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ECJ, A Java-based Evolutionary Computation Research System. ECJ is a research EC system written in Java. It was designed to be highly flexible, with nearly all classes (and all of their settings) dynamically determined at runtime by a user-provided parameter file. All structures in the system are arranged to be easily modifiable. Even so, the system was designed with an eye toward efficiency. ECJ is developed at George Mason University's ECLab Evolutionary Computation Laboratory. The software has nothing to do with its initials' namesake, Evolutionary Computation Journal. ECJ's sister project is MASON, a multi-agent simulation system which dovetails with ECJ nicely.

The newest version!

Version		Change Log
1		Initial version

2		First prerelease, too many additions to mention

3		Second prerelease
		Race condition bug fixed in
	     	Breeding trees can now be prespecified
		Crossover can throw away the second sibling
		Multiplexer sped up by a factor of 10!  I might do the
			same thing for Parity and Regression if I have time,
			though for Regression it won't make much of a 
			difference -- thanks to Poli and Langdon
		Lots of little additions and tweaks
		GPNode functions increased
		Regression's * operator no longer shortcuts (due to NaN/Inf)
		Documentation fixes
		Fitness.equivalentTo() now is ==, not >=
		ec.util.Version modified slightly
		Individuals can now be written out to streams, not just logs

4		Third prerelease
		Finisher and Exchanger now are told the run result 
			(success/failure) when they're cleaning up
		Protected Log (rlog) in now is:
				(if (= x 0) x (abs (log x)))
			It was incorrectly:
				(if (<= x 0) x (abs (log x)))
		Edge domain added, with basic function classes
		GPNode.readNode() and ERC.readNode() now check to 
			make sure that the character after the read node is 
			whitespace, (, ), or end of string
		GPTree's readTree() method now checks if a line is empty, 
			rather than bombing.  :-)
		Default population size is now 1024
		Koza FULL/GROW/HALF algorithms now ramp properly; before 
			they were fixed to maxDepth rather than ramping 
			between minDepth and maxDepth.
		ECJ now uses the following for its FULL/GROW/HALF algorithm
			parameter defaults:
				GROW:  	min-depth=5, max-depth=5 (Koza standard
					for mutation)
				FULL:	undefined
				HALF:	min-depth=2, max-depth=6 (Koza standard
					for new individuals)
			Unlike Koza, ECJ permits single-terminal trees/subtrees
		Fixed the documentation for FULL/GROW/HALF to describe the
			odd things that Koza and lil-gp do.
		MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast implement the new, 
			official, improved Mersenne Twister seeding algorithm.
		MersenneFastest.c file deleted
		Three Classes Shortened to the 31 char Mac filename limit:
			ParameterClassNotFoundException ->
			FitnessProportionateSelection ->
			SteadyStateBreedingSourceForm ->
		ec/params and ec/simple/params files now don't have overlapping
		ec/gp/params no longer includes ec/multiobjective/params now splits up
			postEvaluationStatistics so that you can include
			stuff in an overriding class before a println 
			is issued.
5		Fourth prerelease
		Decided on a strategy to deal with (ARGH!!!) Sun's shift to
			incompatible floating point types across platforms.
			See the file "ABOUT.JDK13" can have a tournament of 1
		added README.MacOS
		minor fix to ec.util.ParameterDatabase
		removed the (commented out) populate(...) method from ec.Group
		ec.Evolve now allows <=0 as a seed (since we're using the new
			MersenneTwister seeding algorithm).
		minor fix to
		Added the TwoBox problem
		Orphaned interface GPNodeBuilderHelper deleted
		Modified documentation eval.finish -> eval.problem parameter
		Added the PTC1 and PTC2 algorithms.  Slight addition to
			GPNodeConstraints to accommodate them.
		Added the es package, including (mu,lambda) and (mu+lambda)
			selection strategies.  Totally untested, use at
			your own risk.
		Modified ECJ's strong-typing claim.  ECJ does atomic and
			set-based typing, but will not handle polymorphic
			algorithms without some coding (which I may or
			may not get to -- set-based strong typing is
			pretty dang useful, and it's rare that you
			need more than that).
		Tweaked documentation of SteadyState stuff; as currently
			implemented, the steady state evolution only marks
			one individual per subpop for death each loop
			(not n individuals, as had previously suggested).
		Added elitism to ec.simple.SimpleBreeder
		Symbolic Regression training set size now a parameter
		Fixed ForceBreedingPipeline's claimed default parameter base
		Changed default parameter base for entire ec.breed package
			to "breed"
		Moved all params files to foo.params.  Updated parent 
			statements within params files to reflect this.
			Hope I got 'em all.
		ec.BreedingSource now has typicalIndsProduced() set to a
			default of 1, rather than forcing it to be abstract.
		MAJOR CHANGE: Species no longer has an array of breeding 
			pipelines. It now has a single pipeline.  If you 
			need to pick from among pipelines, use 
			ec.breed.MultiBreedingPipeline.  The various GP 
			params files have been updated to reflect this 
			(since Koza GP by default picks from among pipelines),
			but your params files may be broken because stuff like
			has now changed to
			with the insertion of the MultiBreedingPipeline.  
			This is a good thing overall though -- it 
			dramatically simplifies the breeding code with no net
		Tweaked the documentation stating the purpose of 
		Tweaked documentation for ec.Evolve
		Modified ec.util.ParameterDatabase to sort its listed parameters
		Fixed bugs (I hope) in
		Modified RandomChoice (adding the exemptZeroes method) so that 
			it properly handles zero-probability values, and also
			added the ability to handle objects which return 
			doubles rather than floats (RandomChoiceChooserD). and
			are no longer final
		ec.util.MersenneTwister[Fast].nextBoolean([float|double]) now
			checks to see if the probability is 0.0 or 1.0 and
			guarantees to return false or true in that case
        	Modified ec.Exchanger.runComplete(...) to return a String
        	Modified the various EvolutionState subclasses to consider
        	    ec.Exchanger.runComplete(...) properly in their decision
        	    to shut down prematurely
		ec.steadystate.SteadyStateEvolutionState now reports that it
		    found an ideal individual
		Docs updated

6	Fifth prerelease
	Island models, coevolution, and competitive fitness have been added.
		A bunch of big modifications were made in order to implement 
       	     	coevolution, competitive fitness, and island models.  Get
            	ready, here we go:
        Major change, not backward-compatible:  the thread parameter
		    has been removed from most print- and read- methods 
		    which operate on PrintWriters or LineNumberReaders for
		    individuals and subcomponents.  This is because reading
		    and writing might be done in a private thread (for 
		    asynchronous island model exchanges for example), and so
 		    no thread number is appropriate.  If you need to use a
		    random number generator,  you will need to create one
		    yourself.  Do not rely on random[0].  Affected methods:

        Bug fix in ParameterDatabase.getStringWithDefault() now always
            returns the default string if the string was not found for
            the given parameter (sometimes it was returning null)
        gp.GPTree.printTree* methods now make certain that a return is
            printed at the end.  Also gp.GPIndividual.printIndividual*
            does not make certain (it assumes that printTree will 
            do it). Fixed to make IslandModel exchanges work right.
        EvolutionState.resetFromCheckpoint() is no longer a hook -- 
            now it's the official mechanism that Checkpoint uses
            to get the whole evolution system to restart itself
            after a checkpoint.  Accordingly, output.restart() and
            Exchanger.reinitializeContacts() have been moved to this
            location, and removed from their previous locations in
            the various EvolutionState objects.
        EvolutionState.go() and no longer throw
            IOExceptions, because they no longer call output.restart()
        Fixed checkpoint bug -- GPNodeConstraints wasn't writing out all
            of its static variables.
        Fixed another checkpoint bug -- various Clique objects weren't
            getting written out at all because we no longer reference
            them with pointers but instead with bytes.  This was fixed
            by sticking their static hashtables in a vector called
            "statics" maintained by EvolutionState, so *something*
            serializable is pointing to them.
        Major change, not backward-compatable: the mechanism behind
            the Problem class has been modified, in order to clean up
            stuff to make competitive fitness and coevolution methods more
            doable.  To whit:
                1. Problem is no longer an interface.  It is now an
                empty abstract class.  We may add stuff to this class in
                the future.
                2. Problem's methods have been moved into another
                interface, "SimpleProblemForm".  Problems will now have
                Problem Forms which they implement.  This permits us to
                have different kinds of evaluation methods (for single
                evolution, coevolution, etc.)  The Evaluator involved
                is responsible for checking to make certain that the
                correct Problem Form is being used.
                3. The evaluate(...) and describe(...) methods no longer
                pass in an array of individuals; instead they pass in a
                single individual.
            The net result of this is that you will have to modify your
                Problem subclasses so that they implement
                ec.simple.SimpleProblemForm, and so that they do not go
                through the individuals passed in one by one and evaluate
                them, but rather just evaluate a single individual.  This
                generally means you just remove an outer for-loop (at
                least that's what I had to do for all the demo examples).
            Affected classes (besides your own Problem subclasses):
                SimpleProblemForm (new)
	And now for stuff that doesn't have to do with Island Models or
	Coevolution or Competitive Fitness:

	MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast now have a new nextLong(long)
		method so you can get longs up to a certain size.  It's not
		nearly as efficient as the nextInt method, as you might guess.
	ParameterDatabase now has the methods getLongWithMax and 
		getLongWithDefault.  One set of getLong(...) methods has been
		deprecated.  This gets getLong...(...) in-line with the getInt
	A new package, vector, has been added for simple GA individuals.
		This package may be modified heavily, don't rely on it to be
		forward-compatible with future versions.
	A new package, rule, has been added for simple rule-based individuals.
		This package may be modified heavily, don't rely on it to be
		forward-compatible with future versions.
	Individuals now have a size() method, which provides a hook for
		parsimony pressure techniques.
	The ParameterDatabase itself has a new global parameter,
		which if true will print parameters as they are grabbed
		from the database through the various get() methods.
		Printing is done through stderr, not logged.
	ec.Evolve has been updated to provide new parameters which list
		all the parameters NOT used or NOT accessed (so you
		can see if you misspelled something and it's being ignored,
		for example).
        Fitness has been tweaked a little bit to allow the fitness() function
                to return ANY value between 0.0 and infinity, rather than the
                previous form (between 0.0 and 1.0).  This isn't a problem
                for fitness-proportionate selection methods because they use
                the distribution mechanisms, which autonormalize.  However,
                it necessitates changing SimpleFitness so that you now have
                to *specify* whether or not something is the ideal fitness.
                This may require a tiny rewrite in those apps which use
                SimpleFitness.  KozaFitness isn't affected because it's defined
                to have the ideal at 0.0.  MultiObjectiveFitness still defines
                its fitnesses as arrays from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive -- if you
                need them to go to infinity as well, let us know.
        KozaFitness has deprecated its setFitness() function -- now you should
                instead use the better-named setStandardizedFitness().
        Some changes in how breeding pipelines operate:
                1. if generateMax is true, then MultiBreedingPipeline will 
		   return *exactly* the maximum typical number.  Previously
		   the pipeline returned a value between the maximum typical 
		   number and the maximum requested.
                2.  The typicalIndsProduced() method has been modified in all
		    the breeding pipelines.  Instead of returning 1 (for 
		    mutation) or 1 or 2 (for crossover), it now operates as
                        A. Mutation and Reproduction pipelines return the 
			   typical number of individuals returned by their 
		   	   sources.  Thus they no longer force their sources 
			   to return 1 individual apiece.
                        B. Crossover pipelines return the minimum typical number
                           of individuals returned by their sources.   Thus they
                           no longer force their sources to return 1 or 2 
                    This change was made to make it easier to tack a mutation 
		    pipeline onto a crossover pipeline without losing 
		3. Buffered and Force Breeding pipelines still work as normal
		Hope this doesn't break anything! Most of this will not make 
	        any difference, because selection methods typically return 1
		individual apiece anyway, which gets bubbled up through the 
	Added the Uniform and RandTree tree-generation algorithms.
	A Makefile is now provided.
	Added the app/ecsuite and app/sum examples for the Vector package

7 	Sixth prerelease
	Added SimpleShortStatistics	
	Modified Statistics to be a Clique, so you can have multiple statistics
		in tree arrangement.  If you have subclassed SimpleStatistics,
		you may want to modify your code to subclass from Statistics
	Converted KozaStatistics to be a subclass of Statistics, not 
        Converted KozaShortStatistics to be a subclass of Statistics, not 
	Fixed a serious bug in the IslandExchange which causes it to not 
		connect to the correct topology.  
	Changed "nr-dest" to "num-dest" in InterPopulationExchange.
	Removed the "id" parameter in InterPopulationExchange (wasn't being 
	Updated and fixed the documentation for IslandExchange and 
	Added a textual version of the license in LICENSE

