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giant.zenith_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* __________ .__ __ .__
* \____ /____ ____ |__|/ |_| |__
* / // __ \ / \| \ __\ | \
* / /\ ___/| | \ || | | Y \
* /_______ \___ >___| /__||__| |___| /
* \/ \/ \/ \/
package zenith
import simulacrum._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import cats.std.all._
import cats.syntax.eq._
import zenith.Extensions._
import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
* URI scheme
* foo://username:[email protected] :8042/over/there/index.dtb?type=animal&name=narwhal#nose
* \_/ \_______________/ \_________/ \__/ \___/ \_/ \______________________/ \__/
* | | | | | | | |
* | userinfo host port | | query fragment
* | \________________________________/\_____________|____|/ \__/ \__/
* scheme | | | | | |
* name authority | | | | |
* | path | | interpretable as keys
* | | |
* | \_______________________________________________|____|/ \____/ \_____/
* | | | | | |
* scheme hierarchical part | | interpretable as values
* name | |
* | path interpretable as filename |
* | ___________|____________ |
* / \ / \ |
* urn:example:animal:ferret:nose interpretable as extension
* path
* _________|________
* scheme / \
* name userinfo hostname query
* _|__ ___|__ ____|____ _____|_____
* / \ / \ / \ / \
* mailto:[email protected] ?subject=Topic
* (diagram from:
* ContentType
object ContentType {
def guessFromPath (path: String) = {
val p = path.toLowerCase
if (p.endsWith (".html") || p.endsWith (".html")) "text/html"
else if (p.endsWith (".css")) "text/css"
else if (p.endsWith (".js")) "text/javascript"
else if (p.endsWith (".csv")) "text/csv"
else if (p.endsWith (".xml")) "application/xml"
else if (p.endsWith (".json")) "application/json"
else if (p.endsWith (".png")) "image/png"
else if (p.endsWith (".jpg")) "image/jpg"
else if (p.endsWith (".jpeg")) "image/jpg"
else if (p.endsWith (".gif")) "image/gif"
else if (p.endsWith (".tga")) "image/tga"
else "text/plain"
def isPrintable (contentType: String) = contentType match {
case x if x.contains ("text/css")
|| x.contains ("text/javascript")
|| x.contains ("text/csv")
|| x.contains ("application/xml")
|| x.contains ("application/json")
|| x.contains ("text/plain") => true
case _ => false
* HttpExchange
final case class HttpExchange (request: HttpRequest, result: Throwable Either HttpResponse, timeMs: Int)
* HttpCommon
* Common functions between `HttpRequest` and `HttpResponse`.
trait HttpCommon {
def headers: Map[String, String]
def data: List[Byte]
def version: String
lazy val contentType: Option[String] = headers.get ("Content-Type")
lazy val charset: java.nio.charset.Charset = contentType.flatMap { ctStr =>
.findFirstMatchIn (ctStr)
.flatMap (scala.util.matching.Regex.Match.unapply)
.map (_.toUpperCase)
.flatMap (x => Try { java.nio.charset.Charset.forName (x) }.toOption)
}.getOrElse (java.nio.charset.Charset.forName ("UTF-8"))
lazy val body: Option[String] = data match {
case null | Nil => None
case _ => Try { new String (data.toArray, charset).trim() }.toOption
lazy val cookies: Map[String, String] = {
def removeLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace (s: String): String = s.replaceAll ("""^\s+(?m)""","")
headers.get ("Cookie").map { cookieString =>
cookieString.split (';') (removeLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace).map { rawCookie =>
val split = rawCookie.split ('=').toList
split match {
case one :: two :: Nil => Some ((one, two))
case _ => None
}.map (z => z.collect { case Some (x) => x }.toMap).getOrElse (Map ())
* HttpRequest
* GET /DescribeNodes?NodeTypeId=6&LanguageCode=ES HTTP/1.1
* Host: localhost:8092
* 1st line ~ Method Route Version
* 2nd line ~ Host:Port
final case class HttpRequest (
method: String, // GET, POST and so on...
requestUri: String, // the request uri consists of path?query#fragment (this is not the same as a URI)
version: String,
host: String, // WARNING: Does not include the `HTTP://` part (the scheme)
hostPort: Int, // this is really part of the host, nicer in it's own value though.
