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require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o} elements The elements from the document
* @property {Array} features The features from the document
* @property {Array} behaviors The behaviors from the document
* The metadata of an entire HTML document, in promises.
* @typedef {Object} AnalyzedDocument
* @memberof hydrolysis
* @property {string} href The url of the document.
* @property {Promise} htmlLoaded The parsed representation of
* the doc. Use the `ast` property to get the full `parse5` ast
* @property {Promise>} depsLoaded Resolves to the list of this
* Document's transitive import dependencies
* @property {Array} depHrefs The direct dependencies of the document.
* @property {Promise} metadataLoaded Resolves to the list of
* this Document's import dependencies
* A database of Polymer metadata defined in HTML
* @constructor
* @memberOf hydrolysis
* @param {boolean} attachAST If true, attach a parse5 compliant AST
* @param {FileLoader=} loader An optional `FileLoader` used to load external
* resources
var Analyzer = function Analyzer(attachAST,
loader) {
this.loader = loader;
* A list of all elements the `Analyzer` has metadata for.
* @member {Array.}
this.elements = [];
* A view into `elements`, keyed by tag name.
* @member {Object.}
this.elementsByTagName = {};
* A list of API features added to `Polymer.Base` encountered by the
* analyzer.
* @member {Array}
this.features = [];
* The behaviors collected by the analysis pass.
* @member {Array}
this.behaviors = [];
* A map, keyed by absolute path, of Document metadata.
* @member {Object}
this.html = {};
this._parsedDocuments = {};
* A map, keyed by path, of HTML document ASTs.
* @type {Object}
this.parsedDocuments = {};
* A map, keyed by path, of document content.
* @type {Object}
this._content = {};
* Options for `Analyzer.analzye`
* @typedef {Object} LoadOptions
* @memberof hydrolysis
* @property {boolean} noAnnotations Whether `annotate()` should be skipped.
* @property {boolean} clean Whether the generated descriptors should be cleaned
* of redundant data.
* @property {function(string): boolean} filter A predicate function that
* indicates which files should be ignored by the loader. By default all
* files not located under the dirname of `href` will be ignored.
* Shorthand for transitively loading and processing all imports beginning at
* `href`.
* In order to properly filter paths, `href` _must_ be an absolute URI.
* @param {string} href The root import to begin loading from.
* @param {LoadOptions=} options Any additional options for the load.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve once `href` and its
* dependencies have been loaded and analyzed.
Analyzer.analyze = function analyze(href, options) {
options = options || {};
options.filter = options.filter || _defaultFilter(href);
var loader = new FileLoader();
var PrimaryResolver = typeof window === 'undefined' ?
require('./loader/fs-resolver') :
loader.addResolver(new PrimaryResolver(options));
loader.addResolver(new NoopResolver({test: options.filter}));
var analyzer = new this(null, loader);
return analyzer.metadataTree(href).then(function(root) {
if (!options.noAnnotations) {
if (options.clean) {
return Promise.resolve(analyzer);
* @private
* @param {string} href
* @return {function(string): boolean}
function _defaultFilter(href) {
// Everything up to the last `/` or `\`.
var base = href.match(/^(.*?)[^\/\\]*$/)[1];
return function(uri) {
return uri.indexOf(base) !== 0;
Analyzer.prototype.load = function load(href) {
return this.loader.request(href).then(function(content) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setImmediate(function() {
this._content[href] = content;
resolve(this._parseHTML(content, href));
* Returns an `AnalyzedDocument` representing the provided document
* @private
* @param {string} htmlImport Raw text of an HTML document
* @param {string} href The document's URL.
