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o-deps.proto_3.2.1.3.source-code.BuildCodec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package proto
import{CodedOutputStream, CodedInputStream}
import scala.quoted.*
import compiletime.asMatchable
trait BuildCodec extends Common:
implicit val qctx: Quotes
import qctx.reflect.{*, given}
import qctx.reflect.defn.*
def prepareTrait[A: Type](a: Expr[A], params: List[FieldInfo])(using Quotes): Expr[Prepare] =
val a_term = a.asTerm
val a_tpe = TypeRepr.of[A]
val ifBranches: List[(Term, Term)] = { p =>
val condition: Term =
if p.isCaseObject then Select.unique(a_term, "==").appliedTo(Ref(p.sym))
else Select.unique(a_term, "isInstanceOf").appliedToType(p.tpe)
val action: Term = prepareImpl(a, List(p)).asTerm
condition -> action
val error = s"Wrong type of child of sealed trait: ${a_tpe.typeSymbol.fullName}"
val elseBranch: Term = '{ throw new RuntimeException(${Expr(error)}) }.asTerm
mkIfStatement(ifBranches, elseBranch).asExprOf[Prepare]
def prepareImpl[A: Type](a: Expr[A], params: List[FieldInfo])(using Quotes): Expr[Prepare] =
val sizeAccSym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, "sizeAcc", TypeRepr.of[Int], Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
val sizeAccRef = Ref(sizeAccSym)
val sizeAccValDef = ValDef(sizeAccSym, Some(Literal(IntConstant(0))))
val xs = params.flatMap(p => size(a, p, sizeAccRef))
val newPrepare = '{
new Prepare {
val size: Int = ${ sizeAccRef.asExprOf[Int] }
def write(os: CodedOutputStream): Unit = ${ writeImpl(a, params, 'os) }
sizeAccValDef :: xs
, newPrepare
def writeImpl[A: Type](a: Expr[A], params: List[FieldInfo], os: Expr[CodedOutputStream])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
params.flatMap(p =>
if p.isCaseObject then writeCaseObject(os, p)
else if p.tpe.isCommonType then writeCommon(a, os, p)
else if p.tpe.isOption then writeOption(a, os, p)
else if p.tpe.isRepeated then writeCollection(a, os, p)
else writeMessage(a, os, p)
, unitExpr)
def writeCommon[A: Type](a: Expr[A], os: Expr[CodedOutputStream], field: FieldInfo)(using Quotes): List[Expr[Unit]] =
'{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${Expr(field.tag)}) }
, writeFun(os, field.tpe, field.getter(a.asTerm))
def writeOption[A: Type](a: Expr[A], os: Expr[CodedOutputStream], field: FieldInfo)(using Quotes): List[Expr[Unit]] =
val tpe = field.tpe.optionArgument.asMatchable
val getter = field.getter(a.asTerm)
val getterOption = Select.unique(getter, "get")
if tpe.isCommonType then
if ${Select.unique(getter, "isDefined").asExprOf[Boolean]} then {
${writeFun(os, tpe.asMatchable, getterOption)}
val prepareOptionRef = Ref(field.prepareOptionSym).asExprOf[Option[Prepare]]
if ${prepareOptionRef}.isDefined then {
val p = ${prepareOptionRef}.get
def writeCollection[A: Type](a: Expr[A], os: Expr[CodedOutputStream], field: FieldInfo)(using Quotes): List[Expr[Unit]] =
val tpe1 = field.tpe.repeatedArgument.asMatchable
val getter = field.getter(a.asTerm)
val pType = tpe1.asType
val sizeRef = Ref(field.sizeSym)
if tpe1.isCommonType then
pType match
case '[t] =>
if tpe1.isString || tpe1.isArrayByte || tpe1.isArraySeqByte then
val expr =
Select.unique(getter, "foreach")
'{ (v: t) => {
${writeFun(os, tpe1.asMatchable, 'v.asTerm)}
// a.field.foreach((v: V) => {
// os.writeUInt32NoTag(field.tag)
// writeFun(os, v)
// })
'{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${Expr(field.tag)}) }
, '{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${sizeRef.asExprOf[Int]}) }
, Select.unique(getter, "foreach")
.appliedTo('{ (v: t) => ${writeFun(os, tpe1.asMatchable, 'v.asTerm)} }.asTerm)
// a.field.foreach((v: V) => writeFun(os, v))
