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* Isomorphic SmartClient
* Version SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-08-08 (2011-08-08)
* Copyright(c) 1998 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
* "SmartClient" is a trademark of Isomorphic Software, Inc.
* [email protected]
//> @groupDef treeDataBinding
// The SmartClient +link{TreeGrid} component is a visual representation of a tree and requires
// a +link{Tree} or +link{ResultTree} datatype passed via the +link{} attribute to
// initialize the tree view. The +link{Tree} datatype is used when you want to provide all of
// the tree nodes in one shot at initialization time. The +link{ResultTree} datatype is used
// when you want portions of the tree to be loaded on demand from the server.
// Providing all data to the Tree at creation
// The simplest mechanism by which to initialize a Tree is to simply provide all the data
// up-front when the Tree itself is created. Depending on the format of your tree data, this
// can be done by setting +link{Tree.root} or +link{}. This functionality is provided
// by the +link{Tree} class.
// For examples of this type of databinding, see the following SDK examples:
// - +externalLink{/examples/components/treeGrid_init.html, TreeGrid Initialization Example}
- +externalLink{/examples/server_integration/#jstlTree, TreeGrid Initialization with JSTL}
// Loading Tree nodes on demand
// In this mode, tree nodes are loaded on-demand the first time a user expands a folder. This
// approach is necessary for large trees. This functionality is provided by the
// +link{ResultTree} class, which uses a +link{DataSource} to load data from the server. Each
// DataSource Record becomes a +link{TreeNode}.
// ResultTrees require that every node in the tree have an +link{Tree.idField,id} that is
// unique tree-wide. When the user expands a folder whose contents have not yet been loaded
// from the server (or you programmatically call openFolder() on such a node), the client
// automatically sends a +link{DSRequest} to the server to ask for all immediate children of
// that node. The +link{DSRequest} criteria will specify the id of the node for which children
// are being requested via the parentId
property (see +link{Tree.parentIdField}).
// This client is asking the server: "give me all nodes whose parentId is the id of this
// node".
// If there are no pre-existing node ids in the dataset you are loading, you must generate node
// ids (because the client needs some way to identify nodes when talking to the server).
// Generally a node id should contain whatever information is required to fetch the node and
// it's children on the server. One typical approach is to use the path to the node as a node
// id. For XML datasets in particular, the path may be a valid XPath, so that server-side
// lookup of child nodes is just a matter of applying the node id as an XPath to a server-side
// XMLDocument.
// +link{ResultTree}s are created for you by the +link{TreeGrid} when you set
// +link{TreeGrid.dataSource}, but you can pass an initial dataset to a databound TreeGrid by
// setting +link{TreeGrid.initialData}. The +link{Tree.idField} is derived from the dataSource
// you provide to the TreeGrid - the first field marked as
// +link{DataSourceField.primaryKey}:true becomes the idField of the ResultTree.
// The +link{Tree.parentIdField} is found by looking for a field that has a
// +link{DataSourceField.foreignKey} property pointing to the idField.
// If you do not provide +link{TreeGrid.initialData}, the first DSRequest you receive will be a
// request for the nodes under root. The id of the root node of the tree is the value of the
// rootValue
attribute on the +link{Tree.parentIdField} of the Tree DataSource.
// For examples of this type of databinding, see the following SDK examples:
// - +externalLink{/examples/databinding/tree_databinding.jsp, TreeGrid DataBinding Example}
- +externalLink{/examples/server_integration/#xml2JSLOD, TreeGrid XML DataBinding}
// Multi-Level load on demand
// The ResultTree's DSRequests ask for the immediate children of a node only (by specifying
// parentId
in the criteria). Any nodes returned whose parentId
// value is unset or matches this criterion will be added to the tree as immediate children of the
// node. However you are also free to return multiple levels of children. This can be done by
// simply returning a flat list of descendents with valid id's and parentId's, exactly as though
// you were initializing a multi-level tree via +link{}.
// Note that when receiving multiple levels of children, the ResultTree's assumption is that
// if any children are loaded for a parent, then that parent is considered fully loaded.
// When loading children for a given parent node, the ResultTree calls
// +link{DataSource.fetchData} on its DataSource. For custom code that may need to reference
// the parentNode or tree in some way, the parent node whose children are being loaded is
// available on the dsRequest instance in the DataSource flow as dsRequest.parentNode, where it
// can be inspected during +link{DataSource.transformRequest()}.
