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package info.hupel.isabelle.setup
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import cats.instances.either._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import org.log4s._
import info.hupel.isabelle.api.Configuration
/** Utilities to extract [[Resources resources]] from the classpath. */
object Resources {
sealed abstract class Error(val explain: String)
case object Absent extends Error("No resources found in classpath")
case class DuplicatedFiles(files: List[String]) extends Error(s"Duplicated resources in classpath: ${files.mkString(", ")}")
case class MissingFiles(files: List[String]) extends Error(s"Missing files in classpath: ${files.mkString(", ")}")
private val logger = getLogger
* Shorthand for `[[dumpIsabelleResources(path* dumpIsabelleResources]]
* using a temporary path and the current class loader.
def dumpIsabelleResources(): Either[Error, Resources] =
dumpIsabelleResources(Files.createTempDirectory("libisabelle_resources"), getClass.getClassLoader)
* Searches the specified class loader for Isabelle source files.
* Isabelle sources files can be automatically managed by `libisabelle`. When
* using an SBT-based build, the
* `[[ sbt-libisabelle]]` plugin
* automatically configures the build to copy the Isabelle sources stored in
* `src/main/isabelle` into an appropriate location such that they become
* part of the runtime classpath.
* This function expects any number of index files in the location
* `.libisabelle/.files`, containing a list of relative path names where
* Isabelle source files may be found. For example, an entry `A/tactic.ML`
* will lead to a lookup for a resource at `.libisabelle/A/tactic.ML`. All
* index files will be processed. The referenced files will be copied to
* the specified location. Path names are expected to be encoded in UTF-8,
* which is the standard encoding Isabelle uses.
* The specified path will then be turned into an Isabelle "component" (refer
* to the Isabelle system manual for information about components) by
* creating an `etc/settings` file, which we will call ''resources
* component''. The root directory of the resources component is available
* in the environment variable `LIBISABELLE_RESOURCES_HOME`.
* Resources are checked for contained components and session root
* directories. This is done by looking for `ROOT`, `ROOTS`, and
* `etc/settings` in direct subdirectories that have been created below the
* specified path. Components are added as subcomponents to the resources
* component (`\$LIBISABELLE_RESOURCES_HOME/etc/components`) and session root
* directories to `\$LIBISABELLE_RESOURCES_HOME/ROOTS`. Session roots that are
* also components are only added as components, because components are
* automatically discovered as session roots.
* Note that this will only work correctly if the specified path ultimately
* gets registered as an Isabelle component. Otherwise, subcomponents that
* are also session roots do not get discovered properly.
def dumpIsabelleResources(path: Path, classLoader: ClassLoader): Either[Error, Resources] = {
val files = classLoader.getResources(".libisabelle/.files").asScala.toList.flatMap { url =>
logger.debug(s"Found Isabelle resource set at $url")
Source.fromURL(url, "UTF-8").getLines.toList
def filterFor(markers: String*) =
(for {
file <- files
subdir = Paths.get(file).subpath(0, 1)
if markers.exists(m => files.contains(s"$subdir/$m"))
} yield subdir).distinct
def writeList(target: Path, list: List[Path]) = {
val out = Files.newBufferedWriter(target, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
if (files.nonEmpty) {
logger.debug(s"Dumping Isabelle resources to $path ...")
if (files.distinct != files) {
val fileSet = files.toSet
val duplicates = files diff fileSet.toList
else {
val result = files.traverse { file =>
val target = path resolve file
val in = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(s".libisabelle/$file")
if (in == null) {
else {
Files.copy(in, target)
result match {
case Left(files) =>
case Right(_) =>
val components = filterFor("etc/settings")
components.foreach(subdir => logger.debug(s"Found component at $path/$subdir"))
val target = path resolve "etc"
writeList(target resolve "components", components)
val roots = filterFor("ROOT", "ROOTS")
roots.foreach(subdir => logger.debug(s"Found session root at $path/$subdir"))
writeList(path resolve "ROOTS", roots diff components)
val out = Files.newBufferedWriter(target resolve "settings", Charset.forName("UTF-8"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
else {
* A file system location containing Isabelle sources.
* In almost all cases, instances of this object should be produced using
* `[[Resources.dumpIsabelleResources(path* Resources.dumpIsabelleResources]]`
* (see its documentation for details).
final case class Resources private(component: Path, roots: List[Path]) {
* Produces a [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.Configuration configuration]] with
* the specified paths, preceded by the location from this object.
def asSessionsConfiguration(auxPaths: List[Path], name: String): Configuration =
Configuration(roots ::: auxPaths, name)
* Checks presence of a theory file in this location. The input path should
* be a relative file name (e.g. `src/HOL/ex/Seq.thy`). If present, the
* output is an Isabelle-conforming theory import path
* (e.g. `src/HOL/ex/Seq`).
def findTheory(theory: Path): Option[String] = {
val fullPath = component.resolve(theory)
if (Files.exists(fullPath))