* @return {AnalyzedDocument} An `AnalyzedDocument`
Analyzer.prototype._parseHTML = function _parseHTML(htmlImport,
href) {
if (href in this.html) {
return this.html[href];
var depsLoaded = [];
var depHrefs = [];
var metadataLoaded = Promise.resolve(EMPTY_METADATA);
var parsed;
try {
parsed = importParse(htmlImport, href);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error parsing!');
throw err;
var htmlLoaded = Promise.resolve(parsed);
if (parsed.script) {
metadataLoaded = this._processScripts(parsed.script, href);
if (this.loader) {
var baseUri = href;
if (parsed.base.length > 1) {
console.error("Only one base tag per document!");
throw "Multiple base tags in " + href;
} else if (parsed.base.length == 1) {
var baseHref = dom5.getAttribute(parsed.base[0], "href");
if (baseHref) {
baseHref = baseHref + "/";
baseUri = url.resolve(baseUri, baseHref);
parsed.import.forEach(function(link) {
var linkurl = dom5.getAttribute(link, 'href');
if (linkurl) {
var resolvedUrl = url.resolve(baseUri, linkurl);
depsLoaded.push(this._dependenciesLoadedFor(resolvedUrl, href));
}.bind(this)); {
if (polymerExternalStyle(styleElement)) {
var styleHref = dom5.getAttribute(styleElement, 'href');
if (href) {
styleHref = url.resolve(baseUri, styleHref);
this._content[styleHref] = content;
depsLoaded = Promise.all(depsLoaded)
.then(function() {return depHrefs;})
.catch(function(err) {throw err;});
this._parsedDocuments[href] = parsed;
this.parsedDocuments[href] = parsed.ast;
this.html[href] = {
href: href,
htmlLoaded: htmlLoaded,
metadataLoaded: metadataLoaded,
depHrefs: depHrefs,
depsLoaded: depsLoaded
return this.html[href];
Analyzer.prototype._processScripts = function _processScripts(scripts, href) {
var scriptPromises = [];
scripts.forEach(function(script) {
scriptPromises.push(this._processScript(script, href));
return Promise.all(scriptPromises).then(function(metadataList) {
return metadataList.reduce(reduceMetadata, EMPTY_METADATA);
Analyzer.prototype._processScript = function _processScript(script, href) {
var src = dom5.getAttribute(script, 'src');
var parsedJs;
if (!src) {
try {
parsedJs = jsParse(script.childNodes[0].value);
} catch (err) {
// Figure out the correct line number for the error.
var line = 0;
var col = 0;
if (script.__ownerDocument && script.__ownerDocument == href) {
line = script.__locationDetail.line - 1;
col = script.__locationDetail.line - 1;
line += err.lineNumber;
col += err.column;
var message = "Error parsing script in " + href + " at " + line + ":" + col;
message += "\n" + err.description;
throw new Error(message);
if (parsedJs.elements) {
parsedJs.elements.forEach(function(element) {
element.scriptElement = script;
element.contentHref = href;
if ( in this.elementsByTagName) {
console.warn('Ignoring duplicate element definition: ' +;
} else {
this.elementsByTagName[] = element;
if (parsedJs.features) {
feature.contentHref = href;
feature.scriptElement = script;
this.features = this.features.concat(parsedJs.features);
if (parsedJs.behaviors) {
behavior.contentHref = href;
this.behaviors = this.behaviors.concat(parsedJs.behaviors);
return parsedJs;
if (this.loader) {
var resolvedSrc = url.resolve(href, src);
return this.loader.request(resolvedSrc).then(function(content) {
this._content[resolvedSrc] = content;
var resolvedScript = Object.create(script);
resolvedScript.childNodes = [{value: content}];
resolvedScript.attrs = resolvedScript.attrs.slice();
dom5.removeAttribute(resolvedScript, 'src');
return this._processScript(resolvedScript, resolvedSrc);
}.bind(this)).catch(function(err) {throw err;});
} else {
return Promise.resolve(EMPTY_METADATA);
Analyzer.prototype._dependenciesLoadedFor = function _dependenciesLoadedFor(href, root) {
var found = {};
if (root !== undefined) {
found[root] = true;
return this._getDependencies(href, found).then(function(deps) {
var depMetadataLoaded = [];
var depPromises ={
return this.load(depHref).then(function(htmlMonomer) {
return htmlMonomer.metadataLoaded;
return Promise.all(depPromises);
* List all the html dependencies for the document at `href`.
* @param {string} href The href to get dependencies for.
* @param {Object.=} found An object keyed by URL of the
* already resolved dependencies.
* @param {boolean=} transitive Whether to load transitive
* dependencies. Defaults to true.
* @return {Array.} A list of all the html dependencies.
