations = 2;
bytes primary_lock = 3;
uint64 start_version = 4;
uint64 lock_ttl = 5;
// Each locking command in a pessimistic transaction has its own timestamp. If locking fails, then
// the corresponding SQL statement can be retried with a later timestamp, TiDB does not need to
// retry the whole transaction. The name comes from the `SELECT ... FOR UPDATE` SQL statement which
// is a locking read. Each `SELECT ... FOR UPDATE` in a transaction will be assigned its own
// timestamp.
uint64 for_update_ts = 6;
// If the request is the first lock request, we don't need to detect deadlock.
bool is_first_lock = 7;
// Time to wait for lock released in milliseconds when encountering locks.
// 0 means using default timeout in TiKV. Negative means no wait.
int64 wait_timeout = 8;
// If it is true, TiKV will acquire the pessimistic lock regardless of write conflict
// and return the latest value. It's only supported for single mutation.
bool force = 9;
// If it is true, TiKV will return values of the keys if no error, so TiDB can cache the values for
// later read in the same transaction.
// When 'force' is set to true, this field is ignored.
bool return_values = 10;
// If min_commit_ts > 0, this is large transaction proto, the final commit_ts
// would be infered from min_commit_ts.
uint64 min_commit_ts = 11;
message PessimisticLockResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KeyError errors = 2;
// It carries the latest value and its commit ts if force in PessimisticLockRequest is true.
uint64 commit_ts = 3;
bytes value = 4;
// The values is set if 'return_values' is true in the request and no error.
// If 'force' is true, this field is not used.
repeated bytes values = 5;
// Indicates whether the values at the same index is correspond to an existing key.
// In legacy TiKV, this field is not used even 'force' is false. In that case, an empty value indicates
// two possible situations: (1) the key does not exist. (2) the key exists but the value is empty.
repeated bool not_founds = 6;
// Unlock keys locked using `PessimisticLockRequest`.
message PessimisticRollbackRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 start_version = 2;
uint64 for_update_ts = 3;
repeated bytes keys = 4;
message PessimisticRollbackResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KeyError errors = 2;
// Used to update the lock_ttl of a psessimistic and/or large transaction to prevent it from been killed.
message TxnHeartBeatRequest {
Context context = 1;
// The key of the lock to update.
bytes primary_lock = 2;
// Start timestamp of the large transaction.
uint64 start_version = 3;
// The new TTL the sender would like.
uint64 advise_lock_ttl = 4;
message TxnHeartBeatResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// The TTL actually set on the requested lock.
uint64 lock_ttl = 3;
// CheckTxnStatusRequest checks the status of a transaction.
// If the transaction is rollbacked/committed, return that result.
// If the TTL of the transaction is exhausted, abort that transaction and inform the caller.
// Otherwise, returns the TTL information for the transaction.
// CheckTxnStatusRequest may also push forward the minCommitTS of a large transaction.
message CheckTxnStatusRequest {
Context context = 1;
// Primary key and lock ts together to locate the primary lock of a transaction.
bytes primary_key = 2;
// Starting timestamp of the transaction being checked.
uint64 lock_ts = 3;
// The start timestamp of the transaction which this request is part of.
uint64 caller_start_ts = 4;
// The client must specify the current time to TiKV using this timestamp. It is used to check TTL
// timeouts. It may be inaccurate.
uint64 current_ts = 5;
// If true, then TiKV will leave a rollback tombstone in the write CF for `primary_key`, even if
// that key is not locked.
bool rollback_if_not_exist = 6;
// This field is set to true only if the transaction is known to fall back from async commit.
// Then, CheckTxnStatus treats the transaction as non-async-commit even if the use_async_commit
// field in the primary lock is true.
bool force_sync_commit = 7;
// If the check request is used to resolve or decide the transaction status for a input pessimistic
// lock, the transaction status could not be decided if the primary lock is pessimistic too and
// it's still uncertain.
bool resolving_pessimistic_lock = 8;
message CheckTxnStatusResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Three kinds of transaction status:
// locked: lock_ttl > 0
// committed: commit_version > 0
// rollbacked: lock_ttl = 0 && commit_version = 0
uint64 lock_ttl = 3;
uint64 commit_version = 4;
// The action performed by TiKV (and why if the action is to rollback).