8	Seventh prerelease
        All Individuals now must have a method called deepClone(), which 
                guarantees a deep clone of the individual.  This is done
                by default by doing a protoCloneSimple(), though if protoClone
                normally light-clones, deepClone() should be overridden.  This
                is done already in GPIndividual, and GPTree now sports a
                deepClone() method as well.
                has been retrofitted to use deepClone(), just for the heck
                of it.  Best-of-generation now uses deep cloning to hang onto
                its individual and guarantee that its fitness doesn't change.
                Affected classes:
                    Individual, GPIndividual, GPTree, SimpleStatistics,
                    SimpleShortStatistics, KozaStatistics, KozaShortStatistics
        Removed best_of_generation from SimpleShortStatistics and
                KozaShortStatistics.  best_of_generation has long been
                supplanted by best_of_generation_a, and was dead code.
	Modified the island model parameter file examples so that they provide
		different initial seeds to different islands -- oops!
	Fixed CHANGES to be 80 columns
	ECJ now prints out seed and thread information
	Modified the island model parameter file examples so that they use
		8999 as the server port and 9000 and up for the client ports;
		each client island parameter file now specifies a unique client
		port, it was too much of a hassle having to specify the port
		on the command line every time to just test the system on a
		single machine.
	ecsuite no longer uses a ForceBreedingPipeline -- this is unneccessary
		because recent changes in Mutation pipelines has them returning
		all the individuals they receive from children rather than just
		1 (we were using a ForceBreedingPipeline to force the Mutation
		pipeline to return 2 kids, which it does anyway now)
	Modified ABOUT.MacOSX to add the trick where if you do -Xincgc you get
		much faster evolution runs
        Methods previously using now instead
                call (the first
                method has been deprecated).  Accordingly, the sample domains
		now use setStandardizedFitness().
        Removed the numbits package
        BreedingSource had its produce(...) method incorrectly stated as having
            final int max, final int min.... instead of the other way around.
            No methods actually implementing or using BreedingSource did it this
            way however (it was a typo), so it's been fixed to be min first,
            then max.
	ParameterDatabase can now print out parameters as they're requested.
            Simply say:		-p print-params=true
	Fixed some bugs in the es package which were causing it to crash.
	    Also, es now uses to specify the mu value for subpopulation
	    N.  Additionally, the es.params file has been modified to make it
	    cleaner and easier to follow.
        Modified ABOUT.MacOSX to note that Apple has fixed the hostname bug
            in OS X 10.1
        Added VectorGene and GeneVectorIndividual to the vector package.
        Fixed bugs in the FloatVectorIndividual and DoubleVectorIndividual
            (they were being cast to IntegerVectorIndividual, which would
            cause a crash during equals(...)).
        In GPNode's comments, oldSubtree and newSubtree were accidentally
            reversed.  That has been remedied.
        Modified TournamentSelection so that you can now specify a tournament
            "size" between 1.0 and 2.0 (floating-point), which results in a
            tournament of size 2 where the "better" individual wins with a
            probability of size/2.  Accordingly, TournamentSelection no longer
            permits a default size -- you *must* specify one.
        Added a ReproductionPipeline to ec.breed.  This pipeline relies on the
            new Individual.deepClone()... method.  Consequently, other
            ReproductionPipeline classes have been deprecated.
        Changes were made to better support steady state evolution:
            1. BreedingPipelines now support SteadyStateBSourceForm
            2. Major rewrite of SteadyStateEvolutionState, SteadyStateBreeder,
               and SteadyStateEvaluator to handle statistics better.
            3. Added an optional SteadyStateStatisticsForm
	    4. Added a new Statistics object: KozaSteadyStateStatistics
        A bug was fixed in SteadyStateEvaluator: it doesn't count the first
            population's individuals in the generation count.  This is remedied
            by updating the generation count by the generation size after the
            first evaluation.
        Modifications were made to the documentation of Statistics indicating 
            that when and if Statistics hooks are called is entirely up to the
            EvolutionState object, so you should make sure your Statistics 
            object is compatible with it.
        Slight modification to FitProportionateSelection documentation.
        BufferedBreedingPipeline, ForceBreedingPipeline, and 
            MultiBreedingPipeline weren't necessarily cloning their individuals.
            Now they are more careful!
        GenerationSwitchPipeline added.  This pipeline switches children at some
            generation.  Useful for some adaptive mechanisms.
        Added Tutorial 1
        Fixed an inifinite-loop bug in BufferedBreedingPipeline
        Fixed some equality bugs in IslandExchange noted by jlint
        Fixed a minor output verbosity bug noted by jlint
        Little syntactic tweaks (no bug fixes) to make jlint happier
        jlint makes numerous other complaints, but I've verified that they're
            not significant.  To whit:
            1. complaints about null references are due to jlint not 
               understanding that state.output.fatal() and 
               state.output.exitWithErrors() will exit the program.
            2. array index out-of-bounds complaints are because I will subtract
               1 from a value to get the array index sometimes; that's just 
            3. complaints about "volatile" access are because multiple threads 
               in ECJ make simultaneous access to read-only protocol areas of
               the program, which is fine.
            4. synchronized complaints are specious
            5. Complaints about Mersenne Twister bugs are all false -- I've
               double checked.  It looks like an error in jlint's understanding
               of how >> works.  BTW, it also complains about java.util.Random
               in the same way. :-)
        Minor efficiency change: CrossoverPipeline (line 325) used to avoid
               verifying points only when the second parent was tossed; now we
               also do it if there's only one individual to create.  Should have
               no change at all on the system.
        CrossoverPipeline.parents made public, CrossoverPipeline.verifyPoints
               moved from private to public final
	Added Koza Quintic and Sextic problems to Regression
        Fixes to elitism code -- SimpleBreeder wasn't preserving all the elites,
               and also wasn't deep-cloning them.  Thanks to
        RuleSetConstraints and RuleConstraints serialize properly, oops
	Made a few static constants final that we had not noticed.
        Fixed reset bug in GeneVectorIndividual.
	(Finally) changed the nostore parameter to store (and flipped the
        Individuals now contain a pointer to their species.  readIndividual(...)
               should not try to "read" in the species, nor should
               printIndividual(...) attempt to "print" the species to the
               stream.  Species should be careful to set the prototypical 
               individual's species to themselves BEFORE calling setup(...) on
               the prototypical individual.
        MAJOR OVERHAUL OF VECTOR PACKAGE.  Sorry, it had to be done.
               VectorIndividuals previously were carrying around lots of baggage
               (like genome size, mutation probabilities, crossover types, etc.)
               that should be shared among individuals.  So now they store this
               information in their shared VectorSpecies.  Accordingly, there 
               are different VectorSpecies subclasses for different data type 
               groups.  An individual can access this data now because 
               Individuals have pointers to their species (see above) now.
        VectorIndividuals can now have a min/max constraint on their genes OR
               individual unique min/max constraints on each separate gene. 
        Deleted old MacOSX 10.0.x stuff from About.MacOSX
	GroupedProblem changed to an Interface called GroupedProblemForm
	Removed and
		ec.rule.breed.RuleReproductionPipeline and
		ec.vector.breed.VectorReproductionPipeline since they 
		all duplicate ec.breed.ReproductionPipeline
	simple.params now states that the default fitness for subpop 0 is
	ec.params now has duplicate-retries set to 0
	when seeds=time, ec.Evolve makes sure the seeds are all different from
		each other.
	Added tutorial 2
	Fixed small bug in CompetitiveEvaluator (sometimes the number of games
		for individuals in two-way random tournaments were mixed).
		Thanks to Flavio Baronti  for alerting us.
	Fixed a bug in the Statistics files that altered the best_of_run
		individual being properly calculated in the multiple
		population cases. Thanks to Krzysztof (Chris) Krawiec for
		alerting us.
	Added the parsimony package. This package contains various simple
		parsimony pressure techniques we've been using.
	Added the teambots package.

9	Eighth Prerelease
	Well, it looks like ECJ usage is really taking off, given the rate
		of bug reports.  :-)
	Fixed a bug in IntegerVectorSpecies and FloatVectorSpecies that did
		not properly set the min and max gene values on a per-gene
		basis. Thanks to Emanuel Slaby 
	Fixed a minor bug in ec.util.Output that might cause it to try to
		get the value of the announcements vector even if the vector
		is null.  Thanks to Mohamad Mehdi Haji 
	Added the ability to specify an integer Parameter value in hex
	Bug fix in PTC2, not using the right distributions when doing strong
		typing.  Doesn't affect typeless runs.  Thanks to David
	KozaStatistcs now does printIndividualForHumans rather than
		printIndividual -- not sure when it had reverted there.
	SteadyStateBreeder had a serious bug that prevented individuals from
		getting evaluated -- this resulted in statistics that didn't
		converge (They stayed perfectly flat), so it was pretty
		obvious.  Nailed down thanks to a mention of oddities from
		Atif Azad 
	SteadyStateBreeder now lets the deselector know that an individual has
		been replaced.
	The IslandExchange server now announces that it's shutting down -- it
		only does so if all the clients have disconnected.
	Vector package includes evaluated: line in its readers and writers
	Tutorials 3 and 4 added
	Minor print bug removed form DoubleIndividual and FloatIndividual
	Small bugs fixed in island model
	SPEA2 package added (thanks to Robert Hubley!)

10	Ninth Prerelease :-)
	Mersenne Twister code updated to new initialization algorithm.  This
		will result in replicability incompatibility with versions
		9 and below.  I keep the old versions of MersenneTwister
		as gzipped files in the ec/util/ directory in case you'd
		want to use them.
	Small makefile and documentation mods
	ec.coevolve.CompetitiveEvaluator#EncapsulatedIndividual moved out to
		its own scope to make older java systems happy.  Should have no
		effect otherwise.
	ECJ now signals an error if the seed is bad
	Added gzipped capabilities to logs.  Gzipped output streams are heavily
		buffered (argh) and Java doesn't necessarily call finalize() on
		them so they will not write out.  So we had to add a new close()
		method to the Output class which Evolve() calls and gets it to
		flush and close its logs prior to shutting down.  The gzipped
		classes will STILL not properly write out if the user breaks the
		program prematurely.
	Improvements to rule code (preprocesing, post processing, etc.)
	Removed a column from SimpleShortStatistics' printing, and fixed its
		statements of what gets printed in the documentation
	Fixed BAD bug in evolution strategies package: populations were being
		sorted in the wrong direction, so the mu parents were actually
		the *worst* of the population, not the best.  Also, we now
		deep-clone the individuals for mu+lambda, not just copy them,
		just to be safe.
	Individual.toString() now prints out its hash code (which is not
		unique for Individuals) after its unique identity hash
		code (which IS unique for all objects).  That way two
		individuals never print the same even if they have the same
	GeneVectorIndividual didn't set up its genome properly (left the genes
		as null).  Minor mods to GeneVectorindividual and to
		GeneVectorSpecies to handle this correctly.
	Slight modification to MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast: changed
		the default constructors so that they randomized based on the
		system time rather than on an arbitrary constant seed (4357).
		This should have no effect on ECJ as it never uses the default
		constructor -- however if you use the default constructor for
		your own purposes, things will now be different.  This change
		was made to bring MT in line with java.util.Random's behavior.

11 Tenth Prerelease.  Maybe we should start calling these "Releases"!  :-)

	Slight tweak to the tutorials to fix an HTML bug in /tt
	Fixed bug in gp/build/MutateOneNodePipeline, which didn't handle
		mutation of an already-copied individual properly.  Along the
		way, added a new method to GPNode: replaceWith(GPNode), which
		replaces it in its tree with some other node.  Thanks to
		David Cooper
	Small error in parity documentation.  Thanks to Howard Landman
	finishProducing(...) had not been implemented but never called in
		SelectionMethod  -- it was vestigial.  But because we found it
		useful for coevolution stuff, it's now properly called by all
		the places I know of which also call prepareToProduce(), namely
		MuCommaLambdaBreeder, SimpleBreeder, IslandExchange, 
		InterPopulationExchange, and SteadyStateBreeder.  The latter	
		required a new function to be implemented called finishPipelines
		(called only on SteadyStateBreeder).  All this should have no
		effect at all on preexisting stuff.
	Received permission to change, then promptly changed, the license to
		MersenneTwister.  It was originally under LGPL, and FSF won't
		give a straight answer as to whether or not LGPL is valid
		for Java or if in fact it just reverts to GPL due to some
		errors in the LGPL.  It looks like LGPL is broken with
		respect to Java, and so to prevent ECJ from going all under
		GPL, I've changed MersenneTwister's license to Artistic
		with permission of the original [early] author.
	Slightly tweaked MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast, copying
		certain variables to locals, which should result in very
		slightly faster MT code (maybe 5%)
	MultiobjectiveFitness had slight change in printFitnessForHumans
		(a println instead of a print)
	RandomChoiceChooser now has additional organizeDistribution functions
		which allow distributions to be all zeros (if so, it's
		assumed to choose from among the elements uniformly).  
		The default functions still throw exceptions if this 
		is the case.  Also RandomChoiceChooser now throws an 
		exception if the distribution is empty.
	IMPORTANT CHANGE, may not be backward-compatible.  Fitness has
		been revised to now allow the fitness() function to return
		negative values.  Any finite value is now permitted.
		Selection methods based on proportionate selection, which
		previously could safely assume that fitnesses were zero or
		positive, may no longer be able to do so.  You must check
		to see if fitnesses are negative in such selection
		methods.  BestSelection, FitProportionateSelection, and
		GreedyOverselection have been accordingly revised.
	IslandExchange and InterPopulationExchange now have a chattiness
		option to shut them up.
	SPEAMultiObjectiveFitness is now a subclass of
		MultiObjectiveFitness, and its methods have been cleaned
		up accordingly.  The primary effect here is the
		elimination of the default base.  We're now using
		MultiObjectiveFitness's default base, so watch out there.
	MultiObjectiveFitness now always returns false for isIdealFitness(),
		unless overridden in a subclass.  Accordingly the
		criterionIsAnd parameter is now gone.
	SPEATournamentSelection is now a subclass of TournamentSelection,
		and its methods have been unified accordingly.  The
		primary effect here is the elimination of the default base.
		We're now using TournamentSelection's default base, so
		watch out there.
	Addition of spea2.params
	multiobjective.params updated to corrected parameters
	bug fix to inter.params
	BreedingSource.setupProbabilities now allows all of the children
		to have zero probabilities.  POSSIBLY NOT Backward 
		compatible -- double-check your code to make sure that
		if you call this function (unlikely) that this fact
		is acceptable (it almost certainly should be). 
	Accordingly, MultiBreedingPipeline now allows all of its children
		to have zero probabilities, but issues a warning just in case.
	Removed ABOUT.MacOSX file: nothing in it interesting any longer
	Documentation fix to RuleSpecies' default base
	Fixed bugs in the parameters returned in the fatal errors of
		IntegerVectorSpecies.setup and FloatVectorSpecies.setup
	Various vector species now properly look up default parameters
	InterPopulationExchange's selection methods are set up with the
		proper parameters.
	InterPopulationExchange double-checks that incoming immigrants
		won't be more than the subpopulation size (which would
		cause an infinite loop in the selection-to-die procedure)
	Redesigned the coevolutionary evaluator for both single population
		competitive coevolution, and also for multiple population
		cooperative coevolution.  There's no need for incremental
		fitness anymore, but rather the Problem becomes more
		important for different ways of combining results from
		different interactions with other individuals into a unique
	Added  app/coevolve1 and app/coevolve2 to illustrate simple
	       competitive and cooperative coevolutionary settings.

