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(function() {

     * The ProfilerViewer module provides a graphical display for viewing
	 * the output of the YUI Profiler .
     * @module profilerviewer
     * @requires yahoo, dom, event, element, profiler, yuiloader

     * A widget to view YUI Profiler output.
     * @namespace YAHOO.widget
     * @class ProfilerViewer
     * @extends YAHOO.util.Element
     * @constructor
     * @param {HTMLElement | String | Object} el(optional) The html 
     * element into which the ProfileViewer should be rendered. 
     * An element will be created if none provided.
     * @param {Object} attr (optional) A key map of the ProfilerViewer's 
     * initial attributes.  Ignored if first arg is an attributes object.
    YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer = function(el, attr) {
        attr = attr || {};
        if (arguments.length == 1 && !YAHOO.lang.isString(el) && !el.nodeName) {
            attr = el;
            el = attr.element || null;
        if (!el && !attr.element) {
            el = this._createProfilerViewerElement();
        }, el, attr); 
		YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer instantiated.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

    YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, YAHOO.util.Element);
	// Static members of YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer:
	YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, {
		 * Classname for ProfilerViewer containing element.
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv"
		CLASS: 'yui-pv',
		 * Classname for ProfilerViewer button dashboard. 
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_DASHBOARD
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-dashboard"
		CLASS_DASHBOARD: 'yui-pv-dashboard',

		 * Classname for the "refresh data" button. 
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_REFRESH
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-refresh"
		CLASS_REFRESH: 'yui-pv-refresh',

		 * Classname for busy indicator in the dashboard. 
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_BUSY
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-busy"
		CLASS_BUSY: 'yui-pv-busy',
		 * Classname for element containing the chart and chart
		 * legend elements.
		 * @static
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-chartcontainer"
		CLASS_CHART_CONTAINER: 'yui-pv-chartcontainer',
		 * Classname for element containing the chart.
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_CHART
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-chart"
		CLASS_CHART: 'yui-pv-chart',
		 * Classname for element containing the chart's legend. 
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_CHART_LEGEND
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-chartlegend"
		CLASS_CHART_LEGEND: 'yui-pv-chartlegend',
		 * Classname for element containing the datatable. 
		 * @static
		 * @property CLASS_TABLE
		 * @type string
		 * @public
		 * @default "yui-pv-table"
		CLASS_TABLE: 'yui-pv-table',
		 * Strings used in the UI.
		 * @static
		 * @property STRINGS
		 * @object
		 * @public
		 * @default English language strings for UI.
			title: "YUI Profiler (beta)",
			buttons: {
				viewprofiler: "View Profiler Data",
				hideprofiler: "Hide Profiler Report",
				showchart: "Show Chart",
				hidechart: "Hide Chart",
				refreshdata: "Refresh Data"
			colHeads: {
				//key: [column head label, width in pixels]
				fn: ["Function/Method", null], //must auto-size
				calls: ["Calls", 40],
				avg: ["Average", 80],
				min: ["Shortest", 70],
				max: ["Longest", 70],
				total: ["Total Time", 70],
				pct: ["Percent", 70]
			millisecondsAbbrev: "ms",
			initMessage: "initialiazing chart...",
			installFlashMessage: "Unable to load Flash content. The YUI Charts Control requires Flash Player 9.0.45 or higher. You can download the latest version of Flash Player from the Adobe Flash Player Download Center."

		 * Function used to format numbers in milliseconds
		 * for chart; must be publicly accessible, per Charts spec.
		 * @static
		 * @property timeAxisLabelFunction
		 * @type function
		 * @private
		timeAxisLabelFunction: function(n) {
			var a = (n === Math.floor(n)) ? n : (Math.round(n*1000))/1000;
			return (a + " " + YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer.STRINGS.millisecondsAbbrev);

		 * Function used to format percent numbers for chart; must
		 * be publicly accessible, per Charts spec.
		 * @static
		 * @property percentAxisLabelFunction
		 * @type function
		 * @private
		percentAxisLabelFunction: function(n) {
			var a = (n === Math.floor(n)) ? n : (Math.round(n*100))/100;
			return (a + "%");

    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
    var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
	var Profiler = YAHOO.tool.Profiler;
	var PV = YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer;
	var proto = PV.prototype;

     * Refreshes the data displayed in the ProfilerViewer. When called,
	 * this will invoke a refresh of the DataTable and (if displayed)
	 * the Chart.
     * @method refreshData
     * @return void
	 * @public
	proto.refreshData = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Data refresh requested via refreshData method.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