// @title Tree DataBinding
// @treeLocation Client Reference/Data Binding
// @visibility external
//> @class ResultTree
// ResultTrees are an implementation of the +link{class:Tree} API, used to handle hierarchical
// data, whose nodes are DataSource records which are retrieved from a server.
// @visibility external
// @treeLocation Client Reference/Data Binding
isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("ResultTree", isc.Tree);
modelType: "parent",
// DataModel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//> @attr resultTree.dataSource (DataSource or ID : null : IR)
// What +link{class:DataSource} is this resultTree associated with?
// @include dataModel.dataSource
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.context (OperationContext : null : IRA)
// OperationContext to be sent with all operations performed by this ResultTree.
//> @attr resultTree.loadDataOnDemand (boolean : true : IR)
// Does this resultTree load data incrementally as folders within the tree are opened, or
// is it all loaded in a single request?
// @see treeGrid.loadDataOnDemand
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.defaultIsFolder (boolean : null : IR)
// Controls whether nodes are assumed to be folders or leaves by default.
// Nodes that have children or have the +link{tree.isFolderProperty,isFolderProperty} set
// to true will always be considered folders. Other nodes will be considered folders or
// leaves by default according to this setting.
// If defaultIsFolder
is unset, the ResultTree will automatically set it to
// match the value of +link{loadDataOnDemand}. This means that, when using
// folder-by-folder load on demand (loadDataOnDemand:true
), by default a newly
// loaded node will be considered to be a folder that has not loaded its children yet.
// When not using folder-by-folder load on demand, by default a newly loaded node is
// considered a leaf. If you set defaultIsFolder:true
explicitly, by default
// a newly loaded node is considered to be a folder with no children.
// See +link{Tree.isFolder()} for details on how to explicitly mark nodes as folders or leaves.
// @see treeGrid.loadDataOnDemand
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.rootNode (any : null :IR)
// This attribute may be used to specify a root value for the parentIdField of this resultTree.
// This overrides the default +link{DataSourceField.rootValue} for this tree, allowing
// a component to navigate a tree starting at a specific node.
// May be overridden via +link{TreeGrid.treeRootValue} for ResultTrees generated by a TreeGrid
// component.
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.discardParentlessNodes (boolean : null : IRA)
// When data is loaded from the server, should nodes with an explicit value for
// the +link{tree.parentIdField} which doesn't map to a valid parent node be dropped?
// If set to false, for +link{TreeGrid.loadDataOnDemand}:false trees, parentless nodes will be
// added as children of the root node - for +link{TreeGrid.loadDataOnDemand}:true, they will be
// added as children of the folder currently requesting children.
// This effectively allows nodes to be loaded into the current (or root) folder without
// needing an explicit +link{tree.parentIdField,parentIdField value} that matches the folder's
// ID or rootValue
for the resultTree.
// Note: For loadDataOnDemand:false
trees, if this property is unset at init time,
// it will default to true
if an explicit +link{resultTree.rootNode} has been
// specified. This ensures that if the data tree retrieved from the server includes ancestors
// of the desired root-node we don't display them. Otherwise this property always defaults to
// false.
// @visibility external
//>@attr ResultTree.defaultNewNodesToRoot (boolean : false : IRWA)
// This attribute governs how to handle cache-synch when a new node is added to this dataSource
// with no explicit parentId.
// If set to true
, when a new node is added to this dataSource via
// +link{DataSource.addData()}, with no explicit parentId, the node will be added as a
// child of the root node of this result tree. Otherwise it will be ignored.
// Similar logic applies to +link{DataSource.updateData(),updated nodes} - if this property is
// true and the parentId of an updated node is cleared, it will be moved to become a child of
// root, otherwise it will be dropped from the tree.
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.updateCacheFromRequest (boolean : true : IRA)
// When a successful Add, Update or Remove type operation fires on this ResultTree's
// dataSource, if +link{} is unset, should we integrate the submitted
// data values (from the request) into our data-set?
// @group cacheSync
// @visibility external
//> @attr resultTree.disableCacheSync (boolean : false : IRA)
// By default when the data of this ResultTree's dataSource is modified, the ResultTree will
// be updated to display these changes.
// Set this flag to true to disable this behavior.
// @group cacheSync
// @visibility external
//> @method resultTree.init() (A)
// Initialize this ResultTree. Pass in objects with properties to add or override
// defaults.
