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public.javascript.rexster.ui.graph.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

    function (history, template, info, elementToolbar, ajax, _) {

        var mediator = new GraphPanelMediator("#panelGraphMenuGraph", "#panelElementViewer", "#panelGraphMenu", "#panelBrowser", "#panelBrowserMain"),

         * Manages graph panel interactions.
        function GraphPanelMediator(menuGraph, panelElementViewer, panelGraphMenu, panelBrowser, panelBrowserMain) {
            var  containerMenuGraph = $(menuGraph), // graph menu in the left panel
                 containerPanelBrowser = $(panelBrowser),
                 containerPanelBrowserMain = $(panelBrowserMain),
                 containerPanelElementViewer = $(panelElementViewer),
                 containerPanelGraphMenu = $(panelGraphMenu), // browse options
                 currentGraphName = "",
                 currentFeatureBrowsed = "",
                 currentPageStart = 0,
                 currentTotal = 0,
                 pageSize = 10,
                 isSail = false;

            if (!(this instanceof GraphPanelMediator)) {
                return new GraphPanelMediator();

            this.getCurrentGraphName = function() {
                return currentGraphName;

            this.getContainerPanelGraphMenu = function() {
                return containerPanelGraphMenu;

            this.getContainerMenuGraph = function() {
                return containerMenuGraph;

            this.getContainerPanelBrowser = function() {
                return containerPanelBrowser;

            this.setCurrentIndex = function(index) {
                currentIndex = index;

             * A graph was selected from the graph menu.
             * @param onComplete {Object}   Call back function made when the event is complete.
            this.graphSelectionChanged = function(onComplete) {

                var state = history.getApplicationState();

                currentGraphName = state.graph;

                // look to hide the browser vertices button because sail graphs have infinite vertices.

                containerMenuGraph.find("#graphItemgraph" + currentGraphName).addClass("ui-state-active");

                // modify the links on the browse menus to match current state
                containerPanelGraphMenu.find("a[_type='vertices']").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/vertices?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=10");
                containerPanelGraphMenu.find("a[_type='edges']").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/edges?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=10");

                // load the graph profile
                ajax.getGraph(currentGraphName, function(graphResult) {
                    isSail = graphResult.type === "com.tinkerpop.blueprints.pgm.impls.sail.impls.MemoryStoreSailGraph"
                        || graphResult.type === "com.tinkerpop.blueprints.pgm.impls.sail.impls.NativeStoreSailGraph"
                        || graphResult.type === "com.tinkerpop.blueprints.pgm.impls.sail.impls.SparqlRepositorySailGraph";
                    if (isSail) {


                    info.showMessageError("Could not get the graph profile from Rexster.");

                // check the state.
                if (state.browse === undefined) {

                    // execute the callback now that the traversals are done.
                    if (onComplete != undefined) {
                } else if (state.objectId != undefined) {
                    // since the browse is defined then the check is to see if there is a browse
                    // of a individual element or the element list.  if the objectId is set then
                    // that means that there is an individual element being viewed.
                    this.panelGraphElementViewSelected(state.browse.element, state.objectId, onComplete);
                } else {
                    // restore state to a page on the browser
                    if (state.browse.index != undefined && state.browse.index.key != undefined
                        && state.browse.index.key != null) {
                        var idx = {
                            key: state.browse.index.key,
                            value: state.browse.index.value

                    this.panelGraphNavigationSelected(state.browse.element, state.browse.start, state.browse.end, onComplete);

             * Move the data view to the previous page given the current position.
            this.panelGraphNavigationPagedPrevious = function() {
                var range = this.calculatePreviousPageRange();
                this.panelGraphNavigationPaged(range.start, range.end);

             * Move the data view to the next page given the current position.
            this.panelGraphNavigationPagedNext = function() {
                var range = this.calculateNextPageRange();
                this.panelGraphNavigationPaged(range.start, range.end);

             * Move the data view to the first page in the data set.
            this.panelGraphNavigationPagedFirst = function() {
                this.panelGraphNavigationPaged(0, pageSize);

             * Calculates the next page range given the current position.
             * It's ok if the end of the range exceeds the total amount.

