play.play_3.2.9.6.source-code.messages.default Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
# Default messages
# --- Constraints
constraint.min=Minimum value: {0}
constraint.max=Maximum value: {0}
constraint.minLength=Minimum length: {0}
constraint.maxLength=Maximum length: {0}
constraint.pattern=Required pattern: {0}
# --- Formats
format.date=Date (''{0}'')
# --- Patterns for Formats
# --- Errors
error.invalid=Invalid value
error.invalid.java.util.Date=Invalid date value
error.required=This field is required
error.number=Numeric value expected
error.real=Real number value expected
error.real.precision=Real number value with no more than {0} digit(s) including {1} decimal(s) expected
error.min=Must be greater or equal to {0}
error.min.strict=Must be strictly greater than {0}
error.max=Must be less or equal to {0}
error.max.strict=Must be strictly less than {0}
error.minLength=Minimum length is {0}
error.maxLength=Maximum length is {0}
error.email=Valid email required
error.pattern=Must satisfy {0}
error.date=Valid date required
error.uuid=Valid UUID required
error.expected.date=Date value expected
error.expected.date.isoformat=Iso date value expected
error.expected.time=Time value expected
error.expected.jsarray=Array value expected
error.expected.jsboolean=Boolean value expected
error.expected.jsnumber=Number value expected
error.expected.jsobject=Object value expected
error.expected.jsstring=String value expected
error.expected.jsnumberorjsstring=String or number expected
error.expected.keypathnode=Node value expected
error.expected.uuid=UUID value expected
error.expected.validenumvalue=Valid enumeration value expected
error.expected.enumstring=String value expected
error.path.empty=Empty path
error.path.missing=Missing path
error.path.result.multiple=Multiple results for the given path
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