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web-data.js.graph.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *  @author Carol Alexandru
 *  Copyright 2013 University of Zurich
 *  Licensed below the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed below the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations below the License.

 * The default settings for the graph module.
scc.defaults.graph = {"layout": {
                        "cVertexSelection": "show",
                        "cGraphAdvanced": "hide",
                        "cGraphControl": "show",
                        "expositionWidth": "350"
                      "options": {
                        "gs_addBySubstring": "",
                        "gs_autoAddVicinities": "No",
                        "gs_topCriterium": "Highest degree",
                        "gd_vertexSize": "Vertex state",
                        "gd_vertexColor": "Outgoing degree",
                        "gd_vertexBorder": "Latest query",
                        "gp_vicinityIncoming": "Yes",
                        "gp_exposeVertices": "Yes",
                        "gp_vicinityRadius": "1",
                        "gp_maxVertexCount": "250",
                        "gp_targetCount": "100",
                        "gp_refreshRate": "1",
                        "gp_drawEdges": "When graph is still"

 * The Graph module uses the GraphD3 class to draw the graph and
 * handles the panel UI functionality for the graph.
 * @constructor
scc.modules.Graph = function() {
   * Messages from the specified provider are routed to this module by the
   * main module.
   * @type {Array.}
  this.requires = ["graph", "configuration"];

   * If this is true, the graph will reload itself periodically. This is the
   * case when the computation is running.
   * @type {boolean}
  this.autoRefresh = false;

  // Object-scope variables
  var graphModule = this;
  var graphD3 = new scc.lib.graph.GraphD3(this);
  this.graphD3 = graphD3;
  var GSTR = scc.STR["Graph"];
  var vertexCountIntervals = []; 
  for (var i = 5; i<=25; i+=5) { vertexCountIntervals.push(i) };
  for (var i = 50; i<=250; i+=50) { vertexCountIntervals.push(i) };
  for (var i = 400; i<=1000; i+=100) { vertexCountIntervals.push(i) };
  var resizingExposition = false;
  var mouseClickCoords = undefined;
  var selectedVertices;
  var pickAction;

   * Clears and then populates the select box that allows the user to choose
   * the number of vertices with numbers ranging up to the specified maximum.
   * @param {int} maximum - Maximum option to show
  var populateTargetCountSelector = function (maximum) {
    var selector = $("#gp_targetCount");
    var currentChoice = selector.val()
    for (var i in  vertexCountIntervals) {
      if (vertexCountIntervals[i] > maximum) { break; }
    // re-select the value selected before emptying or the maximum value
    if (currentChoice !== null) {
      currentChoice = parseInt(currentChoice)
      if (currentChoice > maximum) { selector.val(maximum); }
      else if (currentChoice <= maximum) { selector.val(currentChoice); }

   * Wrapper function to do things that always come with a graph order.
  this.order = function (o, delay) {
    if (o === undefined) { o = {}; }
    o["requestor"] = "Graph";
    o["provider"] = "graph";
    o["exposeVertices"] = (scc.settings.get().graph.options["gp_exposeVertices"] === "Yes")
    scc.order(o, delay)

   * Order graph data using the options set in the GUI. This function may be
   * called by other modules as well, in case they require a graph refresh.
  this.update = function(delay) {
    if (graphD3.vertexStorage.get().length > 0) {
      graphModule.order({"query": "vertexIds",
                         "vertexIds": graphD3.vertexStorage.get()
      }, delay);
    else {

   * Take a JSON document and transform it into a tree compatible with d3's
   * tree layout (with name and children attributes).
   * @param {object} json to transform
   * @return {object} tree for d3's tree layout
  var jsonIntoTree = function (json) {
    if(typeof json === "object") {
      var arr = []
      $.each(json, function(k,v) {
        var child = jsonIntoTree(v)
        if ( === '[object Array]') {
          arr.push({"name": k, "children": child});
        else {
          arr.push({"name": k, "val": child});
      return arr;
    else {
      return json;

   * Loads the information into the exposition panel using the provided id and
   * JSON data.
   * @param {string} id the id of the vertex
   * @param {object} id the arbitrary JSON data to display
  this.expose = function (data) {
    // Transform the JSON into a tree for d3's tree layout
    var tree = { "name": "root", "children": jsonIntoTree(}

