o-deps.proto-purs_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package proto
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.annotation.*
trait Ops extends CommonOps:
implicit val qctx: Quotes
import qctx.reflect.{*, given}
import report.*
private[proto] case class ChildMeta(name: String, tpe: TypeRepr, n: Int, noargs: Boolean, rec: Boolean)
sealed trait Tpe { val tpe: TypeRepr; val name: String }
final case class TraitType(tpe: TypeRepr, name: String, children: Seq[ChildMeta], firstLevel: Boolean) extends Tpe
final case class RegularType(tpe: TypeRepr, name: String) extends Tpe
final case class RecursiveType(tpe: TypeRepr, name: String) extends Tpe
final case class NoargsType(tpe: TypeRepr, name: String) extends Tpe
final case class TupleType(tpe: TypeRepr, name: String, tpe_1: TypeRepr, tpe_2: TypeRepr) extends Tpe
sealed trait DefVal
sealed trait HasDefFun { val value: String }
sealed trait FillDef { val value: String }
case object NoDef extends DefVal
case object NoneDef extends DefVal with HasDefFun { val value = "Nothing" }
case object SeqDef extends DefVal with HasDefFun { val value = "[]" }
final case class StrDef(v: String) extends DefVal with HasDefFun with FillDef { val value = s""""$v"""" }
final case class OthDef(v: Any) extends DefVal with HasDefFun with FillDef { val value = v.toString }
sealed trait IterablePurs
final case class ArrayPurs(tpe: TypeRepr) extends IterablePurs
final case class ArrayTuplePurs(tpe1: TypeRepr, tpe2: TypeRepr) extends IterablePurs
def collectDefExpressions(tpe: TypeRepr): Seq[(Expr[String], Expr[Any])] = {
val types = collectTypeRepr(tpe, tail=Nil, acc=Nil)
types.flatMap{ tpe =>
val tpe_sym = tpe.typeSymbol
tpe.typeSymbol.constructorParams.zipWithIndex.map{ case (sym, i) =>
if sym.flags.is(Flags.HasDefault) then
val compMod = tpe_sym.companionModule
val id = s"`${tpe_sym.name}_${sym.name}_default`"
compMod.methodMember(defaultMethodName(i)) match
case List(methodSym) =>
Some(Expr(id) -> Ref(compMod).select(methodSym).asExpr)
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"${sym.fullName}`: default value method not found")
else None
def collectTypeRepr(head: TypeRepr, tail: Seq[TypeRepr], acc: Seq[TypeRepr]): Seq[TypeRepr] = {
val (tail1, acc1): (Seq[TypeRepr], Seq[TypeRepr]) =
if acc.exists(_ =:= head) then
(tail, acc)
else if head.isSealedTrait then
val children = head.knownFinalSubclasses.map(_.tpe)
(children++tail, acc)
else if head.isOption then
val typeArgType = head.optionArgument
if !typeArgType.isCommonType then (typeArgType+:tail, acc)
else (tail, acc)
else if head.isRepeated then
head.typeArgs match
case x :: Nil =>
val typeArgType = x
if !typeArgType.isCommonType then (typeArgType+:tail, acc)
else (tail, acc)
case x :: y :: Nil =>
val zs = List(x, y).filter(!_.isCommonType)
(zs++tail, acc)
case _ => throw new Exception(s"too many type args for ${head}")
val ys = head.typeSymbol.constructorParams.map(_.tpe)
(ys++tail, acc:+head)
tail1 match {
case h +: t => collectTypeRepr(h, tail=t, acc=acc1)
case _ => acc1
// @tailrec
def collectTpes(tpe: TypeRepr): Seq[Tpe] = {
collectTpes(tpe, tail=Nil, acc=Nil, firstLevel=true)
def collectTpes(head: TypeRepr, tail: Seq[TypeRepr], acc: Seq[Tpe], firstLevel: Boolean): Seq[Tpe] = {
val (tail1, acc1): (Seq[TypeRepr], Seq[Tpe]) =
if acc.exists(_.tpe =:= head) then
(tail, acc)
else if head.isSealedTrait then
val children = findChildren(head)
(children.map(_.tpe)++tail, acc:+TraitType(head, head.typeSymbol.name, children, firstLevel))
else if head.isOption then
val typeArgType = head.optionArgument
if !typeArgType.isCommonType then (typeArgType+:tail, acc)
else (tail, acc)
else if head.isRepeated then
head.typeArgs match
case x :: Nil =>
val typeArgType = x
if !typeArgType.isCommonType then (typeArgType+:tail, acc)
