ubot.plugins.commands.0.18.3.source-code.CommandsPlugin.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dev.inmo.plagubot.plugins.commands
import dev.inmo.kslog.common.KSLog
import dev.inmo.kslog.common.d
import dev.inmo.kslog.common.e
import dev.inmo.kslog.common.i
import dev.inmo.kslog.common.logTag
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.runCatchingSafely
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions
import dev.inmo.plagubot.Plugin
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.bot.deleteMyCommands
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.bot.setMyCommands
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.BehaviourContext
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.BotCommand
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.botCommandsLimit
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Database
import org.koin.core.Koin
import org.koin.core.module.Module
* This plugin has been created for centralized work with commands in context of [Plugin]s system of plagubot. Pass
* [BotCommandFullInfo] in your [Plugin.setupDI] section to declare some command. You may use [CommandsKeeper] for
* flexible setup of commands in runtime.
object CommandsPlugin : Plugin {
private val log = KSLog(logTag)
* Creating [CommandsKeeper] and pass it to the DI. It uses [org.koin.core.scope.Scope.getAll] to get all the
* [BotCommandFullInfo] instances declared in the DI.
override fun Module.setupDI(database: Database, params: JsonObject) {
single { CommandsKeeper(getAll().distinct()) }
private suspend fun BehaviourContext.setScopeCommands(key: CommandsKeeperKey, commands: List?) {
runCatchingSafely {
commands ?.let {
commands.distinctBy { it.command }.take(botCommandsLimit.last + 1),
} ?: deleteMyCommands(
}.onFailure {
log.e {
"Unable to ${if (commands == null) "delete commands" else "set new commands (${commands.joinToString { it.command }})"} for key $key"
}.onSuccess {
log.i {
"Successfully ${if (commands == null) "deleted commands" else "set new commands (${commands.joinToString { it.command }})"} for key $key"
* Uses [CommandsKeeper] from [koin]. Subscribe on [CommandsKeeper.scopesCommands] to follow changed in scopes and
* take all the available keys in the [CommandsKeeper] and set commands for each key
override suspend fun BehaviourContext.setupBotPlugin(koin: Koin) {
val commandsKeeper = koin.commandsKeeper
log.d { "Subscribe to scopes changed flow" }
commandsKeeper.onScopeChanged.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(scope) {
val commands = commandsKeeper.getCommands(it)
setScopeCommands(it, commands)
log.d { "Subscribed to scopes changed flow" }
log.d { "Start setup initially passed commands" }
commandsKeeper.getKeys().forEach {
val commands = commandsKeeper.getCommands(it)
log.d { "Start setup initially passed commands for key $it: ${commands ?.joinToString { it.command }}" }
setScopeCommands(it, commands)
log.d { "Complete setup initially passed commands" }