             * @returns {Object} A range object that describes a start and end point for the
             *                   paging mechanism.
            this.calculateNextPageRange = function() {
                var start = currentPageStart + pageSize,
                    end = start + pageSize,
                    range = {
                        start : start,
                        end : end

                // if the previous total records returned is less than 10 then there aren't
                // anymore records after the previous one.
                if (currentTotal < 10) {
                    range.start = range.start - pageSize;
                    range.end = range.end - pageSize;

                return range;

             * Calculates the previous page range given the current position.
             * @returns {Object} A range object that describes a start and end point for the
             *                   paging mechanism.
            this.calculatePreviousPageRange = function() {
                var start = currentPageStart - pageSize,
                    end = currentPageStart,
                    range = {
                        start : start,
                        end : end

                if (start < 0) {
                    range.start = 0;
                    range.end = pageSize;

                return range;

             * Renders a set of paged results.
             * @param results              {Array} This is an array of any object.  It will be rendered as JSON in
             *                                     a generic tree-like fashion.
             * @param resultSize           {int} The total size of the results.  The results will only represent
             *                                   one page of the total result set.
             * @param currentGraphName     {String} The current name of the graph being accessed.
             * @param pageStart            {int} The start index of the paged set.
             * @param pageEnd              {int} The end index of the paged set.
             * @param onPageChangeComplete {Function}    Call back function to execute when the render is finished.
            this.renderPagedResults = function(results, resultSize, currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, onPageChangeComplete){

                var that = this,
                    metaDataLabel = "";

