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deephaven-proto-backplane-grpc.0.36.0.source-code.console.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 0.37.1
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 * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
syntax = "proto3";

package io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc;

option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
option go_package = "";

import "deephaven/proto/ticket.proto";
import "deephaven/proto/application.proto";

 * Console interaction service
service ConsoleService {
    rpc GetConsoleTypes(GetConsoleTypesRequest) returns (GetConsoleTypesResponse) {}
    rpc StartConsole(StartConsoleRequest) returns (StartConsoleResponse) {}
    rpc GetHeapInfo(GetHeapInfoRequest) returns (GetHeapInfoResponse) {}

    rpc SubscribeToLogs(LogSubscriptionRequest) returns (stream LogSubscriptionData) {}

    rpc ExecuteCommand(ExecuteCommandRequest) returns (ExecuteCommandResponse) {}
    rpc CancelCommand(CancelCommandRequest) returns (CancelCommandResponse) {}

    rpc BindTableToVariable(BindTableToVariableRequest) returns (BindTableToVariableResponse) {}

     * Starts a stream for autocomplete on the current session. More than one console,
     * more than one document can be edited at a time using this, and they can separately
     * be closed as well. A given document should only be edited within one stream at a
     * time.
    rpc AutoCompleteStream(stream AutoCompleteRequest) returns (stream AutoCompleteResponse) {}
    rpc CancelAutoComplete(CancelAutoCompleteRequest) returns (CancelAutoCompleteResponse) {}

     * Half of the browser-based (browser's can't do bidirectional streams without websockets)
     * implementation for AutoCompleteStream.
    rpc OpenAutoCompleteStream(AutoCompleteRequest) returns (stream AutoCompleteResponse) {}
     * Other half of the browser-based implementation for AutoCompleteStream.
    rpc NextAutoCompleteStream(AutoCompleteRequest) returns (BrowserNextResponse) {}

message GetConsoleTypesRequest {
    // left empty for future compatibility
message GetConsoleTypesResponse {
    repeated string console_types = 1;

message StartConsoleRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket result_id = 1;
    string session_type = 2;
message StartConsoleResponse {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket result_id = 1;

message GetHeapInfoRequest {
    // left empty for future compatibility
message GetHeapInfoResponse {
    // Returns the maximum amount of memory that the Java virtual machine will attempt to use.
    // If there is no inherent limit then the value Long.MAX_VALUE will be returned.
    // the maximum amount of memory that the virtual machine will attempt to use, measured in bytes
    int64 max_memory = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING];

    // Returns the total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine. The value returned by this method may vary over time, depending on the host environment.
    // Note that the amount of memory required to hold an object of any given type may be implementation-dependent.
    // the total amount of memory currently available for current and future objects, measured in bytes.
    int64 total_memory = 2 [jstype=JS_STRING];

    // Returns the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine. Calling the gc method may result in increasing the value returned by freeMemory.
    // an approximation to the total amount of memory currently available for future allocated objects, measured in bytes.
    int64 free_memory = 3 [jstype=JS_STRING];

// Presently you get _all_ logs, not just your console. A future version might take a specific console_id to
// restrict this to a single console.
message LogSubscriptionRequest {
//    Ticket console_id = 1;
    // If a non-zero value is specified, represents the timestamp in microseconds since the unix epoch when
    // the client last saw a message. Technically this might skip messages if more than one message was
    // logged at the same microsecond that connection was lost - to avoid this, subtract one from the last
    // seen message's micros, and expect to receive some messages that have already been seen.
    int64 last_seen_log_timestamp = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING];
    repeated string levels = 2;
message LogSubscriptionData {
    int64 micros = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING];
    string log_level = 2;
    string message = 3;
    reserved 4;//if we can scope logs to a script session
    //    Ticket console_id = 4;
message ExecuteCommandRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1;
    reserved 2;//if script sessions get a ticket, we will use this reserved tag
    string code = 3;
message ExecuteCommandResponse {
    string error_message = 1;
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FieldsChangeUpdate changes = 2;
message BindTableToVariableRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1;
    reserved 2;//if script sessions get a ticket, we will use this reserved tag
    string variable_name = 3;
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket table_id = 4;
message BindTableToVariableResponse {

message CancelCommandRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1;
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket command_id = 2;
message CancelCommandResponse {


message CancelAutoCompleteRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1;
    int32 request_id = 2;

message CancelAutoCompleteResponse {


message AutoCompleteRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 5;
    int32 request_id = 6;
    oneof request {
        // Starts a document in a given console - to end, just close the stream, the server will hang up right away
        OpenDocumentRequest open_document = 1;

        // Modifies the document that autocomplete can be requested on
        ChangeDocumentRequest change_document = 2;

        // Requests that a response be sent back with completion items
        GetCompletionItemsRequest get_completion_items = 3;

        // Request for help about the method signature at the cursor
        GetSignatureHelpRequest get_signature_help = 7;

        // Request for help about what the user is hovering over
        GetHoverRequest get_hover = 8;

        // Request to perform file diagnostics
        GetDiagnosticRequest get_diagnostic = 9;

        // Closes the document, indicating that it will not be referenced again
        CloseDocumentRequest close_document = 4;
message AutoCompleteResponse {
    int32 request_id = 2;
    bool success = 3;
    oneof response {
        GetCompletionItemsResponse completion_items = 1;
        GetSignatureHelpResponse signatures = 4;
        GetHoverResponse hover = 5;
        GetPullDiagnosticResponse diagnostic = 6;
        GetPublishDiagnosticResponse diagnostic_publish = 7;

message BrowserNextResponse {

message OpenDocumentRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1 [deprecated=true];
    TextDocumentItem text_document = 2;
message TextDocumentItem {
    string uri = 1;
    string language_id = 2;
    int32 version = 3;
    string text = 4;

message CloseDocumentRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1 [deprecated=true];
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 2;

message ChangeDocumentRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1 [deprecated=true];
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 2;
    repeated TextDocumentContentChangeEvent content_changes = 3;

    message TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
        DocumentRange range = 1;
        int32 range_length = 2;
        string text = 3;
message DocumentRange {
    Position start = 1;
    Position end = 2;
message VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
    string uri = 1;
    int32 version = 2;
message Position {
    int32 line = 1;
    int32 character = 2;

message MarkupContent {
    string kind = 1;
    string value = 2;

message GetCompletionItemsRequest {
    io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Ticket console_id = 1 [deprecated=true];

    CompletionContext context = 2;
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 3;
    Position position = 4;

    int32 request_id = 5 [deprecated=true];
message CompletionContext {
    int32 trigger_kind = 1;
    string trigger_character = 2;
message GetCompletionItemsResponse {
    repeated CompletionItem items = 1;

    // Maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the same field on AutoCompleteResponse instead
    int32 request_id = 2 [deprecated=true];
    // Maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the same field on AutoCompleteResponse instead
    bool success = 3 [deprecated=true];
message CompletionItem {
    int32 start = 1;
    int32 length = 2;
    string label = 3;
    int32 kind = 4;
    string detail = 5;
    reserved 6; // Old documentation as a string. Was never used by us
    bool deprecated = 7;
    bool preselect = 8;
    TextEdit text_edit = 9;
    string sort_text = 10;
    string filter_text = 11;
    int32 insert_text_format = 12;
    repeated TextEdit additional_text_edits = 13;
    repeated string commit_characters = 14;
    MarkupContent documentation = 15;
message TextEdit {
    DocumentRange range = 1;
    string text = 2;

message GetSignatureHelpRequest {
    SignatureHelpContext context = 1;
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 2;
    Position position = 3;
message SignatureHelpContext {
    int32 trigger_kind = 1;
    optional string trigger_character = 2;
    bool is_retrigger = 3;
    GetSignatureHelpResponse active_signature_help = 4;

