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Marker Test <title>and <desc> tool tips on Graphical Elements No info <title> <desc> both <rect> <rect> with title only <rect> with <desc> only Title: <rect> with title and <desc> Description: <rect> with title and <desc> <circle> <circle> with <title> only <circle> with <desc> only Title: <circle> with <title> and <desc> Description: <circle> with <desc> and <desc> <ellipse> <ellipse> with <title> only <ellipse> with <desc> only Title: <ellipse> with <title> and <desc> Description: <ellipse> with <desc> and <desc> <line> <line> with <title> only <line> with <desc> only Title: <line> with <title> and <desc> Description: <line> with <desc> and <desc> <polyline> <polyline> with <title> only <polyline> with <desc> only Title: <polyline> with <title> and <desc> Description: <polyline> with <desc> and <desc> <polygon> <polygon> with <title> only <polygon> with <desc> only Title: <polygon> with <title> and <desc> Description: <polygon> with <desc> and <desc> <path> <path> with <title> only <path> with <desc> only Title: <path> with <title> and <desc> Description: <path> with <desc> and <desc> <image> <image> with <title> only <image> with <desc> only Title: <image> with <title> and <desc> Description: <image> with <desc> and <desc> <text> Ho, la, la! Ho, la, la! <text> with <title> only Ho, la, la! <text> with <desc> only Ho, la, la! Title: <text> with <title> and <desc> Description: <text> with <desc> and <desc> <use> <use> with <title> only <use> with <desc> only Title: <use> with <title> and <desc> Description: <use> with <desc> and <desc> Orange w/ Tip Orange wo/ Tip Red w/Tip Red wo/Tip Red <rect> with tip Orange <rect> with tip Red <rect> with tip Orange <rect> with tip