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webclient.js-i2b2.cells.CRC.CRC_ctrlr_TQryPanel.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

* @projectDescription	Controller for Temporal Query Tool's query panels. (GUI-only controller).
* @inherits 	CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel
* @namespace	
* @author		Taowei David Wang (tdw9)
* @version 	1.0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function TQueryPanelController(eventController, panelDOMID, index, isSecondary)
    //tdw9: 1710:  inheriting from i2b2_PanelController's, null);
    this.initialize = function()
        this.yuiTree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView( this.domID + "_content" ); // add yui treeview to content panel
        // add click handler to date and exclude controls
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' [class^="temporalPanelDatesDiv"]').click(function() { self.handlePanelDates(); });
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' [class^="temporalPanelExcludeDiv"]').click(function() { self.handleExclude(); });
        // add content panel to context menu trigger list
        var triggers = i2b2.CRC.view.TQuery.ContextMenuObj.cfg.getProperty("trigger");
        triggers.push( $(this.domID + "_content") );
        i2b2.CRC.view.TQuery.ContextMenuObj.cfg.setProperty("trigger", triggers);

    this.attachDropHandlers = function()
        var dropTargetDomID = this.domID + "_content";
        var op_trgt = { dropTarget: true };
        i2b2.sdx.Master.AttachType(dropTargetDomID, 'CONCPT', op_trgt); // tdw9 1707c: lets the panel accept drops
        var funcHovOverCONCPT = function(e, id, ddProxy) 
            jQuery("#" + dropTargetDomID).addClass('ddCONCPTTarget');
        var funcHovOutCONCPT = function(e, id, ddProxy) 
            jQuery("#" + dropTargetDomID).removeClass('ddCONCPTTarget');
        i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(dropTargetDomID, 'CONCPT', 'onHoverOut', funcHovOutCONCPT);
        i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(dropTargetDomID, 'CONCPT', 'onHoverOver', funcHovOverCONCPT);

        i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(dropTargetDomID, 'CONCPT', 'DropHandler', (function(sdxData)
            sdxData = sdxData[0];	// only interested in first record
            if (self.index != 0 && !sdxData.origData.isModifier)
                alert("This panel only accepts Modifiers.");

            // increment tutorial state
            var eventID = jQuery("#"+dropTargetDomID).parent().parent().attr("id");
            i2b2.CRC.view.QT.incrementTutorialState(1, {"id":eventID} );

        i2b2.sdx.Master.setHandlerCustom(dropTargetDomID, 'CONCPT', 'AppendTreeNode', this.funcATN);
    /* Detaches handlers by removing its references directly from i2b2.sdx.Mater._sysData. This is called when user initiates a panel deletion */
    this.detachDropHandlers = function() 
        var dropTargetDomID = this.domID + "_content";
        delete i2b2.sdx.Master._sysData[dropTargetDomID]; // delete references to handlers

    /* removes self from the list of triggers known to the context menu */
    this.detachContextMenuTriggers = function()
        var thisPanelContent = $(this.domID + "_content");
        var triggers = i2b2.CRC.view.TQuery.ContextMenuObj.cfg.getProperty("trigger"); // get reference to triggers
        for ( var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++ )
            if ( triggers[i] == thisPanelContent)
                triggers.splice(i, 1); // removes self form triggers
        i2b2.CRC.view.TQuery.ContextMenuObj.cfg.setProperty("trigger", triggers);

    /*  Handles concept drops into the panel */
    this.performDrop = function(sdxConceptOrig)
        var sdxConcept = i2b2.sdx.TypeControllers.CONCPT.MakeObject(sdxConceptOrig.origData.xmlOrig, sdxConceptOrig.origData.isModifier, null, sdxConceptOrig.origData.parent, sdxConceptOrig.sdxInfo.sdxType);
        // following nw096's Date Constraints overhaul
        if (this.dateFrom)
            sdxConcept.dateFrom = this.dateFrom;
        if (this.dateTo)
            sdxConcept.dateTo   = this.dateTo;
        // save data
        var newConceptInfo = this.performAddConcept(sdxConcept, this.yuiTree.root, true);
        this.redrawTree(); // draw the node

    this.performAddConcept = function(sdxConcept, tvParent, isDragged) 
        var tmpNode =, sdxConcept, tvParent, isDragged, this);
        sdxConcept.itemNumber   = this.items.length + 1; // assign itemNumber to each item so things like modlab dialog will work properly. This number comforms with i2b2_PanelController.itemNumber, which, inexplicably, starts with 1, not 0.
        sdxConcept.parentPanel  = this;                  // link sdxConcept to this panel controller
        sdxConcept.renderData   = tmpNode;               // tdw9:1710 attach tmpNode as renderData for sdxConcept (sdxConcept.renderData cannot be null when invoking Lab/Mod dialog)
        this.items.push( sdxConcept );
        return tmpNode;