                if (results.length > 0) {
                    for (var ix = 0; ix < results.length; ix++) {
"); metaDataLabel = "Type:[" + results[ix]._type + "] ID:[" + results[ix]._id + "]"; if (results[ix]._type == "edge") { metaDataLabel = metaDataLabel + " In:[" + results[ix]._inV + "] Out:[" + results[ix]._outV + "] Label:[" + results[ix]._label + "]"; } var toolbar = results[ix]._type === "vertex" ? new elementToolbar(currentGraphName, results[ix], that).addNavigateButton().addVisualizationButton().build() : new elementToolbar(currentGraphName, results[ix], that).addNavigateButton().build(); if (results[ix]._type == "edge") { containerPanelBrowserMain.children().last().jsonviewer({ "jsonName": "#" + (pageStart + ix + 1) + " | " + metaDataLabel, "jsonData": results[ix], "outerPadding":"0px", "toolbar": toolbar, "showToolbar" : !isSail}); } else { containerPanelBrowserMain.children().last().jsonviewer({ "jsonName": "#" + (pageStart + ix + 1) + " | " + metaDataLabel, "jsonData": results[ix], "outerPadding":"0px", "toolbar": toolbar, "showToolbar" : !isSail, "overrideCss" : { "highlight":"json-widget-highlight-vertex", "header":"json-widget-header-vertex", "content" :"json-widget-content-vertex" } }); } } // display the paging information plus total record count containerPanelBrowser.find(".pager-label").text("Results " + (pageStart + 1) + " - " + (pageStart + results.length)); currentPageStart = pageStart; currentTotal = resultSize; } else { // no results - hide pagers and show message containerPanelBrowser.find(".pager").hide(); currentPageStart = 0; currentTotal = 0; // TODO: there are no records } // set the links for the paging...kind of a nicety. not really used in // the paging process at this point. just makes for clean uris nextRange = that.calculateNextPageRange(); previousRange = that.calculatePreviousPageRange(); if (currentIndex == undefined) { containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-cancel").parent().hide(); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-first").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=" + pageSize); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-prev").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=" + previousRange.start + "&rexster.offset.end=" + previousRange.end); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-next").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=" + nextRange.start + "&rexster.offset.end=" + nextRange.end); } else { containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-cancel").parent().show(); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-cancel").attr("title", "Remove filter: [" + currentIndex.key + "=" + currentIndex.value + "]"); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-first").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=" + pageSize + "&" + + "&rexster.index.key=" + currentIndex.key + "&rexster.index.value=" + currentIndex.value); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-prev").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=" + previousRange.start + "&rexster.offset.end=" + previousRange.end + "&" + + "&rexster.index.key=" + currentIndex.key + "&rexster.index.value=" + currentIndex.value); containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-seek-next").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=" + nextRange.start + "&rexster.offset.end=" + nextRange.end + "&" + + "&rexster.index.key=" + currentIndex.key + "&rexster.index.value=" + currentIndex.value); } containerPanelBrowser.find(".ui-icon-cancel").attr("href", "/doghouse/main/graph/" + currentGraphName + "/" + currentFeatureBrowsed + "?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=" + pageSize); if (onPageChangeComplete != undefined) { onPageChangeComplete(); } } /** * The page of data to view has been changed. The data must be requested and the results * rendered to the view. * * @param start {int} The start index of the paged set. * @param end {int} The end index of the paged set. * @param onPageChangeComplete {Function} Call back function to execute when the render is finished. */ this.panelGraphNavigationPaged = function(start, end, onPageChangeComplete) { var pageStart = 0, pageEnd = 10, nextRange = {}, previousRange = {}, that = this; if (start != undefined) { pageStart = start; } if (end != undefined) { pageEnd = end; } // these better be numbers. perhaps the state coming from the uri // is sending the params in as strings. pageStart = parseInt(pageStart); pageEnd = parseInt(pageEnd); containerPanelBrowserMain.empty(); if (currentIndex == undefined) { if (currentFeatureBrowsed === "vertices") { ajax.getVertices(currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, null, null, function(data) { that.renderPagedResults(data.results, data.totalSize, currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, onPageChangeComplete); }, function(err) { info.showMessageError("Could not get the vertices of graphs from Rexster."); }); } else if (currentFeatureBrowsed === "edges") { ajax.getEdges(currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, null, null, function(data) { that.renderPagedResults(data.results, data.totalSize, currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, onPageChangeComplete); }, function(err) { info.showMessageError("Could not get the edges of graphs from