     * Returns the element containing the console's header.
     * @method getHeadEl
     * @return HTMLElement
	 * @public
	proto.getHeadEl = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Head element requested via getHeadEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return (this._headEl) ? Dom.get(this._headEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's body, including
	 * the chart and the datatable..
     * @method getBodyEl
     * @return HTMLElement
	 * @public
	proto.getBodyEl = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Body element requested via getBodyEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return (this._bodyEl) ? Dom.get(this._bodyEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's chart.
     * @method getChartEl
     * @return HTMLElement
	 * @public
	proto.getChartEl = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Chart element requested via getChartEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return (this._chartEl) ? Dom.get(this._chartEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's dataTable.
     * @method getTableEl
     * @return HTMLElement
	 * @public
	proto.getTableEl = function() {
		YAHOO.log("DataTable element requested via getTableEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return (this._tableEl) ? Dom.get(this._tableEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's DataTable
	 * instance.
     * @method getDataTable
     * @return YAHOO.widget.DataTable
	 * @public
	proto.getDataTable = function() {
		YAHOO.log("DataTable instance requested via getDataTable.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return this._dataTable;

     * Returns the element containing the console's Chart instance.
     * @method getChart
     * @return YAHOO.widget.BarChart
	 * @public
	proto.getChart = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Chart instance requested via getChart.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		return this._chart;

    proto._rendered = false;
	proto._headEl = null;
	proto._bodyEl = null;
	proto._toggleVisibleEl = null;
	proto._busyEl = null;
	proto._busy = false;
	proto._tableEl = null;
	proto._dataTable = null;

	proto._chartEl = null;
	proto._chartLegendEl = null;
	proto._chartElHeight = 250;
	proto._chart = null;
	proto._chartInitialized = false;


	proto._init = function() {
		 * Fired when a data refresh is requested. No arguments are passed
		 * with this event.
		 * @event refreshDataEvent
		 * Fired when the viewer canvas first renders. No arguments are passed
		 * with this event.
		 * @event renderEvent

		this.on("dataRefreshEvent", this._refreshDataTable, this, true);
		if(this.get("showChart")) {
			this.on("sortedByChange", this._refreshChart);

		YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer instance initialization complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

	 * If no element is passed in, create it as the first element
	 * in the document.
	 * @method _createProfilerViewerElement
	 * @return HTMLElement
	 * @private
	proto._createProfilerViewerElement = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Creating root element...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

		var el = document.createElement("div");
		document.body.insertBefore(el, document.body.firstChild);
		Dom.addClass(el, this.SKIN_CLASS);
		Dom.addClass(el, PV.CLASS);
		return el;
     * Provides a readable name for the ProfilerViewer instance.
     * @method toString
     * @return String
	 * @private
    proto.toString = function() {
        return "ProfilerViewer " + (this.get('id') || this.get('tagName'));

     * Toggles visibility of the viewer canvas.
     * @method _toggleVisible
     * @return void
	 * @private
	proto._toggleVisible = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Toggling visibility to " + !this.get("visible") + ".", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		var newVis = (this.get("visible")) ? false : true;
		this.set("visible", newVis);

     * Shows the viewer canvas.
     * @method show
     * @return void
	 * @private
	 proto._show = function() {
	 	if(!this._busy) {
			if(!this._rendered) {
				var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader();
				if (this.get("base")) {
					loader.base = this.get("base");
				var modules = ["datatable"];
				if(this.get("showChart")) {
				loader.insert({ require: modules,
								onSuccess: function() {
								scope: this});
			} else {
				var el = this.get("element");
				Dom.removeClass(el, "yui-pv-minimized");
				this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.hideprofiler;
				//The Flash Charts component can't be set to display:none,
				//and even after positioning it offscreen the screen
				//may fail to repaint in some browsers.  Adding an empty
				//style rule to the console body can help force a repaint:
				Dom.addClass(el, "yui-pv-null");
				Dom.removeClass(el, "yui-pv-null");
				//Always refresh data when changing to visible:

     * Hides the viewer canvas.
     * @method hide
     * @return void
	 * @private
	proto._hide = function() {
		this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.viewprofiler;
		Dom.addClass(this.get("element"), "yui-pv-minimized");
	 * Render the viewer canvas
	 * @method _render
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	proto._render = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Beginning to render ProfilerViewer canvas...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		Dom.removeClass(this.get("element"), "yui-pv-minimized");
		if(this.get("showChart")) {
		this._rendered = true;
		this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.hideprofiler;

		YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer rendering complete...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
	 * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer launcher.
	 * @method _initLauncherDOM
	 * @private
	proto._initLauncherDOM = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Creating the launcher...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		var el = this.get("element");
		Dom.addClass(el, PV.CLASS);
		Dom.addClass(el, "yui-pv-minimized");

		this._headEl = document.createElement("div");
		Dom.addClass(this._headEl, "hd");
		var s = PV.STRINGS.buttons;
		var b = (this.get("visible")) ? s.hideprofiler : s.viewprofiler;
		this._toggleVisibleEl = this._createButton(b, this._headEl);
		this._refreshEl = this._createButton(s.refreshdata, this._headEl);
		Dom.addClass(this._refreshEl, PV.CLASS_REFRESH);
		this._busyEl = document.createElement("span");

		var title = document.createElement("h4");
		title.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.title;
		Event.on(this._toggleVisibleEl, "click", this._toggleVisible, this, true);
		Event.on(this._refreshEl, "click", function() {
			if(!this._busy) {
		}, this, true);

	 * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer canvas,
	 * including the holder for the DataTable.
	 * @method _initViewerDOM
	 * @private
	proto._initViewerDOM = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Creating DOM structure for viewer...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		var el = this.get("element");
		this._bodyEl = document.createElement("div");
		Dom.addClass(this._bodyEl, "bd");
	 	this._tableEl = document.createElement("div");
		Dom.addClass(this._tableEl, PV.CLASS_TABLE);

	 * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer canvas.
	 * @method _initChartDOM
	 * @private
	proto._initChartDOM = function() {
		YAHOO.log("Adding DOM structure for chart...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
		this._chartContainer = document.createElement("div");
		Dom.addClass(this._chartContainer, PV.CLASS_CHART_CONTAINER);
		var chl = document.createElement("div");
		Dom.addClass(chl, PV.CLASS_CHART_LEGEND);
		var chw = document.createElement("div");

