cuma-sso-backend-client_3.0.8.0.source-code.SsoClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package lucuma.sso.client
import cats.Monad
import cats.data.OptionT
import cats.effect.Clock
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.Ref
import cats.syntax.all.*
import lucuma.core.model.User
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.Credentials.Token
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl
import org.http4s.headers.Authorization
import org.typelevel.ci.CIString
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
/** An SSO client that extracts user information of type `A` from API keys and JWTs. */
trait SsoClient[F[_], A] {
/** Find authorization information in the specified request, if present and valid. */
def find(req: Request[F]): F[Option[A]]
/** Get authorization information from the specified Authorization header, if valid. */
def get(authorization: Authorization): F[Option[A]]
* Find authorization information and pass it to the specified response handler, responding with
* `403 Forbidden` if the information is not present. This is a common use case for `find` and is
* provided as a convenience.
def require(req: Request[F])(f: A => F[Response[F]]): F[Response[F]]
/** Transform the result of `find` using the specified function. */
def map[B](f: A => B): SsoClient[F, B]
/** Filter the result of `find` using the specified function. */
def filter(f: A => Boolean): SsoClient[F, A]
* Filter and transform the result of `find` using the specified partial function.
* {{{
* // Standard initial client.
* val client: SsoClient[F, UserInfo] = ...
* // Client that only sees `StandardUser`.
* val std: SsoClient[F, StandardUser] =
* client.collect {
* case UserInfo(s: StandardUser, _, _) => s
* }
* ...
* // Match but respond with 403 Forbidden unless there's a `StandardUser`
* case GET -> Root / "something" / "restricted" =>
* std.require(req) { su =>
* val role = su.role
* ...
* }
* }}}
def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): SsoClient[F, B]
object SsoClient {
* Complete set of user information, as retrieved from an HTTP request.
* @param user the user, extracted from JWT
* @param claim the entire JWT claim
* @param header HTTP `Authorization: Bearer ` header containing the encoded JWT, which can
* be included in further requests made on behalf of the user.
case class UserInfo(user: User, claim: SsoJwtClaim, header: Authorization) {
assert(claim.getUser == Right(user)) // sanity check
* Construct an initial SSO client that extracts `UserInfo` from `Authorization: Bearer` headers,
* exchanging and caching API keys as required. Transformations of this client share the same
* underlyiny API key cache. Note that the cache is never expunged; we rely on server cycling.
def initial[F[_]: Concurrent: Clock: Logger](
httpClient: Client[F],
ssoRoot: Uri,
jwtReader: SsoJwtReader[F],
serviceJwt: String,
gracePeriod: FiniteDuration = 5.minutes,
): F[SsoClient[F, UserInfo]] =
Ref[F].of(TreeMap.empty[ApiKey, UserInfo]).map { ref =>
val Bearer = CIString("Bearer")
def authorization(jwt: String): Authorization =
Authorization(Credentials.Token(Bearer, jwt))
def getCachedApiInfo(apiKey: ApiKey): F[Option[UserInfo]] =
Clock[F].realTimeInstant.map(_.plusSeconds(gracePeriod.toSeconds)).flatMap { t =>
def exchangeRequest(apiKey: ApiKey): Request[F] =
method = Method.GET,
uri = (ssoRoot / "api" / "v1" / "exchange-api-key").withQueryParam("key", apiKey),
headers = Headers(authorization(serviceJwt))
def fetchApiInfo(apiKey: ApiKey): F[UserInfo] =
for {
jwt <- httpClient.expect[String](exchangeRequest(apiKey))(EntityDecoder.text[F])
claim <- jwtReader.decodeClaim(jwt)
user <- claim.getUser.liftTo[F] // this really is a server error
info = UserInfo(user, claim, authorization(jwt))
_ <- ref.update(m => m + (apiKey -> info))
} yield info
def getOrFetchApiInfo(apiKey: ApiKey): F[UserInfo] =
def getApiKey(bearerAuthorization: String): Option[ApiKey] =
def getApiInfo(bearerAuthorization: String): F[Option[UserInfo]] =
def getJwtInfo(bearerAuthorization: String): F[Option[UserInfo]] = {
for {
claim <- jwtReader.decodeClaim(bearerAuthorization)
user <- claim.getUser.liftTo[F]
info = UserInfo(user, claim, authorization(bearerAuthorization))
} yield info
} .attempt.flatMap {
case Right(ui) => Some(ui).pure[F]
case Left(ex) => Logger[F].warn(ex)(s"JWT validation failed for $bearerAuthorization").as(None)
def getUserInfo(bearerAuthorization: String): F[Option[UserInfo]] =
(OptionT(getApiInfo(bearerAuthorization)) <+> OptionT(getJwtInfo(bearerAuthorization))).value
new AbstractSsoClient[F, UserInfo] {
def get(authorization: Authorization): F[Option[UserInfo]] =
authorization.credentials match {
case Token(Bearer, ba) => getUserInfo(ba)
case _ => none.pure[F]
def find(req: Request[F]): F[Option[UserInfo]] =
req.headers.get[Authorization] match {
case Some(a) => get(a)
case None => none.pure[F]
abstract class AbstractSsoClient[F[_]: Monad, A] extends SsoClient[F, A] { outer =>
object FDsl extends Http4sDsl[F]
import FDsl._
final def require(req: Request[F])(f: A => F[Response[F]]): F[Response[F]] =
OptionT(find(req)).cataF(Forbidden(), f)
private def transform[B](f: Option[A] => Option[B]): SsoClient[F, B] =
new AbstractSsoClient[F, B] {
def find(req: Request[F]) = outer.find(req).map(f)
def get(authorization: Authorization) = outer.get(authorization).map(f)
final def map[B](f: A => B): SsoClient[F, B] = transform(_ map f)
final def filter(f: A => Boolean): SsoClient[F, A] = transform(_ filter f)
final def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): SsoClient[F, B] = transform(_ collect f)
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