Rexster."); }); } } else { // get from indices...there's a filter on if (currentFeatureBrowsed === "vertices") { ajax.getVertices(currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, currentIndex.key, currentIndex.value, function(data) { that.renderPagedResults(data.results, data.totalSize, currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, onPageChangeComplete); }, function(err) { info.showMessageError("Could not get the vertices of graphs from Rexster."); }); } else if (currentFeatureBrowsed === "edges") { ajax.getEdges(currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, currentIndex.key, currentIndex.value, function(data) { that.renderPagedResults(data.results, data.totalSize, currentGraphName, pageStart, pageEnd, onPageChangeComplete); }, function(err) { info.showMessageError("Could not get the edges of graphs from Rexster."); }); } } } // display the extensions available on the element that are "GET" based var showElementExtensions = function(resultWithExtensions) { $("#panelGraphExtensions").accordion("destroy"); $("#panelGraphExtensions").empty() $("#panelExtensionsContainer").show(); if (resultWithExtensions.extensions == undefined || resultWithExtensions.extensions.length == 0) { $("#panelGraphExtensions").append("
  • No extensions configured.
  • ") } else { template.applyListExtensionList(resultWithExtensions.extensions, "#panelGraphExtensions"); $("#panelGraphExtensions").accordion({ autoHeight: false, collapsible: true, navigation: true, active: false }); $("#panelGraphExtensions > div > a").button({ icons: {primary:"ui-icon-circle-arrow-e"}}); $("#panelGraphExtensions > div > a").unbind("click"); $("#panelGraphExtensions > div > a").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // clear the space where the JSON Viewer puts results $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormJsonViewer").empty(); $("#dialogForm").dialog("open"); $("#dialogForm").dialog("option", "title", this.title); $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormLoading").show(); var firstParameter = true; var extensionUriWithParameters = ""; $(this).parent().find("form > fieldset > :input").each(function(index, textbox) { if (index === 0) { extensionUriWithParameters = $(textbox).val(); } else { if ($(textbox).val() != "") { if (firstParameter) { extensionUriWithParameters = extensionUriWithParameters + "?" + $(textbox).attr("name") + "=" + $(textbox).val(); firstParameter = false; } else { extensionUriWithParameters = extensionUriWithParameters + "&" + $(textbox).attr("name") + "=" + $(textbox).val(); } } } }); $("#dialogFormUriText").val(encodeURI(extensionUriWithParameters)); $("#dialogFormUriText").select(); $("#dialogFormUriText").unbind("click") $("#dialogFormUriText").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $(this).select(); }); $.ajax({ url: extensionUriWithParameters, accepts:{ json: "application/json" }, type: "GET", dataType:"json", success: function(result) { $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormJsonViewer").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": "Rexster Extension Results", "jsonData": result, "outerPadding":"0px", "highlight":false, "showId":true }); }, error: function(e) { $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormJsonViewer").empty(); $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormJsonViewer").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": "Rexster Extension Results [ERROR]", "jsonData": JSON.parse(e.responseText), "outerPadding":"0px", "highlight":false }) }, complete: function() { $("#dialogForm > #dialogFormLoading").hide(); } }); }); } } this.panelGraphElementViewSelected = function(featureToBrowse, objectId, onComplete) { var that = this, elementHeaderTitle = "Vertex", containerPanelElementViewerMain = containerPanelElementViewer.find(".ui-widget-content"); currentFeatureBrowsed = featureToBrowse; containerPanelBrowser.hide();; $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul").empty(); $("#panelElementViewerRight > ul").empty(); $("#panelElementViewerMiddle").empty(); $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense").show(); $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense").show(); // a bit of hack to get around some jsonviewer margins $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul").css("margin-left", "0px"); $("#panelElementViewerRight > ul").css("margin-left", "0px"); if (featureToBrowse === "edges") { elementHeaderTitle = "Edge"; $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense").hide(); $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense").hide(); } elementHeaderTitle = elementHeaderTitle + " [" + objectId + "]"; containerPanelElementViewer.find(".ui-widget-header").text(elementHeaderTitle); if (featureToBrowse === "vertices") { $("#panelElementViewerLeft h3").text("In"); $("#panelElementViewerRight h3").text("Out"); ajax.getVertexElement(currentGraphName, objectId, function(result) { var element = result.results; metaDataLabel = "Type:[" + element._type + "] ID:[" + element._id + "]"; var toolbar = new elementToolbar(currentGraphName, element).addVisualizationButton().build(); $("#panelElementViewerMiddle").