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Test the CSS 'font' shorthand property Test the CSS 'font' shorthand property default font: 20px Serif font: 20 SanSerif font: 20 times font: bold 20 times font: italic 20 times font: bold italic 20 times font: italic bold 20 times font: 200 20 times font: 700 small-caps 20 times font: small-caps 700 20 times font: small-caps 700 italic 20 times font: 700 small-caps italic 20 times font: small-caps italic 700 20 times font: 200 "bolder" font: 200 bolder font: 200px bolder font: bolder 200 bolder font: italic 20 times group font-weight="bold" font: bold 20 times group font-style="italic" File: menu File: small-caption