urity.sdk.client.3.2.1.source-code.Messages.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
status400=Request error
status401=Authentication error
status404=Entity not found
status405=Method not allowed
status500=Server error
error_unknown=Unknown error
error10000=Internal application error
# Identity error codes
error40000=JSON specified as a request body is invalid
error40100=Identity type is invalid
error40110=Identity's ttl is invalid
error40120=Identity's ctl is invalid
error40130=Identity's token parameter is missing
error40140=Identity's token doesn't match parameters
error40150=Identity's token has expired
error40160=Identity's token cannot be decrypted
error40170=Identity's token parameter is invalid
error40180=Identity is not unconfirmed
error40190=Hash to be signed parameter is invalid
error40200=Email identity value validation failed
error40210=Identity's confirmation code is invalid
error40300=Application value is invalid
error40310=Application's signed message is invalid
error41000=Identity entity was not found
error41010= Identity's confirmation period has expired
# PublicKeys error codes
error20100=The request ID header was used already
error20101=The request ID header is invalid
error20200=The request sing header not found
error20201=The Virgil Card ID header not specified or incorrect
error20202=The request sign header is invalid
error20203=Public Key value is required in request body
error20204=Public Key value in request body must be base64 encoded value
error20205=Public Key IDs in URL part and public key for the Virgil Card retrieved from X-VIRGIL-REQUEST-SIGN-VIRGIL-CARD-ID header must match
error20206=The public key id in the request body is invalid
error20208=Virgil card ids in url and authentication header must match
error20300=The Virgil application token was not specified or invalid
error20301=The Virgil statistics application error
error30000=JSON specified as a request body is invalid
error30100=Public Key ID is invalid
error30101=Public key length invalid
error30102=Public key must be base64-encoded string
error30201=Identity type is invalid. Valid types are: 'email', 'application'
error30202=Email value specified for the email identity is invalid
error30203=Cannot create unconfirmed application identity
error30204=Application value specified for the application identity is invalid
error30205=Custom identity validation failed
error30300=Signed Virgil Card not found by UUID provided
error30301=Virgil Card's signs list contains an item with invalid signed_id value
error30302=Virgil Card's one of sined digests is invalid
error30303=Virgil Card's data parameters must be strings
error30304=Virgil Card's data parameters must be an array of strings
error30305=Virgil Card custom data entry value length validation failed
error30306=Virgil Card cannot sign itself
error30400=Sign object not found for id specified
error30402=The signed digest value is invalid
error30403=Sign Signed digest must be base64 encoded string
error30404=Cannot save the Sign because it exists already
error31000=Value search parameter is mandatory
error31010=Search value parameter is mandatory for the application search
error31020=Virgil Card's signs parameter must be an array
error31030=Identity validation token is invalid
error31040=Virgil Card revokation parameters do not match Virgil Card's identity
error31050=Virgil Identity service error
error31051=Custom identity's validation token is incorrect
error31052=Custom identity's unique id was used alreaady
error31053=Custom identity's validation token is malformed
error31060=Identities parameter is invalid
error31070=Identity validation failed
# PrivateKeys error codes
prKeyError10000=Internal application error
prKeyError10010=Controller was not found
prKeyError10020=Action was not found
prKeyError20000=Request wrongly encoded
prKeyError20010=Request JSON invalid
prKeyError20020=Request 'response_password' parameter invalid
prKeyError30010=Private Key not specified
prKeyError30020=Private Key not base64 encoded
prKeyError40000=Virgil Card ID not specified
prKeyError40010=Virgil Card ID has incorrect format
prKeyError40020=Virgil Card ID not found
prKeyError40030=Virgil Card ID already exists
prKeyError40040=Virgil Card ID not found in Public Key service
prKeyError40050=Virgil Card ID not found for provided Identity
prKeyError50000=Request Sign UUID not specified
prKeyError50010=Request Sign UUID has wrong format
prKeyError50020=Request Sign UUID already exists
prKeyError50030=Request Sign is incorrect
prKeyError60000=Identity not specified
prKeyError60010=Identity Type not specified
prKeyError60020=Identity Value not specified
prKeyError60030=Identity Token not specified.
prKeyError60040=Identity Type not supported.
prKeyError60050=Identity Type has wrong format. Appears only in case of Custom Identity.
prKeyError60060=Identity Token incorrect. Appears only in case of Custom Identity.
prKeyError60070=Identity Request has already used before for provided Identity data. Appears only in case of Custom Identity
prKeyError60030=Identity Token not specified
prKeyError90000=Identity validation under RA service failed
prKeyError90010=Access Token validation under Stats service failed
# Exceptions
createCard.pk_and_pkid_empty=Either public_key_id or public_key parameter should be specified
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