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package proto
import scala.quoted.*
import compiletime.asMatchable
//todo; optimisation for MessageCodec (add .size/.write and use these in proto.api.encode instead of .prepare)
//todo; optimisation for string (write custom .size/.write for string to prevent double time .size computation)
inline def caseCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.caseCodecAuto[A]}
inline def caseCodecNums[A](inline nums: (String, Int)*): MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.caseCodecNums[A]('nums)}
inline def caseCodecIdx[A]: MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.caseCodecIdx[A]}
inline def classCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.classCodecAuto[A]}
inline def classCodecNums[A](inline nums: (String, Int)*)(inline constructor: Any): MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.classCodecNums[A]('nums)('constructor)}
inline def sealedTraitCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.sealedTraitCodecAuto[A]}
inline def sealedTraitCodecNums[A](inline nums: (String, Int)*): MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.sealedTraitCodecNums[A]('nums)}
inline def enumByN[A]: MessageCodec[A] = ${Macro.enumByN[A]}
object Macro:
def caseCodecAuto[A: Type](using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().caseCodecAuto[A]
def caseCodecNums[A: Type](numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]])(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().caseCodecNums[A](numsExpr)
def caseCodecIdx[A: Type](using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().caseCodecIdx[A]
def classCodecAuto[A: Type](using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().classCodecAuto[A]
def classCodecNums[A: Type](numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]])(constructorExpr: Expr[Any])(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().classCodecNums[A](numsExpr)(constructorExpr)
def enumByN[A: Type](using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().enumByN[A]
def sealedTraitCodecAuto[A: Type](using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().sealedTraitCodecAuto[A]
def sealedTraitCodecNums[A: Type](numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]])(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] = Impl().sealedTraitCodecNums[A](numsExpr)
end Macro
private class Impl(using val qctx: Quotes) extends BuildCodec:
import qctx.reflect.{*, given}
import report.*
def caseCodecAuto[A: Type]: Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val a_tpe = getCaseClassType[A]
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val typeName = aTypeSymbol.fullName
val params: List[Symbol] = aTypeSymbol.constructorParams
val nums: List[(String, Int)] = =>
case Apply(Select(New(tpt), _), List(Literal(IntConstant(num))))
if tpt.tpe.asMatchable.isNType => -> num
} match
case List(x) => x
case Nil => errorAndAbort(s"missing ${} annotation for `${typeName}`")
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"multiple ${} annotations applied for `${typeName}`")
messageCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums, params, restrictDefaults=true)
def caseCodecNums[A: Type](numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]])(using Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val nums: Seq[(String, Int)] = numsExpr.valueOrAbort
val a_tpe = getCaseClassType[A]
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val params: List[Symbol] = aTypeSymbol.constructorParams
messageCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums, params, restrictDefaults=false)
def caseCodecIdx[A: Type]: Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val a_tpe = getCaseClassType[A]
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val params: List[Symbol] = aTypeSymbol.constructorParams
val nums: List[(String, Int)] ={case (p, idx) => (, idx + 1) }
messageCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums, params, restrictDefaults=false)
def classCodecAuto[A: Type]: Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val a_tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val typeName = aTypeSymbol.fullName
val params: List[Symbol] = aTypeSymbol.constructorParams
val nums: List[(String, Int)] = =>
case Apply(Select(New(tpt), _), List(Literal(IntConstant(num))))
if tpt.tpe.asMatchable.isNType => -> num
} match
case List(x) => x
case Nil => errorAndAbort(s"missing ${} annotation for `${typeName}`")
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"multiple ${} annotations applied for `${typeName}`")
messageCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums, params, restrictDefaults=true)
def classCodecNums[A: Type](
numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]]
constructor: Expr[Any]
)(using Quotes): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val nums: Seq[(String, Int)] = numsExpr.valueOrAbort
val a_tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val typeName = aTypeSymbol.fullName
val members: List[Symbol] = aTypeSymbol.fieldMembers ++ aTypeSymbol.methodMembers
val params: List[Symbol] ={ case (name, num) =>
members.find( == name) match
case Some(s) if s.isTerm => s
case Some(s) => errorAndAbort(s"`${typeName}` field `${name}` is not a term")
case None => errorAndAbort(s"`${typeName}` has no field `${name}`")
messageCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums, params, restrictDefaults=false, constructor=Some(constructor.asTerm))
def messageCodec[A: Type](
a_tpe: TypeRepr & Matchable
, nums: Seq[(String, Int)]
, cParams: List[Symbol]
, restrictDefaults: Boolean
, constructor: Option[Term]=None
): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val aTypeSym = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val aTypeCompanionSym = aTypeSym.companionModule
val typeName = aTypeSym.fullName
if nums.exists(_._2 < 1) then errorAndAbort(s"nums ${nums} should be > 0")
if nums.size != cParams.size then errorAndAbort(s"nums size ${nums} not equal to `${typeName}` constructor params size ${cParams.size}")
if nums.groupBy(_._2).exists(_._2.size != 1) then errorAndAbort(s"nums ${nums} should be unique")
val restrictedNums = a_tpe.restrictedNums
