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e.probably-core.0.3.0.source-code.probably.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
    Probably, version 0.18.0. Copyright 2017-22 Jon Pretty, Propensive OÜ.

    The primary distribution site is:

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
    file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
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    and limitations under the License.

package probably

import wisteria.*
import escritoire.*
import rudiments.*
import gossamer.*
import eucalyptus.*
import iridescence.*
import escapade.*

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.util.*
import scala.quoted.*

import language.dynamics

given realm: Realm = Realm(t"probably")

import Runner.*

object Runner:
  case class TestId private[probably](value: Text)
  enum Outcome:
    case FailsAt(datapoint: Datapoint, count: Int)
    case Passed
    case Mixed

    def failed: Boolean = !passed
    def passed: Boolean = this == Passed
    def filename: Text = this match
      case FailsAt(datapoint, count) => datapoint.debugValue.filename.otherwise(t"(no source)")
      case _                         => t""
    def line: Text = this match
      case FailsAt(datapoint, count) => datapoint.debugValue.line.otherwise(0).show
      case _                         => t""

    def debug: Text = this match
      case FailsAt(datapoint, count) =>
        val padWidth = { case (k, v) =>
          val value: Text = (v.cut(t"\n"): List[Text]).join(t"\n${t" "*(padWidth + 3)}")
          t"${k.pad(padWidth, Ltr)} = $value"
      case _ =>

  enum Datapoint(val debugValue: Debug):
    case Pass extends Datapoint(Debug())
    case Fail(debug: Debug, index: Int) extends Datapoint(debug)
    case Throws(exception: Throwable, debug: Debug) extends Datapoint(debug)
    case PredicateThrows(exception: Exception, debug: Debug, index: Int) extends Datapoint(debug)

  def shortDigest[T: Show](text: T): Text =
    val md ="SHA-256").nn
    md.digest.nn.take(3) { b => Text(f"$b%02x") }.join

class Runner(subset: Set[TestId] = Set()) extends Dynamic:

  val runner: Runner = this

  final def skip(testId: TestId): Boolean = !(subset.isEmpty || subset(testId))

  def apply[T](name: Text)(fn: Test ?=> T): Test { type Type = T } =
    new Test(name):
      type Type = T
      def action(): T = fn(using this)

  def time[T](name: Text)(fn: => T)(using Log): T = apply[T](name)(fn).check { _ => true }
  def suite(testSuite: TestSuite)(using Log): Unit = suite(

  def suite(name: Text)(fn: Runner ?=> Unit)(using Log): Unit ="Starting test suite ${colors.Gold}($name)")
    val test = new Test(name):
      type Type = Report

      def action(): Report =
        val runner = Runner()
        fn(using runner)
    val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
    val report = test.check(_.results.forall(_.outcome.passed))
    val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis - t0

    if report.results.exists(_.outcome.passed) && report.results.exists(_.outcome.failed)
    then synchronized {
      results = results.updated(name, results(name).copy(outcome = Outcome.Mixed))

    report.results.foreach { result => record(result.copy(indent = result.indent + 1)) }
    Log.fine(ansi"Completed test suite ${colors.Gold}($name) in ${}ms")

  def assert(name: Text)(fn: => Boolean)(using Log): Unit = apply(name)(fn).oldAssert(identity)

  object Test:
    given AnsiShow[Test] = test => ansi"${colors.Khaki}(${})"

  abstract class Test(val name: Text):
    type Type

    def id: TestId = TestId(Runner.shortDigest(name))
    def action(): Type
    def oldAssert(pred: Type => Boolean)(using Log): Unit =
      try if !skip(id) then check(pred)
      catch case NonFatal(e) =>
        Log.warn(ansi"A $e exception was thrown whilst checking the test ${this.ansi}")
    private val map: HashMap[Text, Text] = HashMap()

    def debug[T](name: Text, expr: T): T =
      map(name) = Showable(expr).show

    inline def assert(inline pred: Type => Boolean)(using log: Log): Unit =
      ${Macros.assert[Type]('runner, 'this, 'pred, 'log)}

    def check(pred: Type => Boolean, debug: Option[Type] => Debug = v => Debug(
             (using Log): Type =
      def handler(index: Int): PartialFunction[Throwable, Datapoint] =
        case e: Exception =>
          Log.warn(ansi"A $e exception was thrown in the test ${this.ansi}")
          Datapoint.PredicateThrows(e, Debug(), index)