12 Eleventh er, prerelease

        Fixed some bugs in the Makefile indent feature
	Fixed a documentation bug in MersenneTwisterFast that suggested that
       	       nextDouble() returned a number in [0,1].  It does not.  
               It's [0,1), just like java.util.Random.
        Added DecompressingInputStream and CompressingOutputStream in 
               preparation for compressing the stream sockets of the 
               island model etc.
        ParameterDatabase.getString(Param) now public.  Dunno why not.
        ParameterDatabase.list... methods all now flush
        Version no longer has a "suggested minimum Java" field.  Instead
               there's just the "minimum java" field.  This field has now
               been bumped up from 1.1 to 1.2.
        ParameterDatabase uses Java's Collections.sort(...) routines rather
               than QuickSort.  We can do this because the minimum java is now
               1.2.  This allows ParameterDatabase to be used independently
               of ECJ (or more specifically, of QuickSort).
        ParameterDatabase.toString() defined for benefit of bsh.  The format
               is HASH : (PARENT1, PARENT2, ...)  where HASH is the
               .toString() value of the ParameterDatabase's hash table
               (typically it's of the form {key=val, key=val, ...} ), and each
               PARENT is the .toString() of the ParameterDatababase's
               parent parameter databases.
	Added "*.java" (top-level ec directory) to the Makefile
	Other authors added to the header when ECJ is run
	Default format for Code.encode(true) is "T" and for false, "F".
		Code.decode(...) can still detect "true" and "false" if
	Code.decode() can detect floats and doubles in the form
		in this case, the human readable format is used and the
		(missing) machine readable format is ignored.  This
		simplifies writing floats and doubles to be read in
		for reading populations from files.
	Print out message when loading subpopulations from files
	Rewrote the vector read/write code to consistently use Code.  This
		is much less readable, but it's consistent and easier to
		debug.  We had some ugly bugs in there.  Thanks to Ta Nguyen
		Binh Duong
	Rewrote Individual to eliminate the necessity to override some methods
		(namely, printIndividual (both versions), readIndividual, and
		printIndividualForHumans).  This was done by implementing a
		default version of each of these methods.  This in turn
		required implementing three new methods which have default
		versions and are NOT abstract, but which the user will
		likely want to override: genotypeToString, 
		genotypeToStringForHumans, and parseGenotype (which by
		default generates an error).
	Rewrote the vector classes to use the new Individual string methods
		described previously.  This necessitated deprecating some
		GeneVector methods and implementing new methods called
		printGeneToString and printGeneToStringForHumans.  Let's
		hope all this rewriting doesn't break something!

13 	Yet another prerelease!
        Tweaks to Makefile to make compiling with jikes more straightforward
        ec.EvolutionState is now allowed to use ec.Statistics as its
                (do-nothing) statistics class
        Slight bug in MersenneTwister: seeds were only allowed to be 28 bits.
                The mask was supposed to allow 32 bits.
	IslandExchange flushes the output streams just in case the Individuals
		didn't use println to write themselves to the PrintWriter.
	Added some warnings to the Compressing stream docs
	Individual.setup no longer abstract.  It's just a default
		implementation which does nothing.
	MAJOR CHANGE: Fitness is now an abstract class, not an interface.
		This done mostly to make it easier to create Fitness objects
		by providing sensible default methods, just as we had rewritten
		Individual to eliminate some methods.  If you have created
		a Fitness implementation, you'll need to change 'implements'
		to 'extends'.  Beyond that you shouldn't need to do anything,
		though you can get rid of your protoCloneSimple() function,
		your protoClone() function if it does nothing but call clone()
		(or otherwise call super.protoClone() to get the object now),
		and just for good measure, call super.setup() in your setup
		method (though Fitness.setup() actually does nothing).  Now
		you can delete your printFitness...() methods and replace
		them with fitnessToString() and fitnessToStringForHumans()
	Removed ABOUT.MacOS9, since the current minimum Java for ECJ is
		1.2, and OS 9 only supports 1.1.8.
	Modified Tutorial4 documentation so that it uses the (revised)
		breed.elites.0=... rather than breed.elites=...  Thanks to 
		Grant Morganryuugguu 
	Fixed bug in [Integer|Double|etc]VectorIndividual.split(...) which
		didn't put the elements in the proper location in the arrays,
		leading to a crash.
	IslandExchange clients now properly retry to connect after a sleep
	Added Master/Slave capability for distributed evaluation of individuals.
	Added compression to the communication streams between the StarProblem 
		master and slaves.  It's use is configurable via the 
		star.compression parameter.	
	Removed globals that otherwise prevent ECJ to be self contained.  The 
		motivation here is to permit multiple experiments to be run in
		the same JVM, either sequentially or concurrently, and to 
		allow experiments to be run in Java Applets.  The globals in 
		question are:
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.ruleConstraintRepository
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.ruleConstraints
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.numRuleConstraints
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.ruleSetConstraintRepository
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.ruleSetConstraints
			-> ec.rule.RuleInitializer.numRuleSetConstraints
		These variables were moved to either GPInitializer or
		RuleInitializer respectively and were made member variables
		instead of globals.  They are initialized during
		{GP|Rule}Initializer.setup(...) and are available via
		EvolutionState.initializer.  These globals were also given new
		names as specified above.
		Consequently, the following methods needed to be modified in
		order to accomodate the change.  They now accept an additional
		Initializer (either GP or Rule) parameter in order to get access
		to the relevant data:
	Added checkpointing of Slave random state.  When a checkpoint occurs,
		the StarProblemServer requests the current random state of each
		slave. The random state is then appended to the checkpoint file.
	Updated MersenneTwister to latest version (11), which is just
		documentation changes.  Thanks to Seth Sticco
	Modifications to SimpleEvolutionState, mostly cleaning up stuff.  The
		go() method has been removed in preparation for a new more
		modular design which will be added in a bit.  Also, the
		generation counter has been moved to a different location
		in the loop, though the print-outs stay the same.  It will
		very slightly affect checkpointing as generation++ occurs
		BEFORE checkpointing now.
	Significant modifications to the Steady State package.  We have cleaned
		up the package to conform to the same layout as the
		SimpleEvolutionState package above; plus a number of clean-ups
		including the elimination of pseudoGeneration.  generation
		now actually means *generation* in some reason sense, and
		there's a new variable called evaluations.
	We've eliminated SteadyStateSpeciesForm and have moved its sole
		method, deselector(), into SteadyStateBreeder, which gathers
		deselectors directly using a new parameter in
	Eliminated GPSteadyStateSpecies because SteadyStateSpeciesForm is gone
	Eliminated garbage collection parameters (gc, aggressive)
	Moved ESEvolutionState's various variables into MuCommaLambdaBreeder
		(where they should have gone in the first place).
	Deleted ESEvolutionState -- no longer needed
	Deleted ESBreederForm -- no longer needed
	added ec/app/sum/steadysum.params example
	Eliminated Evolve.make
	Tutorials updated to reflect new arrangement
	ProportionalTournament's default parameter base has been changed
		to proportional-tournament (from prob-tournament)
	Added documentation for DoubleTournament
	Changed all the parsimony class names to be more consistent with
		ECJ's naming scheme:

		DoubleTournament -> DoubleTournamentSelection
		ProportionalTournament -> ProportionalTournamentSelection
		BucketTournament -> BucketTournamentSelection
		RatioBucketTournament -> RatioBucketTournamentSelection
		LexicographicTournament -> LexicographicTournamentSelection

		These names are over 32 bytes long and so may cause problems
		for older operating systems (MacOS 9 for example).
	Added TarpeianStatistics
	Updated Version class
	Added one-time warnings
	Updated Evolve to add a new loop facility
	Eliminated GPSpeciesForm
	Added warts.html
	Minor bug fixes to
	Added types[] array to list all the GPTypes
	Modified GPTreeConstraints' error messages about typing to warnings
		about typing.
	Added binary read/write functionality to rule package
	Added binary read/write functionality to vector package
	Added binary read/write functionality to all fitness classes
	Updated binary read/write functionality for GP facility to write GPNodes
		using indexes into functionsets.
	Updated documentation on Clique explaining the new location of various
		Clique repositories
	Added about box to GUI
	Bug fixes to master/slave evaluator
	Added bulk-sends in SimpleEvolutionState for the master/slave evaluator

