ita_external_api_grpc_shared.2024.10.0.source-code.GrpcEvitaManagementAPI.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto3";
package io.evitadb.externalApi.grpc.generated;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option csharp_namespace = "EvitaDB";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "GrpcEnums.proto";
import "GrpcEvitaDataTypes.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// Response to a server status request.
message GrpcEvitaServerStatusResponse {
// Version of evitaDB server taken from the MANIFEST.MF file
string version = 1;
// Date and time when the server was started
GrpcOffsetDateTime startedAt = 2;
// Duration of time since the server was started (seconds)
int64 uptime = 3;
// Unique identifier of the server instance
string instanceId = 4;
// Number of corrupted catalogs
int32 catalogsCorrupted = 5;
// Number of catalogs that are ok
int32 catalogsOk = 6;
// Health problems
repeated GrpcHealthProblem healthProblems = 7;
// Overall readiness of the evitaDB server
GrpcReadiness readiness = 8;
// Information about all available APIs
map api = 9;
// Flag indicating that the server is in read-only mode
bool readOnly = 10;
// Status of the external API
message GrpcApiStatus {
// True if the API is enabled
bool enabled = 1;
// API readiness status
bool ready = 2;
// list of base url of the web API
repeated string baseUrl = 3;
// list of specific endpoints of particular API
// currently only system API provides list of endpoints
repeated GrpcEndpoint endpoints = 4;
// Information about a system endpoint of particular purpose derived from name
message GrpcEndpoint {
// logical name of the endpoint
string name = 1;
// absolute URL of the endpoint
repeated string url = 2;
// Response to an evitaDB configuration request.
message GrpcEvitaConfigurationResponse {
// Current configuration of the server in YAML format with evaluated values.
string configuration = 1;
// Response to a server catalog statistics request.
message GrpcEvitaCatalogStatisticsResponse {
// Collection of catalog statistics for all catalogs
repeated GrpcCatalogStatistics catalogStatistics = 1;
// Request to restore a catalog.
message GrpcRestoreCatalogRequest {
// Name of the catalog where the backup will be restored
// The name must not clash with any of existing catalogs
string catalogName = 1;
// Binary contents of the backup file.
bytes backupFile = 2;
// Request to restore a catalog.
message GrpcRestoreCatalogUnaryRequest {
// Name of the catalog where the backup will be restored
// The name must not clash with any of existing catalogs
string catalogName = 1;
// Binary contents of the backup file.
bytes backupFile = 2;
// Identification of the task (for continuation purpose)
GrpcUuid fileId = 3;
// Total size of uploaded file in Bytes, when the size is reached, restore automatically starts
int64 totalSizeInBytes = 4;
// Request to restore a catalog.
message GrpcRestoreCatalogFromServerFileRequest {
// Name of the catalog where the backup will be restored
// The name must not clash with any of existing catalogs
string catalogName = 1;
// The identification of the file on the server that should be restored
GrpcUuid fileId = 2;
// Response to a catalog restore request.
message GrpcRestoreCatalogResponse {
// returns the number of bytes read from the backup file
int64 read = 1;
// the task that is used to restore the catalog and getting its progress
GrpcTaskStatus task = 2;
// Request to list task statuses in paginated form.
message GrpcTaskStatusesRequest {
// Page number of the task statuses to be listed.
int32 pageNumber = 1;
// Number of task statuses per page.
int32 pageSize = 2;
// Optional taskType of the listed task, passing non-null value
// in this argument filters the returned status to only those that are related to the tasks of specified type
repeated google.protobuf.StringValue taskType = 3;
// Optional set of simplified task states, passing list of enums in this argument
// filters the returned statuses to only those that match this simplified status
repeated GrpcTaskSimplifiedState simplifiedState = 4;
// Response to a task statuses request.
message GrpcTaskStatusesResponse {
// The size of the page.
int32 pageSize = 1;
// The number of the page.
int32 pageNumber = 2;
// Collection of task statuses.
repeated GrpcTaskStatus taskStatus = 3;
// Total number of task statuses.
int32 totalNumberOfRecords = 4;
// Request to get multiple task statuses.
message GrpcSpecifiedTaskStatusesRequest {
// set of task ids to be listed
repeated GrpcUuid taskIds = 1;
// Response to a multiple task statuses request.
message GrpcSpecifiedTaskStatusesResponse {
// Collection of task statuses.
repeated GrpcTaskStatus taskStatus = 1;
// Request to get single task status by id
message GrpcTaskStatusRequest {
// Identification of the task
GrpcUuid taskId = 1;
// Response to a task status request.
