com.vaadin.polymer.public.bower_components.web-animations-js.src.timing-utilities.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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(function(shared, testing) {
var fills = 'backwards|forwards|both|none'.split('|');
var directions = 'reverse|alternate|alternate-reverse'.split('|');
var linear = function(x) { return x; };
function cloneTimingInput(timingInput) {
if (typeof timingInput == 'number') {
return timingInput;
var clone = {};
for (var m in timingInput) {
clone[m] = timingInput[m];
return clone;
function AnimationEffectTiming() {
this._delay = 0;
this._endDelay = 0;
this._fill = 'none';
this._iterationStart = 0;
this._iterations = 1;
this._duration = 0;
this._playbackRate = 1;
this._direction = 'normal';
this._easing = 'linear';
this._easingFunction = linear;
function isInvalidTimingDeprecated() {
return shared.isDeprecated('Invalid timing inputs', '2016-03-02', 'TypeError exceptions will be thrown instead.', true);
AnimationEffectTiming.prototype = {
_setMember: function(member, value) {
this['_' + member] = value;
if (this._effect) {
this._effect._timingInput[member] = value;
this._effect._timing = shared.normalizeTimingInput(this._effect._timingInput);
this._effect.activeDuration = shared.calculateActiveDuration(this._effect._timing);
if (this._effect._animation) {
get playbackRate() {
return this._playbackRate;
set delay(value) {
this._setMember('delay', value);
get delay() {
return this._delay;
set endDelay(value) {
this._setMember('endDelay', value);
get endDelay() {
return this._endDelay;
set fill(value) {
this._setMember('fill', value);
get fill() {
return this._fill;
set iterationStart(value) {
if ((isNaN(value) || value < 0) && isInvalidTimingDeprecated()) {
throw new TypeError('iterationStart must be a non-negative number, received: ' + timing.iterationStart);
this._setMember('iterationStart', value);
get iterationStart() {
return this._iterationStart;
set duration(value) {
if (value != 'auto' && (isNaN(value) || value < 0) && isInvalidTimingDeprecated()) {
throw new TypeError('duration must be non-negative or auto, received: ' + value);
this._setMember('duration', value);
get duration() {
return this._duration;
set direction(value) {
this._setMember('direction', value);
get direction() {
return this._direction;
set easing(value) {
this._easingFunction = parseEasingFunction(normalizeEasing(value));
this._setMember('easing', value);
get easing() {
return this._easing;
set iterations(value) {
if ((isNaN(value) || value < 0) && isInvalidTimingDeprecated()) {
throw new TypeError('iterations must be non-negative, received: ' + value);
this._setMember('iterations', value);
get iterations() {
return this._iterations;
function makeTiming(timingInput, forGroup, effect) {
var timing = new AnimationEffectTiming();
if (forGroup) {
timing.fill = 'both';
timing.duration = 'auto';
if (typeof timingInput == 'number' && !isNaN(timingInput)) {
timing.duration = timingInput;
} else if (timingInput !== undefined) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(timingInput).forEach(function(property) {
if (timingInput[property] != 'auto') {
if (typeof timing[property] == 'number' || property == 'duration') {
if (typeof timingInput[property] != 'number' || isNaN(timingInput[property])) {