    this.performDeleteConcept = function(htmlID, itemNum)
		if (undefined===htmlID) return; // nothing to delete

        var node = this.yuiTree.getNodeByProperty('nodeid', htmlID );
        this.yuiTree.removeNode(node, false);   // remove visual in tree
        this.items.splice(itemNum-1,1);         // remove concept in model (we use itemNumber-1 because items[i].itemNumber = i+1)


        // re-assign itemNumber for all remaining items
        for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++)
            this.items[i].itemNumber = i+1;

    this.performChangeConceptDate = function(htmlID, itemNum)
        if (undefined === htmlID) return; // nothing to change
        i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.dateConstraint.tqShowDates( this.items[itemNum-1], itemNum-1 );

    // tdw9: 1710: the following two methods now call the proper functions with proper arguments 
    this.performChangeLabValue = function( sdxConcept )
        if (undefined === sdxConcept) return; // nothing to change
        this.showLabValues(sdxConcept.origData.key, sdxConcept);

    this.performChangeModValue = function( sdxConcept )
        if (undefined === sdxConcept) return; // nothing to change
        this.showModValues(sdxConcept.origData.key, sdxConcept);

    this.handleExclude = function(bExclude) 
        if ( this.items.length == 0) return; // do nothing if there are no items
        var bVal;
        if (undefined != bExclude) 
            bVal = bExclude;
            bVal = !Boolean(this.exclude);
        this.exclude = bVal;

        // clear the query name and set the query as having dirty data
        //var QT = i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT;
        //, '');

    this.handlePanelDates = function()

    // returns whether the panel is empty
    this.isEmpty = function() 
    { return this.items.length == 0; };

*  (tdw9: 1710)  Overriding i2b2_PanelController functions for Mod/Lab selector 
this.showLabValues = function(key, extData)
    this.currentTerm = extData; // save value as this.currentTerm, which is required for ModLabVlues to work properly
    i2b2.CRC.view.modLabvaluesCtlr.selectValueBox(-1, this, key, extData, false, this); // pass in this as pluginObj

this.showModValues = function(key, extData)
    this.currentTerm = extData;  // save value as this.currentTerm, which is required for ModLabVlues to work properly
    i2b2.CRC.view.modLabvaluesCtlr.selectValueBox(-1, this, key, extData, true, this); // pass in this as pluginObj

*  (tdw9: 1710)  Implement function necessary for ModLabValues to work properly
this.conceptsRenderFromValueBox = function()
    var closure_number = this.currentTerm.itemNumber;
    // find the correct item in the panel
    for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) 
        if (this.items[i].itemNumber == closure_number) 
            if (this.currentTerm.origData.isModifier)
                this.items[i].ModValues = this.currentTerm.ModValues;
                this.items[i].LabValues = this.currentTerm.LabValues;
    // update the panel/query tool GUI, '');
    this._performRenameConcept(this.currentTerm.itemNumber, this.currentTerm.origData.isModifier, this);
    i2b2.CRC.view.QT.resetQueryResults(); // reset query results

*                      Redraw functions
    this.redrawTree = function()
        //if (undefined === pd.tvRootNode)
        //    pd.tvRootNode = this.yuiTree.root;
        // redraw tree
        for (var i = 0; i < pd.tvRootNode.children.length; i++) {
            // fix the folder icon for expanded folders
            var n = pd.tvRootNode.children[i];
  , n);

    this.redrawExcludeButton = function()
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + " .temporalPanelExcludeDiv").removeClass("temporalPanelButtonActive");
        if (this.exclude)
            jQuery('#' + this.domID + " .temporalPanelExcludeDiv").addClass("temporalPanelButtonActive"); // adds underline style
    this.redrawItemExclusion = function()
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + "_content" + ' [class^="sdxDefault"]').find('span.itemExclude').remove();
        if (this.exclude) 
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) 
                jQuery(' NOT ').prependTo(jQuery('#' +this.domID + '_content [class^="sdxDefault"]')[i]);

