coffee-script-1.3.3.rewriter.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Maven 2.0 plugin for compiling coffeescript into javascript
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
__slice = [].slice;
exports.Rewriter = (function() {
function Rewriter() {}
Rewriter.prototype.rewrite = function(tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
return this.tokens;
Rewriter.prototype.scanTokens = function(block) {
var i, token, tokens;
tokens = this.tokens;
i = 0;
while (token = tokens[i]) {
i += block.call(this, token, i, tokens);
return true;
Rewriter.prototype.detectEnd = function(i, condition, action) {
var levels, token, tokens, _ref, _ref1;
tokens = this.tokens;
levels = 0;
while (token = tokens[i]) {
if (levels === 0 && condition.call(this, token, i)) {
return action.call(this, token, i);
if (!token || levels < 0) {
return action.call(this, token, i - 1);
if (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref) >= 0) {
levels += 1;
} else if (_ref1 = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, _ref1) >= 0) {
levels -= 1;
i += 1;
return i - 1;
Rewriter.prototype.removeLeadingNewlines = function() {
var i, tag, _i, _len, _ref;
_ref = this.tokens;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
tag = _ref[i][0];
if (tag !== 'TERMINATOR') {
if (i) {
return this.tokens.splice(0, i);
Rewriter.prototype.removeMidExpressionNewlines = function() {
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
var _ref;
if (!(token[0] === 'TERMINATOR' && (_ref = this.tag(i + 1), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_CLOSE, _ref) >= 0))) {
return 1;
tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 0;
Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenCalls = function() {
var action, condition;
condition = function(token, i) {
var _ref;
return ((_ref = token[0]) === ')' || _ref === 'CALL_END') || token[0] === 'OUTDENT' && this.tag(i - 1) === ')';
action = function(token, i) {
return this.tokens[token[0] === 'OUTDENT' ? i - 1 : i][0] = 'CALL_END';
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
if (token[0] === 'CALL_START') {
this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
return 1;
Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenIndexes = function() {
var action, condition;
condition = function(token, i) {
var _ref;
return (_ref = token[0]) === ']' || _ref === 'INDEX_END';
action = function(token, i) {
return token[0] = 'INDEX_END';
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
if (token[0] === 'INDEX_START') {
this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
return 1;
Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitBraces = function() {
var action, condition, sameLine, stack, start, startIndent, startIndex, startsLine;
stack = [];
start = null;
startsLine = null;
sameLine = true;
startIndent = 0;
startIndex = 0;
condition = function(token, i) {
var one, tag, three, two, _ref, _ref1;
_ref = this.tokens.slice(i + 1, (i + 3) + 1 || 9e9), one = _ref[0], two = _ref[1], three = _ref[2];
if ('HERECOMMENT' === (one != null ? one[0] : void 0)) {
return false;
tag = token[0];
if (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, tag) >= 0) {
sameLine = false;
return (((tag === 'TERMINATOR' || tag === 'OUTDENT') || (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_END, tag) >= 0 && sameLine && !(i - startIndex === 1))) && ((!startsLine && this.tag(i - 1) !== ',') || !((two != null ? two[0] : void 0) === ':' || (one != null ? one[0] : void 0) === '@' && (three != null ? three[0] : void 0) === ':'))) || (tag === ',' && one && ((_ref1 = one[0]) !== 'IDENTIFIER' && _ref1 !== 'NUMBER' && _ref1 !== 'STRING' && _ref1 !== '@' && _ref1 !== 'TERMINATOR' && _ref1 !== 'OUTDENT'));
action = function(token, i) {
var tok;
tok = this.generate('}', '}', token[2]);
return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, tok);
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
var ago, idx, prevTag, tag, tok, value, _ref, _ref1;
if (_ref = (tag = token[0]), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref) >= 0) {
stack.push([(tag === 'INDENT' && this.tag(i - 1) === '{' ? '{' : tag), i]);
return 1;
if (__indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, tag) >= 0) {
start = stack.pop();
return 1;
if (!(tag === ':' && ((ago = this.tag(i - 2)) === ':' || ((_ref1 = stack[stack.length - 1]) != null ? _ref1[0] : void 0) !== '{'))) {
return 1;
sameLine = true;
startIndex = i + 1;
idx = ago === '@' ? i - 2 : i - 1;
while (this.tag(idx - 2) === 'HERECOMMENT') {
idx -= 2;
prevTag = this.tag(idx - 1);
startsLine = !prevTag || (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, prevTag) >= 0);
value = new String('{');
value.generated = true;
tok = this.generate('{', value, token[2]);
tokens.splice(idx, 0, tok);
this.detectEnd(i + 2, condition, action);
return 2;
Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitParentheses = function() {
var action, condition, noCall, seenControl, seenSingle;
noCall = seenSingle = seenControl = false;
condition = function(token, i) {
var post, tag, _ref, _ref1;
tag = token[0];
if (!seenSingle && token.fromThen) {
return true;
if (tag === 'IF' || tag === 'ELSE' || tag === 'CATCH' || tag === '->' || tag === '=>' || tag === 'CLASS') {
seenSingle = true;
if (tag === 'IF' || tag === 'ELSE' || tag === 'SWITCH' || tag === 'TRY' || tag === '=') {
seenControl = true;
if ((tag === '.' || tag === '?.' || tag === '::') && this.tag(i - 1) === 'OUTDENT') {
return true;
