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Morges Lavigny Lac L?man Lausanne Vevey Moudon Pompaples Mex Orbe Vallorbe Yverdon La Broye L'Orbe Le Talent Le Venoge Besch?ftigung Kanton Waadt Employment canton of Vaud 1985/95 Geschlechtsspez. Verteilung in Voll- und Teilzeit im 2. u. 3. Wirtschaftssektor Gender-specific distribution of full- vs part-time in the industry and services Verh?ltnis Teilzeit/Vollzeit Ratio part-time/full-time < 22.3 % < 39.1 % < Anteil der Frauen an den Share of women in the Teilzeitbesch?ftigten part-time employees < 81.8 % < 66.7 % < Gemeinden unter 10 Besch?ftigten Municipalities under 10 employed oder ohne Teilzeitbesch?ftigung or without part-time employment Massstab 1:200.000 Echelle 1:200.000 Scale 1:200.000 0 10 20 30 40 50 km 20.000 20,000 10.000 10,000 5.000 5,000 2.000 2,000 1.000 1,000 500 100 Gr?sster Teilkreis: Lausanne Biggest circle: Lausanne 71.606 Vollzeitbesch?ftigte 71,606 full-time employed 1 mm? = 22 Besch?ftigte 1 mm? = 22 employed Frauen Frauen M?nner M?nner Vollzeitbesch?ftigte Teilzeitbesch?ftigte Women Women Men Men Full-time employed Part-time employed 1985 1995 Source: company counts 1985/1995, Federal Office of Statistics Editors: Heiko Munde, Andreas Neumann, Simone Schoch Tutors: Ernst Hutzler, Daniel Staub Map created for the Exercises in Thematic Cartography, summer semester 1997, Institute Cartography, ETH Zurich Software: Themap (E. Hutzler, ETH), Microstation, Corel Draw Gemeindetypen entsprechend Besch?ftigungsverh?ltnis Besch?ftigte absolut Source: company counts 1985/1995, Federal Office of Statistics Editors: Heiko Munde, Andreas Neumann, Simone Schoch Tutors: Ernst Hutzler, Daniel Staub Map created for the Exercises in Thematic Cartography, summer semester 1997, Institute Cartography, ETH Zurich Software: Themap (E. Hutzler, ETH), Microstation, Corel Draw Municipalities according to employment ratio Employed absolute