cuma-sso-backend-client_3.0.8.0.source-code.SsoJwtReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package lucuma.sso.client
import cats.data.*
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.implicits.*
import lucuma.core.model.ServiceUser
import lucuma.core.model.StandardUser
import lucuma.core.model.User
import lucuma.sso.client.util.JwtDecoder
import org.http4s.Credentials
import org.http4s.EntityDecoder
import org.http4s.InvalidMessageBodyFailure
import org.http4s.Request
import org.http4s.Response
import org.http4s.headers.Authorization
import org.typelevel.ci.CIString
import pdi.jwt.exceptions.JwtException
trait SsoJwtReader[F[_]] { outer =>
* Retrieve the JWT from the `Authorization: Bearer ` header, if present, raising an
* error in `F` if otherwise.
def findClaim(req: Request[F]): F[Option[SsoJwtClaim]]
/** Retrieve the JWT from the `Authorization: Bearer ` header, if present. */
def attemptFindClaim(req: Request[F]): F[Option[Either[JwtException, SsoJwtClaim]]]
/** Retrieve the User from the `Authorization: Bearer ` header, if present. */
def findUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[User]]
/** Retrieve the StandardUser from the `Authorization: Bearer ` header, if present. */
def findStandardUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[StandardUser]]
/** Retrieve the ServiceUser from the `Authorization: Bearer ` header, if present. */
def findServiceUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[ServiceUser]]
/** Retrieve the JWT from the response body. */
def findClaim(res: Response[F]): F[SsoJwtClaim]
// import this!
implicit def entityDecoder: EntityDecoder[F, SsoJwtClaim]
def decodeClaim(jwt: String): F[SsoJwtClaim]
def decodeUser(jwt: String): F[User]
def decodeStandardUser(jwt: String): F[StandardUser]
object SsoJwtReader {
private[client] val JwtCookie = "lucuma-jwt"
private[client] val lucumaUser = SsoJwtClaim.lucumaUser
def apply[F[_]: Concurrent](jwtDecoder: JwtDecoder[F]): SsoJwtReader[F] =
new SsoJwtReader[F] {
implicit val entityDecoder: EntityDecoder[F, SsoJwtClaim] =
EntityDecoder.text[F].flatMapR { token =>
.leftMap {
case e: Exception => InvalidMessageBodyFailure(s"Invalid or missing JWT.", Some(e))
val Bearer = CIString("Bearer")
def decodeClaim(jwt: String): F[SsoJwtClaim] =
def decodeUser(jwt: String): F[User] =
def decodeStandardUser(jwt: String): F[StandardUser] =
decodeUser(jwt).flatMap {
case u: StandardUser => u.pure[F]
case _ => Concurrent[F].raiseError(new RuntimeException("Not a standard user."))
def attemptFindClaim(req: Request[F]): F[Option[Either[JwtException, SsoJwtClaim]]] =
findBearerAuthorization(req).flatMap {
case None => none.pure[F]
case Some(c) => jwtDecoder.attemptDecode(c).map(_.map(SsoJwtClaim(_)).some)
def findBearerAuthorization(req: Request[F]): F[Option[String]] =
req.headers.get[Authorization].collect {
case Authorization(Credentials.Token(Bearer, token)) => token
} .pure[F]
def findClaim(req: Request[F]): F[Option[SsoJwtClaim]] =
.flatMapF(token => jwtDecoder.decodeOption(token).map(_.map(SsoJwtClaim(_))))
def findClaim(res: Response[F]): F[SsoJwtClaim] =
def findUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[User]] =
def findServiceUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[ServiceUser]] =
findUser(req).map(_.collect { case u: ServiceUser => u })
def findStandardUser(req: Request[F]): F[Option[StandardUser]] =
findUser(req).map(_.collect { case u: StandardUser => u })
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