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sdk-autogen.1.11.0-rc-1.source-code.dapr.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2021 The Dapr Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package dapr.proto.runtime.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "dapr/proto/common/v1/common.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Dapr.Client.Autogen.Grpc.v1";
option java_outer_classname = "DaprProtos";
option java_package = "io.dapr.v1";
option go_package = "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/proto/runtime/v1;runtime";
// Dapr service provides APIs to user application to access Dapr building blocks.
service Dapr {
// Invokes a method on a remote Dapr app.
// Deprecated: Use proxy mode service invocation instead.
rpc InvokeService(InvokeServiceRequest) returns (common.v1.InvokeResponse) {}
// Gets the state for a specific key.
rpc GetState(GetStateRequest) returns (GetStateResponse) {}
// Gets a bulk of state items for a list of keys
rpc GetBulkState(GetBulkStateRequest) returns (GetBulkStateResponse) {}
// Saves the state for a specific key.
rpc SaveState(SaveStateRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Queries the state.
rpc QueryStateAlpha1(QueryStateRequest) returns (QueryStateResponse) {}
// Deletes the state for a specific key.
rpc DeleteState(DeleteStateRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Deletes a bulk of state items for a list of keys
rpc DeleteBulkState(DeleteBulkStateRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Executes transactions for a specified store
rpc ExecuteStateTransaction(ExecuteStateTransactionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Publishes events to the specific topic.
rpc PublishEvent(PublishEventRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Bulk Publishes multiple events to the specified topic.
rpc BulkPublishEventAlpha1(BulkPublishRequest) returns (BulkPublishResponse) {}
// Invokes binding data to specific output bindings
rpc InvokeBinding(InvokeBindingRequest) returns (InvokeBindingResponse) {}
// Gets secrets from secret stores.
rpc GetSecret(GetSecretRequest) returns (GetSecretResponse) {}
// Gets a bulk of secrets
rpc GetBulkSecret(GetBulkSecretRequest) returns (GetBulkSecretResponse) {}
// Register an actor timer.
rpc RegisterActorTimer(RegisterActorTimerRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Unregister an actor timer.
rpc UnregisterActorTimer(UnregisterActorTimerRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Register an actor reminder.
rpc RegisterActorReminder(RegisterActorReminderRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Unregister an actor reminder.
rpc UnregisterActorReminder(UnregisterActorReminderRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Gets the state for a specific actor.
rpc GetActorState(GetActorStateRequest) returns (GetActorStateResponse) {}
// Executes state transactions for a specified actor
rpc ExecuteActorStateTransaction(ExecuteActorStateTransactionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// InvokeActor calls a method on an actor.
rpc InvokeActor (InvokeActorRequest) returns (InvokeActorResponse) {}
// GetConfiguration gets configuration from configuration store.
rpc GetConfigurationAlpha1(GetConfigurationRequest) returns (GetConfigurationResponse) {}
// GetConfiguration gets configuration from configuration store.
rpc GetConfiguration(GetConfigurationRequest) returns (GetConfigurationResponse) {}
// SubscribeConfiguration gets configuration from configuration store and subscribe the updates event by grpc stream
rpc SubscribeConfigurationAlpha1(SubscribeConfigurationRequest) returns (stream SubscribeConfigurationResponse) {}
// SubscribeConfiguration gets configuration from configuration store and subscribe the updates event by grpc stream
rpc SubscribeConfiguration(SubscribeConfigurationRequest) returns (stream SubscribeConfigurationResponse) {}
// UnSubscribeConfiguration unsubscribe the subscription of configuration
rpc UnsubscribeConfigurationAlpha1(UnsubscribeConfigurationRequest) returns (UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse) {}
// UnSubscribeConfiguration unsubscribe the subscription of configuration
rpc UnsubscribeConfiguration(UnsubscribeConfigurationRequest) returns (UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse) {}
// TryLockAlpha1 tries to get a lock with an expiry.
rpc TryLockAlpha1(TryLockRequest)returns (TryLockResponse) {}
// UnlockAlpha1 unlocks a lock.
rpc UnlockAlpha1(UnlockRequest)returns (UnlockResponse) {}
// EncryptAlpha1 encrypts a message using the Dapr encryption scheme and a key stored in the vault.