14 	At this point, dare we call it a prerelease?
	Boolean.toString(boolean) is not available in Java 1.3.  Changed to
		("" + boolean) in ec.display.ControlPanel
	Likewise for all-caps colors
	Removed magic numbers in Slave
	Slave can now return fitnesses (as default) instead of individuals
	Slave doesn't generate a new Subpopulation each time an individual
		is evaluated (oops)
	Added Evolve.determineSeed
	EvolutionState now contains a randomSeedOffset variable, set by Evolve
		to help ec.eval.MasterProblem create seeds.
	Updated MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast to version 12,
		including equals(...) methods.
	Deleted Evolve.main2
	In Evolve, as soon as the Output is set up, all future errors are
		fatal(...) or error(...) rather than initialError(...)
	Deleted unused Problem.setCheckpoint, restoreFromCheckpoint,
	Problem.shutdown renamed to Problem.closeContacts(state,result)
	Evaluator.closeContacts(state,result) added
	SteadyStateBreeder now checks for duplicate individuals.
	Uniform now resets its new nodes. This necessitated adding
		EvolutionState and thread to some functions as arguments.
		Thanks to Artur Matos
	Introduced GPNode.nodeEquivalentTo(...) which is looser than
		GPNode.nodeEquals(...) and attempts to determine if the two
		nodes came from the same prototype parent (or are otherwise
		compatible in that fashion).  GPNode.writeRootedTree(...)
		now uses nodeEquivalentTo(...) instead of nodeEquals(...)
		Thanks to Artur Matos
	Commented out print-used-params in coevolve2.params
	Updated docs for BestSelection (n wasn't explained).  Thanks to
		Robert Hovden
	Added donated modifications to charting code.  Thanks to
		Robert Hovden has been deleted entirely
	Statistics is back to being a Singleton.  Sure, you can have more
		than one Statistics object; but Cliques generally require
		repositories and Statistics doesn't have one.  Maybe we
		should make Statistics just a Setup instead.
	SteadyStateStatisticsForm.nextPseudogenerationStatistics deleted
	SteadyStateBreeder's duplicate checking uses hash tables with
		incremented and decremented integers rather than doing
		an O(n) scan through the array.  Rather faster.
	steadystate.params has pick-worst set to true now, just in case
	SteadyStateBreeder now properly looks up the deselector, oops
	Additions to Statistics so it can be a SteadyStateStatisticsForm
	Updated KozaStatistics and SimpleStatistics to provide basic
		SteadyStateStatisticsForm implementations (at least
		to handle the best individual of population properly).
	Deleted KozaSteadyStateStatistics
	Updated steadysum.params
	Added steadynoerc.params to Regression example
	ParameterDatabase.getInt(parameter) now private
	ParameterDatabase.getLong(parameter) now private
	ParameterDatabase.getString(parameter) now private
	ParameterDatabase.getStringWithDefault(parameter) now private
	ParameterDatabase.uncheck() now private
	Modifications to various classes in display/ and display/chart
		and eval/ so they don't call the protected single-parameter
		ParameterDatabase functions.  Also, Evaluator.
	Modified ParameterDatabase's print-params function to be more
		expressive (prints existence tests, failed and
		unnecessary tests)
	All private and protected ParameterDatabase methods now
	Documentation changes to ParameterDatabase
	Modified GPTreeConstraints.checkFunctionSetAvailablility to fix
		a type bug (root types were not being added to the list
		of types to check).
	Updated MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
        Minor bug in Code: \uxxxx was falling through in the switch
	MutationPipeline and MutateAllNodesPipeline were both incorrectly 
		setting individual.evaluated = true instead of = false
		when the source was another pipeline rather than a selection
		method.  This would result in individuals not being run
		again for fitness.  InternalCrossoverPipeline was doing the
		same, but in all cases.  These have been fixed.  Thanks
		to Stefan Wappler
	The SimpleEvaluator class has two new functions: prepareToEvaluate
		and finishEvaluating.  They are called before and after a
		bunch of individuals need to be evaluated.  The Master/Slave
		evaluation has been updated to take advantage of this setup.
	Fixed a small bug when determining the random seed for
		each thread.
	Made various methods non-private in the GUI
	Made certain final variables static
	Updated ecj to new directory structure consistent with mason.  In
		this structure, the old ec directory is now a subdirectory
		of an outer ecj directory.  In the ecj directory goes the
		docs directory, READMEs, a new start directory (with some
		scripts to fire up ecj), the Makefile, etc.
	Added a start-up script for Windows
	Fixed minor bugs in CompetitiveEvaluator
	Removed some private declarations in the GUI
	Made the GUI capable of use in 1.3.1
	Fixed mutation bugs in vectors when maxGene is much larger than
		minGene (over the size of an integer or long)
	steadysum.params now does random deselection.  We've updated the
		instructions in the two app examples for steady state
		evolution accordingly.
	Updated SimpleFitness docs
        All minimization problems in ECSuite are now transformed into
                maximization problems by converting f(x) --> -f(x), instead
                of f(x) --> 1.0/(1.0+f(x)).  Also, the Booth and Griewangk
                problems are now supported.
	Slight modification to seed-setting in  See the documentation for more information.  We've not
		updated the seed-setting in the GUI, so there may be a
		discontinuity, particularly if you're using both the command
		line and the GUI to do multiple-job runs.
	Modifications of to fix a few bugs in the main() and
		make it easier to use.  There is now an extensive discussion
		in the docs about how to make new main() loops.
	Modified MuCommaLambdaBreeder to (knock on wood) to properly compute
		the 1/5 rule.  This was broken when we merged the es package
		and got rid of ESEvolutionState.
	EvolutionState.statics has been officially deprecated.  Do not use it.
	Tweaked Tutorial4
	Updated the License
	Fixed a bug in ADFs that was tickled by typing.  We check to see if
		there exists exactly one ADFArgument node in an ADF's tree for
		each argument of the ADF.  But we check it using the nodes
		array in the GPFunctionSet, which can contain multiple copies
		of the same exact node, put into different subarrays by
		compatable type.  This was not taken into account, producing
		a spurious warning.  We now make certain that the additional
		ADFArgument we've discovered isn't the exact same node as the
		original one.  Thanks to Hauptman Ami
	Documentation bugs in FloatVectorSpecies fixed.
	Added a simple C-style printing mechanism.  Thanks to Leonardo
		Vanneschi for the idea.  Updated tutorial
		4 to reflect this.
	Added spatial package: spatially-embedded EAs 
	Added a new newIndividual(...) to Species
	Removed certain newIndividual(...) abstract methods from Species 
		(or more specifically, created default versions of them 
		which operate properly in most cases).  Set all current
		Species subclasses to use those default versions.
	Changed the island model facility to use the new DataInput/DataOutput
		reader and writer.
	Removed deprecated show() references
	Rule.readRuleFromString() by default now throws an error
	VectorGene.printGeneToString() and printGeneToStringForHumans() now
		by default both call toString().
	Added Rule.printRuleToString() and Rule.printRuleToStringForHumans()
	Undeprecated printGene(state,verbosity,log)
	GPNode.readNode/writeNode now by default throw errors
	Updated various prototypes' discussion of printing

15 	Now that's what I call a prerelease!
	See the file 'UPGRADING' for more detailed discussion.
	Reduced protoClone() to clone().  Some history: in the far past,
		there were different rules about clone() and I was worried
		about violating the clone() definition.  Hence protoClone()
		instead of clone().  Furthermore, there was a significant
		cost paid when wrapping code in a try { ... } (or so I had
		thought, memory is fuzzy now) way back in 1998, before
		HotSpot etc. changed how we do things now.  That cost
		is zero now, thus obviating the need for protoCloneSimple.
		So we have eliminated all the protoCloneSimple calls
		entirely, and rewritten all protoClone methods to just be
		clone methods which call super.clone wrapped in a try { }.
		This is dramatically simpler.  We've also eliminated all
		the Simple versions of various cloners in GPNode, and have
		cleaned out all the previous try { } wrappers various
		methods used to directly call protoClone rather than
		protoCloneSimple.  Additionally, MersenneTwister and
		MersenneTwisterFast have had their clone() methods
		upgraded to not throw CloneNotSupportedException, and
		Group has had its abstract emptyClone() method's
		CloneNotSupportedException removed.  We still use
		emptyClone because it's fundamentally different from the
		clone() contract.  Individual.deepClone() has also had
		CloneNotSupportedException removed in certain cases.
		This will require some modification of your code but it
		will certainly be easier to read and more Java-standard.
	We also cleaned out some unused variables, no big deal there.

16	P R E ... R E L ... M O U S E
	Removed GPFuncInfo, a vestigial class which never had any actual
		function (I think!).  This will effect tree builder
		functions and tree breeder functions, but it's easy to
		update: instead of using function sets consisting of
		arrays of GPFuncInfo objects, you have function sets
		consisting of arrays of GPNodes.  And you delete ".node"
		from various places.
	Added newIndividual(...) methods to GPSpecies which override the
		standard ones and perform light cloning rather than
		deep cloning.  A bug fix tickled by our change from
		protoClone to clone.  Thanks to Michael Solano
	Restored docs/tutorial4/GPGraph.png, which had been removed in
		the 14->15 transition by accident
	Moved P_FITNESS into, deleting from other classes,
		and made it consistently equal to "fitness".
	Moved FITNESS_PREAMBLE into, deleting from other
		classes, and made it consistently equal to "Fitness: "
	Moved EVALUATED_PREAMBLE into, deleting from
		other classes, and made it consistently equal to
		"Evaluated: "
	Moved P_INDIVIDUAL into, deleting from other
		classes, and made it consistently equal to "individual"
	Moved P_DATA into, deleting from other classes,
		and made it consistently equal to "data"
	Moved CHECKBOUNDARY into BreedingSource, deleting from other
		classes, and made it consistently equal to 8.
	Renamed type -> t in one method in GPSetType
	Renamed data -> dataPart and address -> addressPart in
		MultiplexerSlow and its various functions
	Renamed numRules -> ruleCount in one function in RuleSet
	Changed P_PROB to P_CROSSOVERPROB in RuleCrossoverPipeline.
		Also changed its value from "prob" to "crossover-prob".
		It was incorrectly shadowing P_PROB ( = "prob" ) used
		for a different function in BreedingSource
	Moved the teambots package to the CVS repository contrib
	Fixed a bug in the Makefile which was building code that depended
		on JFreeChart in the main build.  To fix this, we deleted
		the 'make chart' option and instead created a 'make gui'
		option.  Now the GUI isn't built when you just do 'make'.
		You have to type 'make gui' *and* have the JFreeChart
		etc. jar files installed.
	Small bug fix in FloatVectorSpecies: it wasn't looking for the
		existence of P_MINGENE in the default base and thus was
		complaining even if the default parameter was there.
		Thanks to Elena Popovici (
	A few additions to various Individuals in order to support
		particle swarm optimization
	Added asynchronous distributed evaluation
	Removed final declarations in ParameterDatabase and DecodeReturn.
		Thanks to Remi Vankeisbelck (
	Modifications to the C printing facility in GP.
	Added KozaBuilder as an abstract superclass to GrowBuilder,
		HalfBuilder, and FullBuilder, to simplify redundant
		code and to make it easier to verify consistency of
		the type checks added (see next entry).
	Added more generous type checking to GrowBuilder, HalfBuilder,
		FullBuilder, PTC1, PTC2, and RandomBranch.  Now if
		a terminal or nonterminal is not avaialble when
		an algorithm requests one, rather than failing, in
		most circumstances the algorithm will try for
		a nonterminal or terminal respectively, but will issue
		a warning.  This should help people stuck with typing
		problems but required a lot of retooling and may have
		introduced bugs into the builders.
	Added warning mechanisms in GPNodeBuilder to simplify the type
		checking in the entry above.
	Bug fix in Species.newIndividual and GPSpecies.newIndividual,
		which were calling readGenotype instead of
		readIndividual, resulting in the Fitness not being
		read in right.
	Documentation cleanups in Individual, RuleIndividual, GPIndividual,
		 and Species.
	NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE.  Initializer.initialPopulation now has a 
		thread parameter.
	NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE.  Population.populate and 
		Subpopulation.populate now have thread parameters
	NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE.  The fitness prototype (f_prototype) has 
		been moved from Subpopulation to Species.  This requires any
		previous references to f_prototype to now say
	NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE.  The various newIndividual methods have
		been simplified considerably and made easier to use.  The
		old methods have been made private and final to prevent
		accidental overriding (which would be a bug).  The basic
		newIndividual from scratch now has a thread parameter and
		so can be used in a multithreaded environment.
	Moved in new FloatVectorSpecies and IntegerVectorSpecies, which now
		allow gene min/max to be specified not only globally, and
		by individual gene, but also by gene region.  The new setup
		methods are more complex mostly because they do lots of
		careful checking.  Thanks to Rafal Kicinger.
	javac has grown up and jikes has fallen into disrepair.  We move
		ECJ's default compiler to javac -target 1.3 -source 1.3
	NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE.  GPNode's clone() method will be a deep
		clone call, like everything else.  We've changed all the
		calls to clone() to instead call lightClone() (we hope!)
		and have added an error message to clone() for the time
		being to warn people to use either lightClone() or
		cloneReplacing() instead.  Later on we'll set clone()
		to just call cloneReplacing().
	Added methods for reading and writing populations and subpopulations
		to streams and logs.
	Modifications to SPEA2Subpopulation to read and write the archive size
		when writing subpopulations
	Added T_INTEGER and T_CHARACTER to Code
	Added several methods to Code to simplify reading from files.  Modified
		much existing code to use the Code methods instead of 
		rolling their own.  One unfortunate affect of this is that Code
		now longer is independent of EvolutionState.  Perhaps we might
		make a utility class instead.
	Moved ec/multiobjective/spea/package.html to a README file
	Subpopulations now initialize via loading from files using the new
		file loading code.
	Updates to MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
	Small setup() fix to VectorSpecies -- wasn't looking up default 
		parameter for crossover type.  Thanks to Michael Orlov
	Added indent to make dist
	Added setGenomeLength(...) to VectorIndividuals
	Incorrect parameter (P_PROB instead of P_PROBABILITY) fixed in
		ProportionalTournamentSelection.  Thanks to Robert Baruch

