web.js.modules.ambrose.view.chord.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Ambrose module "chord" provides a chord diagram of the job graph.
define(['lib/jquery', 'lib/d3', '../core', './core'], function(
$, d3, Ambrose, View
) {
// Chord ctor
var Chord = View.Chord = function(workflow, container, params) {
return new View.Chord.fn.init(workflow, container, params);
* Chord prototype.
Chord.fn = Chord.prototype = {
* Constructor.
* @param workflow the Workflow instance to bind to.
* @param container the DOM element in which to render the view.
* @param params extra parameters.
init: function(workflow, container, params) {
var self = this;
this.workflow = workflow;
this.container = container = $(container);
// define default params and override with user supplied params
var params = this.params = $.extend(true, {
dimensions: {
padding: 20,
radius: {
min: 40,
max: 200,
groupSpacing: 0.1,
groupThickness: 16,
labelMargin: 10,
labelSize: 12,
}, View.Theme, params);
// initialize dimensions
var dim = this.dimensions = {};
var padding = params.dimensions.padding;
var maxRadius = params.dimensions.radius.max;
var minRadius = params.dimensions.radius.min;
var groupThickness = params.dimensions.groupThickness;
var labelMargin = params.dimensions.labelMargin;
var labelSize = params.dimensions.labelSize;
var paddingTotal = labelMargin + labelSize + padding;
var width = dim.width = container.width();
var height = dim.height = container.height();
var minDim = Math.min(width, height);
var radius = dim.radius = Math.max(minRadius, Math.min(maxRadius, minDim / 2 - paddingTotal));
var innerRadius = dim.innerRadius = Math.max(minRadius, radius) - groupThickness;
// create canvas
var svg = this.svg = d3.select(container.empty().get(0))
.attr('class', 'ambrose-view-chord')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width/2) + ',' + (height/2) + ')')
.attr('transform', 'rotate(0)');
// create arc generators
this.arc = {
job: d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(radius),
mouse: d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(minRadius).outerRadius(radius)
.endAngle(function(group) {
return group.startAngle + self.dimensions.groupAngle;
// create closures to pass to d3
this.f = {
chordFill: function(d) { return self.jobColor(d.source.group.job); },
chordStroke: function(d) { return d3.rgb(self.f.chordFill(d)).darker(); },
chordOpacity: function(d) {
return !(self.workflow.current.mouseover) ? 0.8
: (d.source.group.job.mouseover ? 0.8 : 0.2);
groupFill: function(d) { return self.jobColor(d.job); },
groupMouseOver: function(d, i) { self.handleGroupMouseOver(d, i); },
groupMouseOut: function(d, i) { self.handleGroupMouseOut(d, i); },
groupClick: function(d, i) { self.handleGroupClick(d, i); },
// bind event workflow handlers
workflow.on('jobsLoaded', function(event, jobs) {
workflow.on('jobStarted jobProgress jobComplete jobFailed', function(event, job) {
workflow.on('jobSelected jobMouseOver', function(event, job, prev) {
handleJobsLoaded: function(jobs) {
var self = this;
var svg = this.svg;
// initialize dimensions dependent on job count
var jobCount = jobs.length;
var dim = this.dimensions;
var params = this.params;
var ga = dim.groupAngle = 2 * Math.PI / jobCount;
var gas = dim.groupAngleSpacing = ga * params.dimensions.groupSpacing;
var ga2 = dim.groupAngleHalf = (ga - gas) / 2;
var radius = dim.radius;
var innerRadius = dim.innerRadius;
var labelMargin = params.dimensions.labelMargin;
var labelSize = params.dimensions.labelSize;
// initialize fills from palettes
var fillCount = Math.min(7, Math.max(3, jobCount));
this.fills = {
queued: d3.scale.ordinal().range(this.params.palettes.queued[fillCount]),
complete: d3.scale.ordinal().range(this.params.palettes.complete[fillCount]),
failed: d3.scale.ordinal().range(this.params.palettes.failed[fillCount]),
// construct transition matrix
var matrix = this.workflow.matrix
|| (this.workflow.matrix = this.workflow.graph.buildTransitionMatrix());
// initialize chord layout
var diagram = this.diagram = d3.layout.chord();
var groups = this.groups = diagram.groups();
var chords = this.chords = diagram.chords();
// redefine group start/end angles
$.each(groups, function(i, group) {
var startAngle = ga * i;
var endAngle = ga * (i + 1) - gas;
var angle = startAngle + ga2;
$.extend(group, {
job: jobs[i],
startAngle: startAngle,
endAngle: endAngle,
angle: angle,
sources: [],
targets: [],
// collect chord source/target objects
$.each(chords, function(i, chord) {
var s = chord.source;
var t = chord.target;
var sg = s.group = groups[s.index];
var tg = t.group = groups[t.index];
chord.id = sg.job.name + '-' + tg.job.name;
* The following sort values allow proper ordering of group sources and targets when the
* underlying graph is not topologically sorted. With topological sorting, we're guaranteed
* that a group's sources' subindices reference earlier groups. Similarly, a group's
* targets' indices reference later groups.
