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lbertc.frameless-dataframe_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package frameless

import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Column, DataFrameWriter, SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, when}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.util.Random.{nextLong => randomLong}

import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.record.Values
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{IsHCons, Prepend}

final class TypedDataFrame[Schema <: Product] private[frameless]
  (_df: DataFrame)
  (implicit val fields: Fields[Schema])
    extends Serializable {

  val df = _df.toDF(fields(): _*)

  def as[NewSchema <: Product] = new FieldRenamer[NewSchema]

  class FieldRenamer[NewSchema <: Product] {
    def apply[S <: HList]()
        l: Generic.Aux[Schema, S],
        r: Generic.Aux[NewSchema, S],
        g: Fields[NewSchema]
      ): TypedDataFrame[NewSchema] =
       new TypedDataFrame(df)

  def rdd(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema], l: ClassTag[Schema]): RDD[Schema] =

  def cartesianJoin[OtherS <: Product, Out <: Product, L <: HList, R <: HList, P <: HList, V <: HList]
    (other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])
      l: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Schema, L],
      r: LabelledGeneric.Aux[OtherS, R],
      P: Prepend.Aux[L, R, P],
      v: Values.Aux[P, V],
      t: XLTupler.Aux[V, Out],
      g: Fields[Out]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
      new TypedDataFrame(df.join(other.df))

  def innerJoin[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) =
    new JoinPartial(other, "inner")

  def outerJoin[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) =
    new JoinPartial(other, "outer")

  def leftOuterJoin[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) =
    new JoinPartial(other, "left_outer")

  def rightOuterJoin[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) =
    new JoinPartial(other, "right_outer")

  class JoinPartial[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS], joinType: String)
      extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def usingProduct[C <: HList, Out <: Product, L <: HList, R <: HList, S <: HList, A <: HList, V <: HList, D <: HList, P <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        l: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, L, S],
        r: FieldsExtractor.Aux[OtherS, C, R, S],
        a: AllRemover.Aux[R, C, A],
        c: Values.Aux[L, V],
        d: Values.Aux[A, D],
        p: Prepend.Aux[V, D, P],
        t: XLTupler.Aux[P, Out],
        g: Fields[Out]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
        emulateUsing(l(columns), g)

    private def emulateUsing[Out <: Product](joinCs: Seq[String], g: Fields[Out]): TypedDataFrame[Out] = {
      val joinExpr: Column = => df(n) === other.df(n)).reduce(_ && _)
      val joined: DataFrame = df.join(other.df, joinExpr, joinType)

      val slefCol: String => String = "s".+
      val othrCol: String => String = "o".+
      val prefixed: DataFrame = joined.toDF( ++ _*)

      val slefColumns: Seq[Column] = { c =>
        if (joinCs.contains(c))
          ) otherwise
        else prefixed(slefCol(c))

      val otherColumns: Seq[Column] =
        other.columns.filterNot(joinCs.contains).map(c => prefixed(othrCol(c)))

      new TypedDataFrame( ++ otherColumns: _*))(g)

    def onProduct[C <: HList](columns: C): JoinOnPartial[C, OtherS] =
      new JoinOnPartial[C, OtherS](columns: C, other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS], joinType: String)

  private def constructJoinOn[Out <: Product]
    (other: DataFrame, columns: Seq[String], otherColumns: Seq[String], joinType: String)
    (implicit f: Fields[Out]): TypedDataFrame[Out] = {
      val expr =
        .map(z => z._1 === z._2)
        .reduce(_ && _)

      new TypedDataFrame(df.join(other, expr, joinType))

  class JoinOnPartial[C <: HList, OtherS <: Product](columns: C, other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS], joinType: String)
      extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def andProduct[D <: HList, Out <: Product, L <: HList, R <: HList, S <: HList, V <: HList, W <: HList, P <: HList]
      (otherColumns: D)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        l: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, L, S],
        r: FieldsExtractor.Aux[OtherS, D, R, S],
        c: Values.Aux[L, V],
        d: Values.Aux[R, W],
        p: Prepend.Aux[V, W, P],
        t: XLTupler.Aux[P, Out],
        g: Fields[Out]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
        constructJoinOn(other.df, l(columns), r(otherColumns), joinType)