Action action = 5;
LockInfo lock_info = 6;
// Part of the async commit protocol, checks for locks on all supplied keys. If a lock is missing,
// does not have a successful status, or belongs to another transaction, TiKV will leave a rollback
// tombstone for that key.
message CheckSecondaryLocksRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated bytes keys = 2;
// Identifies the transaction we are investigating.
uint64 start_version = 3;
message CheckSecondaryLocksResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// For each key in `keys` in `CheckSecondaryLocks`, there will be a lock in
// this list if there is a lock present and belonging to the correct transaction,
// nil otherwise.
repeated LockInfo locks = 3;
// If any of the locks have been committed, this is the commit ts used. If no
// locks have been committed, it will be zero.
uint64 commit_ts = 4;
// The second phase of writing to TiKV. If there are no errors or conflicts, then this request
// commits a transaction so that its data can be read by other transactions.
message CommitRequest {
reserved 5;
reserved "binlog";
Context context = 1;
// Identifies the transaction.
uint64 start_version = 2;
// All keys in the transaction (to be committed).
repeated bytes keys = 3;
// Timestamp for the end of the transaction. Must be greater than `start_version`.
uint64 commit_version = 4;
message CommitResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// If the commit ts is derived from min_commit_ts, this field should be set.
uint64 commit_version = 3;
// Not yet implemented.
message ImportRequest {
repeated Mutation mutations = 1;
uint64 commit_version = 2;
message ImportResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
// Cleanup a key by possibly unlocking it.
// From 4.0 onwards, this message is no longer used.
message CleanupRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
uint64 start_version = 3;
// The current timestamp, used in combination with a lock's TTL to determine
// if the lock has expired. If `current_ts == 0`, then the key will be unlocked
// irrespective of its TTL.
uint64 current_ts = 4;
message CleanupResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Set if the key is already committed.
uint64 commit_version = 3;
// Similar to a `Get` request.
message BatchGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated bytes keys = 2;
uint64 version = 3;
message BatchGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KvPair pairs = 2;
reserved 3;
// Time and scan details when processing the request.
ExecDetailsV2 exec_details_v2 = 4;
// This KeyError exists when some key is locked but we cannot check locks of all keys.
// In this case, `pairs` should be empty and the client should redo batch get all the keys
// after resolving the lock.
KeyError error = 5;
// Rollback a prewritten transaction. This will remove the preliminary data from the database,
// unlock locks, and leave a rollback tombstone.
message BatchRollbackRequest {
Context context = 1;
// Identify the transaction to be rolled back.
uint64 start_version = 2;
// The keys to rollback.
repeated bytes keys = 3;
message BatchRollbackResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Scan the database for locks. Used at the start of the GC process to find all
// old locks.
message ScanLockRequest {
Context context = 1;
// Returns all locks with a start timestamp before `max_version`.
uint64 max_version = 2;
// Start scanning from this key.
bytes start_key = 3;
// The maximum number of locks to return.
uint32 limit = 4;
// The exclusive upperbound for scanning.
bytes end_key = 5;
message ScanLockResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Info on all locks found by the scan.
repeated LockInfo locks = 3;
// For all keys locked by the transaction identified by `start_version`, either
// commit or rollback the transaction and unlock the key.
message ResolveLockRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 start_version = 2;
// `commit_version == 0` means the transaction was rolled back.
// `commit_version > 0` means the transaction was committed at the given timestamp.
uint64 commit_version = 3;
repeated TxnInfo txn_infos = 4;
// Only resolve specified keys.
repeated bytes keys = 5;
message ResolveLockResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Request TiKV to garbage collect all non-current data older than `safe_point`.
message GCRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 safe_point = 2;
message GCResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
KeyError error = 2;
// Delete a range of data from TiKV.