message GetSignatureHelpResponse {
    repeated SignatureInformation signatures = 1;
    optional int32 active_signature = 2;
    optional int32 active_parameter = 3;

message SignatureInformation {
    string label = 1;
    MarkupContent documentation = 2;
    repeated ParameterInformation parameters = 3;
    optional int32 active_parameter = 4;

message ParameterInformation {
    string label = 1;
    MarkupContent documentation = 2;

message GetHoverRequest {
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 1;
    Position position = 2;

message GetHoverResponse {
    MarkupContent contents = 1;
    DocumentRange range = 2;

message GetDiagnosticRequest {
    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier text_document = 1;
    optional string identifier = 2;
    optional string previous_result_id = 3;

message GetPullDiagnosticResponse {
    string kind = 1;
    optional string result_id = 2;
    repeated Diagnostic items = 3;

message GetPublishDiagnosticResponse {
    string uri = 1;
    optional int32 version = 2;
    repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 3;

message Diagnostic {
    enum DiagnosticSeverity {
        NOT_SET_SEVERITY = 0;
        ERROR = 1;
        WARNING = 2;
        INFORMATION = 3;
        HINT = 4;

    enum DiagnosticTag {
        NOT_SET_TAG = 0;
        UNNECESSARY = 1;
        DEPRECATED = 2;

    message CodeDescription {
        string href = 1;

    DocumentRange range = 1;
    DiagnosticSeverity severity = 2;
    optional string code = 3;
    optional CodeDescription code_description = 4;
    optional string source = 5;
    string message = 6;
    repeated DiagnosticTag tags = 7;
    optional bytes data = 9;

message FigureDescriptor {
    optional string title = 1;
    string title_font = 2;
    string title_color = 3;

    int64 update_interval = 7 [jstype=JS_STRING];

    int32 cols = 8;
    int32 rows = 9;

    repeated ChartDescriptor charts = 10;

    // Deprecated: not set by the server anymore, this is replaced by the object fetch mechanism
    reserved 11;

    // Deprecated: not set by the server anymore, this is replaced by the object fetch mechanism
    reserved 12;

    repeated string errors = 13;

    message ChartDescriptor {
        enum ChartType {
            XY = 0;
            PIE = 1;
            OHLC = 2 [deprecated=true];
            CATEGORY = 3;
            XYZ = 4;
            CATEGORY_3D = 5;
            TREEMAP = 6;
        int32 colspan = 1;
        int32 rowspan = 2;

        repeated SeriesDescriptor series = 3;
        repeated MultiSeriesDescriptor multi_series = 4;
        repeated AxisDescriptor axes = 5;

        ChartType chart_type = 6;

        optional string title = 7;
        string title_font = 8;
        string title_color = 9;

        bool show_legend = 10;
        string legend_font = 11;
        string legend_color = 12;

        bool is3d = 13;

        int32 column = 14;
        int32 row = 15;

    enum SeriesPlotStyle {
        BAR = 0;
        STACKED_BAR = 1;
        LINE = 2;
        AREA = 3;
        STACKED_AREA = 4;
        PIE = 5;
        HISTOGRAM = 6;
        OHLC = 7;
        SCATTER = 8;
        STEP = 9;
        ERROR_BAR = 10;
        TREEMAP = 11;

    message SeriesDescriptor {
        SeriesPlotStyle plot_style = 1;

        string name = 2;

        optional bool lines_visible = 3;
        optional bool shapes_visible = 4;

        bool gradient_visible = 5;
        string line_color = 6;
        //TODO (deephaven-core#774) finish this field or remove it from the DSL
        //    string line_style = 7;
        reserved 7;
        optional string point_label_format = 8;
        optional string x_tool_tip_pattern = 9;
        optional string y_tool_tip_pattern = 10;

        string shape_label = 11;
        optional double shape_size = 12;
        string shape_color = 13;
        string shape = 14;

        repeated SourceDescriptor data_sources = 15;
    message MultiSeriesDescriptor {
        SeriesPlotStyle plot_style = 1;

        string name = 2;