return !token.generated && this.tag(i - 1) !== ',' && (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_END, tag) >= 0 || (tag === 'INDENT' && !seenControl)) && (tag !== 'INDENT' || (((_ref = this.tag(i - 2)) !== 'CLASS' && _ref !== 'EXTENDS') && (_ref1 = this.tag(i - 1), __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, _ref1) < 0) && !((post = this.tokens[i + 1]) && post.generated && post[0] === '{')));
action = function(token, i) {
return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, this.generate('CALL_END', ')', token[2]));
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
var callObject, current, next, prev, tag, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
tag = token[0];
if (tag === 'CLASS' || tag === 'IF' || tag === 'FOR' || tag === 'WHILE') {
noCall = true;
_ref = tokens.slice(i - 1, (i + 1) + 1 || 9e9), prev = _ref[0], current = _ref[1], next = _ref[2];
callObject = !noCall && tag === 'INDENT' && next && next.generated && next[0] === '{' && prev && (_ref1 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, _ref1) >= 0);
seenSingle = false;
seenControl = false;
if (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, tag) >= 0) {
noCall = false;
if (prev && !prev.spaced && tag === '?') {
token.call = true;
if (token.fromThen) {
return 1;
if (!(callObject || (prev != null ? prev.spaced : void 0) && (prev.call || (_ref2 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, _ref2) >= 0)) && (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_CALL, tag) >= 0 || !(token.spaced || token.newLine) && __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_UNSPACED_CALL, tag) >= 0))) {
return 1;
tokens.splice(i, 0, this.generate('CALL_START', '(', token[2]));
this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
if (prev[0] === '?') {
prev[0] = 'FUNC_EXIST';
return 2;
Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitIndentation = function() {
var action, condition, indent, outdent, starter;
starter = indent = outdent = null;
condition = function(token, i) {
var _ref;
return token[1] !== ';' && (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(SINGLE_CLOSERS, _ref) >= 0) && !(token[0] === 'ELSE' && (starter !== 'IF' && starter !== 'THEN'));
action = function(token, i) {
return this.tokens.splice((this.tag(i - 1) === ',' ? i - 1 : i), 0, outdent);
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
var tag, _ref, _ref1;
tag = token[0];
if (tag === 'TERMINATOR' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'THEN') {
tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 0;
if (tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i - 1) !== 'OUTDENT') {
tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation(token))));
return 2;
if (tag === 'CATCH' && ((_ref = this.tag(i + 2)) === 'OUTDENT' || _ref === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref === 'FINALLY')) {
tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i + 2, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation(token))));
return 4;
if (__indexOf.call(SINGLE_LINERS, tag) >= 0 && this.tag(i + 1) !== 'INDENT' && !(tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'IF')) {
starter = tag;
_ref1 = this.indentation(token, true), indent = _ref1[0], outdent = _ref1[1];
if (starter === 'THEN') {
indent.fromThen = true;
tokens.splice(i + 1, 0, indent);
this.detectEnd(i + 2, condition, action);
if (tag === 'THEN') {
tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 1;
return 1;
Rewriter.prototype.tagPostfixConditionals = function() {
var action, condition, original;
original = null;
condition = function(token, i) {
var _ref;
return (_ref = token[0]) === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref === 'INDENT';
action = function(token, i) {
if (token[0] !== 'INDENT' || (token.generated && !token.fromThen)) {
return original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0];
return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
if (token[0] !== 'IF') {
return 1;
original = token;
this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
return 1;
Rewriter.prototype.indentation = function(token, implicit) {
var indent, outdent;
if (implicit == null) {
implicit = false;
indent = ['INDENT', 2, token[2]];
outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2, token[2]];
if (implicit) {
indent.generated = outdent.generated = true;
return [indent, outdent];
Rewriter.prototype.generate = function(tag, value, line) {
var tok;
tok = [tag, value, line];
tok.generated = true;
return tok;
Rewriter.prototype.tag = function(i) {
var _ref;
return (_ref = this.tokens[i]) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0;
return Rewriter;
BALANCED_PAIRS = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['CALL_START', 'CALL_END'], ['PARAM_START', 'PARAM_END'], ['INDEX_START', 'INDEX_END']];
exports.INVERSES = INVERSES = {};
for (_i = 0, _len = BALANCED_PAIRS.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
_ref = BALANCED_PAIRS[_i], left = _ref[0], rite = _ref[1];
EXPRESSION_END.push(INVERSES[left] = rite);
IMPLICIT_CALL = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'JS', 'REGEX', 'NEW', 'PARAM_START', 'CLASS', 'IF', 'TRY', 'SWITCH', 'THIS', 'BOOL', 'NULL', 'UNDEFINED', 'UNARY', 'SUPER', '@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{', '--', '++'];
IMPLICIT_BLOCK = ['->', '=>', '{', '[', ','];
SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', '->', '=>', 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN'];
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