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Telekom-workflow-engine web console, REST services and JMX interface for monitoring and interacting with the running engine.

The newest version!
/* =base
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* headings */

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ol ul,
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sub {
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/* embedded */

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/* =classes
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/* =layout
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/* =header
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* portal */

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/* logged-in */

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#login {
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#login {
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#user strong {
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#login-options h2 {
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#login-options p.input {
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#login-options p.input label {
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#login-options {
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#login-options select {
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#login-options .action {
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#login-options .action a {
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    margin: 5px 5px 0 0;

/* =nav
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#nav {
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#nav > ul > li {
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#nav a:focus {
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#nav .active a {
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#nav .arrow {
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.subnav {
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/* =content
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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#content optgroup,
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/* =subnav
-------------------------------------------------- */
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/* =box
-------------------------------------------------- */
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h1 + .box {
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.box input,
.box select,
.box optgroup,
.box textarea,
.box td,
.box th {
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.box table:first-child {
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.box .box-header {
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.box .box-header .nav,
.box .box-header .nav {
.box .box-header .nav,
.box .box-header .nav {
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.box .box-header .nav {
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.box-expander .box-content {
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/* more */

p.more {
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    text-align: right;
} + p.more {
    border-top: none !important;

/* messages */

ul.msg {
    margin: 10px -17px -10px;
    border-top: 1px solid #eee;
    font-size: 13px;
ul.msg li {
    padding: 11px 17px 15px;
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ul.msg li:first-child {
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ul.msg p {
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ul.msg .meta {
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ul.msg .meta a {
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/* =#head
-------------------------------------------------- */
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#head h1,
#head h2 {
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#head .actions {
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#head .alt {
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#head .close {
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#head .close span {
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#head .close:hover span,
#head .close:focus span {
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.head {
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.head h3 {
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.head .more,
.head .actions {
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.box .head .more,
.box .head .actions {
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.box .head + .data {
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.box .head + .box-inner > .data:first-child {
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.box .head + .dataTables_wrapper {
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.box .head + .box-inner > .dataTables_wrapper:first-child {
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.box .head + ul.msg,
.box .head + ul.products {
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/* box-2 */

.box-2 {
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.box-2 h2,
.box-2 h3 {
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.box-2 .form-data,
.box-2 .form {
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/* box-inner */

.box-inner {
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h1 + .box-inner,
h2 + .box-inner {
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h1 + .box-inner > :first-child,
h2 + .box-inner > :first-child,
h1 + .box-inner > :first-child > .data,
h2 + .box-inner > :first-child > .data {
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/* =controls
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
textarea {
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html input[type="button"],
input[type="submit"] {
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input[type="password"] {
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input[type="password"] {
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input[type="file"] {
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select {
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select[multiple] {
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optgroup {
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input[type="password"]:focus {
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.options label,
input[type="checkbox"] {
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textarea[readonly] {
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input[type="radio"][disabled] + label,
input[type="checkbox"][disabled] + label {
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input[type="password"][disabled] {
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input[type="checkbox"] {
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input::-moz-focus-inner {
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/* placeholder */

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textarea:-ms-input-placeholder {
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input.placeholder.important {
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input.important::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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input.important:-moz-placeholder {
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input.important::-moz-placeholder {
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input.important:-ms-input-placeholder {
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/* search */

input[type="search"] {
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input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
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/* sizing */

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.field-large {
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.field-max {
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input.bizdate,, {
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/* textarea */

textarea {
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textarea.field-min {
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textarea.field-small {
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textarea.field-medium {
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textarea.field-large {
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textarea.field-max {
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/* .required */

.required {
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/* error */

label.error {
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textarea.error {
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textarea.error:focus {
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/* =buttons
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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button::-moz-focus-inner {
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a.button {
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button:focus {
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button:active {
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button span,
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.btn-01:focus {
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.btn-01.disabled {
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.btn-01.disabled:active {
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a.back {
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a.back:focus {
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a.back:active {
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a.alt {
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a.alt:focus {
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a.alt:active {
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/* selected */

