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package info.hupel.isabelle
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML
/** Combinators for creating [[Operation operations]] and basic operations. */
object Operation {
* Slightly fishy exception to represent any kind of exception from the
* prover.
* There is no stack traces available, because instance are only created when
* the prover throws an exception.
final case class ProverException private[isabelle](operation: String, msg: String, input: Any) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace {
def fullMessage =
s"Prover error in operation $operation: $msg\nOffending input: $input"
/** Create a [[simple]] observer using implicit [[Codec codecs]]. */
def implicitly[I : Codec, O : Codec](name: String): Operation[I, O] =
simple(name, Codec[I], Codec[O])
* Creates an observer which ignores any intermediate data, waits for the
* final result and immediately attempts to decode it with a given
* [[Codec codec]].
def simple[I, O](name: String, toProver: Codec[I], fromProver: Codec[O]): Operation[I, O] = {
def exn(input: I) = Codec.text[Exception](
str => Some(ProverException(name, str, input)),
def proverResult(input: I) = new Codec.Variant[ProverResult[O]]("Exn.result") {
val mlType = "Exn.result"
def enc(a: ProverResult[O]) = sys.error("impossible")
def dec(idx: Int) = idx match {
case 0 => Some(fromProver.decode(_)
case 1 => Some(exn(input).decode(_)
case _ => None
new Operation[I, O](name) {
def prepare(i: I): (XML.Tree, Observer[O]) = {
val tree = toProver.encode(i)
val observer = Observer.ignoreStep[O] { tree =>
proverResult(i).decode(tree) match {
case Left((err, body)) => Observer.Failure(DecodingException(err, body))
case Right(o) => Observer.Success(o)
(tree, observer)
/** A simple ping operation. */
val Hello = implicitly[String, String]("hello")
* Load a list of theory files in the prover, specified by their paths.
* The format of the paths is rather peculiar: They are relative to the
* working directory at the time the [[System.create system was created]],
* but do not include the extension `.thy`. Theories which are already part
* of the [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.Configuration configuration]] should not
* be loaded again.
def UseThys[A, B](init: A)(markup: (A, XML.Tree) => A, finish: A => B): Operation[List[String], B] = new Operation[List[String], B]("use_thys") {
def prepare(args: List[String]): (XML.Tree, Observer[B]) = {
val tree = Codec[List[String]].encode(args)
def observer(a: A): Observer[B] = Observer.More(
step = msg => observer(markup(a, msg)),
done = _ => Observer.Success(ProverResult.Success(finish(a)))
(tree, observer(init))
def UseThys: Operation[List[String], Unit] = UseThys(())((_, _) => (), _ => ())
* Description of an atomic interaction with the prover.
* An operation can be roughly seen as a remote procedure call: a method name,
* an input argument of type `I` and an output value of type `O`, potentially
* accompanied by a stream of auxiliary data. (For almost all use cases, the
* latter is irrelevant.)
* Data is transferred between JVM and the prover using
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML trees]]. To convert between typed
* data and their XML representation, [[Codec codecs]] may be used.
* In the most general case, an operation listens for a stream of output from
* the prover using an [[info.hupel.isabelle.Observer observer]], comparable to
* iteratees.
* Operations can most easily be constructed with the
* `[[Operation.implicitly implicitly]]` combinator. That combinator will only
* wait for final results and ignore intermediate data.
* @see [[System#invoke]]
abstract class Operation[-I, +O](val name: String) { self =>
* Prepare an input/output operation: Convert the input argument into an
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML tree]] and create a fresh
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.Observer observer]] to listen for results.
def prepare(i: I): (XML.Tree, Observer[O])
def map[J, P](f: J => I, g: O => P): Operation[J, P] = new Operation[J, P](name) {
def prepare(j: J) = {
val (tree, observer) = self.prepare(f(j))
(tree, observer map g)