web.js.modules.ambrose.workflow.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This module defines the Workflow class, instances of which use a Client to retrieve jobs and
* events from an Ambrose server. The Workflow acts as a controller and owner of job
* state. Callbacks may be bound to events triggered on the Workflow to react to state changes.
define(['lib/jquery', 'lib/uri', './core', './client', './graph'], function(
$, URI, Ambrose, Client, Graph
) {
// Maximum number of consecutive client failures before event polling is stopped.
// return data.job, throwing error if it's undefined
function getJob(data) {
var job = data.job;
if (job == null) throw new Error('Data contains no job entry');
return job;
// Workflow ctor
var Workflow = Ambrose.Workflow = function(id, client) {
return new Ambrose.Workflow.fn.init(id, client);
* Workflow prototype.
Workflow.fn = Workflow.prototype = {
* Constructs a new Workflow.
* @param id unique id of this workflow. If null, defaults to value of current url's
* 'workflowId' parameter.
* @param client client to use when requesting Workflow state from server. If null, defaults to
* new client instance constructed with default arguments.
init: function(id, client) {
if (id == null) {
var uri = new URI(window.location.href);
var params = uri.search(true);
if (params) id = params.workflowId;
if (client == null) client = Client();
this.$this = $(this);
this.id = id;
this.client = client;
this.progress = 0;
this.jobs = [];
this.jobsByName = {};
this.jobsById = {};
this.lastEventId = -1;
this.current = {
selected: null,
mouseover: null,
* Triggers an event on this Workflow. Any event handlers bound to this Workflow for the given
* event will be invoked.
* @param event name of event.
* @param data array of extra arguments, if any, to pass to handler functions.
* @return this.
trigger: function(event, data) {
this.$this.trigger(event, data);
return this;
* Binds callback to the given Workflow event.
* @param event name of event.
* @param callback the callback to invoke when the Workflow event is triggered.
* @return this.
on: function(event, callback) {
this.$this.on(event, callback);
return this;
* Initiates asynchronous request for Workflow jobs from server. On error the 'error.loadJobs'
* event is triggered.
* @return Promise configured with error and success callbacks which update state of this
* Workflow.
loadJobs: function() {
console.log('Loading jobs');
// define callbacks
var self = this;
var handleError = function(textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error('Failed to load jobs:', textStatus, errorThrown);
self.trigger('error.loadJobs', [null, textStatus, errorThrown]);
var handleSuccess = function(data, textStatus) {
if (data == null) {
handleError(textStatus, 'Data is null');
// reset job indices
var jobs = self.jobs = [];
var jobsByName = self.jobsByName = {};
var jobsById = self.jobsById = {};
// initialize job indices
$.each(data, function(i, node) {
// retrieve job from node
var job = node.job;
// index job by name
var name = job.name = node.name;
if (name in jobsByName) {
console.error("Multiple jobs found with name '" + name + "':", self);
jobsByName[name] = job;
// index job by id (if defined)
if (job.id) {
var id = job.id;
if (id in jobsById) {
console.error("Multiple jobs found with id '" + id + "':", self);
jobsById[id] = job;
// initialize parent-child references
$.each(data, function(i, node) {
var job = node.job;
var name = job.name;
if (!job.parentNames) job.parentNames = [];
// TODO(Andy Schlaikjer): Rename node.successorNames to childNames
$.each(job.childNames = node.successorNames, function(i, childName) {
var child = jobsByName[childName];
if (!child) {
console.error("No job with name '" + childName + "' exists", self);
var parentNames = child.parentNames || (child.parentNames = []);
// build job graph and sort
var graph = self.graph = Graph({
data: jobs,
getId: function(d) { return d.name; },
getParentIds: function(d) { return d.parentNames; },
jobs = self.jobs = $.map(graph.nodesByTopologicalIndex, function(node, i) {
var job = node.data;
job.index = i;
job.node = node;
return job;
self.trigger('jobsLoaded', [jobs, textStatus, null]);
// initiate request
return this.client.getJobs(self.id)
.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
handleError(textStatus, errorThrown);
.success(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
handleSuccess(data, textStatus);
* Starts event polling if not already started.
* @param frequency poll events at this frequency (ms). Defaults to 1000.
* @param maxEvents max number of events to process on each request. Defaults to 1.
* @return this.
startEventPolling: function(frequency, maxEvents) {
if (this.eventPollingIntervalId != null) return;
if (frequency == null) frequency = 1000;
if (maxEvents == null) maxEvents = 1;
console.info('Starting event polling');
this.clientFailureCount = 0;
var self = this;
this.eventPollingIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
}, frequency);
return this;
* Stops event polling if running.
* @return this.
stopEventPolling: function() {
if (this.eventPollingIntervalId == null) return;
console.info('Stopping event polling');
this.eventPollingIntervalId = null;
return this;
* Initiates asynchronous request for new Workflow events from server. First, tests Workflow
* completion status. If complete, event polling is stopped and 'workflowComplete' event is
* triggered. Otherwise, events from last event id are requested. On request failure,
* 'error.pollEvents' event is triggered. On success, one or more Workflow events are processed
* sequentially, triggering events in set {'workflowProgress', 'jobStarted', 'jobProgress',
* 'jobComplete', 'jobFailed'}.
* @param maxEvents max number of events to process. Defaults to 1.