else (tail, acc)
case x :: y :: Nil =>
val zs = List(x, y).filter(!_.isCommonType)
(zs++tail, acc:+TupleType(TypeRepr.of[Tuple2[Unit, Unit]].appliedTo(x::y::Nil), tupleFunName(x, y), x, y)) //todo check
case _ => throw new Exception(s"too many type args for ${head}")
val (ys, z) = type_to_tpe(head)
(ys++tail, acc:+z)
tail1 match {
case h +: t => collectTpes(h, tail=t, acc=acc1, firstLevel=false)
case _ => acc1
def fields(tpe: TypeRepr): List[(String, TypeRepr, Int, DefVal)] = {
val tpe_Sym = tpe.typeSymbol
val tpe_CompanionSym = tpe_Sym.companionModule
val compClass = tpe_Sym.companionClass
val compModRef = Ref(tpe_CompanionSym)
tpe.typeSymbol.constructorParams.zipWithIndex.map{ case (sym, i) =>
val tpe1 = sym.tpe
val defval =
if sym.flags.is(Flags.HasDefault) then
val id = s"`${tpe_Sym.name}_${sym.name}_default`"
tpe_CompanionSym.methodMember(defaultMethodName(i)) match
case List(x) if x.isDefDef =>
val y = x.tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef]
if (y.returnTpt.tpe.isString) StrDef(id)
else OthDef(id)
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"${sym.fullName}`: default value method not found")
else if tpe1.isOption then
else if tpe1.isRepeated then
(sym.name, tpe1, findN(sym), defval)
}.collect{ case (a, b, Some(n), dv) => (a, b, n, dv) }.sortBy(_._3)
def findChildren(tpe: TypeRepr): Seq[ChildMeta] =
tpe.knownFinalSubclasses.map(x => x -> findN(x)).collect{ case (x, Some(n)) => x -> n }.sortBy(_._2).map{
case (x: Symbol, n) =>
val tpe1: TypeRepr = x.tpe
ChildMeta(name=x.name, tpe1, n, noargs=fields(tpe1).isEmpty, rec=isRecursive(tpe1))
def isRecursive(base: TypeRepr): Boolean = {
@tailrec def loop(compareTo: List[TypeRepr]): Boolean = compareTo match
case Nil => false
case x :: _ if x =:= base => true
case x :: xs => loop(x.typeArgs ++ xs)
loop(fields(base).map(_._2).filter(tpe => !tpe.isCommonType))
def tupleFunName(tpe_1: TypeRepr, tpe_2: TypeRepr): String = {
(pursType(tpe_1)._1.filter(_.isLetter) + "_" + pursType(tpe_2)._1).filter(_.isLetter)
def type_to_tpe(head: TypeRepr): (Seq[TypeRepr], Tpe) = {
val xs = fields(head).map(_._2)
val ys = xs.filter(x => !x.isCommonType)
val z =
if (xs.isEmpty) NoargsType(head, head.typeSymbol.name.stripSuffix("$")) //strip $ for case objects
else if (isRecursive(head)) RecursiveType(head, head.typeSymbol.name)
else RegularType(head, head.typeSymbol.name)
(ys, z)
def pursType(tpe: TypeRepr): (String, String) = {
def trim(x: String): String = x.stripPrefix("(").stripSuffix(")")
val (a, b) = pursTypePars(tpe)
trim(a) -> trim(b)
def pursTypePars(tpe: TypeRepr): (String, String) = {
if tpe.isString then
"String" -> "(Maybe String)"
else if tpe.isInt then
"Int" -> "(Maybe Int)"
else if tpe.isLong then
"BigInt" -> "(Maybe BigInt)"
else if tpe.isBoolean then
"Boolean" -> "(Maybe Boolean)"
else if tpe.isDouble then
"Number" -> "(Maybe Number)"
else if tpe.isArrayByte then
"Uint8Array" -> "(Maybe Uint8Array)"
else if tpe.isOption then
val typeArg = tpe.optionArgument
if typeArg.isLong then
"(Maybe BigInt)" -> "(Maybe BigInt)"
else if typeArg.isDouble then
"(Maybe Number)" -> "(Maybe Number)"
val name = typeArg.typeSymbol.name
s"(Maybe $name)" -> s"Maybe $name)"
else if tpe.isRepeated then
iterablePurs(tpe) match
case ArrayPurs(tpe) =>
val name = tpe.typeSymbol.name
s"(Array $name)" -> s"(Array $name)"
case ArrayTuplePurs(tpe1, tpe2) =>
val name1 = pursTypePars(tpe1)._1
val name2 = pursTypePars(tpe2)._1
s"(Array (Tuple $name1 $name2))" -> s"(Array (Tuple $name1 $name2))"
val name = tpe.typeSymbol.name
name -> s"(Maybe $name)"
def iterablePurs(tpe: TypeRepr): IterablePurs =
tpe.typeArgs match
case x :: Nil => ArrayPurs(x)
case x :: y :: Nil => ArrayTuplePurs(x, y)
case _ => throw new Exception(s"too many type args for $tpe")