o-deps.proto-purs_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package proto
package tex
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.collection.SortedMap
case class GenRes(
doc: String
, argsExamples: String
case class GenResRaw(
doc: List[String]
, argsExamples: List[String]
) {
def toGenRes: GenRes =
val doc = this.doc.mkString
val argsExamples = this.argsExamples.mkString
doc = doc
, argsExamples = argsExamples
inline def generate[D, E](
inline category: Map[Int, String], inline ask: String, inline ok: String, inline err: String
): GenRes =
${Macro.generate[D, E]('category, 'ask, 'ok, 'err)}
object Macro:
def generate[D: Type, E: Type](
category: Expr[Map[Int, String]]
, ask: Expr[String]
, ok: Expr[String]
, err: Expr[String]
)(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[GenRes] =
Impl().generate[D, E](category, ask, ok, err)
end Macro
private class Impl(using val qctx: Quotes) extends Ops with Doc:
import qctx.reflect.*
def generate[D: Type, E: Type](
category: Expr[Map[Int, String]]
, ask: Expr[String]
, ok: Expr[String]
, err: Expr[String]
): Expr[GenRes] =
val tpeD = TypeRepr.of[D]
val tpeE = TypeRepr.of[E]
val decodeTpes = collectTpes(tpeD)
val encodeTpes = collectTpes(tpeE)
val commonTpes = encodeTpes intersect decodeTpes
val childrenD = findChildren(tpeD)
val childrenE = findChildren(tpeE)
val messages = childrenD ++ childrenE
val others = messages.map(_.tpe).flatMap(x => type_to_tpe(x)._1) match {
case x +: xs =>
collectTpes(head=x, tail=xs, acc=Nil, firstLevel=false)
case Nil => Nil
val sorted: SortedMap[Int, String] = SortedMap.from(category.valueOrAbort.toList)
val categoryFun: Int => String = number => {
sorted.collectFirst{ case (n, cat) if number < n => cat }.getOrElse("???")
val doc =
tex1(messages=messages, others=others, category=categoryFun, ask=ask.valueOrAbort, ok=ok.valueOrAbort, err=err.valueOrAbort)
val argsExamples =
examples(childrenE, commonTpes.map(_.tpe))
doc = ${doc}
, argsExamples = ${argsExamples}
end Impl