val prepareArrayRef = Ref(field.prepareArraySym).asExprOf[Array[Prepare]]
var counter = 0
while counter < ${prepareArrayRef}.length do {
val p = ${prepareArrayRef}(counter)
counter = counter + 1
def writeMessage[A: Type](a: Expr[A], os: Expr[CodedOutputStream], field: FieldInfo)(using Quotes): List[Expr[Unit]] =
val prepareRef = Ref(field.prepareSym).asExprOf[Prepare]
'{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${Expr(field.tag)}) }
, '{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${prepareRef}.size) }
, '{ ${prepareRef}.write(${os}) }
def writeCaseObject(os: Expr[CodedOutputStream], field: FieldInfo)(using Quotes): List[Expr[Unit]] =
'{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(${Expr(field.tag)}) }
, '{ ${os}.writeUInt32NoTag(0) }
def size[A: Type](a: Expr[A], field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref)(using Quotes): List[Statement] =
if field.isCaseObject then sizeCaseObject(field, sizeAcc)
else if field.tpe.isCommonType then sizeCommon(a, field, sizeAcc)
else if field.tpe.isOption then sizeOption(a, field, sizeAcc)
else if field.tpe.isRepeated then sizeCollection(a, field, sizeAcc)
else sizeMessage(a, field, sizeAcc)
def sizeCommon[A: Type](a: Expr[A], field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref)(using Quotes): List[Statement] =
val fun = sizeFun(field.tpe, field.getter(a.asTerm))
val sum = '{ ${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} + ${fun} }
List(increment(sizeAcc, sum))
def sizeOption[A: Type](a: Expr[A], field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref)(using Quotes): List[Statement] =
val tpe = field.tpe.optionArgument.asMatchable
val getter: Term = field.getter(a.asTerm)
val getterOption: Term = Select.unique(getter, "get")//getterOptionTerm(a, field)
if (tpe.isCommonType) then
val fun = sizeFun(tpe.asMatchable, getterOption)
val sum = '{ ${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} + ${fun} }
val incrementSize = increment(sizeAcc, sum)
val isDefined = Select.unique(getter, "isDefined")
List(If(isDefined, incrementSize, unitLiteral))
val prepareOptionRhs = '{
if ${Select.unique(getter, "isDefined").asExprOf[Boolean]} then
val p: Prepare = ${Select.unique(findCodec(tpe), "prepare").appliedTo(getterOption).asExprOf[Prepare]}
, '{${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} + CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(p.size) + p.size }
else None
ValDef(field.prepareOptionSym, Some(prepareOptionRhs))
def sizeCollection[A: Type](a: Expr[A], field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref)(using Quotes): List[Statement] =
val tpe1 = field.tpe.repeatedArgument.asMatchable
val getter = field.getter(a.asTerm)
val pType = tpe1.asType
pType match
case '[t] =>
if tpe1.isCommonType then
val sizeRef = Ref(field.sizeSym)
val sizeValDef = ValDef(field.sizeSym, Some(Literal(IntConstant(0))))
if tpe1.isString || tpe1.isArrayByte || tpe1.isArraySeqByte then
val sizeExpr = '{
val tagSize = ${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))}
Select.unique(getter, "foreach")
'{ (v: t) =>
${ increment(sizeRef, '{ ${sizeFun(tpe1.asMatchable, 'v.asTerm)} + tagSize }).asExprOf[Unit] }
} // a.field.foreach((v: V) => sizeRef = sizeRef + sizeFun(v) + tagSize)
val incrementAcc = increment(sizeAcc, sizeRef.asExprOf[Int])
List(sizeValDef, sizeExpr.asTerm, incrementAcc)
// a.field.foreach((v: V) => sizeRef = sizeRef + sizeFun(v))
val sizeExpr =
Select.unique(getter, "foreach")
'{ (v: t) =>
${ increment(sizeRef, sizeFun(tpe1.asMatchable, 'v.asTerm)).asExprOf[Unit] }
val sizeRefExpr = sizeRef.asExprOf[Int]
val sum = '{
${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} +
CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(${sizeRefExpr}) +
val incrementAcc = increment(sizeAcc, sum)
List(sizeValDef, sizeExpr, incrementAcc)
val prepareArrayRef = Ref(field.prepareArraySym)
val prepareArrayRhs = '{ new Array[Prepare](${Select.unique(getter, "size").asExprOf[Int]}) }
val sizeExpr = '{
var counter = 0
${ Select.unique(getter, "foreach")
'{ (v: t) =>
val p: Prepare = ${Select.unique(findCodec(tpe1), "prepare").appliedTo('v.asTerm).asExprOf[Prepare]}
${prepareArrayRef.asExprOf[Array[Prepare]]}(counter) = p
, '{${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} + CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(p.size) + p.size }
counter = counter + 1
// a.field.foreach((v: V) => {
// val p: Prepare = implicitly[MessageCodec[V]].prepare(v)
// prepareArra[counter] = p
// sizeAcc = sizeAcc + CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num) + CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(p.size) + p.size
// counter = counter + 1
// })
ValDef(field.prepareArraySym, Some(prepareArrayRhs.asTerm))
, sizeExpr.asTerm
def sizeMessage[A: Type](a: Expr[A], field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref)(using Quotes): List[Statement] =
val getter = field.getter(a.asTerm)
val prepare = Select.unique(findCodec(field.tpe), "prepare").appliedTo(getter)
val prepareValDef = ValDef(field.prepareSym, Some(prepare))
val prepareRef = Ref(field.prepareSym).asExprOf[Prepare]
val sum = '{
${Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num))} +
CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(${prepareRef}.size) +
val incrementAcc = increment(sizeAcc, sum)
List(prepareValDef, incrementAcc)
def sizeCaseObject(field: FieldInfo, sizeAcc: Ref): List[Statement] =
val sum = '{
${ Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeTagSize(field.num)) } +
${ Expr(CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(0)) }
List(increment(sizeAcc, sum))
def readImpl(t: TypeRepr, params: List[FieldInfo], is: Expr[CodedInputStream], isTrait: Boolean=false, constructor: Option[Term]=None)(using Quotes): Expr[Any] =
val (initStatements, readRefs, resExp): (List[Statement], List[Term], Term) =
if isTrait then
// if t.isSealedTrait then
val _none = Ref(NoneModule)
val sym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, "readRes", OptionType.appliedTo(t), Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
val init = ValDef(sym, Some(_none))
val ref = Ref(sym)
val error = s"missing one of required field for ${t.typeSymbol.fullName}"
val exception = '{ throw new RuntimeException(${Expr(error)}) }.asTerm
val res = Select.unique(ref, "getOrElse")
.appliedTo(exception) // ref.getOrElse[t](exception)
(List(init), List.fill(params.size)(ref), res)
val xs = => {
val (init, ref) = initValDef(p)
val res = resTerm(ref, p)
(init, ref, res)
val res = classApply(t, xs._3, constructor)
(xs._1, xs._2, res)
val tagMatch: Statement = '{
var done = false
while done == false do
val tag: Int = ${is}.readTag
val ifBranches: List[(Term, Term)] =
('{ tag == 0 }.asTerm -> '{ done = true; }.asTerm) ::
.flatMap{ case (p, ref) =>
if p.tpe.isRepeated && p.tpe.repeatedArgument.asMatchable.isPackedType then
(p, ref) :: (p.copy(nonPacked = true), ref) :: Nil
else (p, ref) :: Nil
.map{ case (p, ref) =>
val paramTag = Expr(p.tag)
'{ tag == ${paramTag} }.asTerm -> readContentImpl(p, ref, is).asTerm
val elseBranch: Term = '{ ${is}.skipField(tag) }.asTerm
mkIfStatement(ifBranches, elseBranch).asExprOf[Any]
val statements =
if (params.size > 0) then initStatements :+ (tagMatch)
else Nil
, resExp
def readContentImpl(p: FieldInfo, readRef: Term, is: Expr[CodedInputStream])(using Quotes): Expr[Any] =
if p.isCaseObject then