// @param [all arguments] (object) objects with properties to override from default
init : function (a,b,c,d,e,f) {
// create a pointer to us in the global context
if (!this.criteria) this.criteria = {};
if (!this.operation) this.operation = {operationType : "fetch"};
// dataSource can be specified either on the operation or the ResultTree.
if (!this.dataSource) this.dataSource = this.operation.dataSource;
if (!this.operation.dataSource) this.operation.dataSource = this.dataSource;
if (isc.isAn.Array(this.dataSource)) {
this.dataSource = this.dataSource[0];
this.operation.dataSource = this.dataSource;
// If any of rootValue, idField, parentIdField are not explicitly specified on this
// ResultTree, autodetect them from the DataSource relationship.
if (!this.isMultiDSTree()) {
// root node has to exist for getTreeRelationship to work, so create it now if it
// doesn't exist
if (!this.root) this.root = this.makeRoot();
var relationship = this.getTreeRelationship(this.root);
var undef;
// compare to undef because rootValue can be set to null
if (this.rootValue === undef) this.rootValue = relationship.rootValue;
// If we're not loading on demand, and the rootValue is not null/undef,
// 'discardParentlessNodes' to true.
// This ensures that if we load an entire tree, and have a rootValue set to pick up
// a sub-tree of that, we don't add the full tree's top level element to root and thus
// show the entire tree
if (!this.loadDataOnDemand &&
(this.rootValue != null || (this.root != null && this.root[this.idField] != null)) &&
this.discardParentlessNodes == null)
this.discardParentlessNodes = true;
if (this.idField == null) this.idField = relationship.idField;
if (this.parentIdField == null) this.parentIdField = relationship.parentIdField;
if (relationship.childrenProperty) this.childrenProperty = relationship.childrenProperty;
this.root[this.idField] = this.rootValue;
// establish default values for isFolderProperty et al that were not derived from the tree
// relationship
if (this.initialData) {
if ("parent" == this.modelType) = this.initialData;
else if ("children" == this.modelType) this.root = this.initialData;
// observe dataChanged on our dataSource
var dataSource = isc.DataSource.getDataSource(this.dataSource);
this.observe(dataSource, "dataChanged", "observer.dataSourceDataChanged(dsRequest,dsResponse);");
// whether to invalidate our cache when an update occurs on one of our datasources.
// Default is update the current cache in place.
this.dropCacheOnUpdate = this.operation.dropCacheOnUpdate;
// set up defaultIsFolder before invoking Tree.init
// This is required in linkNodes to ensure LOD ResultTrees' child nodes show up as
// openable folders
if (this.defaultIsFolder == null) this.defaultIsFolder = this.loadDataOnDemand;
this.invokeSuper(isc.ResultTree, "init", a,b,c,d,e,f);
// if we're not using folder-by-folder load on demand, all nodes should be initially marked loaded
this.defaultLoadState = this.loadDataOnDemand ? isc.Tree.UNLOADED : isc.Tree.LOADED;
destroy : function () {
this.Super("destroy", arguments);
var dataSource = isc.DataSource.getDataSource(this.dataSource);
if (dataSource) this.ignore(dataSource, "dataChanged");
// A Tree navigates a 1 to many (parent to children) relationship, which can exist within or
// across DataSources.
// figuring out the type of child records at each level of the tree
// - use cases
// - all one type
// - supported: set just this.dataSource
// - fixed levels
// - example: salesOrder, lineItem
// - supported: set this.dataSource for root DataSource, this.treeRelations for transitions
// - mixed child types (each parent in a level has different child types)
// - example: outlook left-hand tree navigation: top level is a random conglomeration of Inbox,
// Favorites, etc, each with different child node types (message folders, filesystem folders,
// etc)
// - supported: next level is specified via node[this.childNodeType], or via overriding
// getChildDataSource
// - mixed type within a level
// - supported: the Tree just needs a DataSource with a primary key for the level. Any join
// that can produce this is fine.
getTreeRelationship : function (parentNode) {
var childDS = this.getChildDataSource(parentNode);
// ask the datasource for a tree relationship, which can be declared explicitly or
// autodetected from field declarations
var relationship = childDS.getTreeRelationship();
return relationship;
//> @method resultTree.getChildDataSource()
// Get the DataSource for children under this node.
// If this node has no appropriate child node type, this method will return null - in a multi-DS
// tree this indicates that there is no appropriate next DataSource to navigate to, and this node
// will be a leaf.