rpc EncryptAlpha1(stream EncryptRequest) returns (stream EncryptResponse);
// DecryptAlpha1 decrypts a message using the Dapr encryption scheme and a key stored in the vault.
rpc DecryptAlpha1(stream DecryptRequest) returns (stream DecryptResponse);
// Gets metadata of the sidecar
rpc GetMetadata (GetMetadataRequest) returns (GetMetadataResponse) {}
// Sets value in extended metadata of the sidecar
rpc SetMetadata (SetMetadataRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// SubtleGetKeyAlpha1 returns the public part of an asymmetric key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleGetKeyAlpha1(SubtleGetKeyRequest) returns (SubtleGetKeyResponse);
// SubtleEncryptAlpha1 encrypts a small message using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleEncryptAlpha1(SubtleEncryptRequest) returns (SubtleEncryptResponse);
// SubtleDecryptAlpha1 decrypts a small message using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleDecryptAlpha1(SubtleDecryptRequest) returns (SubtleDecryptResponse);
// SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1 wraps a key using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1(SubtleWrapKeyRequest) returns (SubtleWrapKeyResponse);
// SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1 unwraps a key using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1(SubtleUnwrapKeyRequest) returns (SubtleUnwrapKeyResponse);
// SubtleSignAlpha1 signs a message using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleSignAlpha1(SubtleSignRequest) returns (SubtleSignResponse);
// SubtleVerifyAlpha1 verifies the signature of a message using a key stored in the vault.
rpc SubtleVerifyAlpha1(SubtleVerifyRequest) returns (SubtleVerifyResponse);
// Starts a new instance of a workflow
rpc StartWorkflowAlpha1 (StartWorkflowRequest) returns (StartWorkflowResponse) {}
// Gets details about a started workflow instance
rpc GetWorkflowAlpha1 (GetWorkflowRequest) returns (GetWorkflowResponse) {}
// Purge Workflow
rpc PurgeWorkflowAlpha1 (PurgeWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Terminates a running workflow instance
rpc TerminateWorkflowAlpha1 (TerminateWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Pauses a running workflow instance
rpc PauseWorkflowAlpha1 (PauseWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Resumes a paused workflow instance
rpc ResumeWorkflowAlpha1 (ResumeWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Raise an event to a running workflow instance
rpc RaiseEventWorkflowAlpha1 (RaiseEventWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Starts a new instance of a workflow
rpc StartWorkflowBeta1 (StartWorkflowRequest) returns (StartWorkflowResponse) {}
// Gets details about a started workflow instance
rpc GetWorkflowBeta1 (GetWorkflowRequest) returns (GetWorkflowResponse) {}
// Purge Workflow
rpc PurgeWorkflowBeta1 (PurgeWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Terminates a running workflow instance
rpc TerminateWorkflowBeta1 (TerminateWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Pauses a running workflow instance
rpc PauseWorkflowBeta1 (PauseWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Resumes a paused workflow instance
rpc ResumeWorkflowBeta1 (ResumeWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Raise an event to a running workflow instance
rpc RaiseEventWorkflowBeta1 (RaiseEventWorkflowRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// Shutdown the sidecar
rpc Shutdown (ShutdownRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
// InvokeServiceRequest represents the request message for Service invocation.
message InvokeServiceRequest {
// Required. Callee's app id.
string id = 1;
// Required. message which will be delivered to callee.
common.v1.InvokeRequest message = 3;
// GetStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific state store.
message GetStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The key of the desired state
string key = 2;
// The read consistency of the state store.
common.v1.StateOptions.StateConsistency consistency = 3;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map metadata = 4;
// GetBulkStateRequest is the message to get a list of key-value states from specific state store.
message GetBulkStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The keys to get.
repeated string keys = 2;
// The number of parallel operations executed on the state store for a get operation.
int32 parallelism = 3;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map metadata = 4;
// GetBulkStateResponse is the response conveying the list of state values.
message GetBulkStateResponse {
// The list of items containing the keys to get values for.
repeated BulkStateItem items = 1;
// BulkStateItem is the response item for a bulk get operation.