  def leftsemiJoin[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) =
    new LeftsemiJoinPartial(other)

  class LeftsemiJoinPartial[OtherS <: Product](other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS]) extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def usingProduct[C <: HList, Out <: Product, S <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        l: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, _, S],
        r: FieldsExtractor.Aux[OtherS, C, _, S]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] = {
        val joinExpr: Column = l(columns).map(n => df(n) === other.df(n)).reduce(_ && _)
        new TypedDataFrame(df.join(other.df, joinExpr, "leftsemi"))

    def onProduct[C <: HList](columns: C): LeftsemiJoinOnPartial[C, OtherS] =
      new LeftsemiJoinOnPartial[C, OtherS](columns: C, other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])

  class LeftsemiJoinOnPartial[C <: HList, OtherS <: Product](columns: C, other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])
      extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def andProduct[D <: HList, Out <: Product, S <: HList]
      (otherColumns: D)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        l: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, _, S],
        r: FieldsExtractor.Aux[OtherS, D, _, S]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
        constructJoinOn(other.df, l(columns), r(otherColumns), "leftsemi")

  object sort extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
        new TypedDataFrame(df.sort(f(columns).map(col): _*))

  object sortDesc extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
        new TypedDataFrame(df.sort(f(columns).map(c => col(c).desc): _*))

  object select extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList, Out <: Product, G <: HList, S <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        f: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, G, S],
        t: XLTupler.Aux[S, Out],
        b: Fields[Out]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
        new TypedDataFrame( _*))

  def selectExpr(exprs: String*): DataFrame =
    df.selectExpr(exprs: _*)

  def filter
    (f: Schema => Boolean)
      s: SQLContext,
      t: TypeableRow[Schema]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(s.createDataFrame(df.rdd.filter(r => f(t(r))), df.schema))

  def limit(n: Int): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
    new TypedDataFrame(df.limit(n))

  def unionAll[OtherS <: Product, S <: HList]
    (other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])
      l: Generic.Aux[Schema, S],
      r: Generic.Aux[OtherS, S]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(df.unionAll(other.df))

  def intersect[OtherS <: Product, S <: HList]
    (other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])
      l: Generic.Aux[Schema, S],
      r: Generic.Aux[OtherS, S]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(df.intersect(other.df))

  def except[OtherS <: Product, S <: HList]
    (other: TypedDataFrame[OtherS])
      l: Generic.Aux[Schema, S],
      r: Generic.Aux[OtherS, S]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(df.except(other.df))

  def sample(
    withReplacement: Boolean,
    fraction: Double,
    seed: Long = randomLong
  ): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
    new TypedDataFrame(df.sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed))

  def randomSplit(
    weights: Array[Double],
    seed: Long = randomLong
  ): Array[TypedDataFrame[Schema]] = {
    val a: Array[Double] =
    df.randomSplit(a, seed).map(d => new TypedDataFrame[Schema](d))

  def explode[NewSchema <: Product, Out <: Product, N <: HList, G <: HList, P <: HList]
    (f: Schema => TraversableOnce[NewSchema])
      a: TypeTag[NewSchema],
      n: Generic.Aux[NewSchema, N],
      t: TypeableRow.Aux[Schema, G],
      p: Prepend.Aux[G, N, P],
      m: XLTupler.Aux[P, Out],
      g: Fields[Out]
    ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
      new TypedDataFrame(df.explode( _*)(r => f(t(r))))

  object drop extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList, Out <: Product, G <: HList, R <: HList, V <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        f: FieldsExtractor.Aux[Schema, C, G, _],
        r: AllRemover.Aux[G, C, R],
        v: Values.Aux[R, V],
        t: XLTupler.Aux[V, Out],
        b: Fields[Out]
      ): TypedDataFrame[Out] =
        new TypedDataFrame(f(columns).foldLeft(df)(_ drop _))

  object dropDuplicates extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList](columns: C)(implicit f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(columns match {
        case HNil => df.dropDuplicates()
        case _ => df.dropDuplicates(f(columns))