Analyzer.prototype._getDependencies = function _getDependencies(href, found, transitive) {
if (found === undefined) {
found = {};
found[href] = true;
if (transitive === undefined) {
transitive = true;
var deps = [];
return this.load(href).then(function(htmlMonomer) {
var transitiveDeps = [];
if (found[depHref]) {
found[depHref] = true;
if (transitive) {
transitiveDeps.push(this._getDependencies(depHref, found));
return Promise.all(transitiveDeps);
}.bind(this)).then(function(transitiveDeps) {
var alldeps = transitiveDeps.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
}, []).concat(deps);
return alldeps;
* Returns a promise that resolves to a POJO representation of the import
* tree, in a format that maintains the ordering of the HTML imports spec.
* @param {string} href the import to get metadata for.
* @return {Promise}
Analyzer.prototype.metadataTree = function metadataTree(href) {
return this.load(href).then(function(monomer){
var loadedHrefs = {};
loadedHrefs[href] = true;
return this._metadataTree(monomer, loadedHrefs);
Analyzer.prototype._metadataTree = function _metadataTree(htmlMonomer,
loadedHrefs) {
if (loadedHrefs === undefined) {
loadedHrefs = {};
return htmlMonomer.metadataLoaded.then(function(metadata) {
metadata = {
elements: metadata.elements,
features: metadata.features,
href: htmlMonomer.href
return htmlMonomer.depsLoaded.then(function(hrefs) {
var depMetadata = [];
hrefs.forEach(function(href) {
var metadataPromise = Promise.resolve(true);
if (depMetadata.length > 0) {
metadataPromise = depMetadata[depMetadata.length - 1];
metadataPromise = metadataPromise.then(function() {
if (!loadedHrefs[href]) {
loadedHrefs[href] = true;
return this._metadataTree(this.html[href], loadedHrefs);
} else {
return Promise.resolve({});
return Promise.all(depMetadata).then(function(importMetadata) {
metadata.imports = importMetadata;
return htmlMonomer.htmlLoaded.then(function(parsedHtml) {
metadata.html = parsedHtml;
if (metadata.elements) {
metadata.elements.forEach(function(element) {
attachDomModule(parsedHtml, element);
return metadata;
function matchingImport(importElement) {
var matchesTag = dom5.predicates.hasTagName(importElement.tagName);
var matchesHref = dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('href', dom5.getAttribute(importElement, 'href'));
var matchesRel = dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('rel', dom5.getAttribute(importElement, 'rel'));
return dom5.predicates.AND(matchesTag, matchesHref, matchesRel);
// TODO(ajo): Refactor out of vulcanize into dom5.
var polymerExternalStyle = dom5.predicates.AND(
dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('rel', 'import'),
dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('type', 'css')
var externalScript = dom5.predicates.AND(
var isHtmlImportNode = dom5.predicates.AND(
dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('rel', 'import'),
dom5.predicates.hasAttrValue('type', 'css')
Analyzer.prototype._inlineStyles = function _inlineStyles(ast, href) {
var cssLinks = dom5.queryAll(ast, polymerExternalStyle);
cssLinks.forEach(function(link) {
var linkHref = dom5.getAttribute(link, 'href');
var uri = url.resolve(href, linkHref);
var content = this._content[uri];
var style = dom5.constructors.element('style');
dom5.setTextContent(style, '\n' + content + '\n');
dom5.replace(link, style);
return cssLinks.length > 0;
Analyzer.prototype._inlineScripts = function _inlineScripts(ast, href) {
var scripts = dom5.queryAll(ast, externalScript);
scripts.forEach(function(script) {
var scriptHref = dom5.getAttribute(script, 'src');
var uri = url.resolve(href, scriptHref);
var content = this._content[uri];
var inlined = dom5.constructors.element('script');
dom5.setTextContent(inlined, '\n' + content + '\n');
dom5.replace(script, inlined);
return scripts.length > 0;
Analyzer.prototype._inlineImports = function _inlineImports(ast, href, loaded) {
var imports = dom5.queryAll(ast, isHtmlImportNode);
imports.forEach(function(htmlImport) {
var importHref = dom5.getAttribute(htmlImport, 'href');
var uri = url.resolve(href, importHref);
if (loaded[uri]) {
var content = this.getLoadedAst(uri, loaded);
dom5.replace(htmlImport, content);
return imports.length > 0;
* Returns a promise resolving to a form of the AST with all links replaced
* with the document they link to. .css and .script files become