.btn.selected {
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/* arrows */

.btn-actions span {
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.opened .arrow,
.btn-actions.opened span {
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.btn-actions span {
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.btn-actions.opened span {
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.button.big {
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a.alt.big {
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/* Dark Grey */

.button.dgray {
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button.button.dgray {
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.ie9 .btn.dgray:hover,
.ie9 .btn.dgray:focus,
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input[type="button"].btn.dgray:active {
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/* Blue */,
input[type="button"], {
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.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],
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input[type="button"],, {
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.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],
.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],
.ie9 {
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input[type="button"], {
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/* Green */,
input[type="button"], {
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.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],
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input[type="button"],, {
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.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],
.ie9 input[type="submit"],
.ie9 input[type="button"],, {
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input[type="button"], {
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    color: #eee !important;

/* =form
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
.req {
    color: #dc291e;
    font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 1;
.req [title] {
    display: inline-block;
    cursor: help;

p.actions {
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p.actions a,
p.actions .btn {
    margin-left: 10px;
    vertical-align: middle;

/* =form-data
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

table.form .form-data {
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.form-data td,
.form-data th,
table.form .form-data td,
table.form .form-data th {
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.form-data th,
table.form .form-data th {
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.form-data td,
table.form .form-data td {
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.form-data td.field,
table.form .form-data td.field {
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.form-data label,
table.form .form-data label {
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.box .form-data th {
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.box .form-data td {
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.form-data.small th {
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.form-data.small td {
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.box-1 .form-data th {
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/* =form
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

table.form {
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table.form td,
table.form th {
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table.form th {
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table.form td {
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table.form {
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table.form .check-field {
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table.form .check-field br {
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table.form .check-field label + label {
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table.form .check2 {
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table.form .check2 br {
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table.form .check2 label {
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table.form .check2 input {
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table.form .check,
table.form .check * {
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table.form .radio label,
table.form .radio input {
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table.form .radio br {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 5px;
table.form .option-group {
    margin-top: 10px;

table.form.fixed th {
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table.form.fixed td {
    width: auto;
table.form p.comment {
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    color: #999;
    font-size: 12px;

.single-form-row {
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.single-form-row label {
    vertical-align: baseline;

/* compact */

.compact-form {
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.compact-form p,
.compact-form dl {
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dl.pull-right {
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.compact-form dl.mood {
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.compact-form .linkselect-link {
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.compact-form .radio,
.compact-form .checker {
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.compact-form label + label,
.compact-form label + .radio,
.compact-form label + .checker {
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/* box */

.box-1 table.form th {
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.box {
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.box .account {
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.box .account-head .info {
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.box .account-head .meta {
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.box .account-head .arrow {
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.box .account-content {
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label.alt .meta {
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label.alt .meta img {
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/* =table
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ {
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.expander {
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} > tbody > tr:hover > td, > tbody > tr:hover > th {
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} tr:hover a {
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} .action, .ico {
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} a.alt {
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.expander-table {
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.expander-table {
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.ui-expander-content > .expander-table:first-child {
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.ui-expander-content > .expander-table:last-child {
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td.msg-ok {
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td.important {
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    font-weight: bold;

tr.warning td {
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td.warning a {
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} > tbody > tr > td.highlight-keephistory {
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} > tbody > tr > td.highlight-ACTIVE {
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} > tbody > tr > td.highlight-ERROR {
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} > tbody > tr > td.highlight-SUSPENDED {
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} > tbody > tr.text-inactive > td {
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#instancesTable tr td:first-child,
#instancesTable th:first-child {
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/* =footer
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* =messages
-------------------------------------------------- */

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.message.error a {
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.message.error a:hover,
.message.error a:focus {
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/* tooltip */

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input + .info-tip.big {
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/* =add */

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label input[type="radio"],
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label + label {
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/* =search
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* Pager */
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