val typeArgsToReplace: Map[String, TypeRepr] = a_tpe.typeArgsToReplace
val fields: List[FieldInfo] ={ case (s, i) =>
val (name, tpe) = s.tree match
case ValDef(v_name, v_tpt, v_rhs) =>
val tpe1 = v_tpt.tpe.asMatchable
(v_name, tpe1.replaceTypeArgs(typeArgsToReplace))
case DefDef(d_name, _, d_tpt, d_rhs) =>
val tpe1 = d_tpt.tpe.asMatchable
(d_name, tpe1.replaceTypeArgs(typeArgsToReplace))
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"wrong param definition of case class `${typeName}`")
val defaultValue: Option[Term] =
if then
aTypeCompanionSym.methodMember(defaultMethodName(i)) match
case List(x) =>
if tpe.asMatchable.isOption && restrictDefaults then
errorAndAbort(s"`${name}: ${tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}`: default value for Option isn't allowed")
else if tpe.asMatchable.isRepeated && restrictDefaults then
errorAndAbort(s"`${name}: ${tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}`: default value for collections isn't allowed")
Some(Select(Ref(aTypeCompanionSym), x))
case _ => errorAndAbort(s"`${name}: ${tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}`: default value method not found")
else None
val num: Int =
nums.collectFirst{ case (name1, num1) if name1 == name =>
if restrictedNums.contains(num1) then
errorAndAbort(s"num ${num1} for `${typeName}` is restricted")
else num1
errorAndAbort(s"missing num for `${name}: ${typeName}`")
name = name
, num = num
, sym = s
, tpe = tpe.asMatchable
, getter = (a: Term) =>
if tpe.isArray then Select.unique(a, name).wrapArrayOps(tpe)
else Select.unique(a, name)
, sizeSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${name}Size", TypeRepr.of[Int], Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, prepareSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${name}Prepare", PrepareType, Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, prepareOptionSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${name}Prepare", OptionType.appliedTo(PrepareType), Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, prepareArraySym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${name}Prepare", TypeRepr.of[Array[Prepare]], Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, defaultValue = defaultValue
new MessageCodec[A] {
def prepare(a: A): Prepare =
${ prepareImpl('a, fields) }
def read(is: CodedInputStream): A =
${ readImpl(a_tpe, fields, 'is, constructor=constructor).asExprOf[A] }
private def collectNs(a_tpe: TypeRepr): List[(TypeRepr, Int)] =
val a_typeSym = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val typeName = a_typeSym.fullName =>
case Apply(Select(New(tpt), _), List(Literal(IntConstant(num))))
if tpt.tpe.asMatchable.isNType =>
x.tpe -> num
} match
case List(x) => x
case Nil =>
errorAndAbort(s"missing ${} annotation for `${}`")
case _ =>
errorAndAbort(s"multiple ${} annotations applied for `${typeName}`")
def enumByN[A: Type]: Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val a_tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
val nums = collectNs(a_tpe)
sealedTraitCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums)
def sealedTraitCodecAuto[A: Type]: Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val a_tpe = getSealedTrait[A]
val nums = collectNs(a_tpe)
sealedTraitCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums)
def sealedTraitCodecNums[A: Type](numsExpr: Expr[Seq[(String, Int)]]): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val nums: Seq[(String, Int)] = numsExpr.valueOrAbort
val a_tpe = getSealedTrait[A]
val nums1: List[(TypeRepr, Int)] ={ x =>
x.tpe ->
case (n, num) if n == => num
errorAndAbort(s"missing num for `${}: ${x.fullName}`")
sealedTraitCodec(a_tpe.asMatchable, nums1)
def sealedTraitCodec[A: Type](
a_tpe: TypeRepr & Matchable
, nums: Seq[(TypeRepr, Int)]
): Expr[MessageCodec[A]] =
val fields: List[FieldInfo] = childrenWithNum(a_tpe, nums).map(fieldInfoFromSym)
new MessageCodec[A] {
def prepare(a: A): Prepare =
${ prepareTrait('a, fields) }
def read(is: CodedInputStream): A =
${ readImpl(a_tpe, fields, 'is, isTrait=true).asExprOf[A] }
private def childrenWithNum(a_tpe: TypeRepr & Matchable, nums: Seq[(TypeRepr, Int)]): List[(Symbol, Int)] =
val aTypeSymbol = a_tpe.typeSymbol
val typeName = aTypeSymbol.fullName
val subclasses = a_tpe.asMatchable.knownFinalSubclasses
if subclasses.size <= 0 then
errorAndAbort(s"required at least 1 subclass for `${typeName}`")
if nums.size != subclasses.size then
errorAndAbort(s"`${typeName}` subclasses ${subclasses.size} count != nums definition ${nums.size}")
if nums.exists(_._2 < 1) then
errorAndAbort(s"nums for ${typeName} should be > 0")
if nums.groupBy(_._2).exists(_._2.size != 1) then
errorAndAbort(s"nums for ${typeName} should be unique")
val restrictedNums = a_tpe.restrictedNums{ s =>
val tpe = s.tpe
val num: Int =
case (tpe1, num) if tpe =:= tpe1 => num
errorAndAbort(s"missing num for class `${tpe}` of trait `${a_tpe}`")
if restrictedNums.contains(num) then
errorAndAbort(s"num ${num} is restricted for class `${tpe}` of trait `${a_tpe}`")
(s, num)
private def fieldInfoFromSym(s: Symbol, num: Int): FieldInfo =
name = s.fullName
, num = num
, sym = s
, tpe = s.tpe.asMatchable
, getter =
if s.isTerm then (a: Term) => Ref(s)
else (a: Term) => Select.unique(a, "asInstanceOf").appliedToType(s.tpe)
, sizeSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"field${num}Size", TypeRepr.of[Int], Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, prepareSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"field${num}Prepare", PrepareType, Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
, defaultValue = None
, isCaseObject = s.isTerm
private def getSealedTrait[A: Type]: TypeRepr =
val tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
if tpe.isSealedTrait then tpe
errorAndAbort(s"`${tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}` is not a sealed trait. Make sure that you specify codec type explicitly.\nExample:\n implicit val codecName: MessageCodec[SealedTraitTypeHere] = ...\n\n")
private def getCaseClassType[A: Type]: TypeRepr =
val tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
if tpe.asMatchable.isCaseType then tpe
errorAndAbort(s"`${tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}` is not a case class")
end Impl