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": metaDataLabel, "jsonData": element, "outerPadding":"0px", "toolbar":toolbar, "showToolbar" : !isSail, "overrideCss" : { "highlight":"json-widget-highlight-vertex", "header":"json-widget-header-vertex", "content" :"json-widget-content-vertex" } }); showElementExtensions(result); }, function(err) { }, false); ajax.getVertexOutEdges(currentGraphName, objectId, function(result) { var outEdges = result.results; $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense .value").text(outEdges.length); $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense .label").text("Edges"); // add the current graph name as a property for (var ix = 0; ix < outEdges.length; ix++) { outEdges[ix].currentGraphName = currentGraphName; } template.applyListVertexViewInEdgeListTempate(outEdges, $("#panelElementViewerRight > ul")); }, function(err) { }, false); ajax.getVertexInEdges(currentGraphName, objectId, function(result) { var inEdges = result.results; $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense .value").text(inEdges.length); $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense .label").text("Edges"); // add the current graph name as a property for (var ix = 0; ix < inEdges.length; ix++) { inEdges[ix].currentGraphName = currentGraphName; } template.applyListVertexViewOutEdgeListTempate(inEdges, $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul")); }, function(err) { }, false); $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul > li > a, #panelElementViewerRight > ul > li > a").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var uri = $(this).attr("href"); var split = uri.split("/"); history.historyPush(uri); // don't want the refresh to be called so pass an empty function that.panelGraphElementViewSelected(split[5], split.slice(6).join("/")); }); } else { $("#panelElementViewerLeft h3").text("Out"); $("#panelElementViewerRight h3").text("In"); ajax.getEdgeElement(currentGraphName, objectId, function(result) { var element = result.results; metaDataLabel = "Type:[" + element._type + "] ID:[" + element._id + "] Label:[" + element._label + "]"; $("#panelElementViewerMiddle").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": metaDataLabel, "jsonData": element, "outerPadding":"0px"}); showElementExtensions(result); $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense .value").text(""); $("#panelElementViewerRight .intense .label").text(""); $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense .value").text(""); $("#panelElementViewerLeft .intense .label").text(""); // have to add this in to get around the indent on jsonviewer. ugh... $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul").css("margin-left", "-12px"); $("#panelElementViewerRight > ul").css("margin-left", "-12px"); // get the in vertex of the edge ajax.getVertexElement(currentGraphName, element._inV, function(result) { var element = result.results; metaDataLabel = "Type:[" + element._type + "] ID:[" + element._id + "]"; var toolbar = new elementToolbar(currentGraphName, element, that).addNavigateButton().addVisualizationButton().build(); $("#panelElementViewerRight > ul").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": metaDataLabel, "jsonData": element, "outerPadding":"0px", "toolbar":toolbar, "showToolbar" : !isSail, "overrideCss" : { "highlight":"json-widget-highlight-vertex", "header":"json-widget-header-vertex", "content" :"json-widget-content-vertex" }}); }, function(err) { }, false); // get the out vertex of the edge ajax.getVertexElement(currentGraphName, element._outV, function(result) { var element = result.results; metaDataLabel = "Type:[" + element._type + "] ID:[" + element._id + "]"; var toolbar = new elementToolbar(currentGraphName, element, that).addNavigateButton().addVisualizationButton().build(); $("#panelElementViewerLeft > ul").jsonviewer({ "jsonName": metaDataLabel, "jsonData": element, "outerPadding":"0px", "toolbar":toolbar, "showToolbar" : !isSail, "overrideCss" : { "highlight":"json-widget-highlight-vertex", "header":"json-widget-header-vertex", "content" :"json-widget-content-vertex" }}); }, function(err) { }, false); }, function(err) { }, false); } if (onComplete != undefined) { onComplete(); } else { Elastic.refresh(); } } /** * A choice has been made to browse a particular aspect of the graph. * * @param featureToBrowse {String} The feature that was selected (ie. vertices, edges, etc). * @param start {int} The start index of the paged set. * @param end {int} The end index of the paged set. */ this.panelGraphNavigationSelected = function(featureToBrowse, start, end, onComplete) { var startPoint = 0, endPoint = pageSize; if (start != undefined) { startPoint = start; } if (end != undefined) { endPoint = end; } $("#panelExtensionsContainer").hide(); currentFeatureBrowsed = featureToBrowse; containerPanelElementViewer.hide();; containerPanelBrowser.find(".pager").show(); this.panelGraphNavigationPaged(startPoint, endPoint, function() { // it is expected that the onComplete will call Elastic.refresh() // at some point if (onComplete != undefined) { onComplete(); } else { Elastic.refresh(); } }); } this.resetMenuGraph = function() { containerMenuGraph.empty(); } } // public methods return { /** * Initializes the graph list. * * @param onInitComplete {Function} The callback made when graph initialization is completed. */ initGraphList : function(onInitComplete){ ajax.getGraphs(function(result){ mediator.resetMenuGraph(); var ix = 0, max = 0, graphs = [], state = {}; state = history.getApplicationState(); // construct a list of graphs that can be pushed into the graph menu max = result.graphs.length; for (ix = 0; ix < max; ix += 1) { graphs.push({ "menuName": result.graphs[ix], "panel" : "graph" }); } template.applyMenuGraphTemplate(graphs, mediator.getContainerMenuGraph()); mediator.getContainerPanelGraphMenu().find("a").button({ icons: {primary:"ui-icon-search"}}); mediator.getContainerPanelGraphMenu().find("a").unbind("click"); mediator.getContainerPanelGraphMenu().find("a").