ita_external_api_grpc_shared.2024.10.0.source-code.GrpcExtraResults.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto3";
package io.evitadb.externalApi.grpc.generated;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option csharp_namespace = "EvitaDB";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "GrpcEntity.proto";
import "GrpcEvitaDataTypes.proto";
import "GrpcEnums.proto";
// A histogram is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data. For detailed description please
// see [Wikipedia](
// Histogram can be computed only for numeric based properties. It visualises which property values are more common
// in the returned data set and which are rare. Bucket count will never exceed requested bucket count but there
// may be less of them if there is no enough data for computation. Bucket thresholds are specified heuristically so tha
// there are as few "empty buckets" as possible.
// - buckets are defined by their lower bounds (inclusive)
// - the upper bound is the lower bound of the next bucket
message GrpcHistogram {
// Returns left bound of the first bucket. It represents the smallest value encountered in the returned set.
GrpcBigDecimal min = 1;
// Returns right bound of the last bucket of the histogram. Each bucket contains only left bound threshold, so this
// value is necessary so that first histogram buckets makes any sense. This value is exceptional in the sense that
// it represents the biggest value encountered in the returned set and represents inclusive right bound for the
// last bucket.
GrpcBigDecimal max = 2;
// Returns count of all entities that are covered by this histogram. It's plain sum of occurrences of all buckets
// in the histogram.
int32 overallCount = 3;
// Data object that carries out threshold in histogram (or bucket if you will) along with number of occurrences in it.
message GrpcBucket {
// Contains threshold (left bound - inclusive) of the bucket.
GrpcBigDecimal threshold = 2;
// Contains number of entity occurrences in this bucket - e.g. number of entities that has monitored property value
// between previous bucket threshold (exclusive) and this bucket threshold (inclusive)
int32 occurrences = 3;
// Contains true if the `bucket` is overlapping the attribute between filtering constraint
bool requested = 4;
// Returns histogram buckets that represents a tuple of occurrence count and the minimal threshold of the bucket
// values.
repeated GrpcBucket buckets = 4;
// This DTO contains information about single facet group and statistics of the facets that relates to it.
message GrpcFacetGroupStatistics {
// Contains name of the facet group.
string referenceName = 1;
// Contains referenced entity reference representing this group.
GrpcEntityReference groupEntityReference = 2;
// Contains referenced entity representing this group.
GrpcSealedEntity groupEntity = 3;
// Contains number of distinct entities in the response that possess any reference in this group.
int32 count = 4;
// Contains statistics of individual facets.
repeated GrpcFacetStatistics facetStatistics = 5;
// This DTO contains information about single facet statistics of the entities that are present in the response.
message GrpcFacetStatistics {
// Contains referenced entity reference representing.
GrpcEntityReference facetEntityReference = 1;
// Contains referenced entity representing.
GrpcSealedEntity facetEntity = 2;
// Contains TRUE if the facet was part of the query filtering constraints.
bool requested = 3;
// Contains number of distinct entities in the response that possess of this reference.
int32 count = 4;
// This field is not null only when this facet is not requested.
// Contains projected impact on the current response if this facet is also requested in filtering constraints.
google.protobuf.Int32Value impact = 5;
// Projected number of filtered entities if the query is altered by adding this facet to filtering constraint.
google.protobuf.Int32Value matchCount = 6;
// Selection has sense - TRUE if there is at least one entity still present in the result if
// the query is altered by adding this facet to filtering query. In case of OR relation between
// facets it's also true only if there is at least one entity present in the result when all other
// facets in the same group are removed and only this facet is requested.
bool hasSense = 7;
// Contains list of statistics for the single level (probably root or whatever is filtered by the query) of
// the queried hierarchy entity.
message GrpcHierarchy {
// Map holds the statistics represented by user-specified output name of requested hierarchy.
map hierarchy = 1;
// This DTO represents a wrapper for array of statistics for the single hierarchy level of inner entities.
message GrpcLevelInfos {
// Array of statistics for the single hierarchy level of inner entities.
repeated GrpcLevelInfo levelInfos = 1;
// This DTO represents single hierarchical entity in the statistics tree. It contains identification of the entity,
// the cardinality of queried entities that refer to it and information about children level.
message GrpcLevelInfo {
// Hierarchical entity reference at position in tree represented by this object.
GrpcEntityReference entityReference = 1;
// Hierarchical entity at position in tree represented by this object.
GrpcSealedEntity entity = 2;
// Contains the number of queried entities that refer directly to this `entity` or to any of its children
// entities.
google.protobuf.Int32Value queriedEntityCount = 3;
// Contains number of hierarchical entities that are referring to this `entity` as its parent.
// The count will respect behaviour settings and will not count empty children in case `REMOVE_EMPTY` is
// used for computation.
google.protobuf.Int32Value childrenCount = 4;
// Contains hierarchy info of the entities that are subordinate (children) of this `entity`.
repeated GrpcLevelInfo items = 5;
// Contains true if the `entity` was filtered by hierarchy within constraint
bool requested = 6;
// This DTO contains detailed information about query processing time and its decomposition to single operations.
message GrpcQueryTelemetry {
// Phase of the query processing.
GrpcQueryPhase operation = 1;
// Date and time of the start of this step in nanoseconds.
int64 start = 2;
// Internal steps of this telemetry step (operation decomposition).
repeated GrpcQueryTelemetry steps = 3;
// Arguments of the processing phase.
repeated string arguments = 4;
// Duration in nanoseconds.
int64 spentTime = 5;
// This DTO contains extra results that are computed based on the query results.
message GrpcExtraResults {
// Returns computed histograms for specific attributes based on filter constraints.
// A histogram is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data. For detailed description please
// see [WikiPedia](
// Histogram can be computed only for numeric based properties. It visualises which property values are more common
// in the returned data set and which are rare. Bucket count will never exceed requested bucket count specified in
// `requestedCount` but there
// may be less of them if there is no enough data for computation. Bucket thresholds are specified heuristically so that
// there are as few "empty buckets" as possible.
// - buckets are defined by their lower bounds (inclusive)
// - the upper bound is the lower bound of the next bucket
map attributeHistogram = 1;
// Returns computed histogram for prices satisfactory to filter constraints.
// A histogram is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data. For detailed description please
// see [WikiPedia](
// Histogram can be computed only for numeric based properties. It visualises which property values are more common
// in the returned data set and which are rare. Bucket count will never exceed requested bucket count specified in
// `requestedCount` but there
// may be less of them if there is no enough data for computation. Bucket thresholds are specified heuristically so that
// there are as few "empty buckets" as possible.
// - buckets are defined by their lower bounds (inclusive)
// - the upper bound is the lower bound of the next bucket
GrpcHistogram priceHistogram = 2;
// Contains a collection of FacetGroupStatistics DTOs where each of them contains information about single facet group
// (if they belong in one) and statistics of the facets that relates to it.
repeated GrpcFacetGroupStatistics facetGroupStatistics = 3;
// Contains list of statistics for the single level (probably root or whatever is filtered by the query) of
// the queried hierarchy entity.
GrpcHierarchy selfHierarchy = 4;
// Index holds the statistics for particular references that target hierarchy entity types.
// Key is the identification of the reference name, value contains list of statistics for the single level (probably
// root or whatever is filtered by the query) of the hierarchy entity.
map hierarchy = 5;
// This DTO contains detailed information about query processing time and its decomposition to single operations.
GrpcQueryTelemetry queryTelemetry = 6;