// This message should not be used.
message DeleteRangeRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
bytes end_key = 3;
// If true, the data will not be immediately deleted, but the operation will
// still be replicated via Raft. This is used to notify TiKV that the data
// will be deleted using `unsafe_destroy_range` soon.
bool notify_only = 4;
message DeleteRangeResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
// Raw commands.
message RawGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
string cf = 3;
message RawGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
bytes value = 3;
bool not_found = 4;
message RawBatchGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated bytes keys = 2;
string cf = 3;
message RawBatchGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KvPair pairs = 2;
message RawPutRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
string cf = 4;
uint64 ttl = 5;
bool for_cas = 6;
message RawPutResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawBatchPutRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated KvPair pairs = 2;
string cf = 3;
uint64 ttl = 4;
bool for_cas = 5;
message RawBatchPutResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawDeleteRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
string cf = 3;
bool for_cas = 4;
message RawDeleteResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawBatchDeleteRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated bytes keys = 2;
string cf = 3;
bool for_cas = 4;
message RawBatchDeleteResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
uint32 limit = 3;
bool key_only = 4;
string cf = 5;
bool reverse = 6;
// For compatibility, when scanning forward, the range to scan is [start_key, end_key), where start_key < end_key;
// and when scanning backward, it scans [end_key, start_key) in descending order, where end_key < start_key.
bytes end_key = 7;
message RawScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KvPair kvs = 2;
message RawDeleteRangeRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
bytes end_key = 3;
string cf = 4;
message RawDeleteRangeResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RawBatchScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated KeyRange ranges = 2; // scanning range
uint32 each_limit = 3; // max number of returning kv pairs for each scanning range
bool key_only = 4;
string cf = 5;
bool reverse = 6;
message RawBatchScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated KvPair kvs = 2;
// Store commands (sent to a whole TiKV cluster, rather than a certain region).
message UnsafeDestroyRangeRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
bytes end_key = 3;
message UnsafeDestroyRangeResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
message RegisterLockObserverRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 max_ts = 2;
message RegisterLockObserverResponse {
string error = 1;
message CheckLockObserverRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 max_ts = 2;
message CheckLockObserverResponse {
string error = 1;
bool is_clean = 2;
repeated LockInfo locks = 3;
message RemoveLockObserverRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 max_ts = 2;
message RemoveLockObserverResponse {
string error = 1;
message PhysicalScanLockRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 max_ts = 2;
bytes start_key = 3;
uint32 limit = 4;
message PhysicalScanLockResponse {
string error = 1;
repeated LockInfo locks = 2;
// Sent from PD to a TiKV node.
message SplitRegionRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes split_key = 2 [deprecated=true];
repeated bytes split_keys = 3; // when use it to do batch split, `split_key` should be empty.
message SplitRegionResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
metapb.Region left = 2 [deprecated=true]; // set when there are only 2 result regions.
metapb.Region right = 3 [deprecated=true]; // set when there are only 2 result regions.
repeated metapb.Region regions = 4; // include all result regions.
// Sent from TiFlash to a TiKV node.
message ReadIndexRequest{
Context context = 1;
// TiKV checks the given range if there is any unapplied lock
// blocking the read request.
uint64 start_ts = 2;
repeated KeyRange ranges = 3;
message ReadIndexResponse{
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
uint64 read_index = 2;
// If `locked` is set, this read request is blocked by a lock.
// The lock should be returned to the client.
kvrpcpb.LockInfo locked = 3;
// VerKv commands
enum VerOp {
VerPut = 0;
VerDel = 1;
message VerMutation {
VerOp op = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
message VerValue {
bytes value = 1;
uint64 version = 2;
message VerError {
string error = 1;
message VerKvPair {
VerError error = 1;
bytes key = 2;
VerValue value = 3;
message VerGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
uint64 start_version = 3; // start_version == 0 means without start version
message VerGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
VerError error = 2;
VerValue value = 3;
bool not_found = 4;
message VerBatchGetRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated bytes key = 2;
uint64 start_version = 3;
message VerBatchGetResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated VerKvPair pairs = 2;
message VerMutRequest {
Context context = 1;
VerMutation mut = 2;
uint64 version = 3;
message VerMutResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
VerError error = 2;
message VerBatchMutRequest {
Context context = 1;
repeated VerMutation muts = 2;
uint64 version = 3;
message VerBatchMutResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
VerError error = 2;
message VerScanRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
bytes end_key = 3;
uint32 limit = 4;
bool key_only = 5;
bool reverse = 6;
uint64 start_version = 7;
message VerScanResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
repeated VerKvPair pairs = 2;
message VerDeleteRangeRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes start_key = 2;
bytes end_key = 3;
message VerDeleteRangeResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
VerError error = 2;
// Commands for debugging transactions.
message MvccGetByKeyRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
message MvccGetByKeyResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
MvccInfo info = 3;
message MvccGetByStartTsRequest {
Context context = 1;
uint64 start_ts = 2;
message MvccGetByStartTsResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
bytes key = 3;
MvccInfo info = 4;
// Helper messages.
