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package info.hupel.isabelle
import scala.math.BigInt
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import cats.instances.either._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import info.hupel.isabelle.api._
/** Combinators for [[Codec codecs]]. */
object Codec {
private def addTag(tag: String, idx: Option[Int], body: XML.Body) =
XML.elem(("tag", ("type" -> tag) :: => List("idx" -> i.toString)).getOrElse(Nil)), body)
private def expectTag(tag: String, tree: XML.Tree) = tree match {
case XML.Elem(("tag", List(("type", tag0))), body) =>
if (tag == tag0)
Left("tag mismatch" -> List(tree))
case _ =>
Left("tag expected" -> List(tree))
private def expectIndexedTag(tag: String, tree: XML.Tree) = tree match {
case XML.Elem(("tag", List(("type", tag0), ("idx", i))), body) =>
if (tag == tag0)
try {
Right(i.toInt -> body)
catch {
case ex: NumberFormatException =>
Left(ex.toString -> List(tree))
Left("tag mismatch" -> List(tree))
case _ =>
Left("indexed tag expected" -> List(tree))
private[isabelle] def text[A](to: A => String, from: String => Option[A], mlType0: String): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] {
val mlType = mlType0
def escape(c: Char) = c match {
case '<' => "<"
case '>' => ">"
case '&' => "&"
case '\'' => "'"
case '"' => """
case _ =>
val n = c.toInt
if (n < 32) s"$n;"
else if (n < 127) c.toString
else s"$n;"
val EntityPrefix = "&([^;]*);(.*)".r
def unescapeSingle(s: String) = s match {
case "lt" => '<'
case "gt" => '>'
case "amp" => '&'
case "apos" => '\''
case "quot" => '"'
case _ if s.startsWith("#") => s.tail.toInt.toChar
def unescape(s: String): String = s match {
case "" => ""
case EntityPrefix(entity, rest) => unescapeSingle(entity).toString + unescape(rest)
case _ => s.head.toString + unescape(s.tail)
def encode(t: A) = XML.elem(("text", List("content" -> to(t).flatMap(escape))), Nil)
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) = tree match {
case XML.Elem(("text", List(("content", content))), Nil) =>
from(unescape(content)) match {
case Some(a) => Right(a)
case None => Left("decoding failed" -> List(tree))
case _ =>
Left("expected text tree" -> List(tree))
implicit def string: Codec[String] = text[String](identity, Some.apply, "string").tagged("string")
implicit def integer: Codec[BigInt] = text[BigInt](
str => catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]) opt BigInt(str),
implicit def boolean: Codec[Boolean] = text[Boolean](
case "true" => Some(true)
case "false" => Some(false)
case _ => None
implicit def unit: Codec[Unit] = new Codec[Unit] {
val mlType = "unit"
def encode(u: Unit) = addTag("unit", None, Nil)
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) =
expectTag("unit", tree).right.flatMap {
case Nil => Right(())
case body => Left("expected nothing" -> body)
implicit def list[A : Codec]: Codec[List[A]] =
implicit def tuple[A : Codec, B : Codec]: Codec[(A, B)] =
Codec[A] tuple Codec[B]
implicit def triple[A : Codec, B : Codec, C : Codec]: Codec[(A, B, C)] = Codec[(A, (B, C))].transform[(A, B, C)](
{ case (a, (b, c)) => (a, b, c) },
{ case (a, b, c) => (a, (b, c)) },
s"(${Codec[A].mlType}) * (${Codec[B].mlType}) * (${Codec[C].mlType})"
* Template for a [[Codec codec]] for a sum type `A`.
* Each constructor of `A` should get assigned a unique index when
* implementing this class. It is used to tag
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML trees]], so that the correct
* decoding function can be chosen.
* In addition to the contract of `[[Codec]]`, instances of this class must
* also preserve the index, that is, any index returned by `[[enc]]` must
* produce a valid decoding function in `[[dec]]`.
* Using this is simple: Instead of creating a new `[[Codec]]` object, create
* an object extending from this class and implement `[[enc]]` and `[[dec]]`
* accordingly. It is automatically a `[[Codec]]`.
* ''Example usage''
* {{{
* new Variant[Option[A]]("option") {
* def enc(a: Option[A]) = a match {
* case Some(a) => (0, Codec[A].encode(a))
* case None => (1, Codec[Unit].encode(()))
* }
* def dec(idx: Int) = idx match {
* case 0 => Some(Codec[A].decode(_)
* case 1 => Some(Codec[Unit].decode(_) => None))
* case _ => None
* }
* }
* }}}
abstract class Variant[A](tag: String) extends Codec[A] {
/** Encode a value of the sum type into a tree and the index. */
protected def enc(a: A): (Int, XML.Tree)
* Given an index, produce the corresponding decoding function or nothing
* if the index is out of bounds.