  object describe extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList]
      (columns: C)
        h: IsHCons[C],
        f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]
      ): DataFrame =
        df.describe(f(columns): _*)

  def repartition(numPartitions: Int): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
    new TypedDataFrame(df.repartition(numPartitions))

  def coalesce(numPartitions: Int): TypedDataFrame[Schema] =
    new TypedDataFrame(df.coalesce(numPartitions))

  def distinct(): TypedDataFrame[Schema] = new TypedDataFrame(df.distinct())

  def cache(): TypedDataFrame[Schema] = new TypedDataFrame(df.cache())

  def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK): TypedDataFrame[Schema] = new TypedDataFrame(df.persist(newLevel))

  def unpersist(blocking: Boolean = false): TypedDataFrame[Schema] = new TypedDataFrame(df.unpersist(blocking))

  def schema: StructType = df.schema

  def dtypes: Array[(String, String)] = df.dtypes

  def columns: Array[String] = df.columns

  def printSchema(): Unit = df.printSchema()

  def explain(extended: Boolean = false): Unit = df.explain(extended)

  def isLocal: Boolean = df.isLocal

  def show(numRows: Int = 20, truncate: Boolean = true): Unit =, truncate)

  def na: TypedDataFrameNaFunctions[Schema] = new TypedDataFrameNaFunctions(

  def stat: TypedDataFrameStatFunctions[Schema] = new TypedDataFrameStatFunctions(df.stat)

  object groupBy extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList](columns: C)
      (implicit f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]): GroupedTypedDataFrame[Schema, C] =
        new GroupedTypedDataFrame(df.groupBy(f(columns).map(col): _*))

  object rollup extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList](columns: C)
      (implicit f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]): GroupedTypedDataFrame[Schema, C] =
        new GroupedTypedDataFrame(df.rollup(f(columns).map(col): _*))

  object cube extends SingletonProductArgs {
    def applyProduct[C <: HList](columns: C)
      (implicit f: FieldsExtractor[Schema, C]): GroupedTypedDataFrame[Schema, C] =
        new GroupedTypedDataFrame(df.cube(f(columns).map(col): _*))

  def head()(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema]): Schema = t(df.head())

  def take(n: Int)(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema]): Seq[Schema] =

  def reduce(f: (Schema, Schema) => Schema)(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema], l: ClassTag[Schema]): Schema =

  def map[NewSchema <: Product]
    (f: Schema => NewSchema)
      s: SQLContext,
      w: TypeableRow[Schema],
      c: ClassTag[NewSchema],
      t: TypeTag[NewSchema],
      b: Fields[NewSchema]
    ): TypedDataFrame[NewSchema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(s.createDataFrame( => f(w(r)))))

  def flatMap[NewSchema <: Product]
    (f: Schema => TraversableOnce[NewSchema])
      s: SQLContext,
      w: TypeableRow[Schema],
      c: ClassTag[NewSchema],
      t: TypeTag[NewSchema],
      b: Fields[NewSchema]
    ): TypedDataFrame[NewSchema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(s.createDataFrame(df.flatMap(r => f(w(r)))))

  def mapPartitions[NewSchema <: Product]
    (f: Iterator[Schema] => Iterator[NewSchema])
      s: SQLContext,
      w: TypeableRow[Schema],
      c: ClassTag[NewSchema],
      t: TypeTag[NewSchema],
      b: Fields[NewSchema]
    ): TypedDataFrame[NewSchema] =
      new TypedDataFrame(s.createDataFrame(df.mapPartitions(i => f(

  def foreach(f: Schema => Unit)(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema]): Unit =
    df.foreach(r => f(t(r)))

  def foreachPartition(f: Iterator[Schema] => Unit)(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema]): Unit =
    df.foreachPartition(i => f(

  def collect()(implicit t: TypeableRow[Schema]): Seq[Schema] = df.collect().map(t.apply)

  def count(): Long = df.count()

  def registerTempTable(tableName: String): Unit = df.registerTempTable(tableName)

  def write: DataFrameWriter = df.write

  def toJSON: RDD[String] = df.toJSON

  def inputFiles: Array[String] = df.inputFiles

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