      def makeDatapoint(pred: Type => Boolean, count: Int, datapoint: Datapoint, value: Type)
          : Datapoint =
        try if pred(value) then Datapoint.Pass else Datapoint.Fail(debug(Some(value)), count)
        catch handler(count)

      val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis()
      val value = Try(action())
      val time = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0

      value match
        case Success(value) =>
          record(this, time, makeDatapoint(pred, 0, Datapoint.Pass, value))
        case Failure(e) =>
          val trace = Option(e.getStackTrace).fold(Nil)(
          val info = trace.takeWhile(_.getClassName != "probably.Suite")
            .map { frame => Showable(frame.nn).show }
            .join(Option(e.getMessage).fold(t"null") { x => t"${x.nn}\n  at " }, t"\n  at ", t"")
          record(this, time, Datapoint.Throws(e, debug(None).add(t"exception", info)))
          throw e

  def report(): Report = Report(
  def clear(): Unit = results = emptyResults()

  protected def record(test: Test, duration: Long, datapoint: Datapoint): Unit = synchronized:
    results = results.updated(, results(, duration, datapoint))

  protected def record(summary: Summary) = synchronized:
    results = results.updated(, summary)

  private def emptyResults(): Map[Text, Summary] = ListMap().withDefault:
    name =>
      Summary(TestId(shortDigest(name)), name, 0, Int.MaxValue, 0L, Int.MinValue, Outcome.Passed, 0)

  protected var results: Map[Text, Summary] = emptyResults()
end Runner

case class Debug(found: Option[Text] = None, filename: Maybe[Text] = Unset, line: Maybe[Int] = Unset,
                     expected: Maybe[Text] = Unset, info: Map[Text, Text] = Map()):
  def add(key: Text, value: Text): Debug = copy(info = info.updated(key, value))
  def allInfo: ListMap[Text, Text] =
    val basicInfo =
      List(t"found" -> found.getOrElse(Unset), t"expected" -> expected)
        .filter(_._2 != Unset)
    basicInfo ++ info

object Macros:
  import scala.reflect.*
  def assert[T: Type](runner: Expr[Runner], test: Expr[Runner#Test { type Type = T }], pred: Expr[T => Boolean], log: Expr[Log])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
    import quotes.reflect.*
    val filename: Expr[String] = Expr:
      val absolute = Showable(Position.ofMacroExpansion).show.cut(t":").head
      val pwd = try Sys.user.dir().show catch case e: KeyNotFoundError => throw Impossible("should not happen")
      if absolute.startsWith(pwd) then absolute.drop(pwd.length + 1).s else absolute.s
    val line = Expr(Position.ofMacroExpansion.startLine + 1)

    def debugExpr[S: Type](expr: Expr[S]): Expr[Option[S] => Debug] =
      val debugString = '{DebugString.showAny}

      Expr.summon[Comparison[S]].fold {
        '{ (result: Option[S]) =>
            found =$,
            filename = Text($filename),
            line = $line,
            expected = $$expr)
      } { comparison =>
        '{ (result: Option[S]) =>
            found =$,
            filename = Text($filename),
            line = $line,
            expected = $$expr),
            info = if result.isEmpty then Map()
                else Map(t"structure" -> Showable($, $expr)).show)

    def interpret(pred: Expr[T => Boolean]): Expr[Option[T] => Debug] = pred match
      case '{ (x: T) => x == ($expr: T) }             => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: T) => ($expr: T) == x }             => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Double) }   => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Float) }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Long) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Int) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Short) }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => x == ($expr: Byte) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Double) }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Float) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Long) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Int) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Short) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => x == ($expr: Byte) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Double) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Float) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Long) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Int) }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Short) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => x == ($expr: Byte) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Double) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Float) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Long) }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Int) }         => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Short) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => x == ($expr: Byte) }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Double) }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Float) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Long) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Int) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Short) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => x == ($expr: Byte) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Double) }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Float) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Long) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Int) }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Short) }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => x == ($expr: Byte) }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Boolean) => x == ($expr: Boolean) } => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Double) == x }   => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Float) == x }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Long) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Int) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Short) == x }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Double) => ($expr: Byte) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Double) == x }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Float) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Long) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Int) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Short) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Float) => ($expr: Byte) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Double) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Float) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Long) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Int) == x }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Short) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Long) => ($expr: Byte) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Double) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Float) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Long) == x }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Int) == x }         => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Short) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Int) => ($expr: Byte) == x }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Double) == x }    => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Float) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Long) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Int) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Short) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Short) => ($expr: Byte) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Double) == x }     => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Float) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Long) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Int) == x }        => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Short) == x }      => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Byte) => ($expr: Byte) == x }       => debugExpr(expr)
      case '{ (x: Boolean) => ($expr: Boolean) == x } => debugExpr(expr)
      case expr =>
        '{ (opt: Option[?]) => Debug(found =, filename = Text($filename),
            line = $line) }
      try if !$runner.skip($ then $test.check($pred, ${interpret(pred)})(using $log)
      catch case NonFatal(_) => ()