// Return values include the item key, data and etag.
message BulkStateItem {
// state item key
string key = 1;
// The byte array data
bytes data = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 3;
// The error that was returned from the state store in case of a failed get operation.
string error = 4;
// The metadata which will be sent to app.
map metadata = 5;
// GetStateResponse is the response conveying the state value and etag.
message GetStateResponse {
// The byte array data
bytes data = 1;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 2;
// The metadata which will be sent to app.
map metadata = 3;
// DeleteStateRequest is the message to delete key-value states in the specific state store.
message DeleteStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The key of the desired state
string key = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// The exact ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
common.v1.Etag etag = 3;
// State operation options which includes concurrency/
// consistency/retry_policy.
common.v1.StateOptions options = 4;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map metadata = 5;
// DeleteBulkStateRequest is the message to delete a list of key-value states from specific state store.
message DeleteBulkStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The array of the state key values.
repeated common.v1.StateItem states = 2;
// SaveStateRequest is the message to save multiple states into state store.
message SaveStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1;
// The array of the state key values.
repeated common.v1.StateItem states = 2;
// QueryStateRequest is the message to query state store.
message QueryStateRequest {
// The name of state store.
string store_name = 1 [json_name = "storeName"];
// The query in JSON format.
string query = 2;
// The metadata which will be sent to state store components.
map metadata = 3;
message QueryStateItem {
// The object key.
string key = 1;
// The object value.
bytes data = 2;
// The entity tag which represents the specific version of data.
// ETag format is defined by the corresponding data store.
string etag = 3;
// The error message indicating an error in processing of the query result.
string error = 4;
// QueryStateResponse is the response conveying the query results.
message QueryStateResponse {
// An array of query results.
repeated QueryStateItem results = 1;
// Pagination token.
string token = 2;
// The metadata which will be sent to app.
map metadata = 3;
// PublishEventRequest is the message to publish event data to pubsub topic
message PublishEventRequest {
// The name of the pubsub component
string pubsub_name = 1;
// The pubsub topic
string topic = 2;
// The data which will be published to topic.
bytes data = 3;
// The content type for the data (optional).
string data_content_type = 4;
// The metadata passing to pub components
// metadata property:
// - key : the key of the message.
map metadata = 5;
// BulkPublishRequest is the message to bulk publish events to pubsub topic
message BulkPublishRequest {
// The name of the pubsub component
string pubsub_name = 1;
// The pubsub topic
string topic = 2;
// The entries which contain the individual events and associated details to be published
repeated BulkPublishRequestEntry entries = 3;
// The request level metadata passing to to the pubsub components
map metadata = 4;
// BulkPublishRequestEntry is the message containing the event to be bulk published
message BulkPublishRequestEntry {
// The request scoped unique ID referring to this message. Used to map status in response
string entry_id = 1;
// The event which will be pulished to the topic
bytes event = 2;
// The content type for the event
string content_type = 3;
// The event level metadata passing to the pubsub component
map metadata = 4;
// BulkPublishResponse is the message returned from a BulkPublishEvent call
message BulkPublishResponse {
// The entries for different events that failed publish in the BulkPublishEvent call
repeated BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry failedEntries = 1;
// BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry is the message containing the entryID and error of a failed event in BulkPublishEvent call
message BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry {
// The response scoped unique ID referring to this message
string entry_id = 1;
// The error message if any on failure
string error = 2;
// InvokeBindingRequest is the message to send data to output bindings
message InvokeBindingRequest {
// The name of the output binding to invoke.
string name = 1;
// The data which will be sent to output binding.
bytes data = 2;
// The metadata passing to output binding components
// Common metadata property:
// - ttlInSeconds : the time to live in seconds for the message.
// If set in the binding definition will cause all messages to
// have a default time to live. The message ttl overrides any value
// in the binding definition.
map metadata = 3;
// The name of the operation type for the binding to invoke
string operation = 4;
// InvokeBindingResponse is the message returned from an output binding invocation
message InvokeBindingResponse {
// The data which will be sent to output binding.
bytes data = 1;
// The metadata returned from an external system
map metadata = 2;
// GetSecretRequest is the message to get secret from secret store.
message GetSecretRequest {
// The name of secret store.
string store_name = 1 [json_name = "storeName"];
// The name of secret key.
string key = 2;
// The metadata which will be sent to secret store components.
map metadata = 3;
// GetSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secret.