// NOTE: nodeDS is an optional parameter, used when we need to know the child datasource of a node
// before it gets linked into the tree (at that time, the node's DS can't be determined by looking
// at it's future parent).
getChildDataSource : function (node, nodeDS) {
// look for explicitly specified child type
var childDSName = node[this.childTypeProperty];
if (childDSName != null) return isc.DS.get(childDSName);
// see if there is a mapping from this parent's type to its child type
var nodeDS = nodeDS || this.getNodeDataSource(node);
// - if this is a single DS tree, use the one and only DataSource
// - if we're at root (which is the only node with no DS), use the root DataSource
if (nodeDS == null || !this.isMultiDSTree()) return this.getRootDataSource();
// otherwise try to find a relation from this node's DS to some other DS
// see if there's an explicitly declared tree relation
var treeRelations = this.treeRelations,
childDataSources = nodeDS.getChildDataSources();
//this.logWarn("getChildDataSource: nodeDS is : " + nodeDS +
// ", treeRelations: " + this.echo(treeRelations) +
// ", childDataSources: " + this.echo(childDataSources));
if (treeRelations) {
childDSName = treeRelations[nodeDS.ID];
if (childDSName != null) return isc.DS.get(childDSName);
// otherwise take the first relationship to any other DataSource
if (childDataSources != null) return childDataSources[0];
// get the DataSource for this node
getNodeDataSource : function (node) {
// check for explicitly specified type (this allows mixed types within a set of children)
var dsName = node[this.nodeTypeProperty];
// use the type stored on parent node when this child was fetched
if (dsName == null) {
var parentNode = this.getParent(node);
if (parentNode == null) {
// the special, singular "root" object has no DataSource
return null;
} else if (parentNode == this.root) {
// nodes under root are of the first or "root" DataSource (slightly confusing)
dsName = this.getRootDataSource().ID;
} else {
// when we have a mixture of node types, and the parent stores the type of the
// child nodes when they are loaded
dsName = parentNode._derivedChildNodeType;
// otherwise we have just one node type
if (dsName == null) dsName = this.getRootDataSource().ID;
return isc.DS.get(dsName) || this.getRootDataSource();
isMultiDSTree : function () {
return this.multiDSTree || this.treeRelations != null;
// get the DataSource for the nodes that appear at root
getRootDataSource : function () {
if (this.operation && this.operation.dataSource) return isc.DS.get(this.operation.dataSource);
else return isc.DS.get(this.dataSource);
// get the criteria to apply (aside from parentId) when selecting children from childDS
getCriteria : function (childDS, parentDS, parentNode) {
if (this.getRootDataSource() == childDS) return this.criteria;
return null;
// get an operationId to use to select children from childDS. operation can optionally depend
// on parentDS and parentNode
getOperationId : function (childDS, parentDS, parentNode) {
// FIXME we may want a declarative way to specify the operation to use to select on each
// DataSource the tree may encounter
return this.operation ? this.operation.ID : null;
//> @method resultTree.loadChildren()
// @include tree.loadChildren()
//> @method resultTree.unloadChildren()
// @include tree.unloadChildren()
// Note this is an internal method to fetch the children and fold them into the children array
// for the node in question. It doesn't check for the children already being loaded - so if
// called repeatedly you'd end up with duplicates in the children array.
loadChildren : function (parentNode, callback) {
// figure out what parent-child relationship will be used to select children of this node.
var isRoot = (parentNode == null || parentNode == this.root),
relationship, childDS, parentDS;
// this.logWarn("parentNode: " + this.echo(parentNode) +
// ", isRoot: " + isRoot);
// if we're at root, and this is a multi-DataSource tree, the root-level nodes have no parent
// dataSource. We just do a normal select, using only the criteria
if (isRoot && this.isMultiDSTree()) {
childDS = this.getRootDataSource();
// XXX this isn't really a relationship: the singular "root" has no schema, hence there is
// no "parentDS" or "idField", and in the childDS there is no parentIDField that points to
// root. But the notion of "childDS", the DataSource of the nodes being loaded, is still
// valid.
relationship = { childDS:childDS };
} else {
// otherwise, we detect some relationship that this node has either within its own
// DataSource or across DataSources, and load children using that relationship
relationship = this.getTreeRelationship(parentNode);
childDS = relationship.childDS;
parentDS = relationship.parentDS;
if (!this.isMultiDSTree()) {
// force local overrides of idField, parentIdField and rootValue on the relationship -
// these are autodetected and initialized in init() if unset on this ResultTree.