protected def dec(idx: Int): Option[XML.Tree => XMLResult[A]]
def encode(a: A) = {
val (idx, tree) = enc(a)
addTag(tag, Some(idx), List(tree))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) = expectIndexedTag(tag, tree).right.flatMap {
case (idx, List(tree)) =>
dec(idx) match {
case Some(dec) => dec(tree)
case None => Left(s"invalid index $idx" -> List(tree))
case _ =>
Left(s"invalid structure in variant $tag" -> List(tree))
implicit def option[A : Codec]: Codec[Option[A]] = new Variant[Option[A]]("option") {
val mlType = s"(${Codec[A].mlType}) option"
def enc(a: Option[A]) = a match {
case Some(a) => (0, Codec[A].encode(a))
case None => (1, Codec[Unit].encode(()))
def dec(idx: Int) = idx match {
case 0 => Some(Codec[A].decode(_)
case 1 => Some(Codec[Unit].decode(_) => None))
case _ => None
implicit def either[A : Codec, B : Codec]: Codec[Either[A, B]] = new Variant[Either[A, B]]("either") {
val mlType = s"(${Codec[A].mlType}, ${Codec[B].mlType}) Codec.either"
def enc(e: Either[A, B]) = e match {
case Left(a) => (0, Codec[A].encode(a))
case Right(b) => (1, Codec[B].encode(b))
def dec(idx: Int) = idx match {
case 0 => Some(Codec[A].decode(_)
case 1 => Some(Codec[B].decode(_)
case _ => None
implicit def tree: Codec[XML.Tree] = new Codec[XML.Tree] {
val mlType = "XML.tree"
def encode(t: XML.Tree) = t
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) = Right(tree)
* Obtain an instance of a codec from the implicit scope.
* ''Example usage''
* {{{
* Codec[Int].encode(env)(3)
* }}}
def apply[A](implicit A: Codec[A]): Codec[A] = A
* A type class representing the ability to convert a type to and from an XML
* representation.
* For combinators to create codecs, refer to the [[Codec$ companion object]].
* ''Contract''
* Instances of this class must satisfy the following contract:
* [[decode Decoding]] any value produced via `[[encode]]` must succeed,
* yielding the original value. The `[[mlType]]` field must contain a string
* representation of the corresponding type in Isabelle/ML.
* For the opposite direction, it is generally expected that a value which
* cannot be produced via `[[encode]]` should not [[decode]] cleanly. This is
* generally achieved by adding ''tags'' to the trees. For example, if the
* codec for type `Foo` for a given value would produce an XML document `t`
* before tagging, the XML document after tagging would be
* `t`. The `[[tagged]]` method transforms a raw codec
* into a tagged codec. Nested tags are allowed (for example, when chaining
* multiple calls of `[[tagged]]`), but produce additional overhead in the
* resulting XML documents.
trait Codec[T] { self =>
/** String representation of the type corresponding to `T` in Isabelle/ML. */
val mlType: String
* Encode a value into an
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML tree]].
* You may want to use one of the two constructors
* `[[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.elem elem]]` and
* `[[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.text text]]`.
def encode(t: T): XML.Tree
* Decode a value from an
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML tree]], or produce an
* error.
* @see [[XMLResult]]
def decode(tree: XML.Tree): XMLResult[T]
final def decodeOrThrow(tree: XML.Tree): T = decode(tree) match {
case Left((err, body)) => throw DecodingException(err, body)
case Right(o) => o
* Transform a codec for a type `T` into a codec for a type `U` by applying
* one of the two specified conversions.
* After creating a new instance using `transform`, it is recommended to add
* a new [[tagged tag]].
def transform[U](f: T => U, g: U => T, mlType0: String): Codec[U] = new Codec[U] {
val mlType = mlType0
def encode(u: U): XML.Tree = self.encode(g(u))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) = self.decode(tree)
def ptransform[U](f: T => Option[U], g: U => T, mlType0: String): Codec[U] = new Codec[U] {
val mlType = mlType0
def encode(u: U): XML.Tree = self.encode(g(u))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) = self.decode(tree) match {
case Left(err) => Left(err)
case Right(t) => f(t).map(Right.apply).getOrElse(Left("transformation failed" -> List(tree)))
/** Codec for a list of `T`s, tagged with the string `list`. */
def list: Codec[List[T]] = new Codec[List[T]] {
val mlType = s"(${self.mlType}) list"
def encode(ts: List[T]): XML.Tree =
Codec.addTag("list", None, => self.encode(t)))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) =
Codec.expectTag("list", tree).right.flatMap(_.traverse(self.decode))
/** Codec for a pair of `T` and `U`, tagged with the string `tuple`. */
def tuple[U](that: Codec[U]): Codec[(T, U)] = new Codec[(T, U)] {
val mlType = s"(${self.mlType}) * (${that.mlType})"
def encode(tu: (T, U)): XML.Tree =
Codec.addTag("tuple", None, List(self.encode(tu._1), that.encode(tu._2)))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) =
Codec.expectTag("tuple", tree).right.flatMap {
case List(x, y) =>
for { t <- self.decode(x).right; u <- that.decode(y).right } yield (t, u)
case body =>
Left("invalid structure in tuple" -> body)
* Create an identical codec which adds (or expects, respectively) an
* additional top-level tag.
* The given tag can be anything acceptable as an XML attribute value, but
* should be globally unique. That is, no other codec should have the same
* tag. It is fine if there are multiple codecs for a type, as long as their
* tags are distinct, although that is not a requirement.
def tagged(tag: String): Codec[T] = new Codec[T] {
val mlType = self.mlType
def encode(t: T): XML.Tree =
Codec.addTag(tag, None, List(self.encode(t)))
def decode(tree: XML.Tree) =
Codec.expectTag(tag, tree).right.flatMap {
case List(tree) => self.decode(tree)
case body => Left(s"invalid structure in tagged $tag" -> body)