lessjs-1.5.0.node_modules.less.Gruntfile.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Report the elapsed execution time of tasks.
// Project configuration.
// Metadata required for build.
build: grunt.file.readYAML('build/build.yml'),
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
meta: {
license: '<%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, "type").join(", ") %>',
copyright: 'Copyright (c) 2009-<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %>',
'/*! \n' +
' * LESS - <%= pkg.description %> v<%= pkg.version %> \n' +
' * http://lesscss.org \n' +
' * \n' +
' * <%= meta.copyright %>, <%= pkg.author.name %> <<%= pkg.author.email %>> \n' +
' * Licensed under the <%= meta.license %> License. \n' +
' * \n' +
' * @licence \n' +
' */ \n\n'
shell: {
options: {stdout: true, failOnError: true},
test: {
command: 'node test/less-test.js'
benchmark: {
command: 'node benchmark/less-benchmark.js'
"browsertest-server": {
command: 'node node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server . -p 8088'
"sourcemap-test": {
command: [
'node bin/lessc --source-map --source-map-inline test/less/import.less test/sourcemaps/import.css',
'node bin/lessc --source-map --source-map-inline test/less/sourcemaps/basic.less test/sourcemaps/basic.css',
'node node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server test/sourcemaps -p 8084'].join('&&')
concat: {
options: {
stripBanners: 'all',
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>\n\n(function (window, undefined) {',
footer: '\n})(window);'
// Browser versions
browsertest: {
src: ['<%= build.browser %>'],
dest: 'test/browser/less.js'
stable: {
src: ['<%= build.browser %>'],
dest: 'dist/less-<%= pkg.version %>.js'
// Rhino
rhino: {
options: {
banner: '/* LESS.js v<%= pkg.version %> RHINO | <%= meta.copyright %>, <%= pkg.author.name %> <<%= pkg.author.email %>> */\n\n',
footer: '' // override task-level footer
src: ['<%= build.rhino %>'],
dest: 'dist/less-rhino-<%= pkg.version %>.js'
// Generate readme
readme: {
// override task-level banner and footer
options: {process: true, banner: '', footer: ''},
src: ['build/README.md'],
dest: 'README.md'
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>',
mangle: true
stable: {
src: ['<%= concat.stable.src %>'],
dest: 'dist/less-<%= pkg.version %>.min.js'
jshint: {
options: {jshintrc: '.jshintrc'},
files: {
src: [
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 8081
jasmine: {
options: {
// version: '2.0.0-rc2',
keepRunner: true,
host: 'http://localhost:8081/',
vendor: ['test/browser/common.js', 'test/browser/less.js'],
template: 'test/browser/test-runner-template.tmpl'
main: {
// src is used to build list of less files to compile
src: ['test/less/*.less', '!test/less/javascript.less', '!test/less/urls.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-main-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-main-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-main.html'
legacy: {
src: ['test/less/legacy/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-legacy-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-legacy-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-legacy.html'
errors: {
src: ['test/less/errors/*.less', '!test/less/errors/javascript-error.less'],
options: {
timeout: 20000,
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-errors-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-errors-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-errors.html'
noJsErrors: {
src: ['test/less/no-js-errors/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-no-js-errors-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-no-js-errors-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-no-js-errors.html'
browser: {
src: ['test/browser/less/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-browser-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-browser-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-browser.html'
relativeUrls: {
src: ['test/browser/less/relative-urls/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-relative-urls-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-relative-urls-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-relative-urls.html'
rootpath: {
src: ['test/browser/less/rootpath/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rootpath.html'
rootpathRelative: {
src: ['test/browser/less/rootpath-relative/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-relative-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-relative-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rootpath-relative.html'
production: {
src: ['test/browser/less/production/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-production-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-production-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-production.html'
modifyVars: {
src: ['test/browser/less/modify-vars/*.less'],
options: {
helpers: 'test/browser/runner-modify-vars-options.js',
specs: 'test/browser/runner-modify-vars-spec.js',
outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-modify-vars.html'
// Clean the version of less built for the tests
clean: {
test: ['test/browser/less.js', 'tmp'],
"sourcemap-test": ['test/sourcemaps/*.css', 'test/sourcemaps/*.map']
// Load these plugins to provide the necessary tasks
// Actually load this plugin's task(s).
// by default, run tests
grunt.registerTask('default', [
// Release
grunt.registerTask('stable', [
// Run all browser tests
grunt.registerTask('browsertest', [
// setup a web server to run the browser tests in a browser rather than phantom
grunt.registerTask('browsertest-server', [
// Create the browser version of less.js
grunt.registerTask('browser', [
// Run all tests
grunt.registerTask('test', [
// generate a good test environment for testing sourcemaps
grunt.registerTask('sourcemap-test', [
// Run benchmark
grunt.registerTask('benchmark', [
// Readme.
grunt.registerTask('readme', [
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