17 Let's get ready to PRERELEASE!
	Deleted some /tmp/out writing crud in ecsuite
	Bug Fix: reading/writing Subpopulations potentially tried to ask
		null individuals to read themselves, and forgot to write out
		a preamble.  Thanks to Tibi Simu 
	Small crossover type parameter bug fixed, and printout error in
		FloatVectorSpecies fixed.  Thanks to Elena Popovici
	tutorial2 and tutorial3 missing fitness parameter declarations.
		Thanks to Rick van Krevelen 
	documentation fix (a ) to Prototype which should keep the
		class documentation of all prototypes from getting incorrectly
	Added Elena Popovici to the authors' list
	Tweaked the post-tutorial discussion
	Updated Mersenne Twister to include SerialVersionUIDs to quiet
		compiler warnings in JDK 1.6
	Minor documentation bug fix.  Thanks to Ian Lindsay
	As long promised EvolutionState.statics is gone.
	Added a break in the main loop of MutateSwapPipeline,
		MutatePromotePipeline, and MutateDemotePipeline  -- thanks to
		Andrea Arcuri 
	Removed default tournament selections from ec/gp/breed/breed.params;
		they'd cause confusion.
	Added GPIndividual.parseGenotype() (to be a bit more consistent),
		eliminating GPIndividual.readIndividual(DataInput...), and
		relying on the superclass method instead.
	Modified the GPIndividual reader/writer documentation, which was 
	Documentation fix to BreedingSource
	Significant modifications to ESSelection operator.  Previously it had
		a major constraint: it had to be called exactly once in a
		given pipeline production of a child.  Now you can have many
		ESSelection operators in a pipeline, and call any of them
		multiple times, in order to produce a single child.  They will
		all return the same parent, and only increment to the next
		parent when the child has been created and a new child is being
		generated.  WARNING: untested, may have introduced bugs.
	Significant modifications to various VectorSpecies and VectorIndividual
		subclasses: previously internally we had both a minGene
		and a minGenes[] variable.  If a flag was set, minGene was
		used to return the min gene value for all genes; else
		they were per-gene using minGenes[].  Now there is no flag;
		only minGenes[] exists internally, greatly simplifying things
		at the cost of a small slowdown in initial setup for very large
		genomes.  Likewise maxGenes etc.  WARNING: this required a 
		lot of cut and paste and may have introduced bugs.
	Cleanups to how FloatVectorSpecies and IntegerVectorSpecies check for
		minGene/maxGene values -- now you can mix all three methods
		of specifying them.  WARNING: this required a lot of cut 
		and paste and may have introduced bugs.
	Made non-abstract.  It was abstract by mistake.
	Tweak to ec/app/sum/ which was assuming that all the genes
		had the same min and max values.  Now that maxGene is gone,
		it wasn't compiling.  We've changed it to maxGene(0), under
		the assumption that IF all the genes were the same, they'd
		all be the same as gene #0 (in terms of min/max).
	Deleted some population printing-out code that was left in ecsuite
	Deleted a 'state' parameter unused in ecsuite, rejiggered.
	Fixed silly minGene/maxGene bug in IntegerVectorSpecies
	Bug in setup (num-buckets not working) for BucketTournamentSelection
		-- thanks to Elena Popovici 
	Bug fix in parity.params file, a node constraints was missing for
		15-bit.  Also set both parity.params and adf.params to both
		us 4-bit parity by default.
	Total revamping of the distributed evaluation facility (the eval
		directory).  Lots of bugs stomped.  Whole classes rearranged
		and cleaned up.
	Fixes to steadystate that were tickled by the revamping of the
		distributed evaluation facility.
	Output's systemMessages have been demoted in verbosity: they're no
		longer at the top of the food chain, but are now at the
		bottom where they should be, along with plain messages.
	Bug fix to sort function in parameter print-outs.  Thanks to
		Michael Hart 
	Bug fix to, which was messed up by the minGene
		maxGene changes.  Thanks to Michael Hart 
	Turned compression off in the eval and exchange packages because
		Sun has broken their code.  Background: Sun's zlib packages
		do not support PARTIAL_FLUSH, making them close to worthless
		for doing compression of network streams.  We hacked around
		this using code on Sun's Bug Parade site (see
		the comments for ec/util/ 
		Sadly, it appears Sun has made further modifications to their
		(still broken) zlib packages, breaking the hack.  Now there is
		no way to use the packages, hack or no.  Instead, we may
		move to using jzlib, though we'd prefer not to be beholden
		to external packages if we can help it.  In the meantime,
		compression is out.
	Updated Makefile, for some reason ec/gp/koza/ had been deleted from
		the build.
	Merged MasterProblemServer and SlaveMonitor into one unified class.
	Added a eval/slave.params file, breaking it out from the existing
		eval/master.params file.
	Updated documentation on all classes in the eval directory, and
		heavily revised the README
	Renamed SlaveData to SlaveConnection
	Change the default for exchange's compression to false
	Bug in IslandModel: it was writing genotypes but reading indivdiuals.
		Set to read and write individuals.  May revisit this later to
		only read and write genotypes, though that'd require some
		undesireable retooling of ECJ's Individual methods.
	Bug in IslandModel: when an ideal individual was found, we were
		joining on the mailbox thread BEFORE sending the "found it"
		signal.  Furthermore, the thread was never interrupted so it'd
		keep on going until the end of a run  -- as a result the signal
		would never get sent. 
	Added verify(...) methods to GPIndividual, GPTree, and GPIndividual to
		make tracking down bugs in the breeders easier.
	Bug in GP: wasn't setting a tree's owner when it was being cloned in
		any of the breeders.  This ordinarily wouldn't have much of an
		effect on anything, but it needed to be fixed.
	Bug in MutateSwapPipeline: the argposition of the swapped subtrees was
		not being swapped as well. Thanks to Andrea Arcuri
	Added some efficiency to the new eval package by breaking the read/write
		slave connection threads into separate read and write threads.
	Both SimpleStatistics and KozaStatistics now print out, to the screen, 
		the best-of-generation fitness per-generation and the 
		best-of-run fitness at the end.
	Performed some refactoring on SPEA2Evalutor and SPEA2Breeder to make 
		them subclasses of SimpleEvaluator and SimpleBreeder, as they 
		were sharing a lot of code in common.  Hope we did it right.  
		Also made small changes to SimpleEvaluator and SimpleBreeder 
		to accommodate this.

18	P-P-P-Prerelease
	DEBreeder needs to have at least 4 individuals in a subpopulation in 
		order to work properly.  We weren't verifying this condition.  
		Thanks to Michael Hart 
	Updated GPNode.clone() to be exactly the same as 
		GPNode.cloneReplacing(), except that it returns object.  
		They're both deep-clone methods.  We retain 
		GPNode.cloneReplacing for historical compatability (and because
		it's convenient to not have to cast from Object).  In fact,
		clone() now just calls cloneReplacing().  We had prepared for 
		this in the previous version by putting up a big warning sign 
		on clone() to ward people off of using it as a light clone, as 
		it used to be.
	Removed,, and, rolling them into and now call describe() on 
		the individual regardless during finalStatistics
	NON-backward-compatible modification to SimpleProblemForm and
		GroupedProblemForm: added the subpopulation number(s) as an 
		argument to the evaluate and describe functions.  This is 
		intended to alleviate some nasty hacks in the distributed 
		evaluator.  We had tried to avoid doing it but just can't. 
		You'll have to add that argument (it's easy though) to get 
		your code to compile again.
	PseudoRoundRobin removed from CompetitiveEvaluator, it wasn't finished.
	Revamping of Slave code
	Added the NK, SAT, and HIFF problems
	Changed LinkedHashSet to HashSet in ParameterDatabase to conform with 
		JDK 1.3
	Added 'auto' as an option for the breed and eval threads.  This doesn't
		work right with the Console though, so for now it'll only be a
		command-line option.
	Added compression options back into the island model and distributed
		evaluator.  We've abandoned Sun's broken zlib code and have 
		instead gone with JZlib (  So as
		not to make ECJ reliant on JZlib for compiling, we're setting 
		up the streams dynamically using reflection in two new static 
		methods in Output (makeCompressedInputStream, 
		makeCompressedOutputStream).  ec.util.CompressingInputStream 
		and ec.util.CompressingOutputStream are hereby deleted.
	Updated to be a bit easier to implement, and with better docs.
	Subpopulation now has a default base:  ec.subpop   This marks the first
		actual use of the ECDefaults class.  Population doesn't have one
		yet, making it the only Group without one.  Because it'd be
		sort of a bit silly I guess, saying 'ec.pop...' instead of 
	Species wasn't including the default base for loading the Fitness.  
		Fixed.  Thanks to Peter Drake 
	Tweak to Console to fix parameters not being updated properly.  Thanks 
		to Bob Orchard 
	Eliminated the 'store' and 'flush' parameter options.  You can still 
		modify the Output's behavior programatically.  This change was 
		long overdue: these two features just added complexity to an 
		already too complex parameter file. 

19	Best. Prerelease. Ever.
	Modified ParameterDatabase's parseInt and parseLong methods to allow 
		double values ending in .0 to serve as legal numbers.
	Added Keith Sullivan to the contributors list
	Added GraphViz output to GP trees
	Bug fix in mixed-up warning messages in GPNodeBuilder
	Fixed Tutorial3 to reflect new population writing format.  Thanks to
		Myron Tuttle 
	Added ec.util.LocalHost class to replace known bug in Java's 
		getLocalHost method.  This class relies on the NetworkInterface
		class in Java 1.4, which is going to bump ECJ to require 1.4.  
		Thanks to Tomasz Nowak 
	Bumped classfile version in Makefile to 1.4 accordingly.
	Fixed erroneous documentation in FloatVectorSpecies and 
	Slight modification of spea2.Subpopulation.setup() archive size 
		allowance, thanks to Yow Tzu 
	eval.masterproblem must now be a proper subclass of 
		ec.eval.MasterProblem documentation updated
	removed vestigial canEaluate() from
	Added getDouble(...) and getFloat(...) to, 
		thanks to Krzysztof Krawiec 
	Made IPEInformation static and serializable.  Thanks to Michael Hart
	PSOBreeder now considers multiple subpopulations.  Thanks to Michael 
	Removed vestigial  Thanks to David Oranchak 
	Tweaks to Uniform to make it properly serializable.
	Further bug fixes in GPNodeBuilder error messages.  Thanks to David 
		Robert White ()
	Cleanups to documentation.  Thanks to Claes Gyllensward 
		 and James Obeirne 
	To save some memory, GP terminals share the same (size-zero) child 
		array.  The array is in GPNodeConstraints to be serializable.  
		That means there are a few of the arrays, but it doesn't matter.
	MultiObjectiveFitness allows the user to specify whether the objectives
		are to be maximized (default) or minimized.  This does not 
		affect any piece of code working previously.
	SPEA2 code has suffered multiple changes.  We believe that at this 
		point it behaves basically as described in Zitzler's 2001 paper.
		Any previously working code using this package should still 
		work, but you won't be able to replicate previous results.  
		Other than minor changes, refactoring and some optimizations, 
		the biggest change is in the density function (which, again, 
		is now fully compliant with Zitzler's specifications).
	Added SPEA2Statistics; it prints the objective values of all 
		individuals in the final Pareto front.
	Added, consiting of a number of popular Multi 
		Objective Optimization benchmark problems and the a params file.
        Added SUSSelection
	Bug fix to shuffling algorithm used in SUSSelection. We stopped one 
		element too early, so for small arrays the shuffling is 
		non-uniform (and for size-two arrays there was no shuffling at
		all).  Gagh.  For shuffling large numbers of items, the effect 
		was minimal.
	Refactoring in MultiObjectiveFitness:
		-parameter "num-objectives" was renamed "num-objectives"
	Refactoring in to make it similar to ecsuite:
		-package was renamed moosuite,
		-parameter "numvariables" was dropped, set the genome size 
		-genome consists of doubles instead of floats 
		-all problems were grouped  into one class:
		-new benchmark problems added: SCH, F2, F3(unconstrained), KUR,
			 FON, QV, POL.
	Minor modification to P_... changed to V_... to be 
	Missing closing 'bold' tag in vector documentation fixed
	Added setGenomeLength to BitVectorIndividual: it was missing
	KozaFitness.equivalentTo() and KozaFitness.betterThan() both call 
		fitness() instead of accessing fitness directly.  This puts the
		code in-line with SimpleFitness, making subclasses which 
		override the fitness() method easier to write. It's a
		little bit slower though.
	SimpleShortStatistics now outputs best individual etc. to stdout, 
		just like SimpleStatistics
	Added lots of new READMEs
	Tweak to Sum to compute the ideal fitness more properly
	Tweaks to Regression to output all elements as messages, etc.
	Document modifications to MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator
	Additions to de/README
	Fixes to the documentation in es.params
	CrossoverPipeline, MutationPipeline, and InternalCrossoverPipeline 
		have their verifyPoints function made public.
	Additions to spea2/README
	Added a warning about incorrect max and min gene lengths.  This makes
		list representations a little easier.  Changes to 
		FloatVectorSpecies, IntegerVectorSpecies, and VectorSpecies
	Bug fix to RuleCrossover's crossover procedure.
	Vestigial 'num-retries' removed from SteadyStateBreeder
	Reformated the CHANGES file to fit within 80 characters
	Added BoltzmannSelection and SigmaScalingSelection, both due to
		Jack Compton .
	Added ListCrossoverPipeline, due to Stephen Donelly 
	Added MultipleVectorCrossoverPipeline, due to Beenish Jamil
	Added the evolve package
	Added Line and Intermediate Recombination for all integer and
		float vector individuals.  Due to William Haddon
	Added random restarts to the evolve package.  Due to James O'Beirne
	Added distance measures to Individual and to various subclasses.  Due
		to Eric Kangas 