val fun: Term = Ref(p.sym)
, Assign(
, Some_Apply(tpe=p.tpe, value=fun)
else if p.tpe.isCommonType then
val fun: Term = readFun(p.tpe, is)
, Some_Apply(tpe=p.tpe, value=fun)
else if p.tpe.isOption && p.tpe.optionArgument.asMatchable.isCommonType then
val tpe1 = p.tpe.optionArgument.asMatchable
val fun: Term = readFun(tpe1.asMatchable, is)
, Some_Apply(tpe=tpe1, value=fun)
else if p.tpe.isOption then
val tpe1 = p.tpe.optionArgument
val fun: Term = Select.unique(findCodec(tpe1), "read").appliedTo(is.asTerm)
, Assign(
, Some_Apply(tpe=tpe1, value=fun)
else if p.tpe.isRepeated && p.tpe.repeatedArgument.asMatchable.isCommonType then
val tpe1 = p.tpe.repeatedArgument.asMatchable
val fun: Term = readFun(tpe1.asMatchable, is)
val addOneApply = Select.unique(readRef, "addOne").appliedTo(fun).asExpr
if tpe1.isString || tpe1.isArrayByte || tpe1.isArraySeqByte || p.nonPacked then
, '{ while ${is}.getBytesUntilLimit > 0 do ${addOneApply} }
else if p.tpe.isRepeated then
val tpe1 = p.tpe.repeatedArgument
val fun: Term = Select.unique(findCodec(tpe1), "read").appliedTo(is.asTerm)
val addOneApply = Select.unique(readRef, "addOne").appliedTo(fun).asExpr
, addOneApply
val fun: Term = Select.unique(findCodec(p.tpe), "read").appliedTo(is.asTerm)
, Assign(
, Some_Apply(tpe=p.tpe, value=fun)
def putLimit(is: Expr[CodedInputStream], read: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
val readSize: Int = ${is}.readRawVarint32
val limit = ${is}.pushLimit(readSize)
def initValDef(field: FieldInfo): (ValDef, Ref) =
if field.tpe.isOption then
val _none = Ref(NoneModule)
val sym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${}Read", field.tpe, Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
val init = ValDef(sym, Some(_none))
val ref = Ref(sym)
init -> ref
else if field.tpe.isRepeated then
val tpe1 = field.tpe.repeatedArgument
val collectionType = field.tpe.repeatedBaseType
val collectionCompanion = collectionType.typeSymbol.companionModule
val builderTpe = builderType.appliedTo(List(tpe1, field.tpe))
val sym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${}Read", builderTpe, Flags.EmptyFlags, Symbol.noSymbol)
val rhs =
if field.tpe.isArray then
val classTag = findImplicit(TypeRepr.of[scala.reflect.ClassTag].appliedTo(tpe1))
Select.unique(Ref(collectionCompanion), "newBuilder")
else Select.unique(Ref(collectionCompanion), "newBuilder").appliedToTypes(field.tpe.typeArgs)
val init = ValDef(sym, Some(rhs))
val ref = Ref(sym)
init -> ref
val _none = Ref(NoneModule)
val sym = Symbol.newVal(Symbol.spliceOwner, s"${}Read", OptionType.appliedTo(field.tpe), Flags.Mutable, Symbol.noSymbol)
val init = ValDef(sym, Some(_none))
val ref = Ref(sym)
init -> ref
def resTerm(ref: Ref, field: FieldInfo): Term =
if field.tpe.isOption then ref
else if field.tpe.isRepeated then
Select.unique(ref, "result").appliedToNone
val error = s"missing required field `${}: ${}`"
val exception = '{ throw new RuntimeException(${Expr(error)}) }.asTerm
val orElse = field.defaultValue.getOrElse(exception)
Select.unique(ref, "getOrElse")
.appliedTo(orElse) // ref.getOrElse[feld.tpe](orElse)
def classApply(t: TypeRepr, params: List[Term], constructor: Option[Term]): Term =
constructor match
case Some(fun) =>
Select.unique(fun, "apply")
case None =>
t match
case x: TermRef => Ident(x)
case x: TypeRef =>
val companion = x.typeSymbol.companionModule
Select.overloaded(Ref(companion) , "apply", Nil, params)
case x: AppliedType =>
val companion = x.typeSymbol.companionModule
Select.overloaded(Ref(companion) , "apply", x.asMatchable.typeArgs, params)
def increment(x: Ref, y: Expr[Int])(using Quotes): Assign = Assign(x, '{ ${x.asExprOf[Int]} + ${y} }.asTerm)
end BuildCodec