object Differences:
  given Show[Differences] = diff =>
    val table = Tabulation[(List[Text], Text, Text)](
      Column(t"Key", _(0).join(t".")),
      Column(t"Found", _(1)),
      Column(t"Expected", _(2)),

    table.tabulate(100, diff.flatten).join(t"\n")

enum Differences:
  case Same
  case Structural(differences: Map[Text, Differences])
  case Diff(left: Text, right: Text)

  def flatten: Seq[(List[Text], Text, Text)] = this match
    case Same              => Nil
    case Structural(diffs) => { case (label, nested) =>
                       { case (path, left, right) =>
                                  (label :: path, left, right)
    case Diff(left, right) => List((Nil, left, right))

trait Comparison[-T]:
  def compare(left: T, right: T): Differences

object Comparison extends Derivation[Comparison]:
  given Comparison[String] =
    (a, b) => if a == b then Differences.Same else Differences.Diff(Text(a), Text(b))
  given [T: Show]: Comparison[T] =
    (a, b) => if a == b then Differences.Same else Differences.Diff(,
  def join[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Comparison, T]): Comparison[T] = (left, right) =>
    if left == right then Differences.Same
    else Differences.Structural {
        .filter { p => p.deref(left) != p.deref(right) }
        .map { p => Text(p.label) ->, p.deref(right)) }
  def split[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Comparison, T]): Comparison[T] = (left, right) =>
    val leftType = sealedTrait.choose(left)(identity(_))
    sealedTrait.choose(right) { subtype =>
      if leftType == subtype
      then, subtype.cast(right))
      else Differences.Diff(t"type: ${leftType.typeInfo.short}", t"type: ${subtype.typeInfo.short}")

case class Summary(id: TestId, name: Text, count: Int, tmin: Long, ttot: Long, tmax: Long,
                       outcome: Outcome, indent: Int):
  def avg: Double = ttot.toDouble/count/1000.0
  def min: Double = tmin.toDouble/1000.0
  def max: Double = tmax.toDouble/1000.0

  def aggregate(datapoint: Datapoint) = outcome match
    case Outcome.FailsAt(dp, c) => Outcome.FailsAt(dp, c)
    case Outcome.Passed         => datapoint match
      case Datapoint.Pass         => Outcome.Passed
      case other                  => Outcome.FailsAt(other, count + 1)
    case Outcome.Mixed          => Outcome.FailsAt(datapoint, 0)

  def append(test: Text, duration: Long, datapoint: Datapoint): Summary =
    Summary(id, name, count + 1, tmin min duration, ttot + duration, tmax max duration,
        aggregate(datapoint), 0)

case class Report(results: List[Summary]):
  val passed: Int = results.count(_.outcome == Outcome.Passed)
  val failed: Int = results.count(_.outcome != Outcome.Passed)
  val total: Int = failed + passed

object TestSuite:
  given AnsiShow[TestSuite] = ts => ansi"${colors.Gold}(${})"

trait TestSuite:
  def run(using Runner): Unit
  def name: Text

object global:
  object test extends Runner()

def test[T](name: Text)(fn: Runner#Test ?=> T)(using runner: Runner, log: Log)
    : runner.Test { type Type = T } =

def suite(name: Text)(fn: Runner ?=> Unit)(using runner: Runner, log: Log): Unit =

def suite(suite: TestSuite)(using runner: Runner, log: Log): Unit = runner.suite(suite)
def time[T](name: Text)(fn: => T)(using Runner, Log): T = test(name)(fn).check { _ => true }

case class UnexpectedSuccessError(value: Any) extends Error:
  def message: Text = t"the expression was expected to throw an exception, but did not"

def capture(fn: => Any): Exception =
    val result = fn
    throw UnexpectedSuccessError(result)
    case error: UnexpectedSuccessError => throw error
    case error: Exception              => error

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