20      You call that a prerelease?  THIS is a prerelease.
	Added default parameter to FloatVector mutation.  Thanks to Elena
	Tweaks to Makefile for moosuite
	Modifications to Tutorial3 to reflect the new population loading
		mechanism.  Thanks to Bernd Beier 
	Tweaks to Tutorial3 and ecsuite to reflect additions of gaussian
	Tweaks to the error reporting in, Subpopulation, and 
	Bug fix to it wasn't calling its subtree at all.  This
		is a very old bug it would seem; though Lawnmower's less
		used.  Thanks to Randy Casstevens 
	Updates to start/README directory -- somehow we'd slipped in he
		MASON version, not the ECJ version.  Duh!  Thanks to
		Jeff Bassett 
	spurious breed.elites.0=1 parameter in tutorial1.params deleted
	Added the option for reevaluation of elites in SimpleBreeder.  Thanks
		to Vlad Palnik 
	Bug fix to GPNode.cloneReplacingAtomic(), thanks to 
		Michael Orlov 
	Tweeks and bug fixes to Moosuite
	The default seed.0 is now set to 'time' rather than 4357
	Bug fix to popn wasn't popping off more than one
		element in total. Thanks to Norberto Roth 
	GPProblem now implements SimpleProblemForm.  You'll need your own
		custom GPProblem to do GroupedProblemForm.
	KozaStatistics casts individuals to SimpleProblemForm rather than to
		GPProblem, making it work better with MasterProblem
	getFloat(... maxValue) and getDouble(... maxValue) deprecated.  Use
		getFloatWithMax and getDoubleWithMax instead.
	Added some new, shorter print and println commands to Output
	Added new printIndividual, printPopulation, printFitness, etc.
		methods which don't require verbosity to be stated.  Updated
		all code to use them.
	MasterProblem.describe() no longer throws an error if the underying
		Problem isn't a SimpleProblemForm.
	Bug fix to Slave.evaluateGroupedProblemForm, which wasn't reading in
		the 'countVictoriesOnly' bit, and which screwed up
		distributed coevolutionary stuff.
	Added a new hashtable to GPFunctionSet which hashes GPNodes by name
	TournamentSelection updated to allow any floating point value as
		a tournament size.  Tournament Selection variations not
		modified (yet).  Tournament Selection is central in ECJ;
		I hope this is correct!
	Verbosity deprecated everywhere.  This will be a non-backward-compatible
		change.  Next release we'll delete verbosity in its entirety.
	Modified SpatialTournamentSelection and SPEA2TournamentSelection to
		reflect new approach in TournamentSelection, namely the
		introduction of the getRandomIndividual method, which allows
		all three to use the same algorithm.
	Made master/slave and island model communication compressed by default
	Documentation improvements to ec.Species
	added ec/app/ecsuite/steady.params
	Subpopulation.printSubpopulationForHumans no longer uses Code.encode(...)
	Include describe(...) in ec.Problem so you don't have to type the default
		version all the time.  Also deleted it from because
		it's redundant as a result.
	Deleted the verbosity argument from describe(...).  This isn't backward
		compatible and will break EVERYONE's code but it was necessary
		as part of the anti-verbosity campaign.  Also reorganized the
		describe(...) method's argument ordering to be the same as
	Updated tutorials
	Added ListCrossoverPipeline (which was for some reason missing)
	BreedingSource.preparePipeline made non-abstract
	BreedingSource.DEFAULT_PRODUCED deleted
	Deprecated RandomChoice.pickFromDistribution(..., checkboundary), and
		deleted the CHECKBOUNDARY constant from various classes.
	Deleted BreedingSource.UNUSED
	Added MultiSelection.preparePipeline(...)
	Added two algorithms to VectorSpecies to set the initial genome to
		arbitrary sizes.
	Added documentation to the SteadyState package
	Deleted SteadyStateEvolutionState.P_STEADY, which was vestigial
	Changes to the methods in SteadyStateStatisticsForm
	Updated parameter documentation in VectorSpecies
	Deleted VectorGene.printGeneToString(EvolutionState) and made
		VectorGene.printGene(EvolutionState, PrintWriter) NON-deprecated.
		Instead, use printGeneToString().
	Made GPNode.verify(...) private.  Use GPTree.verify(...) or 
	Various documentation fixes
	Deprecated KozaStatistics.  koza.params now uses SimpleStatistics.
	KozaFitness.rawStatistics() deprecated.  KozaFitness now says
		"standardized= ..." rather than "raw=..." when printed out
		Also, the protected variable "fitness" has been renamed
		"standardizedFitness" to make it more clear what it really is.
	Deleted remaining parameters and documentation references to GPFuncInfo
	Deprecated cloneReplacing() [using clone() instead] and removed all uses
		of it.
	Internal changes to GPTree's print styles, deprecating certain paramters.
		Use of them will generate intentional errors.
	Deleted parameter, which used to refer
		to a GPData separate from the main one.  I don't think it's
		ever been used and should be cleaned up.  We now use the main
	Added a new split() method into ec.rule.RuleSet
	Commented out vestigial P_SIZE, SIZE_OF_BYTE, and CHECKBOUNDARY constants
		in RuleSetConstraints and RuleConstraints
	RuleSet.removeRule() changed so that the top rule isn't shifted into the
		old location (the ordering doesn't change).  This makes the
		operation O(n) however.
	Added RuleIndividual.mutate(...), and changed RuleMutationPipeline to use it.
	Renamed RuleSet.mutateRules(...) to RuleSet.mutate(...)
	rand-2-ways parameter choide changed to rand-2-way
	Deleted long-commented-out code in CompetitiveEvaluator
	Added 'trials' instance variable in Fitness
	Added 'countVictoriesOnly' parameter to both preprocessPopulation and
		postProcessPopulation in GroupedProblemForm
	Added "Subpopulation: ..." lines to SimpleStatistics
	Modifications to ec/app/coevolve1 so that it uses the average over trials
		rather than the maximum (a bug -- some situations allow different
		numbers of trials per Individual).
	Removed the eval.i-am-slave parameter.  It's still set, but automatically
		by when it's fired up.  You don't need to set it in your
		parameter file.
	select-to-die added to the README for island models
	Both synchronous and asynchronous island models now use per-island modulo and
		start times for migration, and can use the "base" settings if the
		per-island settings are not specified.  Synchronous island models 
		now synchronize on every single generation.
	All island model examples now use $ in front of their statistics file names
		to be consistent with other examples in ECJ.
	mailbox-capacity and size parameters for islands also now have default
		parameter base values.
	Added default base versions for several parameters in InterIslandExchange
	Bug fix to SimpleBreeder to handle populations that differ in size
	Likewise for DEBreeder
	Fixed several bugs in SpatialTournamentSelection and added a new parameter
		for selecting Individuals.
	Removed the locationToIndex and indexToLocation bijections in Space
	Total rewrite of MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator.  Untested.
	Bug fix to toroidal handling in Spatial1DSubpopulation
	Total rewrite of SpatialMultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator to be consistent
		with the new MulitPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator.
	Removed ABOUT.JDK13
	Added TournamentSelection.betterThan
	Revision of ProportionalTournamentSelection to be merged with new
		TournamentSelection facility.  Untested!
	Likewise for LexicographicTournamentSelection
	Added README about TeamBots
	VectorSpecies.setup() now checkes for a null genome size parameter
	Added name() method to GPNode, which by default calls toString().
	Deleted the ERC.ERC_PREFIX constant (which was "ERC", see next).
	Changed to return "ERC" by default rather than "" by default.
		Furthermore, various ERC methods no longer call ERC_PREFIX+name()
		but instead just call name()
	GPFunctionSet.nodesByName added, and hashes all nodes by name().
	Heavy revision of the Differential Evoluion system.  DEStatistics is gone,
		replaced with DEEvaluator.  Rand1ExpBreeder is gone.  The three
		remaining breeders (DEBreeder, Best1BinDEBreeder, Rand1EitherOrDEBreeder)
		have had their algorithms entirely revised with new parameters.  A
		de.params file has been added and the README file has been revised to
		help you out.  We cannot guarantee that the revisions didn't introduce
		bugs: but they appear to be working better than the versions before.
		The new algorithms are based on the Differential Evolution book and not
		on the authors' website, which has very different algorithms under the
		same names.
	Fix to FloatVectorSpecies: it now checks to see if the genome length was defined
	All examples in ecsuite now run for 1000 generations
	Revisions to SteadyStateEvolutionState's main loop to be more consistent with the
		SimpleEvolutionState loop:  checkpointing now occurs immediately after
		increasing the generation; and postEvaluationStatistics and
		generationBoundaryStatistics now happen at the top of the loop.
	evolve.RandomRestarts now restarts on either preEvaluationStatistics or
	Bug fix in all VectorIndivdual subclasses' setGenomeLength: was bombing
	Updates to VectorSpecies, IntegerVectorSpecies, and FloatVectorSpecies which
		does additional warnings (and reduces certain warnings) when doing
		min/max gene access when doing dynamic initialization.
	VectorIndividual.genomeLength() now returns an int
	Added ec/gp/ge package and ec/gp/ge/breed package.  These packages are initial
		versions: expect them to be updated
	Added ec/app/ant/ge.params and ec/app/ant/ant.grammar for GE version of Ant
	Added ec/app/regression/ge.params and ec/app/regression/regression.grammar for
		GE version of Regression
	Added ec/vector/
	Major change to ADF naming.  ADF's name argument must now be descriptive, such
		as "ADF0" rather than "0".  When an ADF is printed out, it used to be
		printed as "ADF" + name + "[" + tree + "]".  It's now just printed as
		name().  The 'functionName' instance variable is renamed to 'name', and
		the name() function is introduced which by default returns just 'name'.
		The toString() function by default calls name().
	Major change to ADFArgument naming.  ADFArgument now has a 'name' instance
		variable and function like ADF does above, and toString() now simply
		calls name() (rather than what it used to do, which is return 
		"ARG"+argument).  This 'name' instance is set with the same parameter
		as ADF's naming mechanism: the 'name' parameter.
	Major change to ADM naming.  Set to be identical to how ADFs are named.  This
		means that if you don't provide a name, it'll appear as "ADF0" or whatnot
		instead of as "ADM0".  You should provide a name.
	Various updates to ge package to support ADFs
	GE examples added/revised in ant, regression (with ERCs) and Lawnmower (with ADFs)
	Updated koza.params to use the default parameter bases for ADFStack and
	Made Fitness and Individual Comparable
	Major changes to MultiObjectiveFitness, including new function paretoDominates
	Additional utility methods added to Code
	Added NSGA2
	Large changes to SPEA2 package
	Added 'likelihood' parameter to all BreedingPipelines
	Updated tutorial 2 to reflect the 'likelihood' parameter
	Added a warning to be output regarding crossover-probability
	Changed crossover-probability to only be between 0.0 and 0.5
	Bug fix to Line Recombination (all data types), which was going into infinite
		loops do to a while loop rather than an if-statement
	REVERSION: FloatVectorIndividual and DoubleVectorIndividual used to adjust the
		Gaussian Mutation standard deviation according to the max - min
		difference on a per-gene basis.  This is no longer done: there is now
		only one standard deviation regardless of gene min/max values.
	Added Polynomial Mutation to FloatVectorIndividual and DoubleVectorIndividual
	Added Simulated Binary Crossover (SBX) to FloatVectorIndividual and
	Updated copyright information on many parameter files
	Added BBOB
	Added The ECJ Owner's Manual
	Migrated to SVN on Google Code
	Deleted teambots directory
	Removed ParameterDatabaseListener and ParameterDatabaseAdapter
	Got GUI working, sort of, with seeds but it's still flakey with jobs
	Revised code to not use exists(Parameter) anymore, but rather to use
		exists(Parameter, Parameter)
	Fixed bug which was preventing -p from working on the command line, oops
	Added GPData.clone()
	Tweaked manual to discuss GPData.copyTo() and GPData.clone() in more
		detail.  Thanks to Wei He 
	Removed flushing as an option in Output
	Added new initialize method
	Changed Polynomial bounded mutation parameter to bounded-polynomial-version
	Added new option to mutate outside of gene bounds for floating-point
	Made GPData.copyTo() return void
	Added mutation bounding to the various DE Breeders
	Modifications to ecsuite to enable its use in coevolutionary contexts.
	Added in coevolve2 to demonstrate the item above.
	Major modifications to GE package, thanks to Houston Mooers
	Added GPIndividual.printTrees(...) to help out GE
	Added out of range retries to polynomial mutation.
	Changed the parameter bounded-polynomial-version to alternative-polynomial-version	
		in FloatVectorSpecies
	Changed the variable outOfRangeRetries to outOfBoundsRetries in FloatVectorSpecies
	Added Evolve.primeGenerator() to prime the Mersenne Twister a bit.  MT's first
		624 numbers are generated using a simple linear congruential generator.
		Only after that does MT go through its first iteration.  Priming the
		generator pushes it through two iterations to guarantee more randomness.
		This is almost certainly cargo cult programming -- those first 624 numbers
		are generally reasonably good, but it doesn't hurt, so we're doing it.  Also
		modified locations in ECJ which create new MersenneTwisterFast objects to
		call Evolve.primeGenerator() whenever they do so.

