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package proto
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
object macrosapi {
def caseCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.caseCodecAuto[A]
def caseCodecNums[A](nums: (String, Int)*): MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.caseCodecString[A]
def caseCodecIdx[A]: MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.caseCodecIdx[A]
def classCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.classCodecAuto[A]
def classCodecNums[A](nums: (String, Int)*)(constructor: Any): MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.classCodecString[A]
def sealedTraitCodecAuto[A]: MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.sealedTraitCodecAuto[A]
def sealedTraitCodecNums[A](nums: (String, Int)*): MessageCodec[A] = macro Impl.sealedTraitCodecString[A]
class Impl(val c: Context) extends BuildCodec {
import c.universe._
private def getCaseClassType[A:c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Type = {
val tpe: c.Type = c.weakTypeOf[A]
if (tpe.isCaseClass) tpe else error(s"`${tpe}` is not a final case class")
private def getRestrictedNums(tpe: c.Type): List[Int] = {
val term = tpe.typeSymbol
term.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= RestrictedNType) match {
case List(a) =>
a.tree.children.tail match {
case Nil => error(s"empty annotation=${a} for `${}: ${}`")
case xs =>
val nums = xs.collect{
case Literal(Constant(n: Int)) => n
case x => error(s"wrong annotation=${a} for `${}: ${}`")
if (nums.size != nums.distinct.size) error(s"nums not unique in annotation=${a} for `${}: ${}`")
case Nil => Nil
case _ => error(s"multiple ${RestrictedNType} annotations applied for `${}: ${}`")
def caseCodecAuto[A:c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = getCaseClassType[A]
val nums: List[(String, Int)] = =>
p.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= NType) match {
case List(a) =>
a.tree.children.tail match {
case List(Literal(Constant(n: Int))) => -> n
case _ => error(s"wrong annotation=${a} for `${}: ${}`")
case Nil => error(s"missing ${NType} annotation for `${}: ${}`")
case _ => error(s"multiple ${NType} annotations applied for `${}: ${}`")
messageCodec(aType=aType, nums=nums, cParams=aType.constructorParams, restrictDefaults=true)
def caseCodecString[A:c.WeakTypeTag](nums: c.Expr[(String, Int)]*): c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = getCaseClassType[A]
messageCodec(aType=aType,, cParams=aType.constructorParams, restrictDefaults=false)
def caseCodecIdx[A:c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = getCaseClassType[A]
val cParams: List[TermSymbol] = aType.constructorParams
val nums ={case (p, idx) => (, idx + 1)}
messageCodec(aType=aType, nums=nums, cParams=cParams, restrictDefaults=false)
def classCodecAuto[A:c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = c.weakTypeOf[A]
val nums: List[(String, Int)] = =>
p.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= NType) match {
case List(a) =>
a.tree.children.tail match {
case List(Literal(Constant(n: Int))) => -> n
case _ => error(s"wrong annotation=${a} for `${}: ${}`")
case Nil => error(s"missing ${NType} annotation for `${}: ${}`")
case _ => error(s"multiple ${NType} annotations applied for `${}: ${}`")
val res = messageCodec(aType=aType, nums=nums, cParams=aType.constructorParams, restrictDefaults=true)
def classCodecString[A:c.WeakTypeTag](nums: c.Expr[(String, Int)]*)(constructor: Impl.this.c.Expr[Any]): c.Tree = {
val aType = c.weakTypeOf[A]
val nums1 =
val cParams: List[TermSymbol] ={ case (name, num) =>
val member = aType.member(TermName(name))
if (member == NoSymbol) error(s"`${aType}` has no field `${name}`")
if (!member.isTerm) error(s"`${aType}` field `${name}` is not a term")
val res = messageCodec(aType=aType, nums=nums1, cParams=cParams, restrictDefaults=false, constructor=Some(constructor.tree))
def messageCodec(aType: c.Type, nums: Seq[(String, Int)], cParams: List[TermSymbol], restrictDefaults: Boolean, constructor: Option[c.Tree]=None): c.Tree = {
if (nums.exists(_._2 < 1)) error(s"nums ${nums} should be > 0")
if (nums.size != cParams.size) error(s"nums size ${nums} not equal to `${aType}` constructor params size ${cParams.size}")
if (nums.groupBy(_._2).exists(_._2.size != 1)) error(s"nums ${nums} should be unique")