    // Clicking on the Id shall load the node
        'ID: ' + + '
' + 'Vertex type: ' + data.t + '
' + 'State: ' + data.state + '
' + 'Signal score: ' + + '
' + 'Collect score: ' + data.cs + '
') $("#exposition_data_title").html('Information exposed by Vertex:') $(".tid").click(function () { graphD3.addBySubstring($(this).text()); }); // Create the layout and populate it var treeLayout = d3.layout.tree(); treeLayout.value(function(d) { return; }); var expo ="#exposition_data")[tree]);[tree]); var t = expo.selectAll("div") .data(treeLayout.nodes); t.enter().append("div") .attr("class", function (d) { if (d.depth === 0) { return "hidden"; } if (d.children !== undefined) { return "tobject_key"; } return "tvalue_container"; }) .style("margin-left", function(d) { return (10*(d.depth-1)) + "px"; }) t.exit().remove(); t.html(function (d) { var s =; s = '' + s + ''; if (d.val === undefined) { s = s + ": "; } else { s = s + '
' + d.val + ''; } return s; }) } /** * Handler for when the user presses the mouse when resizing the exposition panel. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */'#dragbar').on("mousedown.resizeExposition", function () { d3.event.preventDefault(); resizingExposition = true; var main = $('#exposition'); var ghostbar = $('
', {id:'ghostbar', css: { height: main.outerHeight(), top: main.offset().top, left: main.offset().left }}).appendTo('body');"mousemove.resizeExposition", function () { d3.event.preventDefault(); ghostbar.css("left", d3.event.clientX-2); }); }); /** * Handler for when the user releases the mouse when resizing the exposition panel. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */"mouseup.resizeExposition", function () { d3.event.preventDefault(); if (resizingExposition) { var newWidth = $(document).width()-d3.event.clientX+2; scc.settings.set({"graph":{"layout": {"expositionWidth": newWidth}}}); $('#exposition').css("width", newWidth); $('#graph_canvas').css("right", newWidth); $('#ghostbar').remove();"mousemove.resizeExposition", null); resizingExposition = false; } }); /** * Modifies the panel HTML, sets options and adds dynamic fields. */ this.layout = function() { for (var i = 1; i<=4; i++) { $("#gp_vicinityRadius").append(''); } for (var i = 1; i<=10; i+=1) { $("#gp_refreshRate").append(''); } for (var i = 15; i<=60; i+=5) { $("#gp_refreshRate").append(''); } $("#gp_refreshRate").append(''); for (var i in vertexCountIntervals) { $("#gp_maxVertexCount").append(''); } populateTargetCountSelector(vertexCountIntervals[vertexCountIntervals.length-1]); $('#gs_addBySubstring').click(function(e) { if ($(this).val() === GSTR["addBySubstring"]) { $(this).select(); } }); $('#gs_addBySubstring').keypress(function(e) { if ( e.which === 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("#gs_addBySubstringAdd").addClass("active") setTimeout(function () { $("#gs_addBySubstringAdd").removeClass("active"); }, 100); graphD3.addBySubstring($("#gs_addBySubstring").val()); } }); $.each(scc.settings.get().graph.layout, function (key, value) { if (value === "show") { $("#" + key).show(); } }); $.each(scc.settings.get().graph.options, function (key, value) { $("#" + key).val(value); }); $("#gs_addBySubstring").val(GSTR.addBySubstring); if (scc.settings.get().graph.options["gp_exposeVertices"] === "Yes") { $('#exposition').css("width", scc.settings.get().graph.layout.expositionWidth); graphD3.exposedVertexId = localStorage["exposedVertexId"]; $("#exposition").fadeIn(100, function () { $('#graph_canvas').css("right", $("#exposition").width()); }); } $("#exposition_background").text(GSTR.expositionEmpty); var val = parseInt($("#gp_maxVertexCount").val()); populateTargetCountSelector(val); $.each(GSTR.menuhelp, function (k, v) { var subject = $('label[for="' + k + '"],' + '.panel_span[data-title="' + k + '"]') if (subject.length === 0) { subject = $('#' + k) } subject.attr("title", v); }); } this.layout(); /** * Function that is called by the main module when a new WebSocket connection * is established. Creates the SVG element and prepares the graph drawing * functionality. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ this.onopen = function(e) { graphD3.onopen(e); } /** * Function that is called by the main module when a message is received * from the WebSocket. Reads the graph data received and updates the graph * accordingly. * @param {object} j - The message object received from the server */ this.onmessage = function(j) { graphD3.onmessage(j) } /** * Function that is called by the main module when a requested piece of data * is not (yet) available from the server. Shows a message on the graph canvas. */ this.notready = function() { $("#graph_background").text("Data Provider not ready, retrying..."); }; /** * Function that is called by the main module when a new WebSocket connection * breaks down. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ this.onclose = function(e) { graphD3.onclose(e); }; /** * Take two coordinates and use them as opposite corner of a rectangle. * Calculate the position and size of the resulting rectangle. * @param {array} cornerA - The [x,y] position of the first corner * @param {array} cornerB - The [x,y] position of the second corner * @return {array} dimensions - The [x, y, w, h] dimensions */ var cornersToDimensions = function (cornerA, cornerB) { var left = Math.min(cornerA[0],cornerB[0]); var top = Math.min(cornerA[1],cornerB[1]); var width = Math.max(cornerA[0],cornerB[0]) - left; var height = Math.max(cornerA[1],cornerB[1]) - top; return [left, top, width, height]; }; /** * d3 handler that initiates a selection using the mouse to draw a rectangle. */"#graph_canvas_overlay").on("mousedown.selectVertices", function (e) { // Store the positions of where the mouse button was pressed mouseClickCoords = d3.mouse(this); // Place the selection rectangle at the right spot and show it $("#graph_canvas_selection").css({"height": 0, "width": 0}); $("#graph_canvas_selection").show(); }); /** * d3 handler that adjusts the selection rectangle when moving the mouse */"#graph_canvas_overlay").on("mousemove.selectVertices", function (e) { if (mouseClickCoords) { // update the width var coords = d3.mouse(this); var dimensions = cornersToDimensions(coords, mouseClickCoords); $("#graph_canvas_selection").css({"left": dimensions[0], "top": dimensions[1], "width": dimensions[2], "height": dimensions[3] }); } }); /** * d3 handler that finally calculates which vertices fall into the selection * and then adjusts the panel buttons depending on the action that follows * this selection. */"#graph_canvas_overlay").on("mouseup.selectVertices", function (e) { // Filter vertices to find the ones inside the selection rectangle var coords = d3.mouse(this); selectedVertices = $("circle").filter(function (i) { var boundingRect = this.getBoundingClientRect() if (boundingRect.left-301 > Math.min(coords[0], mouseClickCoords[0]) && boundingRect.bottom > Math.min(coords[1], mouseClickCoords[1]) && boundingRect.right-301 < Math.max(coords[0], mouseClickCoords[0]) && boundingRect.bottom < Math.max(coords[1], mouseClickCoords[1])) { return true; } return false; }); // Highlight the selected vertices selectedVertices.css({"fill": "#00ff00", "stroke": "#fff"}); // Modify the panel buttons depending on the current action switch (pickAction) { case "remove": $("#gd_removeBySelect").addClass("snd"); $("#gd_removeBySelectRemove").removeClass("hidden"); break; case "addVicinities": $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect").addClass("snd"); $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelectAdd").removeClass("hidden"); break; } // Hide the selection rectangle and overlay $("#graph_canvas_selection").hide(); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").fadeOut(100); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").removeClass("pickingVertices"); }); /** * Function used as handler for selecting vertices whose vicinities shall be * loaded. */ var processSelection = function (e, action, primaryButton, confirmButton) { e.preventDefault(); // restore styling on all vertices graphD3.resetVertexStyle(); selectedVertices = undefined; $("button").attr("disabled", false); primaryButton.removeClass("active"); pickAction = action; // modify panel buttons if (primaryButton.text() === "Cancel") { primaryButton.text("Selected vertices"); primaryButton.removeClass("snd"); confirmButton.addClass("hidden"); $("#graph_canvas_selection").hide(); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").fadeOut(100); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").removeClass("pickingVertices"); } else { $("button").removeClass("snd"); primaryButton.text("Cancel"); primaryButton.addClass("active"); confirmButton.addClass("hidden"); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").addClass("pickingVertices"); $("#graph_canvas_overlay").fadeIn(100); $("button:not(.active)").attr("disabled", true); } }; /** * Bind the function to the vertex selection buttons */ $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect").click(function (e) { processSelection(e, "addVicinities", $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect"), $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelectAdd")); }); $("#gd_removeBySelect").click(function (e) { processSelection(e, "remove", $("#gd_removeBySelect"), $("#gd_removeBySelectRemove")); }); /** * Function used as handler for finally executing the action */ var executeAction = function (e, primaryButton, confirmButton, callback) { e.preventDefault(); $("button").attr("disabled", false); primaryButton.text("Selected vertices"); primaryButton.removeClass("snd"); primaryButton.removeClass("active"); confirmButton.addClass("hidden"); callback(); } /** * Bind the function to the vertex