21	Prerelease?  What Prerelease?
	Improvement on ParameterDatabase's error messages regarding classes missing
		no-argument (default) constructors, so they're indicated as such and not as
		"interfaces" or "abstract classes".  Thanks to J. Alejandro Zepada Cortes
	Deleted some print junk in coevolve2
	Changed Fitness.trials to an ArrayList pointer
	Modified CompetitiveEvaluator.evalSingleElimination to consider ties so we don't
		have to.
	Addition of context to Fitness, and several new methods and revisions in Fitness,
		Individual, and Job which should make distributed evaluation work 
		propertly with coevolution.	
	Updated coevolve1 to revised approach
	Removed vestigial 'birthday' in Individual
	Modifications to coevolve2 to keep trial #0 as the "best" trial
	Manual updated to reflect new coevolution mechanism
	CoevolutionaryDoubleVectorIndividual deleted
	Bug fixes to MultiPopCoevolutionaryEvaluator
	Bug fix in Fitness.bestTrial would only work properly if trial values were positive
	Added Sum to ECSuite
	Deleted CoevolutionaryRosenbrock
	Modified CoevolutionaryECSuite to use Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY rather than
	Modifications to coevolve2/ecsuite.params to make parameters equivalent to
	Added Product and Schwefel to ECSuite
	Modified ECSuite so that Griewangk and Schwefel are scaled to fit into [-5.12, 5.12]
		so as to be comparable with other fitness functions.
	Modified Evolve so it doesn't catch errors in jobs; this doesn't work right with
		the most common error (out of memory)
	griewangk -> griewank
	Added sequential breeding to SimpleBreeder, though it's not implemented in most
		SimpleBreeder subclasses.
	Removed the deletion of trials in the coevolution examples, and added requirement
		that in postProcessPopulation the fitness is only updated if the individual
		doesn't have his evaluated flag set.
	Added sequential evaluation to the Coevolution system. Modified stats files,
		evaluators, etc.
	Modified GroupedProblemForm to require additional parameters to enable sequential
		evaluation.  Had to be done, sorry.
	Bug fixes to SimpleBreeder's handling of elites when doing sequential breeding
	Modifications to ECSuite to make its standard ranges more standard, and added
		San Marino problem 
	Major change to SimpleShortStatistics: added the "do-subpops" parameter, which is
		by default FALSE.  If it is FALSE, then only per-population statistics
		are printed (this is new).  If it is TRUE, then per-subpopulation statistics
		are printed, one per subpopulation, followed by the per-population statistics.
		It used to be that only per-subpopulation statistics were printed.  This
		enables large numbers of subpopulations (like 100) to use SimpleShortStatistics
		without generating giant files.
	Also deprecated the "gather-full" parameter and instead include "do-size" and "do-time"
		in SimpleShortStatistics.
	Also changed the columns in SimpleShortStatistics.
	Double-check that subpopulations are the right size during sequential breeding.
	Fixed error in nsga2.params which erroneously said you had to use 
		NSGA2TournamentSelection.  Thanks to Vinh Dang .
	'reevaluate-elites' parameter in SimpleBreeder incorrectly misspelled as
		'reevalate-elites', oops.
	Bug fix to SimpleBreeder.markElitesEvaluated to properly unmark more than one elite.
		Thanks to Jeroen Lappenschaar  and Mart Hagenaars
	Bug fix to CompetitiveMaxOnes demo, which was dividing too many times to average.
		Thanks to Joey Harrison 
	Removed a few references to gather-full in statistics demos
	Big revisions to SimpleShortStatistics and its relationships to KozaShortStatistics
	Deleted San Marino Problem
	Default run-evolve setting for ec/eval/slave.params set to false
	Removed EdgeShortStatistics
	Added some code for optionally sending information over a stream to a Slave to set it up
		from the Master
	Bug fix to escapes in, thanks to Ben Stabile 
	Made GPNodeConstraints.setup, GPTreeConstraints.setup, and GPNode.verify non-final
	Added ec.util.ThreadPool
	Slave now does non-evolve evals in a multithreaded fashion if asked to
	Added facility for NOT cloning the breeding pipeline, population, or problem, to make
		single-state evolution faster.  By default you should ignore this parameter
		(in SimpleBreeder and SimpleEvaluator).  Expect this facility to change over 
		time before it becomes official.
	Added Population.clear() and Subpopulation.clear()
	Made ParameterDatabase.directoryFor private
	Deleted ParameterDatabase.fileFor
	Deleted ParameterDatabase.listeners
	Deleted ParameterDatase.filename
	Added ParameterDatsabase.label and getLabel()
	Redefined getLocation() to return a parameter database rather than a String
	Modified Evolve.loadParameterDatabase to allow -from and -at parameters to specify
		loading from a parameter file stored as a resource rather than from an
		explicit file.
	Added 'make jar' to Makefile
        ec/app/regression/ can now load data points from a file.
	Modified ec/app/ant/, ec/app/edge/ and ec/app/ to use
		the new resource loading option
	Modified ec/, ec/pso/, ec/gp/ge/,
		and ec/evolve/ to use the new resource loading option
	Modifications to Tutorial 4 to stay current with recent changes in ECJ.
	Added GPNode.expectedChildren(), and modified GPNode.checkConstraints to call it
		to simplify the code for making a GPNode.  Modified all the tutorials and
		demo examples accordingly.  Tweaked ADFArgument and ERC to have an
		expectedChildren of 0 (ADFArgument always, ERC typically).  Did not add
		into ADF, which uses checkConstraints on its own.  Modified the manual
		to describe the new function.
	Bug fixes to SUSSelection.  Thanks to Uday Kamath 
	Updated MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast to allow full-open, half-open
		(both directions) and fully-closed intervals for nextDouble and nextFloat
	Updated Benchmarks and Regression to generate points from fully-closed intervals
	Added MultiObjectiveFitness.getRankings(...)
	SteadyStateEvolutionState now calls postEvaluationStatistics at the end of the run
		if more than zero individuals were evaluated since the last call to the
		same method.  Thanks to Kenneth Bogert 
	Improvements and bugfixes to PSOBreeder.  Thanks to Kenneth Bogert 
	DoubleVectorIndividual bugfix: intermediate recombination was immediately also
		calling simulated binary crossover (due to a missing break statement).
		Thanks to Kenneth Bogert 
	Improvements to the GUI.  Thanks to Kenneth Bogert 
	Document fixes to Tutorial 2 and Tutorial 3
	Added new Population option to initialize from a file, just like
		Subpopulation does.
	Removed vestigial references to 0xffffffff in MersenneTwister and
		MersenneTwisterFast.  Thanks to Bruce Haxton 
	Bugfix to GeneVectorIndividual.setGenomeLength(...) which was filling
		the wrong genome when the length was being increased.  Thanks
		to Ben Stable 
	Added checkpoint-directory parameter to specify the location of written
		checkpoints.  At this point this parameter has NOT been added to the GUI,
		just to the command-line (sorry). 
	Deprecated 'prefix' as a parameter.  You should instead use 'checkpoint-prefix'.
		This also hasn't been added to the GUI, just to the command-line.  This
		is deprecation -- you can still use 'prefix' for now, but you get a warning
	RegERC.toStringForHumans() now writes out the value as a double, not a float
	Fixed GUI so it works properly again with the revised version of
		ParameterDatabase.getLocation(...).  Thanks to David White 
	Modification to which breaks out initialize() into an
		initialize() and a buildOutput(), allowing us to customize the
		output generation.
	Added a Log.muzzle variable for Log.  ECJ had yanked out all of the
		verbosity stuff, but we should have probably kept at *least*
		the ability to have zero verbosity.  Note that Log.muzzle may
		be changed at a future date.
	GPNode.makeLispTree now uses StringBuffers rather than Strings to dump the tree.
	Output.log(...) -> Output.getLog(...)
	GEIndividual now prints out a list of ERC mappings for each byte used
		as an ERC in the genome.
	Bugfix in GESpecies: ERCs are based on the *next* gene index, not the
		current one.
	GEIndividual now prints out "Equivalent GP Individual:" instead of "Equivalent Tree:"
	Bugfixes in regression/
	RuleInitializer was not properly setting up the rule set constraints and repository.
		Thanks to Houston Mooers 
	Updates to certain Crossover and Mutation operators in GP to allow for a maximum 
		size parameter.
	Fixes to DEBreeder and related breeders, such that new individuals are cloned from
		the prototype and not from other individuals.  This was causing evaluated
		flags to be never cleared.  Thanks to Andreas Meier 
	Fixed bug in RuleSet.removeRule() which was crashing because the wrong size array
		was being copied down to delete a rule.  Thanks to David Gagne
	ec/de/de.params no longer has simple.params as a parent.
	ecsuite/de.params no longer specifies a generations.  It's specified in 
	bbob/de.params set up just like ecsuite/de.params
	bbob/bbob.params revised to work more or less like ecsuite/ecsuite.params
	BBOB problem now has a new parameter: reevalaute-noisy-individuals, which lets
		you specify if you want to reevalaute individuals which have noise.
	Statistics objects now print out fitness values on-screen for the best individual
		of population even if its evaluated flag wasn't set.
	BBOB no longer uses "noise" as a global parameter, but rather uses 
	Revisions to bbob/bbob.params documentation
	Changed default GP regression benchmark to Vladislavleva-1
	Added  Thanks to Uday Kamath
	Revised Benchmarks.buildIntervalPoints to handle floating-point error
		building up in interval calculation.
	Updated the README, which was far far out of date
	Added documentation on SimpleEvaluator's clone-problem parameter and on
		SimpleBreeder's clone-pipeline-and-population parameter
	Simplification of ADFContext.  No longer prebuilds arguments and no longer
		uses GPData except at runtime.
	GPData is now no longer abstract, for those problems which define no data
		at all to transfer between GPNodes (like Artificial Ant)
	Accordingly, ec/app/ant/ is deleted
	Previously the GPProblem held a GPData object called "data", which was cloned
		to be used by the ADF system.  But at the same time various GPProblem
		subclasses in applications also created a GPData object, called "input",
		which was of exactly the same class.  This stupidity is a bit dangerous.
		Since the "input" convention is so widespread, we have merged these two
		by calling the GPData instance "input".  Accordingly, the various demo
		applications have been modified (in their setup and evaluate and
		describe methods) to verify that "input" is of the right class and to
		cast it into the proper class at evaluation time.
	ADFContext parameters now officially deleted.  They'd been long deprecated.
	Updated MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
	MultiobjectiveFitness now specifies objective maximization on a per-objective
		basis rather than for all objectives.  Accordingly, the maximize variable
		has been changed to an array, and the isMaximizing() function has been
		deprecated and replaced with an isMaximizing(objective) function.  A new
		parameter has ben added to allow maximization on a per-objective basis.
		The maximization variable is now shared among all instances from the same
		prototype just like the minimum and maximum variables are.  This doesn't
		effect either NSGA2 or SPEA2.
	Bug fix in VectorSpecies to bug introduced when simulate binary crossover was 
		added: uniform crossover always has zero probability.  Thanks to
		Peter Lanze .
	Updated MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast again
	Added the gpsemantics, klandscapes, lid, ordertree, and royaltree problems by
		James McDermott  and Luca Manzoni
		 as part of
	ParameterDatabase.removeDeeply is now deprecated.
	New sections added to Manual about integration.
	ec.vector.VectorGene hereby renamed to ec.vector.Vector.  Also the
		default base for ec.vector.VectorGene changed from
		"vector.vect-gene" to "vector.gene".  
		ec.vector.Vector.P_VECTOR_GENE made private and deprecated
		to force the issue.
	Added a little double-checking on reading vector individuals from files
	Added a help message (see  java ec.Evolve -help  )
	Modified the version message to add new contributors
	Fixed bug where parameter files could be loaded as resources ("-from ...")
		only when the resource URL was a file path, not a Java path.  This is
		due to some stupidity on part of Sun's Java URL code.   
	Added ability to specify, in Steady State, the probability that an incoming
		individual will directly replace an individual marked for death as
		opposed to only replacing it if the incoming individual is superior.
	Removed spurious references to "MyDoubleTournamentSelection" in
	Added Random Walk mutation to IntegerVectorSpecies, and moved the default
		mutator to Reset mutation -- it's still the default but you'll get
		a warning if you don't explicitly set it.
	Added ideal individual checking to KLandscapes
	Added additional features to SimpleStatistics
	Modifications to the multithreading of SimpleBreeder, SimpleEvaluator, and
		MuCommaLambdaBreeder so they properly handle situations when the
		number of individuals is less than the thread size, and also
		distribute extra slop among the early threads rather than piling
		it all up in the final thread.
	Fixed double-checking bug in ADF which wasn't checking the right number
		of trees for the ADF.
	Deleted vestigial DEFAULT_SIZE constant from all tournament selection
	Complete revision of BestSelection.  Now restricts to the N best or worst,
		then does a tournament selection among them (picking the best
		or worst as appropriate).  The default tournament size is 1
		(picking randomly among the N).
	Added options to Subpopulation reading from files.
	Tweaks to ec/eval/Slave's output
	Output now has the option of either quitting on an error or fatal, or 
		instead throwing an Output.OutputExitException
	Daemon mode added to ec/eval/Slave
	Removed some vestigial parameters in ec/eval/Slave
	Output.ALL_LOGS changed to Output.ALL_MESSAGE_LOGS
	Output.NO_LOGS added
	KozaStatistics is hereby deleted
	Added setToMeanOf, setToMedianOf, and setToBestOf
	Bug fix to various FloatVectorIndividual and DoubleVectorIndividual reset
		and mutation operators, which were using the half-open interval
		[minVal, maxVal) instead of the full-open interval.
	Parameter.push("") now does nothing (rather than tacking a "." at the end).
		This allows situations where you can push nothing on rather than
		something specific.
	Bugfix to Polynomial mutation, which now properly uses the mutation index
		as its eta_m
	Per-gene and per-segment mutation methods and mutation parameters created
		for all VectorIndividual subclasses.
	Gene parameter accessor methods added for all vector species.
	DoubleVectorIndividual and FloatVectorIndividual can now handle
		heterogeneous types.
	Tweak to mutation rate in Sum
	Due to the addition of per-gene bounding in vectors, DEBreeder now always
		creates fully bounded individuals.  We might loosen that constraint
		in the future.
	Tweaks to Tutorial 2 to reflect per-gene mutation probability
	Added per-generation description to SimpleStatistics
	eval.slave-name is renamed to
	eval.runtime is renamed to eval.slave.runtime is renamed to
	eval.slave.muzzle added to Slave to prevent it from printing to the screen
	Added rotated Griewank as a problem in ecsuite
	Population and Subpopulation now properly check for load-inds conflicts
	Added some flexibility to setting mu and lambda in ES
	Added Langerman to ECSuite
	Bug fixes and improvemdnts to RandomRestarts, which also no longer works
		with Steady State (for the time being).
	Added elite-frac to Subpopulation, and a method for determining the number
		of elites in general.
	Added fraction mechanism to BestSelection
	elite-frac changed to elite-fraction in SimpleBreeder
	n-frac changed to n-fraction in BestSelection
	BitVectorSpecies added.  It is now the species for BitVectorIndividual
	BitVectorIndividual now has TWO kinds of mutation: flip and reset. Flip
		is the default (as it was before, when it had no name).
	Duplicate retries to vector gene mutation.  
	Added merge and num-tests to SimpleEvaluator, and discussion of
		noisy distributed problems
	Fixed bug in Polynomial Mutation which only arises when the gene is
		*unbounded*.  Thanks to Mark Coletti 
	StringBuffer replaced with StringBuilder in GPNode
	Documenation fixes to PTC2 and Uniform
	Added the push facility and the ec/app/push example app
	Modified the Makefile to add a "make push" option
	Updated MersenneTwisterFast and MersenneTwister to version 21
	Added serialVersionUID to various classes
	Increased minimum java version to 1.5
	Added null checking to multiple equals() methods
	Changed usage of StringBuffer to StringBuilder
	Speeded up genotypeToString in various VectorIndividuals
	Fixed fall-through on new BitVectorIndividual mutation mechanism
	Tweak to all VectorIndividuals, removing useless code that copies the
		gene value back during mutation.
	Evolve.primeGenerator pulses one more time (624 * 2 + 1) for good
		measure.  This will cause results to differ from previous
	Added ec.eval.MetaProblem
	Promoted 'evaluations' as a parameter for EvolutionState; now both
		SimpleEvolutionState and SteadyStateEvolutionState understand it
	In SteadyStateEvolution, the minimum number of evaluations must be
		equal to the sum of all individuals in the population (it
		used to be, incorrectly, just subpopulation 0).
	Bug fixes to comments of PAGIE1 and to implementation of PAGIE2.
		Thanks to Tom Helmuth 
	Revision to SimpleEvaluator to allow for fine-grained multithreaded
		evaluation.  Slight tweaks to SteadyStateEvaluator to be
		consistent with it.  Thanks to Ralf Buschermöhle 
		 for the idea and impetus.
	Fixed minor documentation errors
	Added Khaled Talukder as a major contributor
	Added majority problem
	n-frac changed to n-fraction in BestSelection documentation and errors
	Removed hack in SlaveConnection
	Made parameters.exists(param) deprecated.  Updated RandomRestarts
	Fixed bug in duplicate retries on all vector individuals	
	KozaFitness checks for negative fitnesses now even though it should
		be impossible.
	missing maximize[] array restored in MultiobjectiveFitness
	missing randomWalkProbability[] array restored in IntegerVectorSpecies
	Added Lennard-Jones problem to ecsuite	
	nguyen-11 and nguyen-12 removed from Benchmarks, and nguyen-9 and
		nguyen-10 corrected in terms of range and sample points
	lunacek added to ecsuite
	Added mona
	NSGA2Fitness and SPEA2Fitness printing changed so auxillary elements
		are on their own lines and properly set up with preambles
	Revised pso package
	Added pso.params to ecsuite
	Added PSO section to the manual