* @return Promise configured with error and success callbacks which update state of this
* Workflow and trigger events.
pollEvents: function(maxEvents) {
// stop polling if all jobs are done
if (this.isComplete()) {
console.info('Workflow complete');
if (maxEvents == null) maxEvents = 999999;
// error handler
var self = this;
var handleError = function(textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error('Failed to poll events:', self, textStatus, errorThrown);
if (++self.clientFailureCount > MAX_CLIENT_FAILURES)
self.trigger('error.pollEvents', [null, textStatus, errorThrown]);
// success handler
var handleSuccess = function(data, textStatus) {
if (data == null) {
handleError(textStatus, 'data is null');
// reset client failure count
self.clientFailureCount = 0;
// process events
var eventCount = 0;
$.each(data, function(i, event) {
// validate event data
var id = event.id;
var type = event.type;
var data = event.payload;
if (!id || !type || !data) {
console.error('Invalid event data:', self, event);
// skip events we've already processed
if (id <= self.lastEventId) return;
// don't process more than specified number of events
if (eventCount > maxEvents) return;
// check for workflow event
if (type == 'WORKFLOW_PROGRESS') {
// collect job data
var node = data;
var job = node.job;
job.name = node.name;
// retrieve and update job with new data
job = self.updateJob(job);
self.jobsById[job.id] = job;
// process job event
switch (type) {
console.info('Job started:', job);
job.status = 'RUNNING';
console.info('Job progress:', job);
if (job.isComplete == 'true') {
if (job.isSuccessful == 'true') {
job.status = 'COMPLETE';
} else {
job.status = 'FAILED';
// TODO(Andy Schlaikjer): rename JOB_FINISHED to JOB_COMPLETE in server
type = 'JOB_COMPLETE';
console.info('Job complete:', job);
job.status = 'COMPLETE';
case 'JOB_FAILED':
console.info('Job failed:', job);
job.status = 'FAILED';
console.error("Unsupported event type '" + type + "':", self, event);
// update state and trigger event
self.lastEventId = id;
self.trigger(type.toLowerCase().camelCase(), [job, event]);
// update state and trigger event
self.trigger('eventsPolled', [data, textStatus, null]);
// initiate request
return this.client.getEvents(this.id, this.lastEventId)
.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
handleError(textStatus, errorThrown);
.success(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
handleSuccess(data, textStatus);
* @return true if this Workflow is complete, false otherwise.
isComplete: function() {
var complete = false;
if (this.progress == '100') {
complete = true;
var jobs = this.jobs;
var i = -1, n = jobs.length; while (++i < n) {
var job = jobs[i];
var status = job.status;
if (status != 'COMPLETE' && status != 'FAILED') {
complete = false;
return complete;
* Updates existing job whose id matches that defined by data.id, then updates contents of
* job to include all of data's fields. Any existing job fields are overwritten.
* @param data object containing job id and other fields.
* @return the updated job object.
* @throws Error if no existing job with matching id exists.
updateJob: function(data) {
return $.extend(this.findJob(data), data);
* Retrieves existing job object given data containing job name or id fields.
* @param data object containing name and/or id fields used to uniquely identify the job to
* retrieve.
* @return job object.
* @throws Error if data is null or contains neither name or id fields, or no job with
* matching name or id exists.
findJob: function(data) {
var field, ref, job;
if (data.name != null) {
field = 'name';
ref = data.name;
job = this.jobsByName[ref];
} else if (data.id != null) {
field = 'id';
ref = data.id;
job = this.jobsById[ref];
} else {
throw new Error('Data contains neither name nor id fields');
if (job == null) throw new Error("Job with " + field + " '" + ref + "' not found");
return job;
* Sets this Workflow's percent completion and triggers 'progress' event.
* @param progress int in rage [0, 100].
* @return this.
setProgress: function(progress) {
this.progress = progress;
this.trigger('workflowProgress', [progress]);
return this;
* Updates current "mouseover" job. The mouse may be hovering only one job at a time. If you
* mouseover the same job twice, the second call does nothing. If you mouseover null, any
* current mouseover job is cleared.
* @param data object containing either 'name' or 'id' fields with which to find job. If null, clears any current "mouseover" job.
* @return selected job.
* @throws Error if no job exists with associated name or id.
mouseOverJob: function(data) {
var job = null;
if (data != null) job = this.findJob(data);
var prev = this.current.mouseover;
if (job === prev) return;
if (prev != null) prev.mouseover = false;
if (job != null) job.mouseover = true;
this.current.mouseover = job;
//console.debug('Job mouse over:', job, prev);
this.trigger('jobMouseOver', [job, prev]);
return job;
* Updates current "selected" job. Only one job may be selected at a time. If you select the
* same job twice, the second select will deselect the job. If you select null, any selected job
* is deselected.
* @param data object containing either 'name' or 'id' fields with which to find job. If null, clears any current "selected" job.
* @return selected job.
* @throws Error if no job exists with associated name or id.
selectJob: function(data) {
var job = null;
if (data != null) job = this.findJob(data);
var prev = this.current.selected;
if (prev != null) prev.selected = false;
if (job === prev) job = null;
else if (job != null) job.selected = true;
this.current.selected = job;
//console.debug('Job selected:', job, prev);
this.trigger('jobSelected', [job, prev]);
return job;
// bind prototype to ctor
Workflow.fn.init.prototype = Workflow.fn;
return Workflow;
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