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var uri = $(this).attr("href"); history.historyPush(uri); // reset the filter mediator.setCurrentIndex(); $("#dialogFormIndexValueText").val(""); mediator.panelGraphNavigationSelected($(this).attr("_type")); }); mediator.getContainerMenuGraph().find("div").unbind("hover"); mediator.getContainerMenuGraph().find("div").hover(function() { $(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover"); }); mediator.getContainerMenuGraph().find("div").unbind("click"); mediator.getContainerMenuGraph().find("div").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var selectedLink = $(this).find("a"); var uri = selectedLink.attr('href'); history.historyPush(uri); mediator.graphSelectionChanged(); }); // check the state, if it is at least two items deep then the state // of the graph is also selected and an attempt to make the graph active // should be made. if (state.hasOwnProperty("graph")) { mediator.graphSelectionChanged(onInitComplete); } // if the state does not specify a graph then select the first one. if (!state.hasOwnProperty("graph")) { mediator.getContainerMenuGraph().find("#graphItemgraph" + graphs[0].menuName).click(); if (onInitComplete != undefined) { onInitComplete(); } } // initialize the browser panel mediator.getContainerPanelBrowser().find("li.pager-button").unbind("hover"); mediator.getContainerPanelBrowser().find("li.pager-button").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); $(this).removeClass("ui-state-default"); }, function(){ $(this).addClass("ui-state-default"); $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }); // get the browser panel pager hooked up mediator.getContainerPanelBrowser().find("li.pager-button").unbind("click"); mediator.getContainerPanelBrowser().find("li.pager-button").click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); var uri, selectedLink; // need to push state first before navigation so that when the mediator // is done it will place a new href value in for the next set of links selectedLink = $(this).find("a"); uri = selectedLink.attr("href"); history.historyPush(uri); if ($(this).children().first().hasClass("ui-icon-seek-first")) { // go to first batch of records on the list mediator.panelGraphNavigationPagedFirst(); } else if ($(this).children().first().hasClass("ui-icon-search")) { // add indices based on the type being browsed. $("#dialogIndices select").empty(); var keyType = history.getApplicationState().browse.element == "vertices" ? "vertex" : "edge"; ajax.getKeyIndices(history.getApplicationState().graph, keyType, function(result){ _(result.results).each(function(nextIndex) { $("#dialogIndices select") .append($("") .attr("value", nextIndex) .text(nextIndex)); }); }, false, null); // restore state to a page on the browser if (history.getApplicationState().browse.index != undefined && history.getApplicationState() != undefined) { var idx = { key: history.getApplicationState().browse.index.key, value: history.getApplicationState().browse.index.value }; mediator.setCurrentIndex(idx); $("#dialogFormIndexSelect").val(idx.key); $("#dialogFormIndexValueText").val(idx.value); } $("#dialogIndices").dialog("open"); } else if ($(this).children().first().hasClass("ui-icon-seek-prev")) { // go to the previous batch of records on the list mediator.panelGraphNavigationPagedPrevious(); } else if ($(this).children().first().hasClass("ui-icon-seek-next")) { // go to the next batch of records on the list mediator.panelGraphNavigationPagedNext(); } else if ($(this).children().first().hasClass("ui-icon-cancel")) { mediator.setCurrentIndex(); $("#dialogFormIndexValueText").val(""); mediator.panelGraphNavigationPagedFirst(); } }) $("#dialogForm").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 550, width: 700, modal: true, buttons: { "Close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); $("#dialogIndices").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 550, width: 700, modal: true, buttons: { "Filter" : function() { var idx = { key:$("#dialogFormIndexSelect").val(), value:$("#dialogFormIndexValueText").val() }; if (idx.key != null) { mediator.setCurrentIndex(idx); var idxUri = "/doghouse/main/graph/" + history.getApplicationState().graph + "/" + history.getApplicationState().browse.element + "?rexster.offset.start=0&rexster.offset.end=10&rexster.index.key=" + idx.key + "&rexster.index.value=" + idx.value; history.historyPush(idxUri); mediator.panelGraphNavigationPagedFirst(); }else { alert("This graph has no Key Indices (or one hasn't be selected) to search on."); } $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); }, function(err) { info.showMessageError("Could not get the list of graphs from Rexster."); }); } }; });

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