relationship.idField = this.idField;
relationship.parentIdField = this.parentIdField;
relationship.rootValue = relationship.rootValue;
if (this.logIsDebugEnabled()) {
this.logDebug("parent id: " + (isRoot ? "[root]" : parentNode[relationship.idField]) +
" (type: " + (isRoot ? "[root]" : parentDS.ID) + ")" +
" has childDS: " + childDS.ID +
", relationship: " + this.echo(relationship));
// remember the type of children under this parent, because we'll use this to figure out the
// type of the children's children.
parentNode._derivedChildNodeType = childDS.ID;
// put together criteria that should always be used when selecting against this DataSource
var criteria = isc.addProperties({}, this.getCriteria(childDS, parentDS, parentNode));
if (isRoot && this.isMultiDSTree()) {
// leave criteria alone
} else if (this.loadDataOnDemand) {
// loadOnDemand: instead of loading the whole tree, only load the children of a single
// node. Put together criteria that will find all records from the childDS that belong
// under this parent record (eg lineItems in a salesOrder)
var parentIdFieldValue = parentNode[relationship.idField];
// Note: If we're loading the children of the root node, default to the
// rootValue as specified at the dataSource level if no rootValue was specified directly
// on the tree
var undefined;
if (isRoot && parentIdFieldValue === undefined) {
parentIdFieldValue = relationship.rootValue;
criteria[relationship.parentIdField] = parentIdFieldValue;
//this.logWarn("criteria is: " + this.echo(criteria));
} else {
// we're going to fetch the entire tree in one go, so mark everything as loaded
this.defaultLoadState = isc.Tree.LOADED;
// remember the parentNode whose children we are loading, and what relationship we used
// also set up the callback to fire on return.
var clientContext = isc.addProperties(
{parentNode:parentNode, relationship:relationship, childrenReplyCallback:callback},
this.context ? this.context.clientContext : null);
// If this is the initial fetch, hang a flag on the clientContext so we know to fire the initial
// fetch callback.
if (!this._performedInitialFetch) {
clientContext._isInitialFetch = true;
this._performedInitialFetch = true;
var requestProperties = isc.addProperties({parentNode: parentNode, resultTree:this},
{ clientContext : clientContext });
// get an operation to do a select against the child DS
var operationId = this.getOperationId(childDS, parentDS, parentNode);
if (operationId) requestProperties.operationId = operationId;
// set willHandleErrors to true so we can clear up our loading prompt on a server error
requestProperties.willHandleError = true;
// set the parent as loading
if (parentNode != null) this.setLoadState(parentNode, isc.Tree.LOADING);
// kick off the operation to fetch children
childDS.fetchData(criteria, {caller:this, methodName:'loadChildrenReply'},
loadChildrenReply : function (dsResponse, data, request) {
// this.logWarn("loadChildren reply: " + this.echoFull(;
var context = dsResponse.clientContext;
var parentNode = context.parentNode;
// incorporate the new records into the tree
var relationship = context.relationship,
newNodes =;
// if we're returned an error handle it as if we were returned no data, then
// call the standard RPCManager error handling code
if (dsResponse.status < 0) newNodes = null;
// if we're returned the STATUS_OFFLINE condition, handle it as an empty dataset
if (dsResponse.status == isc.RPCResponse.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
newNodes = [];
if (parentNode != null && !this.isRoot(parentNode)) {
if (newNodes == null || newNodes.length == 0) {
// no new nodes, mark parentNode as loaded
if (dsResponse.status == isc.RPCResponse.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
this.setLoadState(parentNode, isc.Tree.UNLOADED);
this.delayCall("closeFolder", [parentNode], 0);
} else {
this.setLoadState(parentNode, isc.Tree.LOADED);
if (newNodes == null) {
if (dsResponse.status < 0) {
isc.RPCManager._handleError(dsResponse, request);
} else {
this.logWarn("null children returned; return empty List instead");
newNodes = [];
if (this.isMultiDSTree()) {
for (var i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++) {
var node = newNodes[i];
// in a multi-DS tree, a node is a folder if there's a childDS to fetch nodes from
var nextChildDS = this.getChildDataSource(node, relationship.childDS);
if (nextChildDS != null) this.convertToFolder(node);
// Node naming:
// - in a single-DS tree, all nodes have an id that is unique tree-wide, the "idField" from
// the tree relationship
// - in a multi-DS tree, nodes are from a mix of DataSources and do not necessarily have a
// tree-wide unique id - they only have a unique id within each set of children, since
// each set of children can be from a different DataSource (even when on the same level).
