epus-protocol_3.0.5.3.source-code.Domains.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2021 Hossein Naderi
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lepus.protocol.domains
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.UUID
trait TaggedOpaqueComp[U, T <: U](using ev: U =:= T) {
def apply(u: U): T = ev(u)
def lift[F[_]](f: F[U]): F[T] = ev.liftCo(f)
opaque type ChannelNumber <: Short = Short
object ChannelNumber extends TaggedOpaqueComp[Short, ChannelNumber]
opaque type ShortString <: String = String
object ShortString extends Literally[String, ShortString] {
inline def apply(t: String): ShortString = ${ build('t) }
def from(uuid: UUID): ShortString = uuid.toString()
def from(long: Long): ShortString = long.toString()
private[lepus] inline def unsafe(str: String): ShortString = str
def empty: ShortString = ""
def from(str: String): Either[String, ShortString] =
str.length <= 255,
s"Maximum size for short strings is 255 characters! cannot create short string with length of ${str.length}"
opaque type LongString <: String = String
private inline val LongStringSize = 4294967296L // 2 ^ 32
object LongString extends Literally[String, LongString] {
inline def apply(t: String): LongString = ${ build('t) }
def empty: LongString = ""
def from(str: String): Either[String, LongString] =
str.length <= LongStringSize,
s"Maximum size for long strings is $LongStringSize characters! cannot create short string with length of ${str.length}"
opaque type Timestamp <: Long = Long
object Timestamp {
def apply(t: Long): Timestamp = t
extension (t: Timestamp) {
def toInstant: Instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(t)
def from(instant: Instant): Timestamp = instant.toEpochMilli()
final case class Decimal(scale: Byte, value: Int)
type FieldData =
ShortString | LongString | Boolean | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float |
Double | Decimal | Timestamp | FieldTable
final case class FieldTable(values: Map[ShortString, FieldData])
extends AnyVal {
def get(key: ShortString): Option[FieldData] = values.get(key)
def updated(key: ShortString, value: FieldData): FieldTable = FieldTable(
values.updated(key, value)
def updated(key: ShortString, value: Option[FieldData]): FieldTable =
value.fold(this)(this.updated(key, _))
object FieldTable {
def apply(entries: (ShortString, FieldData)*): FieldTable = new FieldTable(
val empty: FieldTable = FieldTable(Map.empty)
opaque type ClassId <: Short = Short
object ClassId extends TaggedOpaqueComp[Short, ClassId]
/** Identifier for the consumer, valid within the current c hannel.
opaque type ConsumerTag <: ShortString = ShortString
object ConsumerTag extends TaggedOpaqueComp[ShortString, ConsumerTag] {
inline def of(inline t: String): ConsumerTag = ShortString(t)
def empty: ConsumerTag = ShortString.empty
def from(t: String): Either[String, ConsumerTag] = ShortString.from(t)
/** The server-assigned and channel-specific delivery tag
opaque type DeliveryTag <: Long = Long
object DeliveryTag extends TaggedOpaqueComp[Long, DeliveryTag]
private val namePattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.:]*$".r
private def validateName(name: String): Either[String, String] =
Either.cond(namePattern.matches(name), name, "Invalid name!")
private def validateNameSize(name: String): Either[String, String] =
name.length <= 127,
"Maximum name length is 127 characters!"
/** The exchange name is a client-selected string that identifies the exchange
* for publish methods.
opaque type ExchangeName <: ShortString = String
object ExchangeName extends Literally[String, ExchangeName] {
val default: ExchangeName = ""
inline def apply(t: String): ExchangeName = ${ build('t) }
def from(name: String): Either[String, ExchangeName] =
opaque type MethodId <: Short = Short
object MethodId extends TaggedOpaqueComp[Short, MethodId]
/** If this field is set the server does not expect acknowledgements for
* messages. That is, when a message is delivered to the client the server
* assumes the delivery will succeed and immediately dequeues it. This
* functionality may increase performance but at the cost of reliability.
* Messages can get lost if a client dies before they are delivered to the
* application.
type NoAck = Boolean
/** If the no-local field is set the server will not send messages to the
* connection that published them.
type NoLocal = Boolean
/** If set, the server will not respond to the method. The client should not
* wait for a reply method. If the server could not complete the method it will
* raise a channel or connection exception.
type NoWait = Boolean
/** Unconstrained.
opaque type Path <: ShortString = String
object Path extends Literally[String, Path] {
inline def apply(t: String): Path = ${ build('t) }
def from(str: String): Either[String, Path] =
Either.cond(str.length <= 127, str, "Maximum length is 127 characters!")
/** This table provides a set of peer properties, used for identification,
* debugging, and general information.
type PeerProperties = FieldTable
/** The queue name identifies the queue within the vhost. In methods where the
* queue name may be blank, and that has no specific significance, this refers
* to the 'current' queue for the channel, meaning the last queue that the
* client declared on the channel. If the client did not declare a queue, and
* the method needs a queue name, this will result in a 502 (syntax error)
* channel exception.
opaque type QueueName <: ShortString = String
object QueueName extends Literally[String, QueueName] {
val autoGen: QueueName = ""
inline def apply(t: String): QueueName = ${ build('t) }
def from(name: String): Either[String, QueueName] =
/** This indicates that the message has been previously delivered to this or
* another client.
type Redelivered = Boolean
/** The number of messages in the queue, which will be zero for newly-declared
* queues. This is the number of messages present in the queue, and committed
* if the channel on which they were published is transacted, that are not
* waiting acknowledgement.
opaque type MessageCount <: Long = Long
object MessageCount extends Literally[Long, MessageCount] {
inline def apply(t: Long): MessageCount = ${ build('t) }
def from(count: Long): Either[String, MessageCount] =
Either.cond(count >= 0, count, "Count cannot be negative!")
/** The localised reply text. This text can be logged as an aid to resolving
* issues.
type ReplyText = ShortString
enum DeliveryMode(val value: Byte) {
case NonPersistent extends DeliveryMode(1)
case Persistent extends DeliveryMode(2)
type Priority = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
object Priority extends Literally[Int, Priority] {
inline def apply(t: Int): Priority = ${ build('t) }
def from(b: Int): Either[String, Priority] = b match {
case p: Priority => Right(p)
case _ => Left("Valid priorities are 0-9")
opaque type ExchangeType <: ShortString = ShortString
object ExchangeType extends Literally[String, ExchangeType] {
inline def apply(t: String): ExchangeType = ${ build('t) }
override def from(str: String): Either[String, ExchangeType] =
val Direct: ExchangeType = "direct"
val Topic: ExchangeType = "topic"
val Fanout: ExchangeType = "fanout"
val Headers: ExchangeType = "headers"