domata-core_sjs1_3.0.12.5.source-code.Decision.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 Hossein Naderi
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edomata.core
import cats.Applicative
import cats.Eval
import cats.MonadError
import cats.Traverse
import cats.kernel.Eq
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.util.NotGiven
import Decision._
/** Represents programs that decide in an event driven context
* This is basically a simple state machine like the following:
* ```
* [*] -> InDecisive
* InDecisive -- event --> Accepted
* InDecisive -- join --> InDecisive
* InDecisive -- rejection --> Rejected (resets and terminates)
* Accepted -- event --> Accepted (accumulates)
* Accepted -- rejection --> Rejected (resets and terminates)
* ```
* It forms a monad error and also is traversable.
* @tparam R
* rejection type
* @tparam E
* event type
* @tparam A
* program output type
sealed trait Decision[+R, +E, +A] extends Product with Serializable { self =>
/** creates a new decision that changes the output value of this one */
def map[B](f: A => B): Decision[R, E, B] =
self match {
case InDecisive(t) => InDecisive(f(t))
case Accepted(evs, a) => Accepted(evs, f(a))
case Rejected(reasons) => Rejected(reasons)
/** binds another decision to this one, creates a new decision */
def flatMap[R2 >: R, E2 >: E, B](
f: A => Decision[R2, E2, B]
): Decision[R2, E2, B] =
self match {
case Accepted(events, result) =>
f(result) match {
case Accepted(events2, result) =>
Accepted(events ++ events2, result)
case InDecisive(result) => Accepted(events, result)
case other => other
case InDecisive(result) => f(result)
case Rejected(reasons) => Rejected(reasons)
inline def >>=[R2 >: R, E2 >: E, B](
f: A => Decision[R2, E2, B]
): Decision[R2, E2, B] = flatMap(f)
inline def >>[R2 >: R, E2 >: E, B](
f: => Decision[R2, E2, B]
): Decision[R2, E2, B] = flatMap(_ => f)
def as[B](b: B): Decision[R, E, B] = map(_ => b)
def flatTap[R2 >: R, E2 >: E, B](
f: A => Decision[R2, E2, B]
): Decision[R2, E2, A] = flatMap(a => f(a).as(a))
/** whether is rejected or not */
def isRejected: Boolean = self match {
case Rejected(_) => true
case _ => false
/** whether is accepted or not */
def isAccepted: Boolean = self match {
case Accepted(_, _) => true
case _ => false
/** traverses this decision, run fr if there are errors and runs fa if there
* is some output
def visit[B](fr: NonEmptyChain[R] => B, fa: A => B): B = self match {
case Decision.InDecisive(a) => fa(a)
case Decision.Accepted(_, a) => fa(a)
case Decision.Rejected(r) => fr(r)
/** Ignores events and creates a ValidatedNec */
def toValidated: ValidatedNec[R, A] = self match {
case Decision.Accepted(_, t) => Validated.Valid(t)
case Decision.InDecisive(t) => Validated.Valid(t)
case Decision.Rejected(r) => Validated.Invalid(r)
/** Ignores events and errors and creates an Option that contains program
* output
def toOption: Option[A] = visit(_ => None, Some(_))
/** Ignores events and creates an Either */
def toEither: EitherNec[R, A] = visit(Left(_), Right(_))
/** Ignores output value */
def void: Decision[R, E, Unit] = map(_ => ())
/** Validates output using a ValidatedNec */
def validate[R2 >: R, B](f: A => ValidatedNec[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, B] =
flatMap(a => Decision.validate(f(a)))
/** Validates output using an EitherNec */
def validate[R2 >: R, B](f: A => EitherNec[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, B] =
flatMap(a => Decision.fromEitherNec(f(a)))
/** Validates output using an Either */
def validate[R2 >: R, B](f: A => Either[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, B] =
flatMap(a => Decision.fromEither(f(a)))
/** Asserts output using a ValidatedNec without changing it */
def assert[R2 >: R, B](f: A => ValidatedNec[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, A] =
flatTap(a => Decision.validate(f(a)))
/** Asserts output using an EitherNec without changing it */