if ((property == 'fill') && (fills.indexOf(timingInput[property]) == -1)) {
if ((property == 'direction') && (directions.indexOf(timingInput[property]) == -1)) {
if (property == 'playbackRate' && timingInput[property] !== 1 && shared.isDeprecated('AnimationEffectTiming.playbackRate', '2014-11-28', 'Use Animation.playbackRate instead.')) {
timing[property] = timingInput[property];
return timing;
function numericTimingToObject(timingInput) {
if (typeof timingInput == 'number') {
if (isNaN(timingInput)) {
timingInput = { duration: 0 };
} else {
timingInput = { duration: timingInput };
return timingInput;
function normalizeTimingInput(timingInput, forGroup) {
timingInput = shared.numericTimingToObject(timingInput);
return makeTiming(timingInput, forGroup);
function cubic(a, b, c, d) {
if (a < 0 || a > 1 || c < 0 || c > 1) {
return linear;
return function(x) {
if (x <= 0) {
var start_gradient = 0;
if (a > 0)
start_gradient = b / a;
else if (!b && c > 0)
start_gradient = d / c;
return start_gradient * x;
if (x >= 1) {
var end_gradient = 0;
if (c < 1)
end_gradient = (d - 1) / (c - 1);
else if (c == 1 && a < 1)
end_gradient = (b - 1) / (a - 1);
return 1 + end_gradient * (x - 1);
var start = 0, end = 1;
while (start < end) {
var mid = (start + end) / 2;
function f(a, b, m) { return 3 * a * (1 - m) * (1 - m) * m + 3 * b * (1 - m) * m * m + m * m * m};
var xEst = f(a, c, mid);
if (Math.abs(x - xEst) < 0.00001) {
return f(b, d, mid);
if (xEst < x) {
start = mid;
} else {
end = mid;
return f(b, d, mid);
var Start = 1;
var Middle = 0.5;
var End = 0;
function step(count, pos) {
return function(x) {
if (x >= 1) {
return 1;
var stepSize = 1 / count;
x += pos * stepSize;
return x - x % stepSize;
var presets = {
'ease': cubic(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1),
'ease-in': cubic(0.42, 0, 1, 1),
'ease-out': cubic(0, 0, 0.58, 1),
'ease-in-out': cubic(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1),
'step-start': step(1, Start),
'step-middle': step(1, Middle),
'step-end': step(1, End)
var styleForCleaning = null;
var numberString = '\\s*(-?\\d+\\.?\\d*|-?\\.\\d+)\\s*';
var cubicBezierRe = new RegExp('cubic-bezier\\(' + numberString + ',' + numberString + ',' + numberString + ',' + numberString + '\\)');
var stepRe = /steps\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(start|middle|end)\s*\)/;
function normalizeEasing(easing) {
if (!styleForCleaning) {
styleForCleaning = document.createElement('div').style;
styleForCleaning.animationTimingFunction = '';
styleForCleaning.animationTimingFunction = easing;
var normalizedEasing = styleForCleaning.animationTimingFunction;
if (normalizedEasing == '' && isInvalidTimingDeprecated()) {
throw new TypeError(easing + ' is not a valid value for easing');
return normalizedEasing;
function parseEasingFunction(normalizedEasing) {
if (normalizedEasing == 'linear') {
return linear;
var cubicData = cubicBezierRe.exec(normalizedEasing);
if (cubicData) {
return cubic.apply(this, cubicData.slice(1).map(Number));
var stepData = stepRe.exec(normalizedEasing);
if (stepData) {
return step(Number(stepData[1]), {'start': Start, 'middle': Middle, 'end': End}[stepData[2]]);
var preset = presets[normalizedEasing];
if (preset) {
return preset;
// At this point none of our parse attempts succeeded; the easing is invalid.
// Fall back to linear in the interest of not crashing the page.