message GetSecretResponse {
// data is the secret value. Some secret store, such as kubernetes secret
// store, can save multiple secrets for single secret key.
map data = 1;
// GetBulkSecretRequest is the message to get the secrets from secret store.
message GetBulkSecretRequest {
// The name of secret store.
string store_name = 1 [json_name = "storeName"];
// The metadata which will be sent to secret store components.
map metadata = 2;
// SecretResponse is a map of decrypted string/string values
message SecretResponse {
map secrets = 1;
// GetBulkSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secrets.
message GetBulkSecretResponse {
// data hold the secret values. Some secret store, such as kubernetes secret
// store, can save multiple secrets for single secret key.
map data = 1;
// TransactionalStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
message TransactionalStateOperation {
// The type of operation to be executed
string operationType = 1;
// State values to be operated on
common.v1.StateItem request = 2;
// ExecuteStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified store.
message ExecuteStateTransactionRequest {
// Required. name of state store.
string storeName = 1;
// Required. transactional operation list.
repeated TransactionalStateOperation operations = 2;
// The metadata used for transactional operations.
map metadata = 3;
// RegisterActorTimerRequest is the message to register a timer for an actor of a given type and id.
message RegisterActorTimerRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string name = 3;
string due_time = 4;
string period = 5;
string callback = 6;
bytes data = 7;
string ttl = 8;
// UnregisterActorTimerRequest is the message to unregister an actor timer
message UnregisterActorTimerRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string name = 3;
// RegisterActorReminderRequest is the message to register a reminder for an actor of a given type and id.
message RegisterActorReminderRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string name = 3;
string due_time = 4;
string period = 5;
bytes data = 6;
string ttl = 7;
// UnregisterActorReminderRequest is the message to unregister an actor reminder.
message UnregisterActorReminderRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string name = 3;
// GetActorStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific actor.
message GetActorStateRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string key = 3;
// GetActorStateResponse is the response conveying the actor's state value.
message GetActorStateResponse {
bytes data = 1;
// The metadata which will be sent to app.
map metadata = 2;
// ExecuteActorStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified actor.
message ExecuteActorStateTransactionRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
repeated TransactionalActorStateOperation operations = 3;
// TransactionalActorStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
message TransactionalActorStateOperation {
string operationType = 1;
string key = 2;
google.protobuf.Any value = 3;
// The metadata used for transactional operations.
// Common metadata property:
// - ttlInSeconds : the time to live in seconds for the stored value.
map metadata = 4;
// InvokeActorRequest is the message to call an actor.
message InvokeActorRequest {
string actor_type = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
string method = 3;
bytes data = 4;
map metadata = 5;
// InvokeActorResponse is the method that returns an actor invocation response.
message InvokeActorResponse {
bytes data = 1;
// GetMetadataRequest is the message for the GetMetadata request.
message GetMetadataRequest {
// Empty
// GetMetadataResponse is a message that is returned on GetMetadata rpc call.
message GetMetadataResponse {
string id = 1;
// Deprecated alias for actor_runtime.active_actors.
repeated ActiveActorsCount active_actors_count = 2 [json_name = "actors", deprecated = true];
repeated RegisteredComponents registered_components = 3 [json_name = "components"];
map extended_metadata = 4 [json_name = "extended"];
repeated PubsubSubscription subscriptions = 5 [json_name = "subscriptions"];
repeated MetadataHTTPEndpoint http_endpoints = 6 [json_name = "httpEndpoints"];
AppConnectionProperties app_connection_properties = 7 [json_name = "appConnectionProperties"];
string runtime_version = 8 [json_name = "runtimeVersion"];
repeated string enabled_features = 9 [json_name = "enabledFeatures"];
ActorRuntime actor_runtime = 10 [json_name = "actorRuntime"];
message ActorRuntime {
enum ActorRuntimeStatus {
// Indicates that the actor runtime is still being initialized.
// Indicates that the actor runtime is disabled.
// This normally happens when Dapr is started without "placement-host-address"
// Indicates the actor runtime is running, either as an actor host or client.
// Contains an enum indicating whether the actor runtime has been initialized.