// So, for multiDSTrees, in this case all newNodes are immediate children
// link it in
this.add(node, parentNode);
} else {
// we're dealing with a mixed bag of parents and children, any number of levels deep. In
// this case we assume a unique id across all tree nodes, as opposed to just one level, and
// run a linking algorithm that can handle the nodes in any order.
if (dsResponse.status == isc.RPCResponse.STATUS_OFFLINE) {
this.setLoadState(parentNode, isc.Tree.UNLOADED);
this.delayCall("closeFolder", [parentNode], 0);
} else {
// Fire any callback passed to 'loadChildren' in the scope of this tree.
if (context.childrenReplyCallback) {
this.fireCallback(context.childrenReplyCallback, "node", [parentNode], this);
// NOTE: when paging within child sets is implemented, we'll add "startChild,endChild" to
// this signature
if (this.dataArrived != null) {
isc.Func.replaceWithMethod(this, "dataArrived", "parentNode");
// Cache sync
// ------------------------------------
// On initial load of data for some folder, we always retrieve the entire set of children for the
// parents of the node.
// When dataChanged fires on our dataSource, we need to update these stored children arrays to
// incorporate the modified nodes into our tree of local data.
// helper method to get this.dataSource as a datasource object (even if specified as an ID only)
getDataSource : function () {
return isc.DataSource.getDataSource(this.dataSource);
//> @method resultTree.invalidateCache() [A]
// Manually invalidate this ResultTree's cache.
// Generally a ResultTree will observe and incorporate updates to the DataSource that provides it's
// records, but when this is not possible, invalidateCache()
allows manual cache
// invalidation.
// Components bound to this ResultTree will typically re-request the currently visible portion
// of the dataset, causing the ResultTree to re-fetch data from the server.
// @visibility external
invalidateCache : function () {
if (!this.isLoaded(this.root)) return;
// reset root to refetch all our data.
var root = this.makeRoot();
if (!this.loadDataOnDemand) this.reloadChildren(root);
dataSourceDataChanged : function (dsRequest, dsResponse) {
// respsect the flag to suppress cache sync altogether
if (this.disableCacheSync) return;
var updateData = isc.DataSource.getUpdatedData(dsRequest, dsResponse,
this.handleUpdate(dsRequest.operationType, updateData, dsResponse.invalidateCache);
handleUpdate : function (operationType, updateData, forceCacheInvalidation) {
if (isc._traceMarkers) arguments.__this = this;
if (this.dropCacheOnUpdate || forceCacheInvalidation) {
if (!this.getDataSource().canQueueRequests) this.dataChanged();
// update our cached tree directly Note our cache is filtered, so we may just discard the
// update if the new row doesn't pass the filter
this.updateCache(operationType, updateData);
// updateCache() - catch-all method fired when the dataSource dataChanged method fires.
// Integrates (or removes) the modified nodes into our local tree of data.
updateCache : function (operationType, updateData) {
if (updateData == null) return;
operationType = isc.DS._getStandardOperationType(operationType);
if (!isc.isAn.Array(updateData)) updateData = [updateData];
if (this.logIsInfoEnabled()) {
this.logInfo("Updating cache: operationType '" + operationType + "', " +
updateData.length + " rows update data" +
(this.logIsDebugEnabled() ?
":\n" + this.echoAll(updateData) : ""));
} // DEBUG
var removedRows = 0, addedRows = 0;
if (this.logIsDebugEnabled() && !matchesFilter) {
this.logDebug("updated node :\n" + this.echo(updateRow) +
"\ndidn't match filter: " + this.echo(this.criteria));
if (this.logIsDebugEnabled()) {
this.logDebug("updated cache, " + (updateData.length - removedRows) +
" out of " + updateData.length + " rows remain in cache, "
+ addedRows + " row(s) added.");
// @method resultTree.dataArrived
// This callback fires whenever the resultTree receives new nodes from the server, after
// the new nodes have been integrated into the tree.
// @param parentNode (TreeNode) The parentNode for which children were just loaded
// @visibility external
dataArrived: "parentNode"