return linear;
function calculateActiveDuration(timing) {
return Math.abs(repeatedDuration(timing) / timing.playbackRate);
function repeatedDuration(timing) {
if (timing.duration === 0 || timing.iterations === 0) {
return 0;
return timing.duration * timing.iterations;
var PhaseNone = 0;
var PhaseBefore = 1;
var PhaseAfter = 2;
var PhaseActive = 3;
function calculatePhase(activeDuration, localTime, timing) {
if (localTime == null) {
return PhaseNone;
var endTime = timing.delay + activeDuration + timing.endDelay;
if (localTime < Math.min(timing.delay, endTime)) {
return PhaseBefore;
if (localTime >= Math.min(timing.delay + activeDuration, endTime)) {
return PhaseAfter;
return PhaseActive;
function calculateActiveTime(activeDuration, fillMode, localTime, phase, delay) {
switch (phase) {
case PhaseBefore:
if (fillMode == 'backwards' || fillMode == 'both')
return 0;
return null;
case PhaseActive:
return localTime - delay;
case PhaseAfter:
if (fillMode == 'forwards' || fillMode == 'both')
return activeDuration;
return null;
case PhaseNone:
return null;
function calculateOverallProgress(iterationDuration, phase, iterations, activeTime, iterationStart) {
var overallProgress = iterationStart;
if (iterationDuration === 0) {
if (phase !== PhaseBefore) {
overallProgress += iterations;
} else {
overallProgress += activeTime / iterationDuration;
return overallProgress;
function calculateSimpleIterationProgress(overallProgress, iterationStart, phase, iterations, activeTime, iterationDuration) {
var simpleIterationProgress = (overallProgress === Infinity) ? iterationStart % 1 : overallProgress % 1;
if (simpleIterationProgress === 0 && phase === PhaseAfter && iterations !== 0 &&
(activeTime !== 0 || iterationDuration === 0)) {
simpleIterationProgress = 1;
return simpleIterationProgress;
function calculateCurrentIteration(phase, iterations, simpleIterationProgress, overallProgress) {
if (phase === PhaseAfter && iterations === Infinity) {
return Infinity;
if (simpleIterationProgress === 1) {
return Math.floor(overallProgress) - 1;
return Math.floor(overallProgress);
function calculateDirectedProgress(playbackDirection, currentIteration, simpleIterationProgress) {
var currentDirection = playbackDirection;
if (playbackDirection !== 'normal' && playbackDirection !== 'reverse') {
var d = currentIteration;
if (playbackDirection === 'alternate-reverse') {
d += 1;
currentDirection = 'normal';
if (d !== Infinity && d % 2 !== 0) {
currentDirection = 'reverse';
if (currentDirection === 'normal') {
return simpleIterationProgress;
return 1 - simpleIterationProgress;
function calculateIterationProgress(activeDuration, localTime, timing) {
var phase = calculatePhase(activeDuration, localTime, timing);
var activeTime = calculateActiveTime(activeDuration, timing.fill, localTime, phase, timing.delay);
if (activeTime === null)
return null;
var overallProgress = calculateOverallProgress(timing.duration, phase, timing.iterations, activeTime, timing.iterationStart);
var simpleIterationProgress = calculateSimpleIterationProgress(overallProgress, timing.iterationStart, phase, timing.iterations, activeTime, timing.duration);
var currentIteration = calculateCurrentIteration(phase, timing.iterations, simpleIterationProgress, overallProgress);
var directedProgress = calculateDirectedProgress(timing.direction, currentIteration, simpleIterationProgress);
return timing._easingFunction(directedProgress);
shared.cloneTimingInput = cloneTimingInput;
shared.makeTiming = makeTiming;
shared.numericTimingToObject = numericTimingToObject;
shared.normalizeTimingInput = normalizeTimingInput;
shared.calculateActiveDuration = calculateActiveDuration;
shared.calculateIterationProgress = calculateIterationProgress;
shared.calculatePhase = calculatePhase;
shared.normalizeEasing = normalizeEasing;
shared.parseEasingFunction = parseEasingFunction;
testing.normalizeTimingInput = normalizeTimingInput;
testing.normalizeEasing = normalizeEasing;
testing.parseEasingFunction = parseEasingFunction;
testing.calculateActiveDuration = calculateActiveDuration;
testing.calculatePhase = calculatePhase;
testing.PhaseNone = PhaseNone;
testing.PhaseBefore = PhaseBefore;
testing.PhaseActive = PhaseActive;
testing.PhaseAfter = PhaseAfter;
})(webAnimationsShared, webAnimationsTesting);
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