bisabelle_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package info.hupel
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util._
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture
import cats.Monad
import scalatags.Text
import info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML
package object isabelle {
* The result type for [[Codec#decode decoding values]] from
* [[info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML.Tree XML trees]]. Failure values
* should contain an error message and a list of erroneous trees.
type XMLResult[+A] = Either[(String, XML.Body), A]
type HTML = Text.TypedTag[String]
type Program[A] = Free[Instruction, A]
object Program {
def pure[A](a: A): Program[A] =
def expr[A : Codec](mlExpr: ml.Expr[A]): Program[A] =
Free.liftF[Instruction, A](Instruction.Ex(mlExpr))
def rawPeek[A : ml.Opaque, Repr : Codec](mlExpr: ml.Expr[A], conv: ml.Expr[A => Repr]): Program[(Ref[A], Repr)] =
def peek[A : ml.Opaque, Repr : Codec, C](mlExpr: ml.Expr[A], conv: ml.Expr[A => Repr])(f: (Repr, ml.Expr[A]) => Program[C]): Program[C] =
def operation[I, O](operation: Operation[I, O], input: I): Program[O] =
Free.liftF[Instruction, O](Instruction.Op(operation, input))
implicit def cancelableFutureMonad(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Monad[CancelableFuture] = new Monad[CancelableFuture] {
def pure[A](x: A) = CancelableFuture.successful(x)
def flatMap[A, B](fa: CancelableFuture[A])(f: A => CancelableFuture[B]) = fa.flatMap(f)
def tailRecM[B, C](b: B)(f: B => CancelableFuture[Either[B, C]]) =
f(b).flatMap {
case Left(b1) => tailRecM(b1)(f)
case Right(c) => pure(c)