def assert[R2 >: R, B](f: A => EitherNec[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, A] =
flatTap(a => Decision.fromEitherNec(f(a)))
/** Asserts output using an Either without changing it */
def assert[R2 >: R, B](f: A => Either[R2, B]): Decision[R2, E, A] =
flatTap(a => Decision.fromEither(f(a)))
object Decision extends DecisionConstructors, DecisionCatsInstances0 {
final case class InDecisive[T](result: T)
extends Decision[Nothing, Nothing, T]
final case class Accepted[E, T](events: NonEmptyChain[E], result: T)
extends Decision[Nothing, E, T]
final case class Rejected[R](reasons: NonEmptyChain[R])
extends Decision[R, Nothing, Nothing]
sealed trait DecisionConstructors {
/** Constructs a program that outputs a pure value */
def apply[T](t: T): Decision[Nothing, Nothing, T] = InDecisive(t)
/** Constructs a program that outputs a pure value */
def pure[T](t: T): Decision[Nothing, Nothing, T] = InDecisive(t)
/** Constructs a program that outputs a trivial output */
def unit: Decision[Nothing, Nothing, Unit] = InDecisive(())
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events */
def accept[E](ev: E, evs: E*): Decision[Nothing, E, Unit] =
acceptReturn(())(ev, evs: _*)
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events and also
* returns an output
def acceptReturn[E, T](t: T)(ev: E, evs: E*): Decision[Nothing, E, T] =
Accepted(NonEmptyChain.of(ev, evs: _*), t)
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events or do
* nothing based on a boolean predicate
def acceptWhen[E](
predicate: => Boolean
)(ev: E, evs: E*): Decision[Nothing, E, Unit] =
if predicate then accept(ev, evs: _*)
else unit
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept an optional single event or do
* nothing
def acceptWhen[E](ev: Option[E]): Decision[Nothing, E, Unit] =
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept an optional single event or
* reject otherwise
def acceptWhen[R, E](
ev: Option[E]
)(orElse: R, other: R*): Decision[R, E, Unit] =
ev.fold(reject(orElse, other: _*))(accept(_))
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept an optional single event or
* reject otherwise
def acceptWhen[R, E](
eit: Either[R, E]
): Decision[R, E, Unit] = eit.fold(reject(_), accept(_))
/** Constructs a program that decides to accept an optional single event or
* reject otherwise
def acceptWhen[R, E](
eit: EitherNec[R, E]
): Decision[R, E, Unit] = eit.fold(Rejected(_), accept(_))
/** Constructs a program that decides to reject with a sequence of reasons */
def reject[R, E](
reason: R,
otherReasons: R*
): Decision[R, E, Nothing] =
Rejected(NonEmptyChain.of(reason, otherReasons: _*))
/** Constructs a program that decides to reject with a sequence of reasons if
* a predicate satisfies
def rejectWhen[R](
predicate: => Boolean
)(ev: R, evs: R*): Decision[R, Nothing, Unit] =
if predicate then reject(ev, evs: _*)
else unit
/** Constructs a program that decides to reject with an optional single reason
* or do nothing otherwise
def rejectWhen[R](ev: Option[R]): Decision[R, Nothing, Unit] =
/** Constructs a program that uses a validation to decide whether to output a
* value or reject with error(s)
* You can also use .toDecision syntax for more convenience
def validate[R, T](
validation: ValidatedNec[R, T]
): Decision[R, Nothing, T] =
validation match {
case Validated.Invalid(e) => Rejected(e)
case Validated.Valid(a) => InDecisive(a)
/** Constructs a program from an optional value, that outputs value if exists
* or rejects otherwise
* You can also use .toDecision syntax for more convenience
def fromOption[R, T](
opt: Option[T],
orElse: R,
other: R*
): Decision[R, Nothing, T] = opt.fold(reject(orElse, other: _*))(pure(_))
/** Constructs a program that either outputs a value or rejects
def fromEither[R, T](
eit: Either[R, T]
): Decision[R, Nothing, T] = eit.fold(reject(_), pure(_))
/** Constructs a program that either outputs a value or rejects
* You can also use .toDecision syntax for more convenience.