// Miscellaneous metadata attached to most requests.
message Context {
reserved 4;
reserved "read_quorum";
uint64 region_id = 1;
metapb.RegionEpoch region_epoch = 2;
metapb.Peer peer = 3;
uint64 term = 5;
CommandPri priority = 6;
IsolationLevel isolation_level = 7;
bool not_fill_cache = 8;
bool sync_log = 9;
// True means execution time statistics should be recorded and returned.
bool record_time_stat = 10;
// True means RocksDB scan statistics should be recorded and returned.
bool record_scan_stat = 11;
bool replica_read = 12;
repeated uint64 resolved_locks = 13;
uint64 max_execution_duration_ms = 14;
// After a region applies to `applied_index`, we can get a
// snapshot for the region even if the peer is a follower.
uint64 applied_index = 15;
// A hint for TiKV to schedule tasks more fairly. Query with same task ID
// may share same priority and resource quota.
uint64 task_id = 16;
// Not required to read the most up-to-date data, replicas with `safe_ts` >= `start_ts`
// can handle read request directly
bool stale_read = 17;
message LockInfo {
bytes primary_lock = 1;
uint64 lock_version = 2;
bytes key = 3;
uint64 lock_ttl = 4;
// How many keys this transaction involves in this region.
uint64 txn_size = 5;
Op lock_type = 6;
uint64 lock_for_update_ts = 7;
// Fields for transactions that are using Async Commit.
bool use_async_commit = 8;
uint64 min_commit_ts = 9;
repeated bytes secondaries = 10;
message KeyError {
LockInfo locked = 1; // Client should backoff or cleanup the lock then retry.
string retryable = 2; // Client may restart the txn. e.g write conflict.
string abort = 3; // Client should abort the txn.
WriteConflict conflict = 4; // Write conflict is moved from retryable to here.
AlreadyExist already_exist = 5; // Key already exists
Deadlock deadlock = 6; // Deadlock is used in pessimistic transaction for single statement rollback.
CommitTsExpired commit_ts_expired = 7; // Commit ts is earlier than min commit ts of a transaction.
TxnNotFound txn_not_found = 8; // Txn not found when checking txn status.
CommitTsTooLarge commit_ts_too_large = 9; // Calculated commit TS exceeds the limit given by the user.
message WriteConflict {
uint64 start_ts = 1;
uint64 conflict_ts = 2;
bytes key = 3;
bytes primary = 4;
uint64 conflict_commit_ts = 5;
message AlreadyExist {
bytes key = 1;
message Deadlock {
uint64 lock_ts = 1;
bytes lock_key = 2;
uint64 deadlock_key_hash = 3;
message CommitTsExpired {
uint64 start_ts = 1;
uint64 attempted_commit_ts = 2;
bytes key = 3;
uint64 min_commit_ts = 4;
message TxnNotFound {
uint64 start_ts = 1;
bytes primary_key = 2;
message CommitTsTooLarge {
uint64 commit_ts = 1; // The calculated commit TS.
enum CommandPri {
Normal = 0; // Normal is the default value.
Low = 1;
High = 2;
enum IsolationLevel {
SI = 0; // SI = snapshot isolation
RC = 1; // RC = read committed
message TimeDetail {
// Off-cpu wall time elapsed in TiKV side. Usually this includes queue waiting time and
// other kind of waitings in series.
int64 wait_wall_time_ms = 1;
// Off-cpu and on-cpu wall time elapsed to actually process the request payload. It does not
// include `wait_wall_time`.
// This field is very close to the CPU time in most cases. Some wait time spend in RocksDB
// cannot be excluded for now, like Mutex wait time, which is included in this field, so that
// this field is called wall time instead of CPU time.
int64 process_wall_time_ms = 2;
// KV read wall Time means the time used in key/value scan and get.
int64 kv_read_wall_time_ms = 3;
message ScanInfo {
int64 total = 1;
int64 processed = 2;
// Only reserved for compatibility.
message ScanDetail {
ScanInfo write = 1;
ScanInfo lock = 2;
ScanInfo data = 3;
message ScanDetailV2 {
// Number of user keys scanned from the storage.