    this.redrawDateButton = function() {
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + " .temporalPanelDatesDiv").removeClass("temporalPanelButtonActive");
        if (this.dateFrom || this.dateTo )
            jQuery('#' + this.domID + " .temporalPanelDatesDiv").addClass("temporalPanelButtonActive"); // adds underline style
    this.redrawItemDates = function()
        jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' table.ygtvdepth0 [class^="sdxDefault"]').find('span.itemDateConstraint').remove();
        if (this.items.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
                if (this.items[i].dateFrom && this.items[i].dateTo)
                    jQuery(' [' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Month + '/' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Day + '/' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Year + ' to ' + this.items[i].dateTo.Month + '/' + this.items[i].dateTo.Day + '/' + this.items[i].dateTo.Year + ']').appendTo(jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' table.ygtvdepth0 [class^="sdxDefault"]')[i]);
                if (this.items[i].dateFrom && !this.items[i].dateTo)
                    jQuery(' [≥' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Month + '/' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Day + '/' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Year + ']').appendTo(jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' table.ygtvdepth0 [class^="sdxDefault"]')[i]);
                if (!this.items[i].dateFrom && this.items[i].dateTo) 
                    jQuery(' [≤' + this.items[i].dateTo.Month + '/' + this.items[i].dateTo.Day + '/' + this.items[i].dateTo.Year + ']').appendTo(jQuery('#' + this.domID + ' table.ygtvdepth0 [class^="sdxDefault"]')[i]);

    this.funcATN = function(yuiTree, yuiParentNode, sdxDataPack, callbackLoader) 
        var myobj = { html: sdxDataPack.renderData.html, nodeid: sdxDataPack.renderData.htmlID }
        // if the treenode we are appending to is the root node then do not show the [+] infront
        if (yuiTree.getRoot() == yuiParentNode) {
            var tmpNode = new YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode(myobj, yuiParentNode, false, false);
        } else {
            var tmpNode = new YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode(myobj, yuiParentNode, false, true);
        if (sdxDataPack.renderData.iconType != 'CONCPT_item' && !Object.isUndefined(callbackLoader)) {
            // add the callback to load child nodes
            sdxDataPack.sdxInfo.sdxLoadChildren = callbackLoader;
        } = sdxDataPack;
        tmpNode.toggle = function() {
            if (!this.tree.locked && (this.hasChildren(true))) {
                var data =;
                var img = this.getContentEl();
                img =, 'img')[0];
                if (this.expanded) {
                    img.src = data.icon;
                } else {
                    img.src = data.iconExp;
        if (sdxDataPack.renderData.iconType == 'CONCPT_leaf' || !sdxDataPack.renderData.canExpand) { tmpNode.dynamicLoadComplete = true; }

     * Code called to change a treenode that represents a concept that changes names (e.g. change of value). Ref: CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel.js: _renameConcept
     *      pd is an instance of TQueryPanelController
    this._performRenameConcept = function(key, isModifier, pd)
        $('infoQueryStatusText').innerHTML = "";
        $('infoQueryStatusChart').innerHTML = "";
        $('infoQueryStatusReport').innerHTML = "";