        StringMapWithDefault line_color = 3;

        StringMapWithDefault point_color = 4;

        BoolMapWithDefault lines_visible = 5;

        BoolMapWithDefault points_visible = 6;

        BoolMapWithDefault gradient_visible = 7;

        StringMapWithDefault point_label_format = 8;

        StringMapWithDefault x_tool_tip_pattern = 9;

        StringMapWithDefault y_tool_tip_pattern = 10;

        StringMapWithDefault point_label = 11;

        DoubleMapWithDefault point_size = 12;

        StringMapWithDefault point_shape = 13;

        repeated MultiSeriesSourceDescriptor data_sources = 14;

    message StringMapWithDefault {
        optional string default_string = 1;
        repeated string keys = 2;
        repeated string values = 3;
    message DoubleMapWithDefault {
        optional double default_double = 1;
        repeated string keys = 2;
        repeated double values = 3;
    message BoolMapWithDefault {
        optional bool default_bool = 1;
        repeated string keys = 2;
        repeated bool values = 3;
    message AxisDescriptor {
        enum AxisFormatType {
            CATEGORY = 0;
            NUMBER = 1;
        enum AxisType {
            X = 0;
            Y = 1;
            SHAPE = 2;
            SIZE = 3;
            LABEL = 4;
            COLOR = 5;
        enum AxisPosition {
            TOP = 0;
            BOTTOM = 1;
            LEFT = 2;
            RIGHT = 3;
            NONE = 4;

        string id = 1;

        AxisFormatType format_type = 2;

        AxisType type = 3;

        AxisPosition position = 4;

        bool log = 5;
        string label = 6;
        string label_font = 7;
        string ticks_font = 8;
        optional string format_pattern = 9;
        string color = 10;
        double min_range = 11;
        double max_range = 12;
        bool minor_ticks_visible = 13;
        bool major_ticks_visible = 14;
        int32 minor_tick_count = 15;
        optional double gap_between_major_ticks = 16;
        repeated double major_tick_locations = 17;
        double tick_label_angle = 18;
        bool invert = 19;
        bool is_time_axis = 20;
        BusinessCalendarDescriptor business_calendar_descriptor = 21;
    message BusinessCalendarDescriptor {
        enum DayOfWeek {
            SUNDAY = 0;
            MONDAY = 1;
            TUESDAY = 2;
            WEDNESDAY = 3;
            THURSDAY = 4;
            FRIDAY = 5;
            SATURDAY = 6;
        message BusinessPeriod {
            string open = 1;
            string close = 2;
        message Holiday {
            LocalDate date = 1;
            repeated BusinessPeriod business_periods = 2;
        message LocalDate {
            int32 year = 1;
            int32 month = 2;
            int32 day = 3;
        string name = 1;
        string time_zone = 2;
        repeated DayOfWeek business_days = 3;
        repeated BusinessPeriod business_periods = 4;
        repeated Holiday holidays = 5;
    message MultiSeriesSourceDescriptor {
        string axis_id = 1;

        SourceType type = 2;

        int32 partitioned_table_id = 3;
        string column_name = 4;

    enum SourceType {
        X = 0;
        Y = 1;
        Z = 2;
        X_LOW = 3;
        X_HIGH = 4;
        Y_LOW = 5;
        Y_HIGH = 6;
        TIME = 7;
        OPEN = 8;
        HIGH = 9;
        LOW = 10;
        CLOSE = 11;
        SHAPE = 12;
        SIZE = 13;
        LABEL = 14;
        COLOR = 15;
        PARENT = 16;
        HOVER_TEXT = 17;
        TEXT = 18;
    message SourceDescriptor {
        string axis_id = 1;

        SourceType type = 2;

        int32 table_id = 3;
        int32 partitioned_table_id = 4;
        string column_name = 5;

        string column_type = 6;

        OneClickDescriptor one_click = 7;
    message OneClickDescriptor {
        repeated string columns = 1;
        repeated string column_types = 2;
        bool require_all_filters_to_display = 3;

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