// It does not include deleted version or RocksDB tombstone keys.
// For Coprocessor requests, it includes keys that has been filtered out by
// Selection.
uint64 processed_versions = 1;
// Approximate number of MVCC keys meet during scanning. It includes
// deleted versions, but does not include RocksDB tombstone keys.
// When this field is notably larger than `processed_versions`, it means
// there are a lot of deleted MVCC keys.
uint64 total_versions = 2;
// Total number of deletes and single deletes skipped over during
// iteration, i.e. how many RocksDB tombstones are skipped.
uint64 rocksdb_delete_skipped_count = 3;
// Total number of internal keys skipped over during iteration.
// See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/blob/9f1c84ca471d8b1ad7be9f3eebfc2c7e07dfd7a7/include/rocksdb/perf_context.h#L84 for details.
uint64 rocksdb_key_skipped_count = 4;
// Total number of RocksDB block cache hits.
uint64 rocksdb_block_cache_hit_count = 5;
// Total number of block reads (with IO).
uint64 rocksdb_block_read_count = 6;
// Total number of bytes from block reads.
uint64 rocksdb_block_read_byte = 7;
message ExecDetails {
// Available when ctx.record_time_stat = true or meet slow query.
TimeDetail time_detail = 1;
// Available when ctx.record_scan_stat = true or meet slow query.
ScanDetail scan_detail = 2;
// See https://github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pull/689
reserved 3;
reserved 4;
message ExecDetailsV2 {
// Available when ctx.record_time_stat = true or meet slow query.
TimeDetail time_detail = 1;
// Available when ctx.record_scan_stat = true or meet slow query.
ScanDetailV2 scan_detail_v2 = 2;
message KvPair {
KeyError error = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
enum Op {
Put = 0;
Del = 1;
Lock = 2;
Rollback = 3;
// insert operation has a constraint that key should not exist before.
Insert = 4;
PessimisticLock = 5;
CheckNotExists = 6;
enum Assertion {
None = 0;
Exist = 1;
NotExist = 2;
message Mutation {
Op op = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
Assertion assertion = 4;
message MvccWrite {
Op type = 1;
uint64 start_ts = 2;
uint64 commit_ts = 3;
bytes short_value = 4;
message MvccValue {
uint64 start_ts = 1;
bytes value = 2;
message MvccLock {
Op type = 1;
uint64 start_ts = 2;
bytes primary = 3;
bytes short_value = 4;
message MvccInfo {
MvccLock lock = 1;
repeated MvccWrite writes = 2;
repeated MvccValue values = 3;
message TxnInfo {
uint64 txn = 1;
uint64 status = 2;
enum Action {
NoAction = 0;
TTLExpireRollback = 1;
LockNotExistRollback = 2;
MinCommitTSPushed = 3;
TTLExpirePessimisticRollback = 4;
LockNotExistDoNothing = 5;
message KeyRange {
bytes start_key = 1;
bytes end_key = 2;
enum ExtraOp {
Noop = 0;
// ReadOldValue represents to output the previous value for delete/update operations.
ReadOldValue = 1;
message LeaderInfo {
uint64 region_id = 1;
uint64 peer_id = 2;
uint64 term = 3;
metapb.RegionEpoch region_epoch = 4;
message CheckLeaderRequest {
repeated LeaderInfo regions = 1;
uint64 ts = 2;
message CheckLeaderResponse {
repeated uint64 regions = 1;
uint64 ts = 2;
message RawGetKeyTTLRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
string cf = 3;
message RawGetKeyTTLResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
uint64 ttl = 3;
bool not_found = 4;
message RawCASRequest {
Context context = 1;
bytes key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
bool previous_not_exist = 4;
bytes previous_value = 5;
string cf = 6;
uint64 ttl = 7;
message RawCASResponse {
errorpb.Error region_error = 1;
string error = 2;
bool succeed = 3;
// The previous value regardless of whether the comparison is succeed.
bool previous_not_exist = 4;
bytes previous_value = 5;
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