val restrictedNums = getRestrictedNums(aType)
val aName = TermName("a")
val osName = TermName("os")
val sizeAcc = TermName("sizeAcc")
val params: List[FieldInfo] ={ case (p, i) =>
val tpe: c.Type = match {
case t@NullaryMethodType(_) => t.resultType
case t => t
val decodedName: String =
val encodedName: String =
val typeArgs: List[(c.Type, c.Type)] = aType.typeArgsToReplace
val withoutTypeArgs: c.Type = if (typeArgs.isEmpty) {
} else { => typeArgs.collectFirst{case (fromT, toT) if fromT =:= tt => toT}.getOrElse(tt))
val defaultValue = if (p.isParamWithDefault) {
if (tpe.isOption && restrictDefaults) error(s"`${}: ${tpe}`: default value for Option isn't allowed")
else if (tpe.isRepeated && restrictDefaults) error(s"`${}: ${tpe}`: default value for collections isn't allowed")
else {
val getDefaultMethod = TermName(s"apply$$default$$${i + 1}")
} else None
, sizeName=TermName(s"${encodedName}Size")
, prepareName=TermName(s"${encodedName}Prepare")
, readName=TermName(s"${encodedName}Read")
, getter=q"${aName}.${}"
, tpe=withoutTypeArgs
, num=nums.collectFirst{case (name, num) if name == decodedName => if (restrictedNums.contains(num)) error(s"num ${num} for `${decodedName}: ${tpe}` is restricted") else num}.getOrElse(error(s"missing num for `${decodedName}: ${tpe}`"))
, defaultValue=defaultValue
val constructorF = constructor.collect{
case fun1: Function =>
val initArgs = => q"${initArg(field)}")
case fun1 => error(s"`${showRaw(fun1)}` is not a function")
val res: c.Tree = q"""new ${messageCodecFor(aType)} {
..${prepare(params, aType, aName, sizeAcc, osName)}
${read(params, aType, constructorF)}
private def getSealedTrait[A:c.WeakTypeTag] = {
val tpe: c.Type = c.weakTypeOf[A]
if (tpe.isTrait) tpe else error(s"`${tpe}` is not a sealed trait. Make sure that you specify codec type explicitly.\nExample:\n implicit val codecName: MessageCodec[SealedTraitTypeHere] = ...\n\n")
def sealedTraitCodecAuto[A:c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = getSealedTrait[A]
val nums: List[(c.Type, Int)] = { tpe =>
tpe.typeSymbol.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= NType) match {
case List(a) =>
a.tree.children.tail match {
case List(Literal(Constant(n: Int))) => tpe -> n
case _ => error(s"wrong annotation=${a} for `${tpe}`")
case Nil => error(s"missing ${NType} annotation for `${tpe}`")
case _ => error(s"multiple ${NType} annotations applied for `${tpe}`")
def sealedTraitCodecString[A:c.WeakTypeTag](nums: c.Expr[(String, Int)]*): c.Tree = sealedTraitCodec(findTypes(
def findTypes[A:c.WeakTypeTag](nums: Seq[(String, Int)]): Seq[(c.Type, Int)] = {
val aType: c.Type = getSealedTrait[A]{tpe =>
val decodedName: String =
tpe -> nums.collectFirst{case (name, num) if name == decodedName => num}.getOrElse(error(s"missing num for `${decodedName}: ${tpe}`"))
def sealedTraitCodec[A:c.WeakTypeTag](nums: Seq[(c.Type, Int)]): c.Tree = {
val aType: c.Type = getSealedTrait[A]
val restrictedNums = getRestrictedNums(aType)
val subclasses = aType.knownFinalSubclasses
if (subclasses.size <= 0) error(s"required at least 1 subclass for `${aType}`")
if (nums.size != subclasses.size) error(s"`${aType}` subclasses ${subclasses.size} count != nums definition ${nums.size}")
if (nums.exists(_._2 < 1)) error(s"nums ${nums} should be > 0")
if (nums.groupBy(_._2).exists(_._2.size != 1)) error(s"nums ${nums} should be unique")
val aName = TermName("a")
val osName = TermName("os")
val sizeAcc = TermName("sizeAcc")
val params: List[FieldInfo] = subclasses
.map{tpe =>
val num: Int = nums.collectFirst{case (tpe1, num) if tpe1 =:= tpe => num}.getOrElse(error(s"missing num for class `${tpe}` of trait `${aType}`"))
if (restrictedNums.contains(num)) error(s"num ${num} is restricted for class `${tpe}` of trait `${aType}`")
, sizeName=TermName(s"field${num}Size")
, prepareName=TermName(s"field${num}Prepare")
, readName=TermName(s"readRes")
, getter=q" ${aName}"
, tpe=tpe
, num=num
, defaultValue=None
val prepareAll = => prepare(List(field), field.tpe, aName, sizeAcc, osName)).flatten
val matchParams = => cq"${aName}: ${field.tpe} => prepare(${aName})")
val res = q"""new ${messageCodecFor(aType)} {
aType.typeSymbol.companion match {
case NoSymbol => q""
case companion => q"import ${companion}._"
def prepare(${aName}: ${aType}): ${PrepareType} = {
${aName} match {
case ..${matchParams}
${read(params, aType)}