		this._chartLegendEl = document.createElement("dl");
		this._chartLegendEl.innerHTML = "
" + PV.STRINGS.initMessage + "
"; this._chartEl = document.createElement("div"); Dom.addClass(this._chartEl, PV.CLASS_CHART); var msg = document.createElement("p"); msg.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.installFlashMessage; this._chartEl.appendChild(msg); this._chartContainer.appendChild(chl); chl.appendChild(chw); chw.appendChild(this._chartLegendEl); this._chartContainer.appendChild(this._chartEl); this._bodyEl.insertBefore(this._chartContainer,this._tableEl); }; /** * Create anchor elements for use as buttons. Args: label * is text to appear on the face of the button, parentEl * is the el to which the anchor will be attached, position * is true for inserting as the first node and false for * inserting as the last node of the parentEl. * @method _createButton * @private */ proto._createButton = function(label, parentEl, position) { var b = document.createElement("a"); b.innerHTML = b.title = label; if(parentEl) { if(!position) { parentEl.appendChild(b); } else { parentEl.insertBefore(b, parentEl.firstChild); } } return b; }; /** * Set's console busy state. * @method _setBusyState * @private **/ proto._setBusyState = function(b) { if(b) { Dom.addClass(this._busyEl, PV.CLASS_BUSY); this._busy = true; } else { Dom.removeClass(this._busyEl, PV.CLASS_BUSY); this._busy = false; } }; /** * Generages a sorting function based on current sortedBy * values. * @method _createProfilerViewerElement * @private **/ proto._genSortFunction = function(key, dir) { var by = key; var direction = dir; return function(a, b) { if (direction == YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC) { return a[by] - b[by]; } else { return ((a[by] - b[by]) * -1); } }; }; /** * Utility function for array sums. * @method _arraySum * @private **/ var _arraySum = function(arr){ var ct = 0; for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; ct+=arr[i++]){} return ct; }; /** * Retrieves data from Profiler, filtering and sorting as needed * based on current widget state. Adds calculated percentage * column and function name to data returned by Profiler. * @method _getProfilerData * @private **/ proto._getProfilerData = function() { YAHOO.log("Profiler data requested from function DataSource.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); var obj = Profiler.getFullReport(); var arr = []; var totalTime = 0; for (name in obj) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(obj, name)) { var r = obj[name]; var o = {}; o.fn = name; //add function name to record o.points = r.points.slice(); //copy live array o.calls = r.calls; o.min = r.min; o.max = r.max; o.avg = r.avg; = _arraySum(o.points); o.points = r.points; var f = this.get("filter"); if((!f) || (f(o))) { arr.push(o); totalTime +=; } } } //add calculated percentage column for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { arr[i].pct = (totalTime) ? (arr[i].total * 100) / totalTime : 0; } var sortedBy = this.get("sortedBy"); var key = sortedBy.key; var dir = sortedBy.dir; arr.sort(this._genSortFunction(key, dir)); YAHOO.log("Returning data from DataSource: " + YAHOO.lang.dump(arr), "info", "ProfilerViewer"); return arr; }; /** * Set up the DataTable. * @method _initDataTable * @private */ proto._initDataTable = function() { YAHOO.log("Creating DataTable instance...", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); var self = this; //Set up the JS Function DataSource, pulling data from //the Profiler. this._dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource( function() { return; }, { responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY, maxCacheEntries: 0 } ); var ds = this._dataSource; ds.responseSchema = { fields: [ "fn", "avg", "calls", "max", "min", "total", "pct", "points"] }; //Set up the DataTable. var formatTimeValue = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { var a = (oData === Math.floor(oData)) ? oData : (Math.round(oData*1000))/1000; elCell.innerHTML = a + " " + PV.STRINGS.millisecondsAbbrev; }; var formatPercent = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { var a = (oData === Math.floor(oData)) ? oData : (Math.round(oData*100))/100; elCell.innerHTML = a + "%"; }; var a = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC; var d = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC; var c = PV.STRINGS.colHeads; var f = formatTimeValue; var cols = [ {key:"fn", sortable:true, label: c.fn[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:a}, resizeable: (YAHOO.util.DragDrop) ? true : false, minWidth:c.fn[1]}, {key:"calls", sortable:true, label: c.calls[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, width:c.calls[1]}, {key:"avg", sortable:true, label: c.avg[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, formatter:f, width:c.avg[1]}, {key:"min", sortable:true, label: c.min[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:a}, formatter:f, width:c.min[1]}, {key:"max", sortable:true, label: c.max[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, formatter:f, width:c.max[1]}, {key:"total", sortable:true, label:[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, formatter:f,[1]}, {key:"pct", sortable:true, label: c.pct[0], sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, formatter:formatPercent, width:c.pct[1]} ]; this._dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(this._tableEl, cols, ds, { scrollable:true, height:this.get("tableHeight"), initialRequest:null, sortedBy: { key: "total", dir: YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC } }); var dt = this._dataTable; //Wire up DataTable events to drive the rest of the UI. dt.subscribe("sortedByChange", this._sortedByChange, this, true); dt.subscribe("renderEvent", this._dataTableRenderHandler, this, true); dt.subscribe("initEvent", this._dataTableRenderHandler, this, true); Event.on(this._tableEl.getElementsByTagName("th"), "click", this._thClickHandler, this, true); YAHOO.log("DataTable initialized.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); }; /** * Proxy the sort event in DataTable into the ProfilerViewer * attribute. * @method _sortedByChange * @private **/ proto._sortedByChange = function(o) { if(o.newValue && o.newValue.key) { YAHOO.log("Relaying DataTable sortedBy value change; new key: " + o.newValue.key + "; new direction: " + o.newValue.dir + ".", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); this.set("sortedBy", {key: o.newValue.key, dir:o.newValue.dir}); } }; /** * Proxy the render event in DataTable into the ProfilerViewer * attribute. * @method _dataTableRenderHandler * @private **/ proto._dataTableRenderHandler = function(o) { YAHOO.log("DataTable's render event has fired.