ActorRuntimeStatus runtime_status = 1 [json_name = "runtimeStatus"];
// Count of active actors per type.
repeated ActiveActorsCount active_actors = 2 [json_name = "activeActors"];
// Indicates whether the actor runtime is ready to host actors.
bool host_ready = 3 [json_name = "hostReady"];
// Custom message from the placement provider.
string placement = 4 [json_name = "placement"];
message ActiveActorsCount {
string type = 1;
int32 count = 2;
message RegisteredComponents {
string name = 1;
string type = 2;
string version = 3;
repeated string capabilities = 4;
message MetadataHTTPEndpoint {
string name = 1 [json_name = "name"];
message AppConnectionProperties {
int32 port = 1;
string protocol = 2;
string channel_address = 3 [json_name = "channelAddress"];
int32 max_concurrency = 4 [json_name = "maxConcurrency"];
AppConnectionHealthProperties health = 5;
message AppConnectionHealthProperties {
string health_check_path = 1 [json_name = "healthCheckPath"];
string health_probe_interval = 2 [json_name = "healthProbeInterval"];
string health_probe_timeout = 3 [json_name = "healthProbeTimeout"];
int32 health_threshold = 4 [json_name = "healthThreshold"];
message PubsubSubscription {
string pubsub_name = 1 [json_name = "pubsubname"];
string topic = 2 [json_name = "topic"];
map metadata = 3 [json_name = "metadata"];
PubsubSubscriptionRules rules = 4 [json_name = "rules"];
string dead_letter_topic = 5 [json_name = "deadLetterTopic"];
message PubsubSubscriptionRules {
repeated PubsubSubscriptionRule rules = 1;
message PubsubSubscriptionRule {
string match = 1;
string path = 2;
message SetMetadataRequest {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// GetConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
message GetConfigurationRequest {
// Required. The name of configuration store.
string store_name = 1;
// Optional. The key of the configuration item to fetch.
// If set, only query for the specified configuration items.
// Empty list means fetch all.
repeated string keys = 2;
// Optional. The metadata which will be sent to configuration store components.
map metadata = 3;
// GetConfigurationResponse is the response conveying the list of configuration values.
// It should be the FULL configuration of specified application which contains all of its configuration items.
message GetConfigurationResponse {
map items = 1;
// SubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
message SubscribeConfigurationRequest {
// The name of configuration store.
string store_name = 1;
// Optional. The key of the configuration item to fetch.
// If set, only query for the specified configuration items.
// Empty list means fetch all.
repeated string keys = 2;
// The metadata which will be sent to configuration store components.
map metadata = 3;
// UnSubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to stop watching the key-value configuration.
message UnsubscribeConfigurationRequest {
// The name of configuration store.
string store_name = 1;
// The id to unsubscribe.
string id = 2;
message SubscribeConfigurationResponse {
// Subscribe id, used to stop subscription.
string id = 1;
// The list of items containing configuration values
map items = 2;
message UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse {
bool ok = 1;
string message = 2;
message TryLockRequest {
// Required. The lock store name,e.g. `redis`.
string store_name = 1 [json_name = "storeName"];
// Required. resource_id is the lock key. e.g. `order_id_111`
// It stands for "which resource I want to protect"
string resource_id = 2 [json_name = "resourceId"];
// Required. lock_owner indicate the identifier of lock owner.
// You can generate a uuid as lock_owner.For example,in golang:
// req.LockOwner = uuid.New().String()
// This field is per request,not per process,so it is different for each request,
// which aims to prevent multi-thread in the same process trying the same lock concurrently.
// The reason why we don't make it automatically generated is:
// 1. If it is automatically generated,there must be a 'my_lock_owner_id' field in the response.
// This name is so weird that we think it is inappropriate to put it into the api spec
// 2. If we change the field 'my_lock_owner_id' in the response to 'lock_owner',which means the current lock owner of this lock,
// we find that in some lock services users can't get the current lock owner.Actually users don't need it at all.
// 3. When reentrant lock is needed,the existing lock_owner is required to identify client and check "whether this client can reenter this lock".