headers: Map[String, String],
data: List[Byte]) extends HttpCommon {
lazy val ip: Option[String] = headers.get ("X-Forwarded-For")
lazy val path = requestUri.split ("\\?").head
lazy val queryString = requestUri.split ('?') match {
case Array (_) => None
case Array (_, query) => Some (query)
lazy val toPrettyString = {
val lineT = s"$method $requestUri $version"
val lineHP = s"Host: $host port $hostPort"
val linesH = headers
.filterNot (_._1.toLowerCase === "host")
.map { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }
((contentType.exists (ContentType.isPrintable), body) match {
case (true, Some (b)) if b.size > maxPrintableMessageBodySize => lineT :: lineHP :: linesH ::: longMessageBodyReplacementText :: Nil
case (true, Some (b)) => lineT :: lineHP :: linesH ::: b :: Nil
case _ => lineT :: lineHP :: linesH
}).map (x => s"--> $x").mkString ("\n")
lazy val queryParameterMap: Map[String, String] = {
val empty = Map.empty[String, String]
import cats.implicits._
requestUri.split ("\\?").toList match {
case (head :: tail :: Nil) =>
.split ("&")
.map (x => x.split ("=").toList)
.collect { case k :: v :: Nil => Map (k -> v) }
.foldLeft (empty)((x, i) => x |+| i)
case _ => empty
object HttpRequest {
def createJson (url: String, method: String = "GET", rawBody: String = "", userHeaders: Map[String, String] = Map ()) = createEx (url, method, rawBody, userHeaders, "application/json;charset=utf-8")
def createPlain (url: String, method: String = "GET", rawBody: String = "", userHeaders: Map[String, String] = Map ()) = createEx (url, method, rawBody, userHeaders, "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
private def createEx (url: String, method: String, rawBody: String, userHeaders: Map[String, String], contentType: String) = {
val b = rawBody.trim ().getBytes(utf8).toList
val h = userHeaders ++ Map ("Content-Type" -> contentType, "Content-Length" -> b.length.toString )
create (url, method, h, b)
def create (
url: String, method: String = "GET", headers: Map[String, String] = Map (), data: List[Byte] = Nil)
: HttpRequest = {
import scala.util.matching.Regex._
val jURL = new (url)
val _path = jURL.getPath
val _query = "(\\?)([a-zA-Z0-9-._=&~]+)".r.findFirstMatchIn (url).map { case Groups (one, two) => two }
val _fragment = "(#)([a-zA-Z0-9-._=&~]+)".r.findFirstMatchIn (url).map { case Groups (one, two) => two }
// Not what we want: jURL.getPath.toString
val _requestUri = (_query, _fragment) match {
case (Some (q), Some (f)) => _path + s"?$q#$f"
case (Some (q), None) => _path + s"?$q"
case (None, Some (f)) => _path + s"#$f"
case (None, None) => _path
val _host = jURL.getHost
val _port = jURL.getPort match {
case x if x < 0 => 80
case x => x
val _headers = headers
HttpRequest (method, _requestUri, "HTTP/1.1", _host, _port, _headers, data)
* HttpResponse
final case class HttpResponse (
code: Int,
data: List[Byte] = Nil,
headers: Map[String, String] = Map (),
version: String = "HTTP/1.1") extends HttpCommon {
lazy val toPrettyString: String = {
val lineT = s"$version $code ${ (code, "?")}"
val linesH = { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }.toList
((contentType.exists (ContentType.isPrintable), body) match {
case (true, Some (b)) if b.size > maxPrintableMessageBodySize => lineT :: linesH ::: longMessageBodyReplacementText :: Nil
case (true, Some (b)) => lineT :: linesH ::: b :: Nil
case _ => lineT :: linesH
}).map (x => s"<-- $x").mkString ("\n")
object HttpResponse {
val codes = Map (
100 -> "Continue", 101 -> "Switching Protocols", 102 -> "Processing",
200 -> "OK", 201 -> "Created", 202 -> "Accepted", 203 -> "Non-Authoritative Information", 204 -> "No Content",
205 -> "Reset Content", 206 -> "Partial Content", 207 -> "Multi-Status", 208 -> "Already Reported",
226 -> "IM Used",
300 -> "Multiple Choices", 302 -> "Found", 303 -> "See Other", 304 -> "Not Modified", 305 -> "Use Proxy",
306 -> "Switch Proxy", 307 -> "Temporary Redirect", 308 -> "Permanent Redirect",
400 -> "Bad Request", 401 -> "Unauthorized", 402 -> "Payment Required", 403 -> "Forbidden", 404 -> "Not Found",
405 -> "Method Not Allowed", 406 -> "Not Acceptable", 407 -> "Proxy Authentication Required",
408 -> "Request Timeout", 409 -> "Conflict", 410 -> "Gone", 411 -> "Length Required", 418 -> "I'm a teapot",
500 -> "Internal Server Error", 501 -> "Not Implemented", 502 -> "Bad Gateway", 503 -> "Service Unavailable",
504 -> "Gateway Timeout", 505 -> "HTTP Version Not Supported", 506 -> "Variant Also Negotiates",
507 -> "Insufficient Storage", 508 -> "Loop Detected", 509 -> "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded", 510 -> "Not Extended",
511 -> "Network Authentication Required", 520 -> "Unknown Error", 598 -> "Network Read Timeout Error",
599 -> "Network Connect Timeout Error")
def createJson (code: Int, rawBody: String, userHeaders: Map[String, String] = Map ()) = createEx (code, rawBody, userHeaders, "application/json;charset=utf-8")
def createPlain (code: Int, rawBody: String, userHeaders: Map[String, String] = Map ()) = createEx (code, rawBody, userHeaders, "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
def createPlain (code: Int, rawBody: String): HttpResponse = createPlain (code, rawBody, Map ())
def createPlain (code: Int, userHeaders: Map[String, String]): HttpResponse = createPlain (code, (code), userHeaders)
def createPlain (code: Int): HttpResponse = createPlain (code, (code), Map ())
private def createEx (code: Int, rawBody: String, userHeaders: Map[String, String], contentType: String) = {
val b = rawBody.trim ().getBytes(utf8).toList
val h = userHeaders ++ Map ("Content-Type" -> contentType, "Content-Length" -> b.length.toString )
create (code, h, b)
def create (code: Int, headers: Map[String, String] = Map (), data: List[Byte] = Nil) = HttpResponse (code, data, headers)