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); this._setBusyState(false); }; /** * Event handler for clicks on the DataTable's sortable column * heads. * @method _thClickHandler * @private **/ proto._thClickHandler = function(o) { YAHOO.log("DataTable's header row was clicked for sorting.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); this._setBusyState(true); }; /** * Refresh DataTable, getting new data from Profiler. * @method _refreshDataTable * @private **/ proto._refreshDataTable = function(args) { YAHOO.log("Beginning to refresh DataTable contents...", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); var dt = this._dataTable; dt.getDataSource().sendRequest("", dt.onDataReturnInitializeTable, dt); YAHOO.log("DataTable refresh complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); }; /** * Refresh chart, getting new data from table. * @method _refreshChart * @private **/ proto._refreshChart = function() { YAHOO.log("Beginning to refresh Chart contents...", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); switch (this.get("sortedBy").key) { case "fn": /*Keep the same data on the chart, but force update to reflect new sort order on function/method name: */ this._chart.set("dataSource", this._chart.get("dataSource")); /*no further action necessary; chart redraws*/ return; case "calls": /*Null out the xAxis formatting before redrawing chart.*/ this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionPlain); break; case "pct": this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionPercent); break; default: /*Set the default xAxis; redraw legend; set the new series definition.*/ this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionTime); break; } this._drawChartLegend(); this._chart.set("series", this._getSeriesDef(this.get("sortedBy").key)); YAHOO.log("Chart refresh complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); }; /** * Get data for the Chart from DataTable recordset * @method _getChartData * @private */ proto._getChartData = function() { YAHOO.log("Getting data for chart from function DataSource.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); //var records = this._getProfilerData(); var records = this._dataTable.getRecordSet().getRecords(0, this.get("maxChartFunctions")); var arr = []; for (var i = 0, j = records.length; i, * calls : , * avg : , * max: , * min: , * total: * points : * } * * For example, you would use the follwing filter function to * return only functions that have been called at least once: * * function(o) { * return (o.calls > 0); * } * * @attribute filter * @type function * @default null */ this.setAttributeConfig('filter', { value: attr.filter || null, validator: YAHOO.lang.isFunction }); /** * The path to the YUI Charts swf file; must be a full URI * or a path relative to the page being profiled. Changes at runtime * not supported; pass this value in at instantiation. * @attribute swfUrl * @type string * @default "" */ this.setAttributeConfig('swfUrl', { value: attr.swfUrl || "" }); /** * The maximum number of functions to profile in the chart. The * greater the number of functions, the greater the height of the * chart canvas. * height. * @attribute maxChartFunctions * @type int * @default 6 */ this.setAttributeConfig('maxChartFunctions', { value: attr.maxChartFunctions || 6, method: function(s) { if(this._rendered) { this._sizeChartCanvas(); } }, validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber }); /** * The style object that defines the chart's visual presentation. * Conforms to the style attribute passed to the Charts Control * constructor. See Charts Control User's Guide for more information * on how to format this object. * @attribute chartStyle * @type obj * @default See JS source for default definitions. */ this.setAttributeConfig('chartStyle', { value: attr.chartStyle || { font: { name: "Arial", color: 0xeeee5c, size: 12 }, background: { color: "6e6e63" } }, method: function() { if(this._rendered && this.get("showChart")) { this._refreshChart(); } } }); /** * The series definition information to use when charting * specific fields on the chart. displayName, xField, * and style members are used to construct the series * definition; the "group" member is the array of fields * that should be charted when the table is sorted by a * given field. * @attribute chartSeriesDefinitions * @type obj * @default See JS source for full default definitions. */ this.setAttributeConfig('chartSeriesDefinitions', { value: attr.chartSeriesDefinitions || { total: { displayName:[0], xField: "total", style: {color:"4d95dd", size:20}, group: ["total"] }, calls: { displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.calls[0], xField: "calls", style: {color:"edff9f", size:20}, group: ["calls"] }, avg: { displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.avg[0], xField: "avg", style: {color:"209daf", size:9}, group: ["avg", "min", "max"] }, min: { displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.min[0], xField: "min", style: {color:"b6ecf4", size:9}, group: ["avg", "min", "max"] }, max: { displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.max[0], xField: "max", style: {color:"29c7de", size:9}, group: ["avg", "min", "max"] }, pct: { displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.pct[0], xField: "pct", style: {color:"C96EDB", size:20}, group: ["pct"] } }, method: function() { if(this._rendered && this.get("showChart")) { this._refreshChart(); } } }); /** * The default visibility setting for the viewer canvas. If true, * the viewer will load all necessary files and render itself * immediately upon instantiation; otherwise, the viewer will * load only minimal resources until the user toggles visibility * via the UI. * @attribute visible * @type boolean * @default false */ this.setAttributeConfig('visible', { value: attr.visible || false, validator: YAHOO.lang.isBoolean, method: function(b) { if(b) { this._show(); } else { if (this._rendered) { this._hide(); } } } }); /** * The default visibility setting for the chart. * @attribute showChart * @type boolean * @default true */ this.setAttributeConfig('showChart', { value: attr.showChart || true, validator: YAHOO.lang.isBoolean, writeOnce: true });, attr); YAHOO.log("Attributes initialized.", "info", "ProfilerViewer"); }; })(); YAHOO.register("profilerviewer", YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, {version: "2.8.2r1", build: "7"});

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