message GrpcTaskStatusResponse {
// Task status if found
GrpcTaskStatus taskStatus = 1;
// Request to get cancel task status by id
message GrpcCancelTaskRequest {
// Identification of the task
GrpcUuid taskId = 1;
// Request to get cancel task status by id
message GrpcCancelTaskResponse {
// true if the task was found and canceled
bool success = 1;
// Request to list files to fetch in paginated form.
message GrpcFilesToFetchRequest {
// Page number of the task statuses to be listed.
int32 pageNumber = 1;
// Number of task statuses per page.
int32 pageSize = 2;
// Optional origin of the files (derived from taskType), passing non-null value
// in this argument filters the returned files to only those that are related to the specified origin
google.protobuf.StringValue origin = 3;
// Response to a get files to fetch request.
message GrpcFilesToFetchResponse {
// The size of the page.
int32 pageSize = 1;
// The number of the page.
int32 pageNumber = 2;
// Collection of files to fetch.
repeated GrpcFile filesToFetch = 3;
// Total number of files to fetch.
int32 totalNumberOfRecords = 4;
// Request to list task statuses in paginated form.
message GrpcFileToFetchRequest {
// Identification of the file
GrpcUuid fileId = 1;
// Response to a task statuses request.
message GrpcFileToFetchResponse {
// File to fetch.
GrpcFile fileToFetch = 1;
// Request to get single file by id
message GrpcFetchFileRequest {
// Identification of the file
GrpcUuid fileId = 1;
// Response to a task status request.
message GrpcFetchFileResponse {
// chunk of the file content
bytes fileContents = 1;
// total size of the file
int64 totalSizeInBytes = 2;
// Request to list task statuses in paginated form.
message GrpcDeleteFileToFetchRequest {
// Identification of the file
GrpcUuid fileId = 1;
// Response to a task statuses request.
message GrpcDeleteFileToFetchResponse {
// true if the file was found and deleted
bool success = 1;
// Single reserved keyword
message GrpcReservedKeyword {
// Type of the keyword
GrpcClassifierType classifierType = 1;
// Reserved keyword
string classifier = 2;
// List of words that are part of the keyword
repeated string words = 3;
// Response that returns information about reserved keywords.
message GrpcReservedKeywordsResponse {
// List of reserved keywords
repeated GrpcReservedKeyword keywords = 1;
// This service contains RPCs that could be called by gRPC clients on evitaDB. Main purpose of this service is to provide
// a way to create sessions and catalogs, and to update the catalog.
service EvitaManagementService {
// Procedure used to obtain server status.
rpc ServerStatus(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GrpcEvitaServerStatusResponse);
// Procedure used to obtain server configuration.
rpc GetConfiguration(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GrpcEvitaConfigurationResponse);
// Procedure used to obtain catalog statistics.
rpc GetCatalogStatistics(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GrpcEvitaCatalogStatisticsResponse);
// Procedure used to restore a catalog from backup.
rpc RestoreCatalog(stream GrpcRestoreCatalogRequest) returns (GrpcRestoreCatalogResponse);
// Procedure used to restore a catalog from backup (unary version for gRPC/web).
rpc RestoreCatalogUnary(GrpcRestoreCatalogUnaryRequest) returns (GrpcRestoreCatalogResponse);
// Procedure used to restore a catalog from backup.
rpc RestoreCatalogFromServerFile(GrpcRestoreCatalogFromServerFileRequest) returns (GrpcRestoreCatalogResponse);
// Procedure used to get listing of task statuses.
rpc ListTaskStatuses(GrpcTaskStatusesRequest) returns (GrpcTaskStatusesResponse);
// Procedure used to get detail of particular task status.
rpc GetTaskStatus(GrpcTaskStatusRequest) returns (GrpcTaskStatusResponse);
// Procedure used to get multiple details of particular task statuses.
rpc GetTaskStatuses(GrpcSpecifiedTaskStatusesRequest) returns (GrpcSpecifiedTaskStatusesResponse);
// Procedure used to cancel queued or running task.
rpc CancelTask(GrpcCancelTaskRequest) returns (GrpcCancelTaskResponse);
// Procedure used to get listing of files available for fetching.
rpc ListFilesToFetch(GrpcFilesToFetchRequest) returns (GrpcFilesToFetchResponse);
// Procedure used to get single file by its id available for fetching.
rpc GetFileToFetch(GrpcFileToFetchRequest) returns (GrpcFileToFetchResponse);
// Procedure used to get file contents
rpc FetchFile(GrpcFetchFileRequest) returns (stream GrpcFetchFileResponse);
// Procedure used to delete file contents
rpc DeleteFile(GrpcDeleteFileToFetchRequest) returns (GrpcDeleteFileToFetchResponse);
// List reserved keywords
rpc ListReservedKeywords(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GrpcReservedKeywordsResponse);