def fromEitherNec[R, T](
eit: EitherNec[R, T]
): Decision[R, Nothing, T] = eit.fold(Rejected(_), pure(_))
private type D[R, E] = [T] =>> Decision[R, E, T]
sealed trait DecisionCatsInstances0 extends DecisionCatsInstances1 {
given [R, E]: MonadError[D[R, E], NonEmptyChain[R]] =
new MonadError[D[R, E], NonEmptyChain[R]] {
override def pure[A](x: A): Decision[R, E, A] = Decision.pure(x)
override def map[A, B](
fa: Decision[R, E, A]
)(f: A => B): Decision[R, E, B] =
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Decision[R, E, A])(
f: A => Decision[R, E, B]
): Decision[R, E, B] =
private def step[A, B](a: A, evs: Chain[E] = Chain.empty)(
f: A => Decision[R, E, Either[A, B]]
): Decision[R, E, B] =
f(a) match {
case Decision.Accepted(ev2, Left(a)) =>
step(a, evs ++ ev2.toChain)(f)
case Decision.Accepted(ev2, Right(b)) =>
Decision.Accepted(ev2.prependChain(evs), b)
case Decision.InDecisive(Left(a)) => step(a, evs)(f)
case Decision.InDecisive(Right(b)) =>
.fold(Decision.InDecisive(b))(Decision.Accepted(_, b))
case Decision.Rejected(rs) => Decision.Rejected(rs)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(
f: A => Decision[R, E, Either[A, B]]
): Decision[R, E, B] =
def handleErrorWith[A](
fa: Decision[R, E, A]
)(f: NonEmptyChain[R] => Decision[R, E, A]): Decision[R, E, A] =
fa match {
case Decision.Rejected(e) => f(e)
case other => other
def raiseError[A](e: NonEmptyChain[R]): Decision[R, E, A] =
given [R, E, T]: Eq[Decision[R, E, T]] = Eq.instance(_ == _)
sealed trait DecisionCatsInstances1 {
given [R, E]: Traverse[D[R, E]] = new Traverse {
def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: Decision[R, E, A])(
f: A => G[B]
): G[Decision[R, E, B]] = fa.visit(
rej => Applicative[G].pure(Decision.Rejected(rej)),
a => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(b => => b))
def foldLeft[A, B](fa: Decision[R, E, A], b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
fa.visit(_ => b, a => f(b, a))
def foldRight[A, B](fa: Decision[R, E, A], lb: Eval[B])(
f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]
): Eval[B] =
fa.visit(_ => lb, a => f(a, lb))
private[edomata] transparent trait DecisionSyntax {
extension [R, T](self: ValidatedNec[R, T]) {
def toDecision[E]: Decision[R, E, T] = Decision.validate(self)
private type NonChain[R] = NotGiven[R <:< NonEmptyChain[Nothing]]
extension [T](self: Option[T]) {
def toDecision[R](orElse: R, others: R*): Decision[R, Nothing, T] =
Decision.fromOption(self, orElse, others: _*)
def toAccepted: Decision[Nothing, T, Unit] = Decision.acceptWhen(self)
def toAcceptedOr[R](orElse: R, others: R*): Decision[R, T, Unit] =
Decision.acceptWhen(self)(orElse, others: _*)
def toRejected: Decision[T, Nothing, Unit] = Decision.rejectWhen(self)
extension [R, T](self: EitherNec[R, T]) {
def toDecision: Decision[R, Nothing, T] =
def toAccepted: Decision[R, T, Unit] = Decision.acceptWhen(self)
extension [R, T](self: Either[R, T])(using NonChain[R]) {
def toDecision: Decision[R, Nothing, T] =
def toAccepted: Decision[R, T, Unit] = Decision.acceptWhen(self)
extension [T](value: T) {
def asDecision: Decision[Nothing, Nothing, T] = Decision.pure(value)
def accept: Decision[Nothing, T, Unit] = Decision.accept(value)
def reject: Decision[T, Nothing, Nothing] = Decision.reject(value)
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