selection buttons. */ $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelectAdd").click(function (e) { executeAction(e, $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect"), $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelectAdd"), function () { // extract list of Ids from vertex list and order data var selectedVertexIds = $.map(selectedVertices, function (vertex, key) { return; }); graphModule.order({ "query": "vertexIds", "vertexIds": selectedVertexIds, "vicinityIncoming": ($("#gp_vicinityIncoming").val() === "Yes"), "vicinityRadius": parseInt($("#gp_vicinityRadius").val()) }); }); }); $("#gd_removeBySelectRemove").click(function (e) { executeAction(e, $("#gd_removeBySelect"), $("#gd_removeBySelectRemove"), function () { graphD3.removeVerticesFromCanvas(selectedVertices); }); }); /** * Handler called when the user clicks on the button to remove all vertices. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ $("#gd_removeOrphans").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); graphD3.removeOrphans(); }); /** * Handler called when the user clicks on the button to remove all vertices that * do not belong to the latest query. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ $("#gd_removeNonLatest").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); graphD3.removeNonLatestVertices(); }); /** * Handler that fires when pressing a key. It supports some * actions using the keyboard. */ $(document).keydown(function(e) { // If the user has selected vertices to be removed, DEL will do the same as // clicking on "Remove". ESC will cancel the selection. if ($("#gd_removeBySelect").hasClass("snd")) { if ( e.which === 46 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("#gd_removeBySelectRemove").trigger('click'); } } if ($("#gd_removeBySelect").text() === "Cancel") { if ( e.which === 27 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("#gd_removeBySelect").trigger('click'); } } // If the user has selected vertices to load their vicinities, ENTER will do // the same as clicking on "Add". ESC will cancel the selection. if ($("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect").hasClass("snd")) { if ( e.which === 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelectAdd").trigger('click'); } } if ($("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect").text() === "Cancel") { if ( e.which === 27 ) { e.preventDefault(); $("#gs_addVicinitiesBySelect").trigger('click'); } } }); $("#gs_addBySubstringAdd").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var s = $("#gs_addBySubstring").val(); graphD3.addBySubstring(s); }); $("#gs_addByTop").click(graphD3.addTop); $("#gs_addRecentVicinitiesAdd").click(graphD3.addRecentVicinities); $("#gs_addAllVicinitiesAdd").click(graphD3.addAllVicinities); /** * Handler called when a 'select' HTML element is changed. The choice is * persisted to the settings hash. * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ $(".graph_design").change(function (e) { var property = $(this); graphD3.setGraphDesign(property.attr("id"), property.val()); }); /** * Handler called when the user clicks on button to remove all vertices * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ $("#gd_removeAll").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); graphD3.removeAllVertices(); }); /** * Handler called when the maximum vertex count option changes. Adjusts the * possible range to choose from in the target count option. */ $("#gp_maxVertexCount").change(function (e) { graphD3.removeOverflowingVertices(); var val = parseInt($(this).val()); populateTargetCountSelector(val); }); /** * Handler called when the exposeVertices option changes. Adjusts the * possible range to choose from in the target count option. */ $("#gp_exposeVertices").change(function (e) { var val = $(this).val(); if (val === "Yes") { scc.consumers.Graph.update(); $('#exposition').css("width", scc.settings.get().graph.layout.expositionWidth); graphD3.exposedVertexId = localStorage["exposedVertexId"]; $("#exposition").fadeIn(100, function () { $('#graph_canvas').css("right", $("#exposition").width()); }); $("#exposition").fadeIn(100) } else { $("#exposition").fadeOut(100) $('#graph_canvas').css("right", 0); } }); /** * Handler called when the 'draw edges' option changes. Persists the choice * to the settings hash and updates the representation (shows or hides the * edges) * @param {Event} e - The event that triggered the call */ $("#gp_drawEdges").change(function (e) { var val = $(this).val(); graphD3.setEdgeDrawing(val); }); /** * Handler called when the user unfocuses the id-substring field. Reverts * value to default if it's left empty. */ $("#gs_addBySubstring").change(function () { if ($("#gs_addBySubstring").val().length === 0) { $("#gs_addBySubstring").val(GSTR.addBySubstring); } }); };

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