22 Prerelease, Shmerelease

	A deprecated form of Individual.printIndividual(...) had an infinite loop
	Added reading/writing to Particle.  One gotcha is that because the global
		data is stored not in Particle but in PSOBreeder, it can't get
		written or read.
	FloatVectorIndividual.reset() had cases mixed up, resulting in integer
		resets being made.  Thanks to Brendan Poole 
	ThreadPool now serializable (d'oh!).  Thanks to Brendan Poole
	Added MultiObjectiveFitness.setToMeanOf and turned off setToBestOf
		and setToMedianOf
	job-size and max-jobs-per-slave parameters in MasterProblem have been
		both set to 1 by default.
	Further modifications to get Threadpool serialization working.
		PoolThread is now no longer an inner class, and the LinkedList
		of PoolThreads is officially transient  Thanks to J. Alejandro 
		Zepeda Cortes 
	Changes to the vector crossover procedures.  Previously we were
		permitting crossover at any locus including at either end.
		Now by default we permit crossover only at the beginning,
		and have a new option ("nonempty") to deny crossover at the
	Fix to ParameterDatabse to properly allow files to be loaded relative
		to classes.  Thanks to Brendan Poole <
	GESpecies wasn't closing the stream used to read in grammars.  Thanks
		to Robert Baruch 
	Fix to tutorial1 and tutorial2 documentation and parameter file, which 
		was using crossover-prob incorrectly and not specifying the 
	Revisions to the verbosity system.  'muzzle' is renamed to 'silent'
		everywhere.  Various statistics objects have additional new
		options for quieting them.  The MetaProblem and Slave objects
		have had their options revised as well, as has Evolve.
	Added Output.initialWarning(...)
	When a slave disconnects, the SlaveConnection now does a join on the
		read and write threads to the remote slave rather than letting
		them die on their own.
	Removed a spurious print statement in which was causing
		every single individual to get printed to the screen in PSO.
	SimpleEvaluatorThreadCG renamed to SimpleEvaluatorThread
	ec.util.ThreadPool added, and various threading methods now use it. 
		This cuts down on the threads created, which causes ECJ to
		be less likely to tickle bugs in the underlying Java or
		operating system due to too many constructed threads.
		Thanks to Ralf Buschermöhle 
	Bugfix to Subpopulation.populate(...), which wasn't reading
		subpopulations from files properly if they were precisely the
		right size.  Thanks to Doug 
	Bugfix to documentation for Tutorial1, which was still using
		VectorSpecies instead of BitVectorSpecies.  Thanks to
		Fabian Kostadinov 
	Fixes to ThreadPool to make it serializable again (it got deserializable
		when we moved it into its own class in ec/util)
	Minor fixes to documentation.  Thanks to J. Alejandro Zepeda Cortes 
	Fixed ThreadPool monitor state bug introduced when refactoring, oops
	Minor renaming in ThreadPool
	Added Exchanger.process(...) method to allow incoming individuals
		to be processed by the user in some custom fashion prior to being
		accepted into the population.
	All VectorIndividual subclasses now check to see if the individuals
		are the same length when doing crossover.  If not, a warning
		is issued and crossover is only done up to the minimum length
		in common.
	Added ec.breed.InitializationPipeline
	Removed old deprecated methods in Species
	Added ec/app/coevolve2/coevolve2.params (which was broken) and removed
		ec/app/coevolve2/ecsuite.params.  Thanks to David Pinheiro 
	GEProblem can now handle either GPIndividuals or GEIndividuals. Yes,
		that's an exceptionally unusual and rare need.
	De-finalized methods in KozaFitness.  Thanks to Doug 
	InterPopulationExchange now clones its migrants
	Tweaks to SteadyStateEvolutionState to properly print the last statistics
		information out for the final generation
	Removed a vestigial setup() call in VectorSpecies
	ListCrossoverPipeline handles 2-point crossover with more uniform choices
		of loci (using rejection sampling).
	GE now can handle wrapping of genomes when they produce oversize trees
	Fixed problem where GE mapping wasn't bothering to set the argposition or
		parent of the GPnodes.  This didn't cause problems unless we were
		doing strongly typed GP.
	Changes to Exchanger.process(...) so it does processing on migration 
		rather than on IMmigration.
	ParameterDatabase.getClassForParameter(...) now returns Classes, not
		Objects, as its return type.
	Bug fix to SimpleEvaluator.expand(), which was setting a local variable
		rather than an instance variable, resulting in a null pointer
		exception on contract().  Thanks to Eric 'Siggy' Scott 
	KozaFitness now uses standardized rather than adjusted fitness to do
		comparison (equivalentTo, betterthan), to reduce floating point
		errors.  Thanks to Raymond Shpeley 
	MAJOR BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: we have updated all use of floats
		in ECJ fitnesses to doubles.  This involved changing not only
		the fitness classes but certain selection methods and all of
		the application demos so they don't unnecessarily cast into
		floats in the first place.
	Updates to tutorial4
	Bug fix to IntegerVectorIndividual, which properly handles mutation
		probabilities in random sized individuals
	Same for BitVectorIndividual and GeneVectorIndividual
	RegERC's hash function modified to include doubles
	MAJOR BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: further updates of floats to
		doubles, this time in most other cases (random distributions,
		etc.) throughout ECJ.
	P_TRUNCATION in ec/gp/ge/breed/GETruncationPipeline now set to
		"truncation" rather than "truncate"
	Added ec/gp/ge/breed/
	Added hooks to ListCrossoverPipeline to simplify and unify
	Heavy revisions to GE package to allow conversions back and forth
		between GE and GP trees
	Removed GPNode.nodeInPosition(int, GPNodeGatherer, int).  It is now
		private, and certain more rational cover functions are
		available in its place.
	Added GPNode.iterator(...) methods
	Added new GPNode.numNodes(...) method.
	GPNodeGatherer is now abstract.
	Whenever ParameterDatabase loads a class using Class.forName(...),
		it now instead uses Class.forName(..., , true, 
		This solves an obscure and rare bug where, if you place the
		ecj.jar file in the Extension Classes location on your
		computer (such as /Library/Java/Extension/ on a Mac) rather
		than in the CLASSPATH, the ParameterDatabase cannot load
		classes normally found in the CLASSPATH because it has been
		assigned a different ClassLoader than they have.  Java's
		class loading model is bizarre and arcane.
	ECSuite now allows you to specify the rotation seed
	Fix to NSGA2Breeder, which was breeding the wrong individuals if
		multiple subpopulations were used (an unusual case).  Thanks
		to Torsten Hildebrandt 
	Parallel slaves now construct names for themselves using unique
	Fixed a bug in SlaveConnection which was causing slaves to hang
		on quitting.  This was because the writeLoop thread was
		waiting on the jobs monitor, but when interrupted it couldn't
		retrieve all of its previous mutexes, so it would block;
		but the method which had interrupted it, and was holding
		on to the mutexes, then did a join on the thread, so they
		were waiting for each other.  Similarly, in readLoop
		the code synchronized on allSlaves, which the shutdown
		thread was potentially inside when trying to kill the 
		readLoop.  Thanks to Eric Scott 
	SteadyStateEvolutionState now properly checks for steady state
		statistics objects.  Thanks to Eric Scott 
	Asynchronous Evolution now can forget about lost jobs when
		slaves drop out of sight.
	ecj.jar is now generated in jar/ecj.${VERSION}.jar now serializable and writeObject() made private was not properly trimming a string now serializable and static
	Removed ec.coevolve.CompetitiveEvaluator.IndividualAndVictories
	ControlPanel.getNumJobs() now catches a NumberFormatException
	ControlPanel.getThreadCount(...) now catches a NumberFormatException
	ControlPanel.loadSeeds() now catches a NumberFormatException
	IslandExchange.setupServerFromDatabase() null check removed 
	IslandExchange.IslandExchangeIslandInfo made static
	ADFContext was checking for ADFs vs. ADMs using instanceof ADF; but
		an ADM is an instanceof ADF
	SizeFairCrossoverPipeline.NodeInfo made static
	SizeFairCrossoverPipeline.RouletteWheelSelector made static
	RandTree.ArityObject made static and public
	Extensions to Particle.equals(...)
	GESpecies.BigTreeException made static
	Added (essentially empty) Particle.hashCode()
	Ruleset.addRule no longer checks if numRules == 0
	SimpleBreeder.EliteComparator made static
	Output.println and Output.print now indicate the correct log
		number when throwing exceptions
	Output.getThrowsErrors() made synchronized
	Output.Announcement made static
	ParameterDatabase._getShadowedValues made synchronized
	ThreadPool.joinAll() if changed to while for wait()
	Minor fixes kicked up by FindBugs.  FindBugs finds a lot of non-bugs.
		For future reference, command was:
		./fb analyze -sortByClass ~/java/ecj/jar/ecj.22.jar |& \
		grep -v "Unchecked/unconfirmed cast" | \
		grep -v "default encoding" | \
		grep -v "may expose internal representation" | \
		grep -v "isn't final but should be refactored to be so" | \
		grep -v "+ in a loop" | \
		grep -v "should be package protected"
	All bad default cases now throw fatal just in case
	ec/app/async removed
	ec/app/coevolve2/coevolve1.params renamed to coevolve2.params
	Typo fix to ec/app/coevolve2/coevolve2.params
	GUI should now properly handle default subpopulations
	Bug fix to mona.params, which was using "$" file names for its images
	Modified SimpleBreeder.usingElites method so it considers elites of
		0 number as "not using" (which is correct)
	Fix to over-zealous default inclusion in
	Bug fixes to some errors in the byte->int revision of the ge package
	Added bit-flip mutation to SAT
	SAT now properly loads filenames, not strings, from the parameters
	spatialcoevolve.params now runs using default subpops
	Various bugfixes to ecsuite/es.params
	Changes "muzzle" to "silent" in various params files

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