// So this field in the request shouldn't be removed.
string lock_owner = 3 [json_name = "lockOwner"];
// Required. The time before expiry.The time unit is second.
int32 expiry_in_seconds = 4 [json_name = "expiryInSeconds"];
message TryLockResponse {
bool success = 1;
message UnlockRequest {
string store_name = 1 [json_name = "storeName"];
// resource_id is the lock key.
string resource_id = 2 [json_name = "resourceId"];
string lock_owner = 3 [json_name = "lockOwner"];
message UnlockResponse {
enum Status {
Status status = 1;
// SubtleGetKeyRequest is the request object for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleGetKeyRequest {
enum KeyFormat {
// PEM (PKIX) (default)
PEM = 0;
// JSON (JSON Web Key) as string
JSON = 1;
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Name (or name/version) of the key to use in the key vault
string name = 2;
// Response format
KeyFormat format = 3;
// SubtleGetKeyResponse is the response for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleGetKeyResponse {
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
// This is returned as response too in case there is a version.
string name = 1;
// Public key, encoded in the requested format
string public_key = 2 [json_name="publicKey"];
// SubtleEncryptRequest is the request for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
message SubtleEncryptRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Message to encrypt.
bytes plaintext = 2;
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// Nonce / initialization vector.
// Ignored with asymmetric ciphers.
bytes nonce = 5;
// Associated Data when using AEAD ciphers (optional).
bytes associated_data = 6 [json_name="associatedData"];
// SubtleEncryptResponse is the response for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
message SubtleEncryptResponse {
// Encrypted ciphertext.
bytes ciphertext = 1;
// Authentication tag.
// This is nil when not using an authenticated cipher.
bytes tag = 2;
// SubtleDecryptRequest is the request for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
message SubtleDecryptRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Message to decrypt.
bytes ciphertext = 2;
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// Nonce / initialization vector.
// Ignored with asymmetric ciphers.
bytes nonce = 5;
// Authentication tag.
// This is nil when not using an authenticated cipher.
bytes tag = 6;
// Associated Data when using AEAD ciphers (optional).
bytes associated_data = 7 [json_name="associatedData"];
// SubtleDecryptResponse is the response for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
message SubtleDecryptResponse {
// Decrypted plaintext.
bytes plaintext = 1;
// SubtleWrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleWrapKeyRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Key to wrap
bytes plaintext_key = 2 [json_name="plaintextKey"];
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// Nonce / initialization vector.
// Ignored with asymmetric ciphers.
bytes nonce = 5;
// Associated Data when using AEAD ciphers (optional).
bytes associated_data = 6 [json_name="associatedData"];
// SubtleWrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleWrapKeyResponse {
// Wrapped key.
bytes wrapped_key = 1 [json_name="wrappedKey"];
// Authentication tag.
// This is nil when not using an authenticated cipher.
bytes tag = 2;
// SubtleUnwrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleUnwrapKeyRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Wrapped key.
bytes wrapped_key = 2 [json_name="wrappedKey"];
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// Nonce / initialization vector.
// Ignored with asymmetric ciphers.
bytes nonce = 5;
// Authentication tag.
// This is nil when not using an authenticated cipher.
bytes tag = 6;
// Associated Data when using AEAD ciphers (optional).
bytes associated_data = 7 [json_name="associatedData"];
// SubtleUnwrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
message SubtleUnwrapKeyResponse {
// Key in plaintext
bytes plaintext_key = 1 [json_name="plaintextKey"];
// SubtleSignRequest is the request for SubtleSignAlpha1.
message SubtleSignRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Digest to sign.
bytes digest = 2;
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// SubtleSignResponse is the response for SubtleSignAlpha1.
message SubtleSignResponse {
// The signature that was computed
bytes signature = 1;
// SubtleVerifyRequest is the request for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
message SubtleVerifyRequest {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Digest of the message.
bytes digest = 2;
// Algorithm to use, as in the JWA standard.
string algorithm = 3;
// Name (or name/version) of the key.
string key_name = 4 [json_name="keyName"];
// Signature to verify.
bytes signature = 5;
// SubtleVerifyResponse is the response for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
message SubtleVerifyResponse {
// True if the signature is valid.
bool valid = 1;
// EncryptRequest is the request for EncryptAlpha1.
message EncryptRequest {
// Request details. Must be present in the first message only.
EncryptRequestOptions options = 1;
// Chunk of data of arbitrary size.
common.v1.StreamPayload payload = 2;
// EncryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the EncryptAlpha1 request.
message EncryptRequestOptions {
// Name of the component. Required.