//s.sortValue = Math.sin(groups[s.subindex].startAngle - sg.startAngle);
//t.sortValue = Math.sin(groups[t.subindex].startAngle - tg.startAngle);
// sort group source/target objects and redefine start/end angles
var sourceComparator = function(a, b) { return b.subindex - a.subindex; };
var targetComparator = function(a, b) { return b.subindex - a.subindex; };
$.each(groups, function(i, group) {
var a = group.startAngle;
var ad = ga2 / group.sources.length;
$.each(group.sources, function(i, d) {
d.sortIndex = i;
d.startAngle = a;
d.endAngle = (a += ad);
a = group.angle;
ad = ga2 / group.targets.length;
$.each(group.targets, function(i, d) {
d.sortIndex = i;
d.startAngle = a;
d.endAngle = (a += ad);
// update chords
var vchord = svg.selectAll('path.chord').data(chords, function(chord) {
return chord.id;
// remove chords
// create chords
vchord.enter().append('svg:path').attr('class', 'chord')
.style('fill', this.f.chordFill)
.style('opacity', this.f.chordOpacity)
.attr('d', d3.svg.chord().radius(innerRadius + 2));
// update groups
var vgroup = svg.selectAll('g.group').data(groups, function(group) { return group.job.name; });
// remove groups
// create groups
var vgroupEnter = vgroup.enter().append('svg:g').attr('class', 'group');
// add arc
.attr('class', 'arc')
.attr('d', this.arc.job)
.style('fill', this.f.groupFill);
// add label
.attr('font-size', labelSize)
.attr('dy', labelSize / 2)
.attr('text-anchor', function(d) {
return d.angle > Math.PI ? 'end' : null;
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'rotate(' + (d.angle * 180 / Math.PI - 90) + ')'
+ 'translate(' + (radius + labelMargin) + ')'
+ (d.angle > Math.PI ? 'rotate(180)' : '');
.text(function(d) { return d.index + 1; });
// add arc to simplify mouse interaction
.attr('class', 'arc-mouse')
.attr('d', this.arc.mouse)
.style('fill', 'white')
.style('opacity', '0')
.on('mouseover', this.f.groupMouseOver)
.on('mouseout', this.f.groupMouseOut)
.on('click', this.f.groupClick);
handleJobUpdated: function(duration) {
var svg = this.svg;
var f = this.f;
var chord = svg.selectAll('path.chord');
var arc = svg.selectAll('path.arc');
if (duration) {
chord = chord.transition().duration(duration);
arc = arc.transition().duration(duration);
chord.style('fill', f.chordFill).style('opacity', f.chordOpacity);
arc.style('fill', f.groupFill);
handleGroupMouseOver: function(group) {
handleGroupMouseOut: function(group) {
handleGroupClick: function(group) {
jobColor: function(job) {
if (job.mouseover) return this.params.colors.mouseover;
if (job.selected) return this.params.colors.selected;
var status = (job.status || '').toLowerCase();
var color = this.params.colors[status];
if (color != null) return color;
// TODO(Andy Schlaikjer): remove darker transform
var fill = this.fills[status] || this.fills.queued;
return d3.hsl(fill(job.index)).darker(0.5);
// bind prototype to ctor
Chord.fn.init.prototype = Chord.fn;
return Chord;
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