        // remove the concept from panel
        for (var i = 0; i < pd.items.length; i++) 
            if ((pd.items[i].origData.key == key) || (pd.items[i].itemNumber == key)) 
                // found the concept to remove
                var rto = pd.items[i];
        if (undefined === rto) { return; }
        // rename the node in the treeview
        var tvChildren = this.yuiTree.root.children;
        for (var i = 0; i < tvChildren.length; i++) 
            if (tvChildren[i].data.i2b2_SDX.sdxConcept.itemNumber == key) 
                var tt = tvChildren[i].getContentHtml();
                var tt2 = tt.substring(0, tt.lastIndexOf("\"/>") + 3);
                var tt3 = "";
                if (isModifier) 
                    var values = rto.ModValues;
                    var modParent = rto.origData.parent;
                    while (modParent != null) 
                        if (modParent.isModifier) 
                            modParent = modParent.parent;
                    tt2 += + " [" +;
                    tt3 = "]";
                    rto.origData.newName = + " [" +;
                    var values = rto.LabValues;
                    tt2 +=;
                    rto.origData.newName =;
                tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + tt3 + "
" rto.origData.newName += tt3; if (undefined != values) { switch (values.MatchBy) { case "FLAG": tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + ' = ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueFlag) + ""; rto.origData.newName += ' = ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueFlag); break; case "VALUE": if (values.GeneralValueType == "ENUM") { var sEnum = []; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < values.ValueEnum.length; i2++) { sEnum.push(i2b2.h.Escape(values.NameEnum[i2].text)); } sEnum = sEnum.join("\", \""); sEnum = ' = ("' + sEnum + '")'; tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + sEnum + tt3 + ""; rto.origData.newName += sEnum + tt3; } else if (values.GeneralValueType == "LARGESTRING") { tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + ' [contains "' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueString) + '"]' + tt3 + ""; rto.origData.newName += ' [contains "' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueString) + '"]' + tt3; } else if (values.GeneralValueType == "STRING") { if (values.StringOp == undefined) { var stringOp = ""; } else { switch (values.StringOp) { case "LIKE[exact]": var stringOp = "Exact: "; break; case "LIKE[begin]": var stringOp = "Starts With: "; break; case "LIKE[end]": var stringOp = "Ends With: "; break; case "LIKE[contains]": var stringOp = "Contains: "; break; default: var stringOp = ""; break; } } tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + ' [' + stringOp + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueString) + "]" + tt3 + ""; rto.origData.newName += ' [' + stringOp + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueString) + "]" + tt3; } else { if (!Object.isUndefined(values.UnitsCtrl)) { tt3 = " " + values.UnitsCtrl + tt3; } if (values.NumericOp == 'BETWEEN') { tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + ' ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueLow) + ' - ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueHigh) + tt3 + ""; rto.origData.newName += ' ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueLow) + ' - ' + i2b2.h.Escape(values.ValueHigh) + tt3; } else { switch (values.NumericOp) { case "LT": var numericOp = " < "; break; case "LE": var numericOp = " <= "; break; case "EQ": var numericOp = " = "; break; case "GT": var numericOp = " > "; break; case "GE": var numericOp = " >= "; break; case "": break; } tvChildren[i].html = tt2 + numericOp + i2b2.h.Escape(values.Value) + tt3 + "" rto.origData.newName += numericOp + i2b2.h.Escape(values.Value) + tt3; } } break; case "": break; } } //this.yuiTree.root.tree.draw(); this.redrawTree(); this.redrawItemExclusion(); this.redrawItemDates(); break; } } // clear the query name if it was set //, ''); }; /********************************************************** * Code to generate XML for query submission **********************************************************/ // generate XML for this panel and all of its contents for submitting queries. See CRC_ctrlr_QryTools.js: _getQueryXML this.makeXML = function() { var s = '\t\t\n'; s += '\t\t\t' + this.index + '\n'; s += "\t\t\t" + this.accuracy + "\n"; // Exclude constraint (invert flag) if (this.exclude) s += '\t\t\t1\n'; else s += '\t\t\t0\n'; // Panel Timing s += '\t\t\t' + this.timing + '\n'; // Occurs constraint s += '\t\t\t' + (this.occurs+1) + '\n'; // add 1 to this.occurs because specs say it's the number OR more // Concepts for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) // BUG FIX: WEBCLIENT-153 (Added i2b2.h.Escape() to all names/tooltips) { var sdxData = this.items[i]; s += '\t\t\t\n'; // date constraint on Concepts if (this.items[i].dateFrom || this.items[i].dateTo) // BUG FIX: WEBCLIENT-136 { s += '\t\t\t\t\n'; if (this.items[i].dateFrom) s += '\t\t\t\t\t' + this.items[i].dateFrom.Year + '-' + padNumber(this.items[i].dateFrom.Month, 2) + '-' + padNumber(this.items[i].dateFrom.Day, 2) + 'T00:00:00.000-05:00\n'; if (this.items[i].dateTo) s += '\t\t\t\t\t' + this.items[i].dateTo.Year + '-' + padNumber(this.items[i].dateTo.Month, 2) + '-' + padNumber(this.items[i].dateTo.Day, 2) + 'T00:00:00.000-05:00\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t\n'; } // Assume every item is a Concept because we only allow Concepts for now if (sdxData.origData.isModifier) s += this.makeModifierXML( sdxData ); else { sdxData.origData.key = (sdxData.origData.key).replace(/\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + ( != null ? i2b2.h.Escape( : i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.newName)) + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + sdxData.origData.key + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(sdxData.origData.tooltip) + '\n'; // BUG FIX: WEBCLIENT-135 (Escape tooltip) s += '\t\t\t\tENC\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + sdxData.origData.hasChildren + '\n'; } // process Synonym try { var t = i2b2.h.XPath(sdxData.origData.xmlOrig, 'descendant::synonym_cd/text()'); t = (t[0].nodeValue == "Y"); } catch (e) { var t = "false"; } s += '\t\t\t\t' + t + '\n'; // process LabValues if (sdxData.LabValues) s += this.getValues(sdxData.LabValues); s += '\t\t\t\n'; // tdw9 1707c: deal with query names, commented out for now /* if (i==0) { if (undefined != { auto_query_name +=,auto_query_name_len); } else if (undefined != sdxData.origData.title) { auto_query_name += sdxData.origData.title.substring(0,auto_query_name_len); } else { auto_query_name += "new query"; } if (p < panel_cnt-1) {auto_query_name += '-';} } */ } s += '\t\t\n'; return s; }; // returns XML for a given modifier this.makeModifierXML = function( sdxData ) { var xml = ""; var modParent = sdxData.origData.parent; var level = sdxData.origData.level; var key = sdxData.origData.parent.key; var name = ( != null ? i2b2.h.Escape( : i2b2.h.Escape(; var tooltip = sdxData.origData.tooltip; var itemicon = sdxData.origData.hasChildren; while (modParent != null) { if (modParent.isModifier) modParent = modParent.parent; else { level = modParent.level; key = modParent.key; name =; tooltip = modParent.tooltip; itemicon = modParent.hasChildren; break; } } xml += '\t\t\t' + level + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t' + key + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(name) + '\n'; // (sdxData.origData.newName != null ? sdxData.origData.newName : + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(tooltip) + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t' + itemicon + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\tENC\n'; xml += '\t\t\t\t\n'; xml += '\t\t\t\t\t' + + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t\t\t' + sdxData.origData.applied_path + '\n'; xml += '\t\t\t\t\t' + sdxData.origData.key + '\n'; if (sdxData.ModValues) xml += this.getValues(sdxData.ModValues); xml += '\t\t\t\t\n'; return xml; }; this.getValues = function(lvd) // given lab values, generate XML for the value constraints for query submission. See CRC_ctrlr_QryTools.js: getValues { var s = '\t\t\t\n'; switch (lvd.MatchBy) { case "FLAG": s += '\t\t\t\tFLAG\n'; s += '\t\t\t\tEQ\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(lvd.ValueFlag) + '\n'; break; case "VALUE": if (lvd.GeneralValueType == "ENUM") { var sEnum = []; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < lvd.ValueEnum.length; i2++) sEnum.push(i2b2.h.Escape(lvd.ValueEnum[i2])); sEnum = sEnum.join("\',\'"); sEnum = '(\'' + sEnum + '\')'; s += '\t\t\t\tTEXT\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + sEnum + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\tIN\n'; } else if ((lvd.GeneralValueType == "STRING") || (lvd.GeneralValueType == "TEXT")) { s += '\t\t\t\tTEXT\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + lvd.StringOp + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t\n'; } else if (lvd.GeneralValueType == "LARGESTRING") { if (lvd.DbOp) s += '\t\t\t\tCONTAINS[database]\n'; else s += '\t\t\t\tCONTAINS\n'; s += '\t\t\t\tLARGETEXT\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t\n'; } else { s += '\t\t\t\t' + lvd.GeneralValueType + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + lvd.UnitsCtrl + '\n'; s += '\t\t\t\t' + lvd.NumericOp + '\n'; if (lvd.NumericOp == 'BETWEEN') s += '\t\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(lvd.ValueLow) + ' and ' + i2b2.h.Escape(lvd.ValueHigh) + '\n'; else s += '\t\t\t\t' + i2b2.h.Escape(lvd.Value) + '\n'; } break; case "": break; } s += '\t\t\t\n'; return s; }; /********************************************************** * Code to copy this panel from SIMPLE UI to CLASSIC UI **********************************************************/ this.copyToClassicUI = function( classicUITargetEventIndex, panelIndex ) { i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.temporalGroup = classicUITargetEventIndex; //var panelController = i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.panelControllers[ this.index % 3]; var panelController = i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.panelControllers[0]; panelController.copyIntoSelf( this, panelIndex ); }; // initialize new properties var self = this; // allow inner functions to access 'this' object this.parentEvent = eventController; this.index = index; // index of this panel in this.parentEvent.panels this.isSecondary = isSecondary || false; this.domID = panelDOMID; this.items = []; //this.dates = null; this.exclude = false; this.accuracy = 100; // default accuracy scale = 100 this.timing = "SAMEINSTANCENUM"; // default for now is Same Instance since we are only looking at observations this.occurs = 0; // default occurs = 0: "more." When translating to XML, needs to use this.occurs+1 because XML spec says "this.occurs or more" this.isActive = true; this.initialize(); }; //TQueryPanelController.prototype = new i2b2_PanelController; // subclassing i2b2_PanelController

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