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Name (or name/version) of the key. Required.
string key_name = 2 [json_name="keyName"];
// Key wrapping algorithm to use. Required.
// Supported options include: A256KW (alias: AES), A128CBC, A192CBC, A256CBC, RSA-OAEP-256 (alias: RSA).
string key_wrap_algorithm = 3;
// Cipher used to encrypt data (optional): "aes-gcm" (default) or "chacha20-poly1305"
string data_encryption_cipher = 10;
// If true, the encrypted document does not contain a key reference.
// In that case, calls to the Decrypt method must provide a key reference (name or name/version).
// Defaults to false.
bool omit_decryption_key_name = 11 [json_name="omitDecryptionKeyName"];
// Key reference to embed in the encrypted document (name or name/version).
// This is helpful if the reference of the key used to decrypt the document is different from the one used to encrypt it.
// If unset, uses the reference of the key used to encrypt the document (this is the default behavior).
// This option is ignored if omit_decryption_key_name is true.
string decryption_key_name = 12 [json_name="decryptionKeyName"];
// EncryptResponse is the response for EncryptAlpha1.
message EncryptResponse {
// Chunk of data.
common.v1.StreamPayload payload = 1;
// DecryptRequest is the request for DecryptAlpha1.
message DecryptRequest {
// Request details. Must be present in the first message only.
DecryptRequestOptions options = 1;
// Chunk of data of arbitrary size.
common.v1.StreamPayload payload = 2;
// DecryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the DecryptAlpha1 request.
message DecryptRequestOptions {
// Name of the component
string component_name = 1 [json_name="componentName"];
// Name (or name/version) of the key to decrypt the message.
// Overrides any key reference included in the message if present.
// This is required if the message doesn't include a key reference (i.e. was created with omit_decryption_key_name set to true).
string key_name = 12 [json_name="keyName"];
// DecryptResponse is the response for DecryptAlpha1.
message DecryptResponse {
// Chunk of data.
common.v1.StreamPayload payload = 1;
// GetWorkflowRequest is the request for GetWorkflowBeta1.
message GetWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to query.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// GetWorkflowResponse is the response for GetWorkflowBeta1.
message GetWorkflowResponse {
// ID of the workflow instance.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow.
string workflow_name = 2 [json_name = "workflowName"];
// The time at which the workflow instance was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3 [json_name = "createdAt"];
// The last time at which the workflow instance had its state changed.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated_at = 4 [json_name = "lastUpdatedAt"];
// The current status of the workflow instance, for example, "PENDING", "RUNNING", "SUSPENDED", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", and "TERMINATED".
string runtime_status = 5 [json_name = "runtimeStatus"];
// Additional component-specific properties of the workflow instance.
map properties = 6;
// StartWorkflowRequest is the request for StartWorkflowBeta1.
message StartWorkflowRequest {
// The ID to assign to the started workflow instance. If empty, a random ID is generated.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// Name of the workflow.
string workflow_name = 3 [json_name = "workflowName"];
// Additional component-specific options for starting the workflow instance.
map options = 4;
// Input data for the workflow instance.
bytes input = 5;
// StartWorkflowResponse is the response for StartWorkflowBeta1.
message StartWorkflowResponse {
// ID of the started workflow instance.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// TerminateWorkflowRequest is the request for TerminateWorkflowBeta1.
message TerminateWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to terminate.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// PauseWorkflowRequest is the request for PauseWorkflowBeta1.
message PauseWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to pause.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// ResumeWorkflowRequest is the request for ResumeWorkflowBeta1.
message ResumeWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to resume.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// RaiseEventWorkflowRequest is the request for RaiseEventWorkflowBeta1.
message RaiseEventWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to raise an event for.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// Name of the event.
string event_name = 3 [json_name = "eventName"];
// Data associated with the event.
bytes event_data = 4;
// PurgeWorkflowRequest is the request for PurgeWorkflowBeta1.
message PurgeWorkflowRequest {
// ID of the workflow instance to purge.
string instance_id = 1 [json_name = "instanceID"];
// Name of the workflow component.
string workflow_component = 2 [json_name = "workflowComponent"];
// ShutdownRequest is the request for Shutdown.
message ShutdownRequest {
// Empty
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